Collide Gamer

Chapter 9 – The next day of school


In the end, John had just been testing his Skills between mana-regenerating rounds of League. An oddly common way to end his day, considering what else had happened. He felt similarly when he woke up in his bed and went to the bus. It all felt so painfully normal after everything else.

The most interesting part of his morning had been the popup after waking up. It had informed him that all resources had been fully regenerated after a good night’s rest. ‘Does that mean I heal all the way to full from 1 HP instantly if I sleep well?’ he wondered. ‘Because that sounds abusable.’

Speaking of abusable, he was sorely tempted to use Possession on a piece of debris on the floor. The goal would be to peek up the already short skirts of his schoolmates. He shifted repeatedly in his seat to try and put that urge aside. For one, he was trying to be less creepy and, more importantly, Moira was on the bus. The redhead shot him a glance and that was all the interest she took in him. Seemed like she was content as long as he didn’t stir up trouble.

It was the prelude to a quiet morning with great potential. John had told his mother that he had longer classes today and wouldn’t be coming home until very late. Never did John think that he would be lying to stay away from home for a bit longer. Two days ago, he would have begged for a quicker return to his gaming hobby but right now he wanted to test the limits of his new real-life counterpart instead.

Eventually, he did Possess a piece of the floor – but he kept his staring to a minimum. His Libido did get the better of him here and there. In his defence, there were just so many juicy thighs around, flattened on the barely cushioned seats of the school bus.

John was suddenly ripped away from his thoughts when somebody sat down next to him. Even from his position as the ground he could see that there were more than enough lonely seats available. He broke the spell to have all of his attention on the scene. Nervously, he swallowed and looked at who it was.

His nervousness loosened a bit, when he recognized Thomas. He was the boyfriend of John’s class president. Earnest, hardworking, and too busy with his studies to partake in the bullying activities of Vanessa and her jock ass kissers. John knew him because he often peeked in to check on his girlfriend. Out of a grown habit, he used Observe.


Thomas Jefferson – Level 7

Class President of Class E, Age 19

Thomas aspires to do his last name proud. He would be shocked to know that his bloodline can be traced back to the third president of the United States. It is a convoluted one, though, involving losing the last name and then regaining it from a different family two generations later through random marriages.

Relationship: -23


‘He is president of his own class too? Also, what is up with that backstory?’ John asked himself.

Thomas aimed to answer another question entirely. “John, I hear you were absent from classes yesterday?” He surely heard that from his girlfriend.

There was no use in lying so John said, “Y-yeah, what about it?”

“You wouldn’t happen to have hung out with Jane, would you?” The name didn’t ring any bells. His confusion must have prompted Thomas to be clearer. “Jane Hollmey? She vanished around the same time as you did.”

John was honestly confused. Jane? Who the hell was Jane? That was as much a widespread name as his own. “No, sorry. I just felt a bit under the weather and went home.” Another lie, but only half of one.

Thomas nodded. “Okay then. I just found it a bit weird and to be frank you both have horrible reputations.”

“Thanks,” John hissed through grit teeth.

Thomas shot him a concerned glance and hastily stood up. “Glad that we got that cleared up,” he stated and marched back to his girlfriend. She laughed at something he said when he was back. John had the feeling it was another joke at his expense.

‘You just be happy I am almost out of mana or I would… untie your shoelaces or something….’ John brooded on those thoughts for a moment. ‘Maybe I should do something to deserve a horrible reputation.’

He tried not to dwell on it. Optimally, he would have no reason to care about any of them in a few weeks time. He would be a powerful mage and they’d wonder what happened to him. Until then, he was left with the question of who Jane was.

She couldn’t be a particularly hot girl, otherwise John would have leered at her at one point or another. In his mind, he kept a catalogue of every hot girl at his school. A juvenile usage of his above average brain and still the most productive thing to do in most of the classes.

He caught Moira staring at him, her expression enigmatic. Had she informed herself about him in more detail? Had she learned the truth or the rumours Vanessa was spreading? In either case, she remained outwardly neutral. Perhaps he could ask her a few more questions later. There was so much about the Abyss he still wasn’t clear about.

Most important was the question if he could just talk about the Abyss publicly. Was that enough to upset Gaia or would the people around put it away as a LARP conversation? Until he had confirmation on it, he would wait for a chance to catch her alone. Best to avoid messing with the supreme deity.


Achievement Unlocked: Don’t play with things you don’t understand.

You realized that earning the ill will of something almighty is stupid. By all means have a bit of Wisdom.

+1 WIS


‘There it goes with those snarky messages again.’ John thought and closed the window. He wouldn’t cry about it though. If he kept getting Wisdom in return, he would take textual abuse.

He finally arrived at school and walked to his classroom. He would try to find Moira during lunch break. The 45 minute break after his midday classes should be plenty of time to ask some questions. At the very least it would be better than getting on her bad side even more by making her miss another class.


Achievement Unlocked: That Rose has mighty Thorns.

You realized that pissing off a girl that can break your neck by slapping you is a bad idea. By all means have a bit of Wisdom.

+1 WIS


John clicked away the window with a sour smile. Of course, he was happy for every bit of Mana Regeneration that he could get. Still, two times in such quick succession was ridiculous. Had Gaia recognized that the Skills were overpriced and now tried buffing him towards a working stage by handing out Wisdom for free? That would be appreciated. Certainly, it would make her better at responding to community feedback than most developers. More likely was that the two times were just coincidence. Three times would be enemy action.

‘Still, Riot could learn from God.’ John thought and clenched his fist in feigned anger. He was once again reminded of the existence of the little, dirty, mushroom throwing, blinding dart spitting, rat-hamster hybrid spawn of Satan that was Teemo. ‘Fuck him…and Yasuo.’ He thought as he entered his classroom. He took his seat by the window and looked out into the, currently, empty field. ‘Really tempted to attach myself to a nice round butt again...’

The temptation was not rewarded with opportunity. No sports classes were held during the morning lesson, at least no outdoor ones. While he listened to the lesson, he kept his MP regeneration from being wasted by casting Possession periodically. He was rewarded for that eventually.


Possession Lvl 3:

9 -> 8 Mana Activation cost.

You may now move a bit while possessing an inanimate object.


With glee, he stared at the window. Everything was coming together nicely for him. Gradual improvements and eventually that harem would be his. The bell announced the first break of the day. Three times it would ding, then they could get up. One, two-

John suddenly found himself in an empty classroom. His classmates had disappeared, alongside the soft motion of air from the AC. The third bell never came. The only alert John received was another window in front of him.


Trap Barrier – You have been forced into an Illusion Barrier.


‘Shit!’ John thought.


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