Code Zulu Alpha: Nerd in the Apocalypse!

Chapter 1133: Here's the gist and choice you'll be making...

If it was any other day, I would've let Kaley use her psychic powers for a bit to filter these kids out but yeah, let's just say that the vibes felt alright, and even if I've seen all types of stupid by working in retail, these kids wouldn't be that stupid if given the chance to do so.

Did they seem unreliable? Sure. Would I let people their age interact with them as of this moment? Absolutely not!

But despite all that, what they gave off was this irresponsibly responsible air that means even if 99% of the "responsible" and "outstanding" parents would be disappointed in whatever the fuck they were doing, they'd do fine on their own as long as they weren't getting fucked with.

In the off chance that they were, that was where the AK gets pulled out of the locker—and the only reason you'd get spared was if you treated them like humans even for a little bit.

I'm not particularly glorifying this type of behavior or this type of person but let's be fair here, if we didn't have assholes at schools who thought what they were doing was just a bit of fun, teachers who at least gave a fuck, parents who actually cared, bitches who think bringing down people was cool, or everything else in that spectrum, we wouldn't have kids who thought that what comes before the number 47 was "AK" instead of 46.

So yeah, I'm giving them a little bit of freedom or the leeway to be a little unhinged or chaotic—or simply themselves—despite the admittance to drug use and murder, but once they cross the line, I would treat them as what I would treat anyone else for that matter.

"I'm just gonna open the door and give you a tour? Is that it?"

"Why don't you clear the barricades with your friend— What's his name?"


I turned to "Tesla", "For real?"

Tesla replied, "What about it? The world has gone to shit and we can't even get ourselves new names?"

Quinn cut in as she looked at me confused, "Don't you have a lot of them?"


"Yeah! Like the Kid, the 9-inch destroyer, the Asshole, the Excali-Dick—"

"BWAHAHAHAHA/ HOLY SHIT! HAH! IS THAT REAL?!" Diesel and Tesla lost their shit laughing.

I shook my head, "Those were given to me, I didn't make them up myself."

Diesel replied, "So get yourself one. It's not that hard and we're the same age, right?"

"Eh~ I'll think about it."

With that said, Diesel and Tesla did clear the furniture blocking the hallway without issue, and I threw each of them a protein bar and an Ibuprofen for a job well done and for telling the truth. After that, I made them open the door to the other suite where they supposedly stored what was left of their food but god fucking dammit "what was left" wasn't the right term.

Not only could the amount of food inside could last them at least a year with their numbers, but with the way they were going and rationing them, they'd last a bit more if they continued as is.

"H-How many times do you eat in a week again?"

"A few?"

"Define a few."

"Sometimes once sometimes twice?"

"And how the fuck did y'all stock up this much?"

"We didn't."


"Agnes did most of the work. We hate her and Robert, sure, but if it weren't for those greedy fucks taking this much from the storeroom and not touching it at all, we wouldn't be alive."

Kuzma cut in, "No offense, but you all had to eat a bit more."

"You have no idea. We could, sure. But we need all the chance we could get, maybe."


"You've seen this place before you cleared it, right? We had plans to get away but their numbers tend to increase every single day. We kill a few, a bunch replaces them. It'd cost a lot of time and energy so we tried to hold out for as long as possible."

"Hold out?"

"You guys… You know they get hungry, right?"

Kuzma answered, "No, they do not." Experience the best from m|v|l|e|mp|y|r

I nodded, "A few special ones do but—"

Diesel waved us off, "Bro, they get lethargic, right? I swear they—"

"Where'd you see one? Or was it a group or the whole thing?"

"Well… As we're in the early stages of planning to get outta here, there were a bunch of them like us who barely moved and they look emaciated as fuck so, we think thought that there's a type that goes hungry after a time… We thought of waiting until everyone in the airport became like that but they just increased in number as we, uhh… kept as is."

Tatiana shook her head, "At least you're aware of what you did."

"Hey! Where else could we go?! We don't even know if there's anyone else out there! Besides, it's not like we're running out of food!"

Tesla interjected, "Well, Dax made contact with this other soldier group from one of the soldiers we took out but once they discovered that we were from the airport, they completely ignored us."

Diesel nodded a few times, "That is true…" then he turned to me, "You guys really should talk to either Dax or Sheepy, they know more than us— But yeah… what's gonna happen now?"

Tesla took a step back, "Yeah, what's gonna happen now? Are we— Are we still—"

I cut him off, "Here's the gist of the situation. You still had people living right under you in worse conditions but their hate is mostly towards Agnes and Robert.

We got to them first and told me a bit of the context but I'll tell you what I told them: This place is now under the joint protection of the US Navy and a Special Unit under me, which is kind of a floater compared to the Philippine Army, but yeah, we'll give you a choice."

"What choice?"

"Let's get you all cleaned up and fed first. Then we'll talk with everybody else who survived besides you guys."

"There were others who survived?!"

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