Come to Daming with military supplies

Page 12

"run and walk"

"Walk in step"

After some review, the movements of the 40 people were uniform. Although sometimes some people had a little flaw, but only half a month of training, the results are already considered good.

"Very good, you have completed the training of the first subject very well. So this young master announced that there will be an extra meal tonight, and the rice and meat are enough."

"Oh!" bursts of cheers came out.In the past, the forty people were really worried about whether they could pass Yang Chendong's inspection, but now that the hanging heart has fallen to the ground, everyone is naturally happy.

"Okay, before that, let's set up some things first. This will be your training tool in the future."

When the order was issued, no one hesitated at all, and they all ran to the carriage behind them, moved out the tools one by one, and moved them to a ten-acre open space in the woods. Long before, he had arranged for people to A row of simple dormitories have been built here. Fortunately, the climate in Fujian is very good at this time.

This will soon become their training ground for some time to come.Once they pass the test, it is unknown whether these people will eventually become seeds, bones, or even become famous generals.

With a large number of people and strong strength, the horizontal and parallel bars were quickly buried according to the specifications. The more troublesome thing was some tools for the 400-meter obstacle. Fortunately, under the command of Yang Chendong, the arrangement was almost the same before dark at night.

In the evening, as expected, a large number of prepared meat and vegetables were sent to the big tent in the woods. The food seasoned with MSG was naturally delicious. , everyone else went to rest, Qiaoyin also made the young master's mattress early in the morning.

Yang Chendong didn't go to sleep right away, but called Humang and asked about everyone's performance. When he learned that everyone was very positive, he nodded in satisfaction. "These are good seedlings, and they should be cultivated well. In this way, you will work hard with this young master tonight."

The moon hangs high, reflecting on the earth like a layer of silver sand.The two black shadows moved like spirit monkeys. Entering the barracks was like entering an uninhabited land. Only a quarter of an hour later, the two reunited. After nodding each other, a sharp whistle sounded suddenly, especially in the silent night. It seemed so harsh.

When the "beep beep beep" whistle sounded, many people were still immersed in dreams, and some even babbled, as if reminiscing about the delicious food they ate at night.Until someone suddenly shouted loudly, "Assemble, assemble urgently."

The voice was abrupt and tense, and the people who heard the shout felt the seriousness of the situation. They got up and started dressing in a hurry. gone?"

"Bastard, which bastard took my shoes away, let me catch him, and I must spank his ass to bloom."

"Gather quickly, speed, fast!" Outside the barracks, Human's voice sounded one after another, like a reminder.

After half a month of training, everyone got used to one thing, that is, when the military order is issued, if anyone fails to complete it on time, they will receive inhuman corporal punishment.No one wanted to be punished, so they ran out barefoot one by one.

Including the two guards, a total of forty people were divided into four rows and stood on the playground under the moonlight. "Suddenly!" The torches were suddenly lit, one after another, and quickly illuminated the place like daylight.It also made everyone meet each other, and the sound of laughter was endless for a while.

The people who came out in a hurry were really ugly.Some clothes were buttoned wrongly, some pants were worn backwards, and some even simply wore other people's clothes, which caused some people to be shirtless for this.

When everyone was laughing, Yang Chendong walked to the front of the team under the protection of Humang. When everyone saw that extremely serious face, everyone quickly shut their mouths, and some even turned their heads. He lowered his head, as if he didn't want the sixth young master to see their embarrassment.

Suddenly the whole playground fell silent, and when each other could hear each other's breathing, Yang Chendong's voice also sounded at this moment. "You guys let me down!"

An opening remark instantly chilled the atmosphere.

"Look at you, you are all self-proclaimed heroes, you are all arrogant, you all think that the sky is the boss, the earth is the second, and your own is the third. But it is just an emergency gathering, so what kind of situation did you make? Disheveled clothes, Do you still have the nerve to make fun of others? I blush for you?"

