Come to Daming with military supplies

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I have confidence in the future, but in the final analysis, there is still too little money, and 500 taels is not enough to open a printing company. At that time, copper movable type printing was just emerging, and the cost of a book is really not low. If you want to pay back, the price is naturally not high It will be lower, and the pricing in the middle is naturally not acceptable to ordinary people.

"Take your time." Watching Yang Hai leave, Yang Chendong put the matter aside, and then asked Humang to find Wu Gang, the leader of the blacksmith at home.He is preparing to make a crossbow.

In this era where people's lives can be taken lightly for unnecessary crimes, having money without strength is a treasure house that can be withdrawn at will.Knowing the importance of armed forces, Yang Chendong wanted to improve his ability to protect himself.

Of course, there are too many weapons available in the warehouse, all brand new.As small as a military dagger, a pistol, a 97-type military compass, as large as various types of howitzers, cannons, rocket launchers, and several types of advanced tanks, there are even several helicopters, but these are all It should not be taken out now.

Although Yang Chendong has gone through many war trials, in order to complete the mission, there are countless people who died in his hands.But he is still a pacifist in his bones. Unless necessary, he doesn't like to kill people, especially Han people. (Of course, Xiaowaguo is not considered a human being in his eyes.)

After all, Yang Chendong is an absolute nationalist. Except for the Han people, the lives of other people are naturally worthless.

If possible, he would not go against the Ming government.It's just that the concepts are completely different, and conflicts seem inevitable.But in any case, the heart of defense is indispensable. If you want to do something, safety is the first priority, and you must have the necessary precautions. Otherwise, one day someone will touch you and kill yourself and your relatives. He is not sure that he can Traveling through time.

Blacksmith Wu Gang soon came to the backyard and met Yang Chendong with excitement.

Everyone knows about Li Shunfu's craftsman, and suddenly the salary has been improved and he has been taken seriously. This is what all craftsmen envy and look forward to.Now that he finally waited for the young master's interview, Wu Gang also fantasized about becoming that kind of person.

"Master Wu, I won't say anything superfluous. This young master has clear rewards and punishments for doing things. As long as you are capable, I will give you a platform. But if you are a mediocre person, you can only say sorry." Yang Chendong has no superfluous things. Nonsense, he knew that if he didn't shock the other party in advance, he might have problems in management in the future, and he didn't want to involve too much energy because of these trivial matters.

"Don't worry, young master, I understand." Wu Gang was sensible, and directly removed the six characters to show his attitude.

"Very well, here are some things I need. You go prepare them tonight, come to me tomorrow morning, and let's make something together." Yang Chendong was very satisfied with Wu Gang's attitude, and handed a stack of papers with various materials to him. past.

"Please rest assured, young master, the little one will not disappoint your expectations." Wu Gang stretched out his hands to take it, and then turned around and left with almost an oath-like statement. There was no muddy water in the process, but it made Yang Chendong give birth to some emotions. Good impression.

"Hehe, not bad. Where is the tiger's glow? Dinner is over, how about we run a ten kilometers?" Yang Chendong, who had recovered most of his body, laughed heartily.

"But go to Yangjiazhuang?" Hu Mang heard the shout, rushed over from the side, and asked excitedly.

There is a distance of more than 20 miles from the old house of the Yang family to the Yang family village outside the city. Humang will not be unaware of it, but he still said this because he fell in love with a girl when he went there with the young master for inspection two days ago. .

Wang Feng is also a child of a tenant family, and there are two elder brothers on top.But even though he was poor, he cleaned up cleanly. Even if he wore patched clothes, he looked so unique, without giving people the slightest sense of inferiority.

Humang said that he was one year older than Yang Chendong, and now he is sixteen. This really moved him, so he thought about going to Yangjiazhuang outside the city every day.

"Hehe, I won't go today. The city gate will be closed in a while. It's too troublesome to get in and out. Someday, let's just run around in the backyard." Yang Chendong shook his head, not breaking the other party's thoughts.After speaking, he turned and ran.

Thus began the breathless post-dinner workout of the two teenagers.But I have to say that this kind of life is exactly what Yang Chendong wants.Do what you love, live the life you want.

Early the next morning, Wu Gang came to the backyard with the three important parts of arm, bow and machine.

Yang Chendong had just had breakfast after running for five kilometers, and saw the required crossbow and crossbow coordination on the table.

