Collide Gamer

Chapter 18 – The next day in the Headquarters


John was early. Way too early, in fact. Either that or Rave was late. Whichever it was, he was alone with Travolta and Jimmie. The duo was once again sitting on the conference table, playing cards. He just stood near the entrance, scratching the back of his head. He wasn’t sure what to do.

“Stop just standing there.” Travolta grumbled and threw a card down. “Draw four, Jimmie.”

‘Is that Uno?’ The question accompanied his steps. With no better idea, he sat down at the table.

Jimmie did as he was told, although with some minor curses.

“You were in such a hurry yesterday to hang out with Rave…” He paused to give him a glance, practically spelling out he knew exactly why that was. “…that we didn’t get to properly introduce each other.” Travolta said, “Name’s Travolta, I look over these fuck-ups… and now you too, I guess.” He pointed at Jimmie with his chin. “That is Jimmie, he keeps this building running.”

 “Yo,” Jimmie just said, busy sorting his new cards.

John knew his name already, but he just rolled with it. “P-pleasure.”

Silence as Jimmie and Travolta kept playing cards. “So, where are the others?” John asked.

“There are no others, it’s just us three.” Travolta said. “Well, four with you now.”

John was a bit shocked, he had thought this organization to be, well, more of an organization. From those numbers and their nonchalant attitude however it looked more like this was the afternoon hangout for people with supernatural hobbies. To his further surprise he was entirely fine with that. They didn’t offer a whole lot of protection, but if they managed to stick together and survive so far, that was good enough?

“It’s good that we are this small though.” Jimmie tossed a new card on the pile. “If you get big within the Abyss some people may start thinking you are a threat. Threats get taken care of.” He flashed a grin at John. “Travolta here is not particularly talkative and Rave sucks at explaining… anything. If you have any questions, just ask me. I know what it feels like to just stumble over the Abyss one day.”

John took that offer without hesitation. “Uhm, yeah, one question… I wondered what this place is. I’ve heard about Protected Spaces… but….” He trailed off and looked at the very buzzing AC. “…I don’t get how it’s here? Don’t the barriers just… copy what’s there?”

“Yeah, and twenty years ago, there was an arcade here. Someone made a copy of it before it was torn down. Illusion Barriers generally disappear immediately or quickly after everybody leaves them. Protected Spaces last longer – that’s what makes them ‘protected’.”

“Costs a lot too…,” Travolta grumbled. “Could only afford it because Regan gave me a loan. Now I have to watch his crazy bitch of a daughter all the time.” The insult was delivered with the soft sharpness of a friend.

That answered how Rave knew Travolta. Jimmie picked right up there. “I kinda ran into Travolta early on when I stumbled into the Abyss. He offered me a place to stay, so I did. Also draw 2.”

Travolta quietly pulled the cards from the deck. With no immediate other question that came to mind, John just levelled Possession. Interestingly, neither Travolta, nor Jimmie seemed to notice. Rave hadn’t given any indication either. They didn’t have the same sensitivity Moira had displayed. Either that, or they were just happy playing cards and saying nothing.

As John’s mana dwindled away the two finished their game. “I'll be going then.” Jimmie said afterwards. “Hospital entrance needs maintenance.” Travolta just nodded and John didn’t feel confident enough to ask.

Rave arrived moments later, still in full disguise. “Howdy guys!” She greeted in an overly cheerful tone and directly headed up the stairs again. When she came back down she had changed both clothes and hair colour. “Had a pleasant talk?”

“No.” Travolta said and grabbed a cigarette from the almost empty pack on the table. Jimmie must have forgotten them there. Without hesitation, he lit it up.

“Well, I learned a thing or two.” John answered.

Rave strut over. He hoped it was to him, but it ended up towards Travolta. She started rubbing his shaved head in an act of friendly molestation. “You’re always such a meany, Baldy.”

“I swear one of these days I am going to punch you.” Travolta said and slapped her hands away from his stubby-haired head.

“Doubt it. I’m too cute.” Rave gave his head one more tap. “Wanna get out of here? I really want to see if we can punch more ghosts.”

Travolta perked up at that. “Huh? You found a Natural Barrier?”

“Nah, just his ability lets him summon some,” Rave said and Travolta waved off. “Wanna get out of here?”

“Y-yeah!” John agreed quickly. Once outside, a question surfaced. “Why didn’t we tell Travolta the whole story?”

“’Cause Baldy gets nosey and I wanna check your stuff without him going on about research that and power this,” Rave told him. A finger jabbed him in the shoulder. “You’re my entertainment, Gamer.” That still rubbed him the wrong way, but he would rather be a girl’s entertainment than nothing at all. “…Sorry for taking that long by the way. I got a surprise call from my dad.”

John gave her a curious glance. “Is that a rare occasion?”

“Kinda, he is away on business trips most of the time,” Rave said.

“Travolta said he was looking after you for him,” John commented on the whole thing.

Rave crossed her arms in front of her petite chest. “HIM looking after ME? Yeah, right.” She dismissed that thought as they stepped out of the Illusion Barrier.

“What happens if anybody is standing outside the Illusion Barrier when we leave?” John wondered.

 “Same thing that happens when you suddenly get pulled into one: mundanes will just make up some excuse. Gaia isn’t out to kill every last one of us ya know? She’s pretty lax, really.” They turned a corner and immediately walked three steps backwards. “Shit.” Rave mumbled. “What is she doing here?”

Moira Brighton walked down the street with the kind of annoyed look that John had come to associate with her pretty features. She was wearing a yellow shirt and comfortable blue pants, both of which looked good on her, neither of which John allowed to distract him. The second she spotted the two of them there would be… well it would be a pain in the sides, in all due likelihood.

“She really dislikes you people this much?” John asked quietly.

“Us people, Gamer,” Rave returned. “Come this way.” She grabbed him by the hand and they went through the side streets. “Seriously annoying – that princess.” Rave cursed, “Am I right?”

“She doesn’t seem that bad.” John tried to stick to a neutral position here.

Rave looked at him with a disapproving gaze before sighing. “Ah, whatevs, just stay away from her and we won’t have any problems.”

 “Jealous?” John asked.

“Annoyed.” Rave specified. “It’s all well and fun teasing her but when she finds out where we are located she and her dad can track our activities. We would be forced to comply with their guidelines.”

“That does sound… unpleasant.” John admitted.

“Ex-act-ly!” Rave threw out each syllable and with them her bad mood. “Enough of the unpleasantries however. Let’s go kill Ghosts!”

John smiled as well, “Yeah, for the EXP!”

And so they went to continue their grinding.

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