City of Desire [Kingdom Building]

Chapter 01: The Brothel

Edited by Waylon Altizer. 14. Feb.

17th Feb, the Year 2705


"They have appeared," I said with a quivering voice. I attempted to conceal the fear in my tone, but I couldn't, as the massive swarm of the undead approached the city like a tidal wave.

I had fought against the undead, but never at this scale; it seemed unending.

I knew this day would come. I knew the army of the dead did not lack bodies, but I could not have imagined this.

I fear my army won't stand much of a chance against it.

It consisted of seasoned soldiers, mercenaries, adventurers, and individuals with little to no combat experience, some of whom had never even held a sword before. I look down the lines of men and women, seeing the fear in the eyes of veterans and amateurs alike.

What choice do we have but to fight in these circumstances? If we do not fight and repel the undead, every man, woman, and child will be turned by morning.

"Be truthful with me, Stone. What are our chances of making it through this?" I asked my general.

"Less than 20%, Lord Governor." replied the towering man.

More than I'd have given us. Still bad, though.

I turn towards the docks. It was the first time I'd ever seen it empty. It was thriving till yesterday, and now it is empty.

Count Darrow has escaped.

He abandoned the city that had brought him huge wealth and influence. Instead of standing with his city, he ran away in the name of seeking aid and took with him the people and resources that could have been used in defence of the city.

Had given us a real chance of victory.

It's been two years since I arrived in Greltheaven. In those two years, it has grown more than I had ever imagined.

I've found my own success in the city. My business has brought me more wealth than my father had earned in his whole life.

I had single-handily transformed my industry. I am the standard others hold themselves to.

Now, this horde will take it all from me, and the only one I can blame is that coward, Darrow.

If I survive this somehow, I will kill him, no matter the consequence.






"We have reached our destination, Master Remus," Hendricks said as the carriage pulled to a stop in front of the massive iron gates.

"I presume you won't be joining inside?" I asked, looking towards the elderly man from the carriage window.

He shook his head in response.

"I apologize, Master Remus, but I have urgent business to attend to in Redfawn and need to return as soon as possible," he replied regretfully.

"Thank you for your company. The journey would have been tedious without you." I said courteously.

"It was my honor to accompany you, Master Remus. Please accept my sincerest apologies for not being of greater assistance." the old man said with regret.

"What occurred was beyond our control, Hendricks," I said with a sigh as I stepped out of the carriage.

The door shut with a thud behind me as my feet hit the gravel path, and the carriage quickly pulled away, not pausing for a moment.

Seeing that, I couldn't help but shake my head with a smile.

I gazed at the carriage for a moment before turning my attention to the magnificent mansion in the heart of the garden. This was what my brothers had so graciously given me.

The mansion was a beautiful three-story structure, built in a classic imperial design that bore close similarity to the Baroque style of Earth.

It is a visual feast with a sensuous richness that makes one want to gaze upon it simply.

I was quite opposed to this project, but my father did not listen. He thought it was the right bet and would bring fortune as the city grew.

I had my own doubts about this.

It would be a miracle if this city weren't destroyed within a few years.

I was admiring the mansion when the front door opened, and a beautiful woman in a black dress stepped out. Despite her hurried pace, her movements were graceful and fluid, as if she were gliding across the ground.

"My apologies, Master Silver, I was not able to greet you when you arrived," she said as she opened the iron gates

The woman was Carla Salt, my father's choice to manage the business and carry out the responsibilities.

The woman is strikingly beautiful.

As she approached me, I couldn't help but be struck by her beauty. Her fiery red hair cascaded down her shoulders, complementing her piercing amethyst eyes. She had this mature elegant beauty that had me place her age in the early thirties.

Her facial features are delicate, giving her a softness that belies her occupation. After seeing her, I knew she had no trouble ensnaring men.

"You should have kept the guards, Carla. Given the nature of our establishment, we don't want any accidents to occur." I said as I walked inside with her walking beside me.

I never wanted this place, this business. I would have sold it all and started somewhere else if I could have.

When my siblings interfered with the inheritance, and I received this place, they influenced the direction my class took. Now I have no choice but to run this business despite my hesitancy.

Those bastards will pay for what they did to me.

However, I had to admit that the business did have potential. With the right investments, upgrades, and expansion, it could grow into a thriving enterprise, and I am determined to make that happen.

I want to prove it to my siblings that their decision to give it to me was a mistake. And with unique knowledge and hard work, I am confident that I could turn things around and make it a successful business.

I can remember the jeers of whoremaster as I left. I'll show them what a whoremaster can do.

"The security in the city has been strengthened with the influx of new people arriving every day. The city guards now patrol the roads nearly every hour," she replied.

"Still, reach out to the mercenary guild and procure some guards," I instructed.

After witnessing my father's murder right before my eyes, I don't think I could live without security. Even after two months have passed, I still experience nightmares about what I saw.

"It will be done," she said.

Soon, we reached in front of the mansion, and it was even more beautiful up close. It will become even more stunning once the work on it is completed.

