Chapter 1140: Bonding Over Food and Fistfights
As of this moment, it was a bit past 4:00 PM—a little early for dinner but we definitely skipped lunch due to somehow finding the important ones through months of footage. So yeah, we'd still need to prepare for a few hundred people too so a couple of hours to do it was more than enough time.
Then I heard a familiar voice:
"Hi! Mitch brought us over with a bunch of cooking ingredients. He said you're gonna need some help—or do you want me to just lead the group?" Amaryllis, Mitch's wife, said with a smile.
Camille cut in, "Can I help too?"
I waved her off, "Nah. You should get checked with our doctors first. You can be a taste-tester while it's not your turn or after you're done but we did have an agreement that you have a few days off—" Discover new content at m vl-em,py-r
"Please. I insist. It won't be trouble at all— I-I'll do anything—"
"You're doing too much again. I'll literally cuff you somewhere if that means you take it easy. You all should be resting—"
Then Daniel a.k.a. Diesel came in, "Bro! Why she gotta be the taste tester?! I could do it too!"
"Who's turn is it anyway?"
"It's her— It's Casey's turn first, of course, it's taking a bit of time with the lacking equipment but really, all I need is some food and I'll be good! I don't even need a check-up."
'You say that now… Withdrawal's a bitch, I'll tell you that much…'
I just shrugged my shoulders, "Fine. The two of you sit over there and we'll call you when we need food getting tasted. To be fair, we can do it ourselves but you need the participation trophy."
"Ahaha… That's a little— He's nuts, right?" Daniel chuckled as he turned to Camille.
"Aw man, why the hostility? We're all shitty people, just embrace it—"
Camille snapped back, "I NEEDED to do it, you just went with it. There's a difference."
"Jesus… Okay? Uncomfortable silence it is…"
On that weird note, even Amaryllis was worried for the two's well-being because it did get a bit hotter when we approached their area of influence. Not enough to give us a burn but just enough to melt butter. However, I was surprised by what Amaryllis told me while we were making dinner:
"You know, Bartow's been talking nonstop about your food."
"Uh-huh. That motherfucker's honest, at least."
"Ufufu… You two will be good friends soon, that much I can tell."
"Yeah… That does happen sometimes…"
"Oh? You don't deny it?"
"Yeah… We're just two people that were that honest about our feelings. Weird for men to say it but yeah, if we go over this phase, I think we'll be really good friends."
"Then you'll be glad to hear that he's staying."
"What?! Why?"
"Aside from the food?"
"Yeah, sure."
"His grandpa's one of the people who came in with the Admiral…"
"Oh. Ohhh~ I see, I see. He needs to take care of him, huh?"
"Yeah, he's a vet too like your Uncle Oscar so he might've another friend in the works too."
"Does he drink? What's his name anyway— FUCK!"
"Wha— What's wrong?"
"I just remembered… Bartow's given name is George…"
"Well— I mean— We have a few Georges in the mix but fuck it— What's his grandpa's name?"
"Pfft… Take a guess."
"No shot—"
"Hahahaha! It's not the actual same but it's with a J!"
"Jorje?! He's Mexican?!"
"HAH! No! You still say it as George but Jeorge! Funny, right?!"
"Maaaaan, it'll be real difficult if someone writes our autobiography or something."
"Ahahah! True, true…"
With that said, as we were chatting, we didn't forget about our two taste testers who tried to keep quiet the whole time but it was pretty obvious they were listening in due to the faces they were making throughout our conversation.
But yeah, they weren't too happy at first when I was making them taste the raw ingredients but as everything came together, the rub for our baked fish, the stock for our soup, and the vegetables for salad blew their lids because not only they were delicious as fuck, it had been a while since they had cooked food.
"T-This is really delicious! Is everything cooked? Can we all eat now?!"
I waved her off, "Nah. Our doctors here just got done with her preliminary tests and my pilot over on our side is ready to bring you both in my place. I already packed you two some food and she'd be here very shortly.
Casey's a little groggy but she's already awake… Unfortunately… Hmm~ It's not my place to talk about it here but you two should have a long talk once you settle in one of our rooms in the hospital…"
"That's— T-Thank you, sir."
"Just remember what I told you, alright— Whaddaya know? She's already in view."
As we were preparing the dining area, it didn't take long before Ms. M a.k.a. Micah came in with her security detail, and everyone who knows her just fucking lost it. All sorts of things were going through their head, especially when she gave me a tight and very unfiltered hug with her massive jugs, but I explained to her the whole situation with the two sisters.
"I get it, I get it— But seriously? We have an airport now? I thought we were aiming for NAIA instead?"
"Iskoh's already making plans for it but technically we have two. Maybe three, if we count the flight school."
"Ah, right. That Jessica a bit of ways from here, right? Hold up— I thought we're also bringing someone else?"
"He'll come with us in a few. Don't worry we'll take a few more days in here before we go back."
"Damn, I really wanna stay for a bit more but I also have duties back home. We're going now, alright? Take care! Mwah!"
As she gave me a peck on the cheek, I saw not only Diesel and Tesla, but also Sheepy dying from Envy—and this "accomplishment" might be one of my ins to get into their circle of friends, but aside from food, the talk I had with Mrs. Amaryllis gave me another idea on how to bridge gaps between two groups or two people.
Obviously, bonding over food wouldn't work if they were sitting on opposite ends of the tables but yeah, instead of trying to keep them away from fighting and forcing interactions for them to get friendly at the same time, why don't we embrace the chaos for a short bit and have them let out their aggression?