The structure of a crossbow can be divided into three parts: arm, bow, machine. The "arm" is generally made of wood; the "bow" is across the front of the arm; the "machine" is installed behind the arm.The most important part of the crossbow is the "machine". The crossbow machine is generally made of copper and is installed in the crossbow "Guo" (cassette shape). "Wangshan" (the front sight used for aiming); the "Wangshan" crossbow from the Western Han Dynasty has a scale engraved on it, which is equivalent to the gauge on modern firearms, which is convenient for adjusting the angle of crossbow firing according to the target distance and improving the hit rate of shooting.There is a "hanging knife" (that is, a trigger) under the copper Guo, which is used to shoot arrows.

Crossbows are nothing new. There were crossbow carts in the Warring States Period, rhubarb crossbows and Zhuge crossbows in the Han Dynasty, and three-bow bed crossbows and god-arm crossbows in the Song Dynasty were invented by Emperor Shenzong of the Northern Song Dynasty.They have a long range and a high hit rate.But the disadvantage is also very obvious, that is, it is too bulky.What Yang Chendong wanted to do was to make small steel crosses and crossbows.

As a team member of the former Spike, not only need to be very proficient in hot weapons and weapons, but also have an understanding of this simple and easy-to-make cold weapon.When doing missions, not all weapons are accompanied at all times, but there are always enough bullets.In contrast, this small crossbow and crossbow are one of the first choices. They can be launched invisible and will not be found by advanced detectors.

The accessories placed on the table were obviously too big, and they couldn't meet Yang Chendong's requirements at all.After just a few glances, he shook his head, and casually took out the military cross, steel, and crossbow from the big warehouse.Then with a nimble movement of his fingers, a steel-tipped arrow was ready to be fired.

"Whoosh!" Without any warning, an arrow shot out, hitting forty steps in the middle (one step in ancient times was one step with each foot on the left and right, about two meters.) That is on the small tree 80 meters away.Under the strong penetrating force, a hole came directly.

Under this kind of power, Qiaoyin and Humang who stood beside were terrified.Wu Gang trotted all the way to the front of Xiaoshu, and stood there with his eyes wide open, obviously shocked.

Chapter 7 The Miracle Mirror

It is unimaginable that such a small crossbow and crossbow can have such great power.

"Okay, just make it according to my model. Remember, it must not be spread. Qiaoyin, give Wu Gang 200 taels of silver." Yang Chendong knows that knowledge is power. If the production method of this thing is spread, I am afraid I don't know what kind of bloodbath will be caused.

With a "plop", Wu Gang fell to his knees on the ground, "I begged the young master to find me a remote place in the backyard. I would like to take two apprentices to make it together, and I will never step out of the backyard without orders."

Obviously Wu Gang is a smart man, he knows the truth of the crime of being pregnant, he is just a blacksmith in his duty, and he doesn't want to die.

"Sure. Qiaoyin, you can make arrangements. You and Yi Qiuer will be in charge of cooking and drinking for the time being." Yang Chendong patted his forehead with some headaches.He suddenly felt that there were too few people available, and even keeping secrets could only be handled by the maid around him.This also made him urgently feel the importance of talents.

Qiaoyin took Wu Gang to find a suitable room, and Yang Chendong called Humang over, "Master has assigned you a task, go outside to find someone, find the right person. Remember, there are three requirements, one is not to have worries; Those who are capable and have practiced martial arts, the last one, can't be a villain, character is very important."

After finishing speaking, he gave the remaining 300 taels to Humang. If he wanted to recruit talents, he was afraid of spending money.

Feeling the young master's trust, Humang immediately knelt down on one knee and said, "Please rest assured, young master, I will definitely bring talents back when I go here, and I will go back quickly. It's just that the young one is not here during this time, young master must take care of your health. "

"Hehe, you know the young master's ability, you can't say you can win all, let alone others? Go." Yang Chendong laughed.He is still growing up now, and his strength has not fully recovered, which makes it difficult for Humang to deal with it. Once his strength recovers, it will be even more difficult for anyone to get close to him.

Humang left, and the 1000 taels of silver in Yang Chendong's hand was also spent.Knowing that a penny is hard for a hero, he turned around and disappeared in place. When he appeared, he had a cardboard package in his hand, with military supplies (mirror) written on it.