There are people working around the mansion with speed and precision that would have been impossible for humans on Earth without their high-tech tools, but here, these people are achieving it with the help of simple tools.

It had been three years since I arrived in this world, and even now, the classes and skills still fill me with wonder.

"Only the final touch-ups remain; they will be completed before we open at the end of the week," she informed me as I gazed at the workers.

I nodded before walking with her, and soon we arrived at the door of the mansion. It was large and had mermaids carved on it so realistically that I felt like they were going to jump out of the door at any moment.

I can't imagine the kind of mastery it takes to create such intricate details and bring the mermaids to life with just a piece of wood or stone. It was truly a masterpiece. No less than a level 25 artisan could have made this.

Carla smiled seductively as she pushed open the door. "Master Silver, welcome to The Lord's Pleasure."

We stepped into the hall, decorated with gold and red. My father had chosen the design, which, to be honest, is quite gaudy.

I only glanced at the hall for a moment before turning my attention to the main attractions.

Beautiful women of all ages from sixteen to forty-five. All of them were looking at me I could see reactions from nervous anticipation to seductive smiles.

They are dreams come true; it took all my willpower to resist those gazes filled with the power of skills that wanted to enthral me.

"Master Silver, I present to you the women who will be serving in The Lord's Pleasure," I informed Carla, and I just nodded because I did not trust myself to open my mouth in front of them.

This is a brothel, an inheritance my siblings viciously stuck me with. They have bonded it to me with witch magic. A very expensive affair, costing them more than the value of this place. In their eyes, the price was well worth it, especially since it worked.

It usually does not work.

About a month ago, I turned eighteen, or this body did, as I am a decade older. Upon turning eighteen, I finally received the class that I had been eagerly anticipating for years - my base class.

I was supposed to get 'Merchant' class; with my pedigree and the work I have done, I would have gotten it, but with my sibling's machinations, I got something else.

Now my class is Souteneur Merchant. It could be said to be a fused class; a Souteneur Class is a cross between the Pimp Class and the Merchant Class. It is not a pure mercantile class like a merchant or trader. Thus, I will not get the inheritance the old man left for me.

My father left something valuable for me in his will, but there is a condition for me to receive it - I must have a pure merchant class.

Unfortunately, the class I received is not a pure merchant class. My siblings made sure I got this brothel, and I had no choice but to accept it, as it was the only way I could level up my class.



Souteneur Merchant (Lv. 1)








•     Trusty Presence

•      Worthy Goods

Attribute Points:



The class interface appeared in front of me as I willed it. One could have many classes; however, only one base class that one cannot reject.

The base class is the only class that provides attribute points when levelled.

I may not have gotten lucky with my class, but I got good skills. They are as good as one hopes to get and are practical. One skill is passive, while the other is active; I am already using worthy goods on these women, and I am getting a good response.

"Master Silver, do you want me to introduce the girls to you?" she asked, to which I shook my head. "No, I will take a look at the establishment first," I replied. I could see surprise appearing on the women’s faces before they controlled their emotions.

"As you wish," she said, bringing back her professional smile that had faint seductiveness.

"The whole establishment is made just as the old master had ordered, and the Nielson guild had done a very good job actualizing his vision," she said as she began showing me the mansion.

I already knew the plans, I was there when he had a meeting with the people of the construction guild and offered many suggestions, but he did not listen.

"All the rooms are soundproof and have the most comfortable setting so clients can have the best time. There is…"

Carla is detailed in her explanations, which gives me little need to ask questions; I have read the reports she had sent to Redfawn, and they were very precise.

The workers of the architecture guild were still working, and whenever we passed them, I could see them stealing glances at Carla.

she really is an eye turner. She is not the most beautiful of women here, but she is the most seductive. Despite having known her for less than an hour, I could tell she is apt at using every advantage she has.

The old man had made many mistakes, but he couldn't have picked a better choice as the person responsible for the establishment.

Soon, we appeared in the back garden and walked toward the middle-aged man in a black suit, who was speaking to a few people.

When he saw us coming, he quickly dismissed them and turned to us with a smile.

I could see him throwing glances at Carla, not always at her eyes. "Master Silver, this is architect Lloyd. He is responsible for the construction of the establishment." Carla said.

"Mister Silver, nice to meet you. I hope you liked the work of our guild," he said as he forcefully diverted his eyes toward me. "It exactly as my late father had envisioned," I replied, and the smile on his face widened.

"I am glad to hear that," he said and looked toward the mansion. "As you can see, we are nearly done; we will be finished within three days, which will give you ample time to open by the end of the week," he said, and to that, I just smiled.

"Mr. Lloyd, I would like to meet your boss tomorrow morning, if possible," I said to him, which surprised him and Carla.

"May I know what for Mister Silver?" he asked, eyes focused on me.

"Yes, it is about some modifications I want to make to the establishment," I answered, and the worry in his eyes eased away.

"I will inform head architect Davidson as soon as possible," he said with a smile.

I talked to him for a few minutes before walking back inside the mansion, ready to start with my plans.

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