Collide Gamer

Chapter 29 – The Spoils

Relieved, John finally noticed the cascade of windows. That was a haul that could hardly be put into words. He deserved his share of the experience a lot more this time around, so he took it gladly. Beyond the Stat Points to distribute (he refused to call them Skillpoints, no matter what the Character Sheet said), he also got two Achievements.

He decided to put the point for the Achievement into Charisma, then put five points from his levels into Intellect and Wisdom respectively. He saved the remaining five points for later. There was too much on his mind to decide if he wanted to keep raising either of the Mental Stats or something else.

The largest reason why he was distracted was that Rave was safe. The sense of relief he felt at that could not be understated. The second reason was almost as pressing on his mind though. The boss had dropped money. Not a little either. 20 grand in a thick bundle of hundred-dollar bills. Any question he had on whether he could live off grinding monsters was irrevocably answered. Unless it was fake. He would have to verify later.

The other item the boss had dropped was simultaneously less and more exciting.

John put the money into his inventory and watched the USD counter in it skyrocket. To go from 2 and a half dollars to… more was… he didn’t even know what it was. He felt weird. That was more money than he had held in his entire life up to that point. Considering what he had to do to get it, he felt he had earned it. Still, it was an odd sensation to suddenly have the capacity to buy most things he had ever wanted.

He looked at Rave. She had been following his movements quietly ever since she had thrown up the victory sign.  “You… alright?” he asked. He wasn’t used to Rave being this quiet for this long.

“Ya done picking up the stuff?” she asked, her voice oddly calm.

“Y-yeah,” he responded. He did not mind that his stutter returned for a moment. This felt like an appropriate time to stutter.

He scratched the back of his head until he noticed she was waving him closer with her index finger. He came hither and then even closer, when the motion continued urgently. When he was practically kneeling next to her, she suddenly threw herself at him.

Lips, soft and warm, pressed on his deeply. Her tongue touched his and stirred him out of his startled state. He was always ready to make out with her. The sweet taste of bubble gum filled his mouth and he pressed up against her. The passion was deeper than it had ever been before. He wrapped his arms around her narrow waist. Gradually, he managed to sit upright. Her legs were wrapped around his waist. She sat in his lap and ran her hands through his hair.

Neither of them were willing to stop. John felt like something was slotting into place, something he had wanted his entire life, and if he backed away now he would forever lose it. Their kiss became calmer as it went on. There was less motion. Less lustful moans. It was all reduced to slow, tender movements and the smacking of their lips next to the dying fires.

“That was awesome,” Rave whispered. “You can be a pretty good kisser.”

“If you will keep letting me practice,” John returned quietly.

“You’ll do a lot more than that,” she purred. “We’re going back to the tent and then you’re doing me.” John’s eyes went wide. A hand pressed on his lips. “Yes, I’m serious. Yes, I thought about it. Ya know, ya might be… awkward and a total perv, but ya never were selfish about it. Plus, you’re honest and fun and honestly fun.” She kissed the tip of his nose. “Ya won’t make me regret it, will ya?”

“No,” he promised, with every fibre of his being.

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