Yes, this is exactly the face-lifting mirror used by the army. It is used to organize military orders, and it is a must-have for the above units.These mirrors were just sent over by local manufacturers, and I didn't even have time to spray the word cosmetic mirror.

He reached out and tore off all the packaging, and threw it back into the big warehouse, where the shining mirror was placed in the side hall.At this time, Qiaoyin who had just arranged for Wu Gang just walked in. When he saw the mirror that was as clean as new, he could even reflect the pores of his body so clearly, and a scream followed.

Qiaoyin was heard by the reflection in this clear mirror. She had never seen such a clear mirror in her 16 years since she was a child.

It is said that most of the bronze mirrors used by people at that time not only had to be wiped clean from time to time, but also had to be polished frequently to keep the light as new and to illuminate the image.

Qiaoyin's shout attracted Yang Hai, the old housekeeper. When he saw the incomparably clear mirror on the first day of junior high school, his legs trembled.

"Uncle Hai, please send someone to invite Cousin Fu over here." Yang Chendong turned the idea of ​​money on Yang Fu again.

This time Yang Fulai's speed was obviously much faster, and his fat body still seemed to be panting.Originally, he wanted to ask what happened to the summoner, but when he saw the mirror standing in the side hall, he immediately stopped talking and stood there dumbfounded, as if he had been frightened stupid.

Yang Chendong didn't look at the other party much, but continued to squirt ink like rain. Shooting the Condor just started, and there is still a lot to write.The good thing is that he watched it for a long time last night when he was sleeping, and with his super strong memory, he can copy it exactly.

I don't know how long that stand was, maybe a quarter of an hour, maybe half an hour, until my legs couldn't support my body and I sat on the ground with a plop.At this moment, Yang Fu finally came back to his senses, and when he looked at Yang Chendong's inquiring gaze, he couldn't help being extremely excited, "Sixth cousin, where did you get this treasure?"

"A missionary named John, he gave it to his cousin. Hehe, he also likes the book Shooting Condors very much. I tell him the story, and this is my reward." I have already thought about the source of the mirror. , Yang Chendong didn't even blush when he said this.

"So that's how it is." Yang Fu chose to believe it, because he had also seen the beginning of Shooting the Condors, and he was indeed attracted.This is the case for myself, and it's not much better for others if I think about it.

Not entangled in this issue, Yang Chendong asked directly: "Cousin Fu, do you think this mirror is worth money?"

"It's worth it, it's worth it. Ah! The sixth cousin will not be sold." Yang Fu reacted very quickly, and immediately changed his tone of excitement.

"That's right, let's make a price." Yang Chendong nodded and confirmed.He didn't know that when doing this movement, Qiaoyin's hands beside him had already clenched into balls.

Such a good thing, of course she hopes to leave it to the young master.But she also knew that the young master was short of money, and as a close maid, she felt sorry for her uselessness.

"But this is a good thing, enough to be a family heirloom." Yang Fu heard that it was really going to be sold, of course he felt incredible, but seeing Yang Chendong's face, he knew that the other party had already made a decision, so he bit his tongue He gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, if the sixth cousin really wants to sell it, then I will pay 1000 taels of silver. Of course, I know this is not a lot, but my cousin is not buying it, but storing it for you first, waiting for you to have money." Yes, just take it back."

Yang Fu was naturally kind.Perhaps in his eyes, such good treasures are very rare and should be kept for family heirlooms, so he said in the form of a pawn.

"No need. I advise cousin Fu not to collect this thing. That John said that he will bring some more when he goes out to sea and comes to Daming. So there may be many such things in the future." Yang Chendong didn't expect A mirror can be sold for 1000 taels.Of course, this is also the thing that is rare and expensive. Once such things are all over the street, I'm afraid it will be worthless.But who made it not a thing of this era?

Hearing that there will be more, Yang Fu's expression changed one after another. "Okay, if this is the case, the selling price of this item will be even higher. I will pay 1000 taels here first, and we will calculate it together when it is sold."

The previous 1000 taels was just a pawn price. If it was sold, it would naturally be more valuable.To say that Yang Fu still has some business ethics.

"Yes." Yang Chendong nodded.He didn't care much about how much money he could sell for, he just couldn't afford it.Waiting for the toilet to be ready, waiting for the share of the Four Seas Restaurant to come, naturally there should be no shortage of money.

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