City: Sign in Shenhao at the beginning

Chapter 245 Landing on the Moon

Chapter 245 Landing on the Moon
"Miss, I, I... I want to go too..."

Liu Yueying said weakly at this time: "Anyway, the rocket can accommodate many people."

"Yes, eldest sister, we are going too. We don't know whether the younger brother and the second sister are dead or alive. We are so worried. Take us with you..."

Ye Xinyan and Ye Nazha also said at the same time.

Seeing this, the others opened their mouths and said, "We're going too..."

Ye Yanran was very moved by the attitudes of the women.

People in the Ye family love each other so much, which is rare in the world.

Seeing the excitement of the girls, Ye Yanran pondered for a moment, and said calmly: "Since you are so thoughtful, let's go together. But Mary and Yun Yun can't go, they are pregnant, and they have seeds from our Ye family in their stomachs." .Even if we can't come back, we can still leave a successor for our Ye family!"

"Sister, we have to go, even if I die, I will die with the chairman."

"Yes, it's been three months, and I haven't gotten any news at all. I want to die with Ye Chen."

Mary and Yun Yun were very excited.

The two were sitting on the sofa, their stomachs were slightly swollen, and they already looked like pregnant women.

However, although the two are pregnant, it still does not affect the appearance of the two, and their figures are still so slender.It looks even more unique.

It's just that Ye Yanran would never agree to let them go.

Not to mention how dangerous it is to go to the moon.Even the shocking feeling of launching a rocket makes people extremely uncomfortable.

Pregnant people can't ride a rocket at all.

Ye Yanran persuaded her for a long time, but finally the two of them agreed pitifully, wiping away their tears.

Their task is no longer to go to heaven to find Ye Chen, but to leave offspring for Ye Chen.

This is the result of Ye Yanran's persuasion.

In the end, the women's discussion was over.

Except for Mary and Yun Yun, Liu Yueying and Alice can go with their sisters to find Ye Chen in the sky.

If they don't come back, the family business will be handed over to Mary and Yun Yun.

Of course, Yun Yun is the main one, and Mary is the second.

This is to prepare for the eventuality.

Just after everyone finished discussing, Ying Xueer, who was in charge of the rocket project, came in a hurry, stood up and shouted excitedly: "It's done, it's done."

"Done? Great!"

Ye Yanran immediately stood up, anxiously said: "When can we launch!"

"It can be launched at any time." Ying Xueer replied.

"Okay! Everyone pack up and go to the sky with me. The launch time is set at eight o'clock in the evening."

The girls began to pack their things busy.

This trip to heaven lasted at least six months.

As for why it takes so long.It can only be said that it is too far away.

It took three months to go to the moon and three months to come back, and it still had to be without any accidents.

All the girls brought big bags and small bags and landed on the rocket one after another.

In addition to the girls, there are also some cyborgs.

Ye Yanran trained them as astronauts and scientists for emergency use after going to space.

Come at eight o'clock in the evening.

Under the command of Ying Xueer.

A huge Weng Ming came from the future island.

The surrounding seas were hit, sending rough waves.

It can be seen how powerful this rocket's launch performance is.

Not to mention the blue star, even if there is an unexpected yaw on the road and it is captured by the gravity of other planets, it can still escape the gravity.


The rocket soared into the sky.

At the same time, the world shook again.

Various satellites and detectors have issued reports to the leaders of various countries.

"Master! The shock came from the future island, they launched a rocket..."

"What? The future island? That group of women? Go and investigate, is it possible that they have come up with something good again..."

Dragon Palace.

There are officials to report.

"Dragon Lord! Future Island has launched a rocket! Judging from the leaked information, this rocket is the most technologically advanced thing in the world..."

"I heard that the women from the Ye family are going to go to the moon..."

"Dragon Lord, since the death of the old Dragon Lord, the members of the Ye family have become stronger and more prestigious. Do you want to take some measures..."

"Shut up!"

The Dragon Lord scolded coldly, and turned around slowly.

It turned out to be a young body, and upon closer inspection it turned out to be Long Aotian.

He actually became the Dragon Lord.

And all of this is thanks to the support of those women from the Ye family.

Three months!
The old dragon master was seriously ill, and he wanted to change his words and dismiss the prince from the hospital bed.

I don't know when the news leaked out, and the prince conspired to assassinate the Dragon Lord.He was rescued by Ye Yanran's people who were talking about technological research and development in the palace.

In the end, the prince committed suicide and was in the palace, Long Aotian got the support of the Ye family, and everything went smoothly.

It can be said that without those women from the Ye family, he really wouldn't be able to be the Dragon Lord.

Long Aotian said indifferently: "The Ye family is not only the people of our Dragon Kingdom, but also the relatives of our Dragon Kingdom. If the Ye family is strong, our Dragon Kingdom will be strong. Don't talk nonsense in the future. When Ye Chen returns, I will hold a ceremony for him. A magnificent wedding, but also to make him the first family of the Dragon Kingdom.

Immediately activate the space station for me, escort the women of the Ye family, and protect them from successfully entering the lunar orbit..."

The United States, a world power.

In the white palace.

"My lord, the Ye family has landed on the you want to take measures..."

"Activate the space station, and launch weapons to destroy them after they leave Blue Star..." the president said with a gloomy face.

But someone stopped him immediately, and said righteously: "I don't agree..."

"I don't agree either!"

"The four-year term of the president has come, and I propose to remove the president..."

"I agree……"

"I agree!"


Seeing the big bosses who suddenly turned their faces on the conference stage, the face of the President of the United States changed: "You are from the Ye family."

"I can not understand what you say……"

"Your family clearly accepted the Ye family's capital injection, don't think I don't know..."

"Step down, you are no longer the president..."


At this moment, various things about the Ye family are happening all over the world.

The moon, thousands of miles away, is quiet and peaceful.

In the silence, the eternal nothingness, a rocket suddenly appeared, entered the orbit of the moon, and began to circle.

"Ding! The host has the following options."

"Option [-]: Land on the moon and reward the Universal Detector."

"Option [-]: Stay in the rocket and reward the dancing girl biochemical..."

"Throw it away! I've been bored for three months. What's the use of you as a dancer? It's biochemical."

Without even thinking about it, Ye Chen chose to land on the moon.

Regardless of whether this ghostly place can survive or not, going to see it is better than staying here all the time.

Ye Chen got up immediately and called out everyone in the rocket.

Everyone floated in the central control cabin for a meeting.

There are five people in total, and four of them are women.

Except for the second sister who was dressed conservatively, the other women were almost bored, and didn't even want to change their clothes back and forth. They were all wearing pajamas and skirts, floating there.

These things were originally prepared for astronauts, but they were all used up.

Ye Chen, who hadn't eaten fishy food for many months, looked a little straight.

After all, the white arms and thighs flicking back and forth still have a certain appeal.

Especially the pair of twins, who are naturally charming, and their casual frowns and smiles are all seductive.

(End of this chapter)

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