City of Desire [Kingdom Building]

Chapter 11: Open

Sin Lord 11 Open



"Fuck, I am bored; I hate my father bringing me to this shit where there is no decent entertainment," cursed a blond man in his early twenties as the carriage rolled on the streets of Greltheaven.

"Careful, Vans, it would be bad if these words fall on the wrong ears," cautioned Meryn sitting across him. Vans glared at his friend irritatingly but did not say anything.

"Vans is right; this city did not have anything. In these four days, we have gone to its two casinos, five whorehouses, and a river ferry, which was the only thing that somehow entertained me," said Rand with a sigh as he turned to his friends.

They are from the Warsteel, the capital of the Empire. The city is tens of times bigger than this; it has every kind of entertainment and pleasure one would seek, even the forbidden type.

"So, where should we go?" asked Rand, and there was silence among the five for a moment. "Let's go to the whorehouse; I have heard the new one had opened today," Jarvis suggested, but nobody seemed much interested in his suggestion.

"Come on, it will at least be better than driving the carriage around the city for hours," he said and finally got the response.

They did that yesterday when they couldn't decide where they wanted to go; like idiots, they made the round across the city for more than two hours.

"Driver, take us to the new brothel," said Jarvis, and a minute later, the carriage took the turn toward the entertainment district.


"Sirs, we have arrived," the driver said twelve minutes later, and the five people who were busy in discussions looked out, and surprise couldn't help but be on their faces.

"Interesting colors," said Meryn; Vans and others couldn't help but nod at that.

They saw the big iron gates and wide walkway, which is lighted by the silvery light of Elyren Moonflower trees. At the end of the walkway is a beautiful mermaid fountain; in front of it is an entrance to the manor, painted in a beautiful shade of pink and violet.

"Driver, take us inside," said Javier, and immediately carriage walked inside, bathing in a silvery light of Elyren Moonflower trees, some of which went inside the carriage, giving it a soft silver glow against the magical silvery light that the carriage has.

"The parking space is nearly full," Vans said, sounding a little surprised as he got out of the carriage; he had not expected to see such a crowd on the opening day of the new brothel.

"Let's go inside," said Rand, and they walked by the mermaid fountain toward the lightly glowing steps of the manor before they reached the door, where they could see the huge hall, and what they saw inside the hall couldn’t help but surprise them.

They had not expected to see this in the brothel.

"Have we come to the right place?" asked Lenin because what they saw did not seem like a whorehouse; the surprising scene had only stopped them for a few seconds before they stepped inside, feeling curious.

"Welcome to Velvet Garden, patrons," said a melodic voice as they entered inside; when they turned, they saw a beautiful woman with flaming red hair wearing a shimmering black backless gown.

"Is this really a whorehouse?" asked Vans, and the luscious lips of the women curved a little in a smile hearing the question.

"It is, and I hope you all enjoy your time here," she replied without taking any offense from his crass language.

Vans nodded absentmindedly and turned,

There he saw a big, beautifully decorated hall filled with tables on which men and women in expensive clothes were chatting and laughing while a band played soft music in the background.

It does not feel like a whorehouse at all, but a restaurant that they would often visit, where everyone is dressed finely in expensive clothes and eating with immaculate manners.

The only difference is that there are no ugly women here.

Every woman is beautiful, dressed in clothes that seem to be tailored specifically for them. There is not a slight uncomfortableness in them; they wore clothes like a second skin and looked enchanting in them.

"It may not feel like a brothel, but it is," said Lenin, as he looked at men and women disappearing into the staircase and some returning from another.

"My friends, as you can see, there are very few whores have remained, and I would like to have one before others take them," said Rand and walked toward a young woman in her early twenties, sitting by a long bar wearing a low neck red dress, with a glass of golden brown whisky in her hand.

"You look ravishing if you don’t mind me saying," said Rand as he appeared beside the beautiful young woman wearing a silvery dress.

The young woman gracefully placed her drink on the counter and turned to Rand with a faint seductive smile on her face, “I don’t mind; I like the praises,” she replied.

“Then, you will definitely love what I am going to say next,” he said as he sat beside her.

In the next few minutes, Rand had nearly forgotten he was talking to a whore, but felt like he was talking to a peer of similar standing.

I watched the hall through the one-way mirror in a small hidden room that I had asked mage Valentina to make, and the things I saw couldn't help but put a smile on my face.

I had already expected the big crowd when I saw the parked carriages from the road, but still, the crowd in the hall had surprised me and what was even more surprising was the girls.

They are doing great, engaging with patrons, smiling, and laughing at their words while slowly seducing them.

The seduction is not for sex; they will have sex with patrons if they want it, but they do not need to. The system of a brothel is different; they will not need to have sex to get paid; the moment they start talking with the girls, their billing begins.

It did not matter if they were with the girls for a minute or an hour; they would be charged by an hour, and I don't think there would be much of a complaint because we are not selling just sex.

It is already proven those people seek partners other than their primary relationship are do it to satisfy their emotional needs rather than physical.

Though, though they take physical pleasures, it is the emotional comfort that they seek the most.

In this one month, through the various teachers and my methods, I have trained the girls in such a way that they would be able to fill that emotional void in their patrons, as well the physical ones.

‘I should be charging more as I am doing therapy for these people,’ I thought with a smile.

They are also eating and drinking a lot, which is good news; all the wine and food are the best, with the head chef and head bartender being above level 20.

I had to pay a premium to all, especially to those visible like band and serving staff; they didn't want to work in a brothel with standard pay.

I watched through the glass window for about an hour before I went back to the office, where I saw the gates being closed by the guards.

We are full; it is a scenario I had dreamed of having but did not expect would occur in the first or the first week.

There are already more than ten patrons who do not have any girls to talk to. So, it would be wise to close the door till some patrons leave.

