Cinderella Fallen: Twisted Loyalties

Chapter 3: Chapter Three: Hunted

Aiera's POV

"Not. one. Step. Closer." I narrow my eyes on Kael as I point the dagger to his neck. He doesn't react. The only indication that he is disturbed is the way his eyes widen slightly.

"Is that?..." His gaze is fixed on the bejeweled handle of the dagger.

"You know damn well what it is. Is this enough to convince you that this isn't a joke? " I press the dagger closer to his neck, breaking skin and causing a drop of blood to flow down from his neck into the gold white collar of his uniform.

The guests gasp. It isn't normal for just any blade to break the skin of the king. His soldiers are already rushing towards us, swords drawn.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." I say to the soliders. He gestures for them to stop.

"Many of you don't know what is in my hand so I will explain." I dig the dagger further into his skin and more blood trickles down.

Kael's eyes plead for me not to say anymore but I don't listen. I tip my lips up into a cruel smirk, making sure to project my voice so the entire cathedral can hear me.

"This is the rumored 'blade of Astar' which was made from the bones of the first red dragon. It's the only thing that can kill Kings like Kael and Ryean, the vampire King of the eastern kingdom."

Kael's eyes glint with pain at my betrayal. The dagger was a secret no one else knew about. Me exposing it and threatening him with said weapon is proof enough that I have betrayed him.

Murmurs break out amongst the crowd. I ignore it. The pain in his eyes guts me and I lash out instead.

"Oh don't give the that look like you're the victim." I snap.

"Did you really think that we could be together while knowing who I am? It's cruel of you to suggest that. I am not giving into this illusion anymore." I grit out.

I remove the blade from his neck and press it against mine.

"Tell the guards to stand down. Don't try to follow me or I'll just kill myself. Trust me, I'll do it. I know you love me too much to let me die right?" His eyes are filled with so much anguish, it nearly guts me.

"Give the order. Do it now!" I say through gritted teeth, presing the blade further into his neck. His hardened eyes dare me to try to hurt him. I clench my shaking hand into a fist.

"Give the order now!" I growl.

"I, Alpha King Kael hereby decree that my mate," He gives me a stubborn look that dares me to deny it even after I have rejected the bond.

"shall have free passage wherever she goes within my kingdom." The anguish in his eyes crushes me..

Still keeping the blade in my neck, I keep my eyes trained on him as I walk backwards to leave but he grabs my hand and whispers.

"I don't know what is going on mate, but know this. I will find you. No matter where you go. You are mine." His eyes flash with the promise.

"Don't follow me." I grit out. The stubborn set of his jaw tells me he will be after me the moment I leave the temple. I already know that. That's why I'm betting on my own life.

"I'll end it all. I really will." Honestly, I am seriously considering that option. That would put an end to all this and I wouldn't have to see the look of anguish in my mate's eyes. He stretches out his arm as if to pull me into a hug. I take a step back instead.

I choke down sobs that threaten to escape me and I almost give in to the urge to run into his arms and let him whisper that everything will be alright. I stop myself mid way.

"Remember what I said Kael, don't follow me." I whisper.

Unable to help myself, I press my lips to his lips for a second and tear myself away so fast it's almost like it didn't happen.

Using his distracted state, I hurry down the steps of the altar and make my way out of the temple, ignoring the heated glares that Kael's subjects shoot my way.

My eyes meet the dowager Queen who has been silent since I pulled the blade out. I give her an almost interceptible nod. She is getting her wish. I am no longer in her son's life.

When I get out the door, I quickly set off the explosives that I rigged around the temple. The distraction should buy me some time. Even if I am going to hell for causing destruction to such a sacred place. I guess I'll just add it to my ever growing list of sins.

Similar explosions are being set in other parts of the city. The chaos will buy me time.

I am able to leave the capital city by nightfall, still surprised that I was not stopped in my way but I was half hopeful that I would be captured.

One my way there however, I make sure I maintain a low profile. Rumors about me have started to spread and wanted posters of my image are posted everywhere.

The story filters in my ear as I nurse a mug of ale in a rowdy pub.

"Have you heard?" The bartender says to his customer.

"What about?" She asks.

"They say the woman whose face is on the wanted posters is the mate of Alpha King Kael."

"What? How could that possibly be?" She asks in surprise.

His voice drops to a whisper. "There's more. There are even rumors that she made an attempt on his life and stole a treasure. The guards are looking for her everywhere and promised a reward for anyone that can give information on her where abouts."

The middle aged woman makes a clicking sound with her tongue.

"Such betrayal. How could anyone do that do their own mate? -nevermind that he's the King.

I knew nothing good could come out of their union. She is after all, Rhagar."

I can't listen to this anymore. Gritting my teeth, I drop a few coins and make my way out of the pub into the humid night air.

I already knew this would happen. It's not like didn't expect Kael to go after me but to be branded a traitor...

I clench my fists. I did betray him. What I did was unforgivable it's only right that I barely the consequences. The cold sheath of the dagger presses against my hip, reminding me of the gravity of my actions.

I was thinking of making this my last resort but I guess I have no choice. If I'm going to betray him I might as well go all the way.

There is only one place I can be safe from Kael' s reach right now.

I was going- Astra, the home of the vampire court and the enemy nation. It's also the last place Kael would think I could go.

With my mind made up, I set out on my journey, making sure to evade the guards along the way by cutting through the thick forests.

By the time I get to the border, I am apprehended instantly.

"Stop in the name of the Razar!"

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