Code Zulu Alpha: Nerd in the Apocalypse!

Chapter 1131: Burglary - The Day I Had To Hit A Kid

As we were hearing George's story and everyone else in his group confirming everything—and even adding on bits from their own perspective—everyone else just wanted to take the less than pleasant approach we would've done if George and his group came to be fucking assholes.

But still, everything we heard to this point were just fucking words and until we met with the other group and heard their side, it was only then I'd make the decision on what to do with either of them.

However, I'll admit that a bit of bias was already forming inside my head because the simple mention of drugs and the way those fucks try to slither in with young adults didn't sit well with me, so I won't promise the same treatment as I gave George and everyone else's.

I usually give people two to three strikes before they're out but right now, I'm only inclined to only give them one chance.

So yeah, after taking everything into account with the suite floor being the only one isolated from everything else, I came up with the same setup as we did with George's people.

'They probably just slept in the same room or were in the same room as the drone passed by…'

The suite floor had six suites in total, with a cool-ass entertainment area, a bar, a ton of space, and a gym, but only two of the suites, which belonged to the two kids and the airport employees—including access to the bar and the gym—were completely closed off to us.

And completely inverse to what George and his people did, a ton of furniture in the hallway deterred us from getting any closer. But despite the noise we made and these people's clear view from the outside—if they'd just step out onto the balcony or peek out the window to see that soldiers were outside instead of the undead—there were no representatives to meet with us.

I turned to one of the soldiers present named Gavin, "Yo, why hasn't this barricade been moved? Is it trapped?"

"That's… That's what we're trying to figure out while everything's happening. We've been taking them piece by piece but with all the trash mixed in with the furniture, we'll never know. We even tried calling for the supposed people inside and even sent a normal drone to peek through the windows but there the curtains were obstructing the view from the inside."

"Huh. Did you guys try using the one with thermals again?"

"Not yet. It's still circling around the wharf and the surrounding areas because we already confirmed heat signatures in this spot, so it'll take a bit more time."
Experience the best from m|v|l|e|mp|y|r

"How long?"

"Maybe half an hour?"

"Can you just ask the one using them to re-route one to this side? Where is Sioson anyway, he has control of one of them, right?"

"I believe so, yes. I'll check in with him if he's close to circling the drone around."


We weren't in a particular rush or anything but as all of this was happening, we also gained access to the maintenance room and discovered that a fucker specifically shut off the water from everywhere else besides the suite floor, and I was just itching to meet these people and give them a nice talking to.

However, different barricades were slowing us down but everyone's safety was still the top priority.

It was pretty ironic since we rushed here and all and a mess of furniture was the one to slow us down.

But yeah, we could try to wake them up by probably turning off the water and electricity coming to their floor but I had a better idea.

It ain't much but it wasn't honest work, if I may say so myself.


Going all through that trash and trouble didn't sit well with me so I just made my way back to the roof with climbing gear I easily produced—don't ask where—before I slowly descended upon these fuckers' balcony.

Of course, I didn't go alone as I took Tatiana with me but right as I was about to check if the sliding door was locked, a groggy kid who looked to be in his early 20s did all the work for us as he slid the door himself, yawned, blankly gazed at each of us before I put him in a chokehold.

I did say that I'd hit a fucking kid but I didn't think we'd go Assasin's Creed on this motherfucker because as I put him to sleep, Tatiana tied him and have our crew pull him up to the roof.

At this point, it was either this fucks were heavy sleepers or had a great party last night because the moment we stepped foot inside what seemed to be Dax's and Sheepy's suite, another dude the same age—who could be either of the two—with a few other naked women around the same age, maybe even younger, was sleeping soundly while everything else occurred outside.

And with Reba's statement earlier, all sorts of drugs were being consumed because several drug paraphernalia were present, and these fucks would've been dead if our intention was to kill.

It'd only take a swipe of our knives to end all of them right here and trust me, I was already inclined to chuck them out of the window because I wasn't sure if they would have any use to me as all they did in this place was waste away and get high.

One of the reasons I didn't do just that is because as I talked with the 50-ish people earlier, they had some family, friends, or something along those lines missing or presumed dead.

It was all chaos when the dead they attracted overwhelmed this place and those months of hunkering down on one spot—never seeing the ones who tried to get out—made them think a lot of things.

But yeah, it didn't take long before I had to hit a kid again, this time, in a more literal sense.

"H-Huh? Who— The fuck? Where's Dax? Am I seeing— Whoa~ You look cool as fuck, bro— Woah! A chick! Wanna have some fun—"

And so I did, Asian Parent style.

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