Comprehensive comic simulation: I rushed Esdeath at the beginning

Chapter 123

【The King of Conqueror led his army to charge. At the same time, a door appeared out of thin air behind everyone. This was a small opening specially opened by the King of Conqueror.】

【At this time, all the shadow followers and insect armies outside have been dragged into the battlefield here. If you can get out now, you can go to the deepest part of the big hole unimpeded.】

【According to your original plan, the Conqueror King only needs to help open a passage. But now, let alone opening a passage, he obviously intends to destroy all the enemies.】

【As the Conqueror himself said, he was not content merely to delay his enemies. What’s more, the danger of these shadow followers made of black mud is not low, and the Conqueror King cannot guarantee that he can completely hold these people down by himself. If some people run to chase you and attack you from behind, then Isn’t it his fault?】.

【In this way, the conquering king simply launched the king’s army directly, ensuring that no one would be spared and the enemy army could be completely destroyed. In this way, his mission will be completed perfectly】

【”Everyone, the King of Conqueror has opened a bright road for us. Let’s not waste time and move on.”】

【At your command, everyone except Weber left the inherent barrier through the door.】

【As for Weber, as the master of the Conquering King, he naturally wants to stay here and fight with his servants, although now he only needs to provide magic power.】

【”Well, I’ll leave this to you. See you at the 017 celebration party.”】

【”Ha, that guy must like this. Let’s get him some more wine then.”】

【You and Weber didn’t talk nonsense. After saying goodbye temporarily, you both ran to your respective battlefields.】

【”Although I’m not good at fighting,……”】

【Weber was not good at nor liked fighting, but seeing the spectacular sight in front of him, he was inspired to fight and sat on the main seat of the Divine Chariot.】

【”superior! Follow Wang Chong!”】

【The sacred cows pulling the mighty chariot originally only listened to the King of Conqueror, but these two sacred cows were obviously rational and intelligent. When they heard what Weber said, they didn’t waste any time and directly let out a charging roar, leading Weber to charge. go】

【”Hey, hey, you actually dare to charge? Hahaha! Okay, this is the courage you should have as a Conqueror King Master! Come and fight on the battlefield with me!”】

【The conquering king couldn’t help but laugh when he saw Webb doing such a thing. Then he rode his horse alongside him and led the army to charge and kill the enemy!】

【On the other side, after you walked out of the inherent barrier, you didn’t waste any time and rushed towards the deepest part of the big hole as quickly as possible.】

【With no one blocking you, you quickly arrived at the deepest part of the Great Hollow, where the Great Holy Grail Array is located.】

【When everyone rushed to the scene, what they saw was that the ground and walls were constantly shaking as if they were being shaken. Huge magic and curses were running around, and countless black mud was spread all over the place. It was like a black purgatory.】

【The extremely ominous scene in front of them made everyone frown subconsciously. Although they knew that the enemy’s base camp was here and somewhat expected some not-so-good scenarios, they never expected that the scene in front of them was still imagined by Chaohu and the others.】

【Also, there seems to be no light in this place covered by black mud, and the darkness seriously affects the line of sight. Even though everyone has some degree of night vision, perhaps because of the special nature of the black mud, you need to strengthen your eyes to truly see everything in the darkness.】

“……No wonder I couldn’t see anything before. It’s so dark here that it affects my vision, isn’t it?”

Everyone in the simulation can strengthen their eyes on the spot to see everything clearly in the dark, but in reality Kamijouha complains that he still can’t see anything. Kamijouha had previously thought that the simulation system was not going to give him spoilers, so that’s why In this way, just like on the set of a certain Death primary school student, before the murderer is named, he looks like”Mr. Criminal Ze Ze”, that is, a”little black man”.

But now it seems that it is not the simulation system that is beating up the little black man. People patch, but the scene is like this, and naturally he can’t see the situation clearly outside the scene.

However, he couldn’t see clearly before, but now he can see it. This should be his presence in the simulation , the line of sight in this area should be synchronized.

“How can I say it’s somewhat reasonable?”

Kamijoha’s mouth twitched slightly, and then he stopped thinking about it, because the battle was about to begin, and he wanted to watch carefully.

【”It’s really baffling. We’ve only taken action twice, so why were you able to lock our position all of a sudden? I said, have any of you encountered something strange?”】

【Just when you arrived at the battlefield and observed the scene in front of you, a voice that contained doubts and annoyance, but had a refreshing tone suddenly remembered】

【When everyone heard the words, they subconsciously raised their heads and looked at the source of the sound.】

【Then, you saw that high in the sky above the Great Holy Grail Array, there was a dark hole that felt very unpleasant. And in that hole, a dark figure stays inside and looks at you.】

【It is worth mentioning that he is also holding a squirming black object in his hand. When everyone took a closer look, they discovered that it was a black insect.】


【Yes, A/venger. This is a special class that does not belong to the seven basic classes of the Holy Grail War. Not to mention the strength, under normal circumstances, it is the same as the alter-type servants, and it is extremely difficult to summon.】

【You were a little surprised when you saw this person, but not too surprised. After all, no matter what, there is a high chance that you will face this person when you come here.】

【There is no other reason, because the Avenger in front of you is the real reason why the Great Holy Grail is contaminated in this world, and it is also the reason why the black mud of the Holy Grail appears.】

【Originally, you thought that the man behind the scenes was Lao Chongzi. Although this man would be there, he would definitely not be with Lao Chongzi. Even if he didn’t show up, it would be difficult for Lao Chongzi to find him. But now it seems that they are obviously in the same group】

【”Huh, you figured out who I am right away? Although your master has the ability to see my rank and numerical values, you are obviously not that surprised. So, like me, you encountered some strange things, so you know so much?”】

【The Avenger immediately looked at you, thinking he had guessed the truth.】

【But you frowned at his words, not quite understanding what he was talking about.】

【However, before you could ask further questions, a joke that everyone was familiar with suddenly interrupted your conversation.】

【”Huh hahahaha!!!!”】

【With this very recognizable laugh, a dark shadow follower appears in front of you.】

【Not only does this Shadow Servant look familiar in appearance, but as a Shadow Servant, he actually has sense and can even talk to them.】

【”Kamijou Ha, and you guys, I didn’t expect that the moment when I wrest victory from you would come so soon.”】


When I was checking Angola Mainyu’s information today, I suddenly discovered that his voice actor had dubbed Ultraman Taiga. There are Avengers on one side and Warrior of Light on the other, and Taiga is also a spirited guy, the kind who is very cheerful and talkative… I feel a bit 6.

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