"Tonight, your Captain Humang told me that you have performed well recently, and I am very happy about it, but now it seems that this is not the case at all. You are deceiving me."

Faced with Yang Chendong's questioning, everyone wanted to say no, and they wanted to say that they had been training hard for half a month.But when he thought about his current performance, no one could refute anything.

Chapter No.17 Emergency Assembly

Even Leng Song, who is usually the most disobedient to others, lowered his head vigorously at this moment, because like everyone else, he couldn't find his own shoes, which made him feel very ashamed when he prided himself on being strong.

No one refuted, but it doesn't mean that Yang Chendong won't continue to say, "The two sentries failed to fulfill their duties. They were touched by others and they didn't even know about it. This is especially true for other people. 38 pairs of shoes , Do you know what this represents? Let me tell you, this represents 38 heads in wartime, since I can take away your shoes without life, I can kill you invisible.”

"Boom!" Everyone just felt like a thunderbolt sounded in their minds.That's right, people didn't know that the shoes were taken away under the bed, so if they wanted to kill them, wouldn't they really be wiped on the neck without knowing it?

Everyone knew the seriousness of the matter, and their so-called vigilance and strength became the weakest excuse at this time, making them unable to utter a single word of defense.

Looking at the silent crowd, Yang Chendong nodded lightly, "Very well, if you know your mistakes, you can improve it a lot. No one of you can refute it, at least it proves that you are still sensible and understand the truth. But I think maybe some people will not take it seriously and think about it." This is not a battlefield at all, how could there be any danger, why do you need to be on guard? Some people will think, just added a meal in the evening, everyone ate too much, and this is why they lose their vigilance? No! You are wrong!"

"What is a soldier? It is a group that may enter a state of battle at any moment. The enemy will not greet you if the enemy really comes. There is a saying that if you forget the battle, you will be in danger! I will give it to you. My young master In addition, the reason why soldiers are respected is because they are responsible for the security of a country, and in order to perform this duty, they must be in a state of combat readiness anytime, anywhere, and their nerves must be tense all the time. Only in this way can they be worthwhile To be called a soldier is to be worthy of being the backbone of the country.”

"In the future, this kind of emergency gathering at night will be held from time to time. Those who fail to pass will be punished severely. And for your incompetence today, and to give you a good rest, this young master ordered you to run for five kilometers. Get ready to start, everyone come up and look for your own shoes." After saying this, Yang Chendong handed over the command to Humang, turned around and fell asleep in his sleep.

It may be a bit harsh to ask Leng Song and them according to the requirements of modern soldiers.But fighting has never been a child's play, even in the era of cold weapons. In the battle between the two armies, there are many cases of battalions being attacked, and there are countless cases where the entire army was wiped out due to negligence of precautions.Now that this army is under his command, naturally, Yang Chendong will never allow such a thing to happen.

Led by Humang, forty people found their shoes and started running in the playground.They didn't blame anyone, it was all their disappointment.It's just that they don't know that an emergency assembly and a five-kilometer night are just appetizers.

In the early morning of the next day, when many people still felt that they were not getting enough sleep, they were called up to assemble, and they welcomed Yang Chendong, the Hades instructor.

I don't know who came up with the term "Yan Wang instructor", but it does fit the reality.Because Yang Chendong put forward his request as soon as he opened his mouth. From now on, morning, noon and evening, 400 kilometers cross-country run; One time each for obstacle-crossing and unarmed rock climbing; the requirement is that the weight of all projects must not be less than 25 kilograms; the requirement is that all projects must be completed before the meal time, and those who cannot complete will not have food.

Although I still don't quite understand what pull-ups are and what is unarmed rock climbing, but just running [-] kilometers a day scares everyone.

Before everyone came back to their senses, Yang Chendong continued: "From now on, there will be an hour of culture class every two days. My young master will personally teach you to read and write, teach you arithmetic, teach you to fight sign language and draw maps. Have a good performance Those who stand out will be rewarded with Type 92 and a pistol."

