Code Zulu Alpha: Nerd in the Apocalypse!

Chapter 1137: Scummy & Shitty

We started from the very beginning.

Let me tell you, watching CCTV footage to uncover the truth isn't that fun and very time-consuming due to the fact that we'd have to watch POVs from different angles—sometimes even connecting a person's actions to a different camera—over and over, just to find out and make sense of everything that had happened.

So yeah, this airport's Patient Zero of sorts was a lanky gentleman who had just finished his vacation time and was about to go back to the States, but he looked a little sickly and he was coughing all over. Stay connected with m|vl|e|mp|y|r

Furthermore, he seemed to have been scratching this itch on his right leg multiple times—as seen on camera—and the last time we saw him was when he entered the restroom.

At that point, it took maybe nine other guys to come in and out before the tenth one didn't, but instead, they grew a little nest egg and had more victims who turned to allies before they took the airport by storm.

After that came absolute chaos about "people" eating people and ripping each others' flesh by bites or their claws, but fast-forward maybe a few hours or half a day, the place was raided by the Philippine Army, and the airport was closed to the public as it was slowly getting turned to a proper DDR Camp.

Obviously, a lot of strict checks were made before the refugees inside were kept in without the chance of getting out—but again, obviously—the people with enough cash or other valuables to throw around met with either Agnes or Robert and they had a one-way ticket out of the supposed hellhole.

But yeah, this place's biggest problem was keeping in 30,000 people, a combination of staff, soldiers, and passengers, but the soldiers and staff were completely outnumbered by the people just trying to get out, get in, or something in between.

It took maybe three days of mind-numbing headaches just to manage this place and keep it together for the most part, but in the end, they just couldn't with this number.

However, this airport wasn't the only place that was turned into a DDR Camp, and it became a sort of relief to send other people to those areas like the Marine Base, the Maritime Academy south of the airport, the Hospital further east, and many more.

Aside from the people Agnes and Robert sneaked out or just straight-up people, the "uncorrupted" soldiers looked the other way around so that there'd be fewer problems for them, it greatly reduced the the airport's population by half just in a couple of weeks. However, their population greatly reduced in the coming months due to unforeseen accidents, escapes, outbreaks, failed runs, and the like.

They weren't even doing the siren thing George and his people had reported doing to keep them in, but when their population hit the bottom four digits, that was when shady and creepy shit started happening.

Take note, what I've mentioned earlier was just the general gist of what happened, not the way we could uncover the whole truth as to what really happened between these two groups.

'Lemme forward it a bit…'

But yeah, it didn't take long before Agnes and Robert were given the power to order around everyone else in this airport due to the substances they possess, which they were getting from one of their connections outside.

Unfortunately, all we know was that they used to have an open line between the other DDR Camps to send and receive resources and they used it to their advantage to get the leg up among the common people.

Then along came Dax and Sheepy, or should I say, Dexter and Shepard.

It didn't come as a surprise to discover that the two were half-brothers who had the same Dad but as Camille said earlier, it was the type of Dad that would just give them a phone and then send them away or in their case, tons of money to do whatever the fuck they want with it.

So yeah, it was obvious that cold hard cash didn't mean shit now but it was a totally different thing when the two were frequent flyers, huge tippers, and the King and Queen of this airport owed them a ton of cash—or in other terms, their capital to start their drug business.

That made them have the suite they were staying in exclusive to their name and if they wanted to live in there for a year or maybe more, Agnes and Robert would pull some strings to do just that.

But yeah, all these two boys wanted to do was party and meet girls, eventually inviting them over to their pad and having adult fun, nothing more.

Obviously, their plan to waste away their life like that took a drastic change when the apocalypse happened, but for the most part, Agnes and Robert were giving them some courtesy because they do owe them a ton of favors.

That was the reason these two were exempted from chores or any civic duty to maintain the upkeep, and almost all of the adults hated their guts without knowing the actual reason while the kids their age envied their status.

And that was when Allie and Reba came into the picture, yes, Allie and Reba, much to the dismay of George and Regine.

Unlike Reba, Allie didn't accidentally stumble upon the suite floor because she heard some cool stories from the grapevine, and who would decline a bit of fun—especially when you get to skip your workload for the day?

However, to be fair to Allie, it wasn't like Reba stopped "stumbling" across the suite floor when she got creeped out by Robert but I guess she'd take the risk to be able to knock on the other side of the door.

Additionally, most kids their age did the same thing but let's just say that sometimes, there were unfortunate circumstances where the other door opened up instead of the one they were knocking on.

'Robert did have access to the CCTVs…'

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