City of Desire [Kingdom Building]

Chapter Barony of Blain


[Class Obtained: Warrior]
[Skill Gained: Quick Steps]
[Skill Gained: Consecutive Strikes]
I couldn’t help but freeze for a moment before looking at the new class; seeing it, a smile couldn’t help but appear on my face.
It did not surprise me I got the class; old Remus had trained over decades, and if I had not entered his body and was still alive, he would have, without a doubt, gotten the combat class. 
Now that I had gotten the class, I felt relieved inside. I felt like I have merged better with the old Remus’s soul; everything felt better than before.
Old Remus wanted the combat class from the bottom of his heart; it was his wish after finding his mother, and now that I succeeded in achieving it, the parts of his soul that had merged with me had also become satisfied.
I have received a Warrior Class, and not a common fighter; it is level above it, and with it, I got two good skills.
The skills were nothing special, seeing they are skills of Warrior Class; some get even better, but these skills worked well together, which makes them very valuable.
Every fighter wants to make their skills work together, it increases their power, and the two I received naturally worked well together.
The Quick Step, as it said, quickened my steps, while Consecutive Strikes helped me launch many strikes at a fast speed. As for the power of these skills, it depends on the level of class and attribute of vitality and strength.



Souteneur Merchant (Lv. 5)

Lawyer (Lv. 2)

Warrior (Lv.1)










1.  Trusty Presence

2.  Worthy Goods

3.  Contract

4.  Shop Open

5.  Quick Steps

6.  Consecutive Strikes

Attribute Points:



I looked at my class window, there was my new class, and the skills it gave me had also appeared, but it is not all. There is also a strength attribute, which only appears when one gets combat class or other specific classes.
I wanted to get a combat class, but it was part of my future plan; I had no interest in fighting, but I wanted it for the strength attribute.
I have got it earlier than I had imagined, and after what I have experienced today, I am not going to use it only to balance my attribute. 
Thanks to the old Remus, I have a talent, and I am not going to let it waste.
Now, I have one more class; usually, people don’t keep more than three classes, even three are a lot, but I have a plan, and if everything works out in a few years, then everything will become one.
It will be extremely hard to do that, but I will strive for it with everything I have.
I did not waste more than a few seconds looking at my class and the window before taking out the healing potion from my pocket and drinking a sip of it.
I felt the refreshing cool feeling that entered down my throat into my stomach before spreading into my whole, before concentrating on the wounds on my shoulder and waist.
I enjoyed the cool feeling for a few seconds before walking Jonah and Dan, who were nursing their injuries.
“Here, take this; it will heal your injuries faster,” I said and gave the potion to Dan, who was getting bandaged by Jonah. 
Jonah is fine with few minor injuries, but Dan got heavy; the orc he had fought was quite powerful.
They looked quite surprised seeing me offering a nearly full bottle of potions, it cost as much as their services, but I did not care about the price of the potion. I want them in perfect condition, as they are the only ones who will save my life.
I did not forget how everyone had ignored us conveniently in the battle; only these fought for me.
He kept looking at me for a second before finally accepting the bottle with a hint of gratefulness. “Thank you, mister Silver,” he said, “I hope both of you will heal your injuries quickly,” I said and walked back toward the carriage.
I noticed the gazes of many people as I walked toward the carriage; there was surprise, shock, and even understanding in their eyes as they looked at me.
The most prominent of those gazes belonged to my family; I kept a smile on my face as I looked at them and even nodded at my uncle and brother.
They have done a very bad thing, and for it, they will pay dearly one day.
I opened the door of my carriage and went inside; there, I took out a small first aid kit. I sanitized my wounds with spirit before wrapping the bandages around them.
I did not have to do this, as the potion would heal the injuries within a few minutes, but I did not like the discomfort the open wounds gave me.
After bandaging myself, I looked out through the windows; nearly everyone was nursing their injuries. 
The healer casts her spells on important individuals while the guards are getting bandaged by the staff. Nobody came to me or asked me about my condition, not that I expected them to after what had happened.
A lot of people died in this battle that did not last more than fifteen minutes; most of them were the orcs who died, but two humans died too, and many suffered injuries, and it was all because of that idiot.
I did not know what made my father buy a title for this idiot. I know it, even when my father did not explicitly say it.
It was madam; she wanted her eldest child to be noble, so she forced him till he accepted. 
He did not put much resistance since he wanted the same thing but had a different candidate in his mind.
A few minutes passed when the door opened, and Brian walked in; he still looked quite shaken, as he nearly stumbled as he came inside.
“How are you feeling?” I asked as he sat across me. “Not good; I knew there would be danger but did not expect we would attack our way,” he replied with his voice shaking.
“The danger is only for a few days; it will lessen a lot after we reach the barony, and after all the nobles come to their territory, there will be an effective defense against them,” I said, to which he gave me a small smile.
“If you do find it dangerous, come to Grelheaven. I will give you a job,” I said, and it couldn’t help but surprise him.
“While working for me will not be prestigious as working for the baron, I will at least be able to match the salary, and it will be a lot safer,” I added to his stumped face.
In my conversation with him, I was able to find he is quite good at his job; it will be good for my business to have an employee like him.
I do not need an accountant now, but if the establishment keeps earning me money at this pace and I follow up with my future plans, I will need an accountant. 
“I will think about it,” he replied after a few seconds of silence.
I did not say anything and just watched; half an hour passed quickly when the carriages began to move again.
Time passed in silence; I watched the forest and got amazed at how quickly my injuries were healed by the potion. It did not take even an hour for my injuries to heal, and they have not left behind even a mark.
This is simply amazing; such a thing is not possible on earth, even with all the advancements modern medicine has made.
After little more than two hours later, after we resumed our journey, we stopped as we have reached our destination, the barony of Blain.
There is nothing here except for a small grey castle with square walls. The castle is new, not even a month old; the prince has made a castle in each of the thirty-two baronies.
It is expensive to construct so many castles, but seeing how much the prince had charged for the noble title and deed, the expense became minute. 
This move is also strategically important; the castle is big enough to house the forces and is defensive in nature. It would easily be able to defend, even when four times the number of orcs attacked it.
“My castle!” shouted Edwin unceremoniously as he walked out of the carriage with my uncle and Madam behind him.
They walked toward the castle; as they reached close to it, the huge gate of the castle began to open till it was completely open, and the five people walked out of it, with a middle-aged man leading them.
“Welcome to Castle Blain, Lord Silver,” said the middle-aged man as he bowed faintly. “Captain Markus, thank you for taking care of my castle,” said Edwin as she shook his hand with the middle-aged man before walking inside with them.
These are the prince’s people; after they hand over the castle, they will leave for the Mirador Hold.
It took a few minutes for carriages to be ordered in; I watched as the carriage entered through the huge-metallic gates and entered the bailey of the castle, which was wide enough that easily a thousand people could stand in it comfortably.
I opened the door and got out of the carriage, and couldn’t help but watch in awe.
It is not the first castle I have seen; I have seen bigger, but still, it couldn’t help but fill me with awe. 
It is not a fancy castle but one that is made with defense in mind; every part of it had a reason to be there, and there was no single vanity piece here. Though it is open enough that the owner could add them, I have no doubt that Edwin would do that.
I looked at the keep where my family disappeared with Captain Markus and others; nobody invited me, and nor had I expected them to.
I picked up the diary and began to walk around the castle with my guards behind me; I would stop and take notes on everything I noticed. 
I have been doing it since the moment we left the silver manor.
Grandfather had not sent me to watch the scenery; there is also some work, which I will do with complete honesty.
A little more than an hour passed when a short old man, with scorn in his eyes, appeared in front of me.
“Master Remus, you have been assigned room three on the second floor of the keep,” he said without a hint of any politeness.
He is Sigmond Ross, the butler; he is one most trusted men of madam and used to be the majordomo of her estates.
“Thank you, mister Ross,” I said with a smile. 
The keep is three floors tall; the top should be for Baron and family members, while the second floor should be for an important member of the staff like him and Lester woods.
They have put me with them. I wish I were surprised by it, but I am not.
He nodded haughtily and, to my surprise, snatched the diary from my hand before I could even react; seeing that, my eyes couldn’t help but harden immediately; it only made him smile at me mockingly.
“Lord Baron had ordered that no information about the castle should be spread outside; if you noted any information about the castle again, you would be punished according to laws of barony,” it said with scorn dripping through his voice.
“Old bastard, remember your place,” I thundered, stopping everyone around me in their tracks.  It surprised the old man, but soon the surprise was replaced by blazing anger at my disrespect.
“I am not taking notes, but writing the report that Grandfather had asked me; I will be sure to remember to write down my brother’s inability to control his dogs, that they will dare to talk to family this way,” I added, shutting his opened mouth close.
All the anger in the old man’s eyes disappeared, and he shuddered visibly in fear.
While my brother may be a Baron, it is a house that controls everything; if the house wants, it could easily replace Edwin and place someone else in his place, and grandfather is a house; everything he says, the members follow.
“My apologies, master Remus for the foul words I may have spoken,” said the old man and bowed deeply before handling the diary back with shaking hands and running away with his tail tucked between his legs.
I continued for around fifteen more minutes before I walked inside the keep; I had just entered the second floor when I found the madam in front of me, with the old man behind her with his head down.
“Madam,” I greeted her with the same polite tone as I usually greet her; there was no hint of anger or any other emotions that she would have expected, seeing how I suffered due to them and nearly died.
She seemed quite surprised by it but quickly schooled her expressions.
“Remus, my apologies for Ross’s behavior. He had too many things to worry about with us moving into dangerous territory and ended up speaking the way he shouldn’t,” she said, with a small smile on her face.
Her smile couldn’t help but surprise me. She always kept her expressions neutral whenever she talked to me.
“My apologies, master Remus,” said the old man from behind; I did not even look at him and stared directly at the eyes of Madam.
“I may be a bastard, but I am still a Silver.” I said, “A servant has shown scorn without a cause, broken one of the most important rules of the house; grandfather will hear about it,” I said without backing down.

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