"Ba ba ba." After saying that, Yang Chendong raised his right hand, and saw three suspended porcelain bottles explode in mid-air twenty steps away.

"The performance is qualified, and those who meet the final test scores can get such a gun."

"Beep, beep, beep." There was another series of gunshots, and five porcelain bottles fifty steps away exploded one after another.

The front is a Type 92 pistol, and the back is a Type [-] automatic rifle.The appearance of the two firearms made everyone's eyes shine.Even Yue Guang and the other ten people saw the Nine-Five Form for the first time. They just felt that it seemed to be more fashionable and awesome than the previous Bayi Bar. Just imagine, once they go back, they can take it with them. Such a weapon, how envious should the brothers be?

The appearance of the two guns was like a shot in the arm, stimulating everyone.At this moment, everyone felt that the sixth young master was so cute, and it seemed that the training was a little bit harder.

Morale was mobilized, Yang Chendong waved his hand, and everyone started the first ten-kilometer run of the day under Humang's supervision. Everyone consciously picked up a 25kg sandbag and put it on.

Facing the morning glow, forty men started a new day with big strides.

Yang Chendong turned around and returned to his dormitory early on. He didn't want to rest, he wanted to formulate the most reasonable training plan.In his plan, he will teach shooting, bombing, assassination, night combat, rescue, assault, beheading, rushing, ambulance, survival in the wild, lurking, camouflage, climbing, and three-three tactics in the next two months. style, and even flying and diving.

Of course, cultural and sports courses are also indispensable. Yang Chendong always believes that it is difficult to talk about loyalty in an uneducated army, and it cannot become a real iron army.

The plan is grand, and it is naturally difficult to implement it.It's just that Yang Chendong has confidence, and he also has confidence in these forty brothers.

After ten kilometers in the morning, no one complained of suffering or tiredness.According to Master Six, training is not for others, but for yourself and for yourself.Do you want to have a better life and a better future in the future?Then work hard!youth.

Just running ten kilometers is not too hard.They were originally mud-legged. They couldn't even afford horses, and they usually relied on their feet to do things.In addition, the meal in the morning is enough to replenish the energy and nutrients they lost.

Just to eat this full meal, many people think that it is worthwhile to train harder.But then, when facing the first training session after breakfast, everyone started calling the nickname Instructor Hades in their hearts.Not for anything else, just because there is a 50-meter-long road of thorns in front of them.

I don't know where the sixth young master got it, anyway, the thorns were spread all over the ground.According to Yang Chendong, everyone has to crawl over here in a crawling posture.

"This is testing your sense of obedience. Whenever an order is given, even if there is an abyss in front of you, you must execute the order. Now, the first group prepares!" He didn't make any generous speeches, and simply explained the situation After that, Yang Chendong began to give orders.

The first group consisted of five people, and Leng Song was among them.

From the emergency assembly last night to the gunshots this morning, his heart beat uncontrollably.He seems to be born to be a soldier, with the spirit of not admitting defeat.

But this kind of person has extremely strong self-esteem, and he will never allow anyone to look down on him, because that is more painful than killing him.Now after hearing Yang Chendong's order, he was the first one to lie down on the ground, and then crawled towards the thorn bushes directly in front of him in a prostrate manner.

With Leng Song taking the lead, the other four people just hesitated for a while, and then followed suit and lay down on the ground.

The thorns were originally full of thorns, especially when they crawled past. One could imagine how painful it would be when those thorns pierced into the flesh at the moment of real contact.But the performance of the first group of five people was indeed very good. No one complained of suffering, at most they frowned, and then, regardless of the blood flowing out of their arms and bodies, they moved forward in a courageous way.

"Prepare for the second group. Humang and Qiaoyin prepare the boiling water for disinfection, take out the prepared gauze and alcohol." Satisfied with Leng Song's performance, Yang Chendong gave orders while nodding.

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