While it is a good strategy to keep slightly more patrons than the girls, we could not keep too many as it would cause client dissatisfaction, which I could not afford.

I am willing to suffer the loss than let my patrons have a bad time in my establishment.

I did not stay in my office for long; I quickly ate the dinner, which was already placed on my table, and went back down with a notebook in my hand.

It is important I take notes, as it is what helps me decide what is working and what is not working.

I am taking notes on everything, from the places most patrons would prefer to the girls they choose and how quickly they would order the drinks and food.

Most importantly, how long they engage in the conversation with the girls before they go to wrestle in the sheets.

A few hours passed, and to my surprise, I noticed that 60% of patrons would spend at least an hour with the girls before they went to the rooms; 20% of them would make conversation for at least two hours before going to the rooms, while the 10% are just talking without going to rooms.

Some of those who were just talking had directly left the establishment rather than taking the girls to their room, and there was not a shred of disappointment on their faces but a relaxed smile.

There were other things happening that I had not planned, and some of them caught me by surprise.

All the tables have only two chairs, and even the stools by the bar are placed in a group of two. It is done intentionally so that each patron will have a private conversation, but as midnight rolled and more people began to come, I saw people asking for more chairs.

Now, some tables have one woman with two or three patrons, and some tables even have two or three girls with a group of four or five patrons.

I wanted to do this, but my research has suggested that it would not work, but it seems like it is working splendidly.

Seeing that, I sent a note to Carla to let more people in.

These girls are not common whores; they have been very dressed impeccably and with flawless makeup and have perfect manners, like the women of wealthy families. People will unconsciously relate to seeing those elements, and their behavior toward them will change.

It is due to this unconscious change that these people share the girls among themselves, even taking turns having sex with them, which gives them a different type of psychological satisfaction.

Outside, they could not bed any women of standing they wanted, but here they could bed anyone who looked like their wealthy friends, and that produced psychological satisfaction.

These types of psychological tricks are common on earth; established businesses on earth employ hundreds of them to sell their services and products.

I looked for a few more minutes before getting from the window and taking the secret staircase; I did not walk back to my office or my room but instead into the changing room.

"Continue," I said when they turned toward me.

There were two girls wearing pink robes sitting in front of the mirror while six different kinds of combs, brushes and other makeup instruments worked on them at a speed that was hard to follow.

This is a real ability of Eudo; from what he told me, he could control six things at once with the telekinesis skill, which let him work on six people at once; it is a sight to behold.

Every second there is a change appearing on the girls, their hair turning different from before, and new makeup replacing old; it is not just for the makeup, but also the clothes they are wearing.

Every time they change clients, they will come here for new makeup and a change of clothes, which might seem like a hassle and waste of resources and time, but it is not. From what I have observed in the past few hours, it is one of the best ideas I had.

It instantly attracts the attention of the patrons because even if they don't completely remember all the details, they can tell something has changed about them, and that creates curiosity and, with it, the attraction which we need.

"Girls bring the dress on the hanger number five and black lingerie from the number seventeen stand," said Eudo, and three teenage girls quickly followed his orders.

These three are also the girls who signed the contract, but since they are not eighteen, I am not going to use them, but I couldn't just let them freeload. So, they work; three of them have become assistants to Eudo while the others are doing different jobs.

The girls brought the clothes, and Lana got out of her chair and disrobed, completely naked; Eudo looked at every part of her and moved the brushes where the pleasure marks were; even the love bites had disappeared as the brushes moved over them, and her body became flawless.

As he finished with it, he quickly took control of the clothes the girls brought; they floated and flowed on Lana's body.

She is used to it, as without Eudo saying anything, she raised her hands and feet in a practiced manner, and within seconds, the lingerie and the dress appeared on her, which he topped off with some jewelry before applying some skill which tightened the dress, among other things.

At the end of the minute, she became radiant again, that I couldn't help but feel attracted to her.

"Thanks, Eudo," she said, "Master Silver," she said respectfully before walking out of the room.

I stayed in the changing room for an hour, and by the time I walked out, I was beyond sure that I had made the right decision in hiring him.

What I am paying him is much higher than what most makeup artists make, but given his level and skill, he is beyond worth it.

I did stay there for a long and walked out after half an hour.

I once again sat by the window and watched and was quite surprised when I saw even after midnight, the clients were not dwindling, usually, after midnight, the clients begin to lessen, but it is not happening.

I could tell many skills being active in the hall, but these skills are not powerful enough, which is one of the reasons I have spent so much on enhancing the other aspects of the girls, from teaching them different things to getting the best dresses and makeup.

Though I would have done that either way, they enhanced the features they already have, and they would have needed those skills for the kind of business I plan on running.

The level and skills are important, and I truly hope the girls level up after today; I need them to have high levels if I want to make the establishment a true High-class brothel.

While the establishment could be said to be a high-class brothel, it is on the scale of a small city. The true high-class brothel in the big cities is on a completely different scale, with most girls in them being above level 25 in their classes, which is a pretty high qualification.

Most people achieve level 18 on average in their lifetime; it could be a little higher or a little lower. Getting to level 20 is considered a milestone, and those who achieve it are called exceptional.

Carla said four girls are at level 19; she did not mention who nor I had asked as the level, and the classes are one deepest secret, which is considered rude and intrusive.


Time passed as I watched every aspect of the establishment, taking notes on everything; with so much writing, I began to feel the pain in my fingers, but I ignored it and continued writing.

Soon, it was dawn, and the last remaining patrons began to leave.

Watching the last patron leaving, I also got up from the window. I did not go to the hall; the girls had worked hard the whole night and needed rest.

So am I.

Though I am excited to see the numbers tomorrow, I am sure they will be good with the huge number of patrons the establishment served through the night.

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