Clow Cards Cardcaptor

Chapter 1418

After the contract was stolen, they came to Calgary, temporarily disbanded with Selika and the others, walking alone in a strange city in Canada,

    but never expected to meet this figure here.

    Senior A-level participant, the fuse of the God’s Proposal Project, the former leader of the Royal Court, and…

    now the executive officer of the Eighth Pillar of the Association!

    The moment he saw Kolosos, Fang Ran subconsciously raised his whole body on alert!

    And just after coming out of the store, I was still holding things and smiling with the owner. I was astonished at the encounter at this moment. I was

    dumb for a moment. Then, as if I understood something, I smiled and restored the impeccable gentleman’s demeanor. ,

    Kolosos looked at Fang Ran who was on his guard, and said with a gentle and polite expression:

    “I know there is a cafe nearby, how about sitting down and chatting together?”


    Calgary, southwest of downtown,

    The elegant wooden door pushes a string of bells, and the exquisite retro decoration style reveals an elegant and comfortable style. The

    store is small and clean. There are no other customers at this time, and even the store brand does not look like a business store at all. ,

    But the glass jars on the shelves behind the counter prove the fact of the coffee shop here.

    “I met the owner when I first came, and he opened this shop out of love. I really like the style and atmosphere.” After

    watching the rich man in his forties and fifties serve his coffee, he looked at himself in surprise. After a glance, he left and sat in a quiet position by the window.

    Fang Ran listened to Korosos in front of him with a smile and said:

    “And you don’t need to be so vigilant. I didn’t plan to do anything to you, nor did I think about it. To inform the association.”

    The topic turns smoothly and naturally, which makes people feel that he is good at talking and gentle, without feeling bad, and this sentence itself is even more…


    -Looking at the result of [Lanpai], slightly surprised,

    Fang Ran There was a silence for a while, and the ability to be ready to go was removed, but he did not completely relax his vigilance, took off his sunglasses and looked at Kolosos in front of him.

    Young and outstanding appearance, but with the mature temperament immersed in the years, coupled with the exemplary British gentleman’s demeanor

    , almost attracted everyone’s attention on the way,

    but the impression of him still stays at The elderly man in a suit, hat, and cane during the National War,

    but he did not expect at that time that this person in front of him would trigger everything afterwards.

    Looking at the whole plan of God’s Presence, the most critical link is the betrayal of Kolossos, which

    directly led to the fall of the night battle control agency in Europe-the royal court, making it easy for the association to gather seven dark energy crystals in reality. .

    At the end of the afternoon, the sun shines through the window, and the radiant temperature is slightly drunk with the aroma of coffee beans ground into powder.

    “But I did not expect to meet you again at such a time and place,”

    sitting in this small coffee shop in Calgary. , Korosos looked at the black-haired youth in front of him with emotion,

    “The blow at the last moment of the A-level battle is unforgettable for my life.” As

    if recalling the simulation scene at the time, the shooting star from a few thousand meters high. Like the huge silver gun running through the buildings, he finally asked with a smile:

    “Should I call you Fang Ran, or the Night Crow?”

    He did not answer this indifferent question, Fang Ran just stared at Ke. Losos calmly said:

    “Why do you help me keep the association secret?”

    European action, so that association completely aware of his strength, something the previous contact he is not difficult to guess the night crow,

    since the executive has become the eighth column, Colo Naxos also knew it deserved,

    but Fang Ran Unexpectedly, there is no reason why he is willing to help himself keep the association secret.

    “It’s just for no reason. The association executive is a free identity with a small responsibility.”

    Facing Fang Ran’s questioning that he did not relax his vigilance, Kolosos smiled indifferently and said something very similar to Trinity. , And

    then picked up the coffee and laughed softly:

    “And the sixth pillar and Youye Angel who have a close relationship with you are close friends, and the seventh pillar is born in Huaxia, and I am on the line with them.”

    “It doesn’t matter if you sell your personal affection in a place that has nothing to do with yourself.”


    -Perceiving the results of [Wangpai], listening to him seems to say the words of the factions within the association,

    although it is not the same as when he was in exile in Europe last time. I am weak, but North America is the place of association after all. After

    confirming that the worst will not happen, Fang Ran lightly breathed out and temporarily put down his guard, watching him ask the second question:

    “Why are you here? A city?”

    “Each pillar executive has its own jurisdiction in North America, and Alaska and western Canada are the areas I am responsible for.”

    “I have been in this city since the end of the European affairs.” Do

    n’t mind laughing. Explaining Fang Ran’s doubts, Kolosos took a sip of coffee. The strong bitterness made his eyes a deep nostalgia in the warm sunlight,

    but before Fang Ran paid attention, he smiled again and looked at it. He

    said : “Speaking of which, I’ve passed by here before and took me to North America last time, probably more than 20 years ago.”

    Twenty years ago…

    the words from the senior A-level, the opening is more than the length of Fang Ran’s current life.

    Looking at the scenery in Calgary’s warm clouds outside the window, it seems to be reminiscing about the past, Kolosso The emotions of the years that did not match his youthful appearance appeared on Si’s face.

    “At that time of night fighting World North America now so far from active black market and a tavern are not around every city center,”


    “Few people would research and development and combat power has nothing to do things, they would occasionally order Money helps some wealthy people to solve their troubles. There is no such thing as an intermediary who specializes in publishing tasks…”

    Listening to Klossos’s narration, listening to his words, there are even things that he understands,

    as if he can Gradually pieced together the scene of the night battle world in his mind,

    Fang Ran looked at the young and not young figure in front of him, put down the coffee in his hand, and looked at the snow-white peaks of the Rocky Mountains in the distance and sighed.

    “At that time, I really never thought that I would come to North America again with such an identity.”

    From the leader of the royal court to the executive officer of the association, such a change seemed to even Korosos himself a little bit emotional,

    and Hearing such words, there was no sound of silence, thinking about him as the key to the plan of God’s Presence,

    there was an urge to liberate the King of the Gods now to peek into his memory, but Fang Ran finally resisted the urge and took a deep breath. He sighed, raised his eyes very seriously, looked

    at Kolosos and asked the question he had asked Trinity.

    “Why would you not hesitate to betray the royal court, but also join the association?”

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