Chronicles of the Exalted Sun Child

Book 1-03.2: Decisions and Consequences

The sentry saluted to Virgil when he arrived at the command centre.
Virgil returned the salute and strode inside to his office. He was so preoccupied with Yuriko’s Heritage that he almost didn’t notice Inquisitor Gorlyn sorting through the pile of reports on his desk.
Sarra Gorlyn was a short woman; relative to Virgil, most people were short, but Sarra was just a bit below the Imperial average. Her grey hair was held in a tight bun, her face as smooth as that of a woman in her prime. Her green eyes glared at Virgil, before softening to something just a bit warmer than ice.
“Captain Virgil Soren Davar. It has been a long time.” Sarra’s voice was flat and unemotional. “I hope you are enjoying your...retirement.”
“Very well, thank you,” Virgil nodded. “Raising my children in the frontier is a bit more relaxing than doing so in the Capital. Now, mind telling me why you’re here?”
Sarra tossed the papers she had been going through back on his desk. She nodded towards his seat. “Go ahead and sit.”
“So serious, Sarra?” Virgil smiled. “Are things so desperate that you can’t even share some kaf with an old friend?”
“Make it quick, then,” she sighed.
Virgil hid a smile as he walked up to a side table. An insulated pot containing freshly-boiled water hot and ready for use, cups, spoons, powdered kaf leaves, and a jar of honey were arranged neatly in a tray on top of the table. A spoonful of kaf went to each cup then, he poured a bit of water over the powder and stirred. Virgil breathed in the soothing, woody aroma.
“Honey?” he offered.
He set the cup of kaf down on the desk in front of the Inquisitor and the two of them sipped in silence for about five minutes. When Sarra returned the empty cup to the table, Virgil did the same and stared at the woman.
“I’ve tallied Wyldling incursions and what I’ve seen is troubling.”
Virgil raised an eyebrow. “You think we’ll experience a Wave in the near future?”
“Perhaps, there are fewer swarmlings and more Wanderers in the past years.”
Virgil nodded. Waves, or Wyldling invasions, were never a matter of coincidence. There was always a reason, and they would have to venture into the Tidelands to find out.
“I will need your help.”
“Who else?”
“I will let you know once the team is complete. I will not take no for an answer, Virgil. Your presence in a Hunt will increase the safety of the team, and the chances of success, by a huge margin.”
Virgil scrubbed his hair with his hand. “When?”
“In a couple of weeks.”
“Very well,” Virgil nodded. The safety of Faron’s Crossing also depended on this. If they could find out what the source is, they might be able to end it before it becomes a serious threat.
It would be dangerous. Not just because of the Wyldlings and whatever was organizing them, but also because they were to enter the Tidelands. At the very least, they were leaving in two weeks’ time; that meant they would have the Dark Moon on their side. The influence of Chaos in the Tidelands was lower during the Dark Moon and stronger during the Full Moon.
He would have to write up Yuriko’s training plan for the next month. Ancestors, but that daughter of his was too eager. He’d reminded her that the odds she would receive the Davar Heritage was low, but well, she wanted to try. He’d do anything he could for her but sometimes, things were simply out of his hands. There were many times he wished that Sadeen hadn’t been stationed at the Capital but he would have to make do. Hopefully, his letter would reach her soon.
A folded paper crane flew into the office. It landed between the two of them, its head facing Virgil. He touched it with his fingertip and it unfolded into a flat sheet of paper. A small pattern, glowing with Animus, was on the header. It faded away soon after, removing the creases on the sheet as it did so.
The letter was from the Watchtower, from Marron. It detailed a string of coordinates followed by patrol numbers. The only thing that stood out in the report was that all Wyldlings eliminated were Wanderers. No swarmlings.
“It seems we would need to move up our schedule,” Sarra noted.
“Better to be ready than hasty,” Virgil said.
“I’ll take your advice into consideration.” Sarra stood.
After Sarra left, Virgil fixed himself another cup of kaf. He sat quietly for a long while, thoughts bouncing between the Hunt and his family. He had a lot of things to do and preparations must be made especially if he wanted to return home in one piece.
Krystal was on her third parfait inside Faron’s Crossing’s Olde Sweet Shoppe when she saw Yuriko strolling on the sidewalk across the road. With the table at the al fresco area were Ishika Reyn and Millie Keryn, who had been at the Atavism Ritual with Krystal.
Her friend appeared to be deep in thought while she walked; still, she continued to move with the same, careless grace she normally had and her breathtaking features caught the eye of most of those she passed by.
As always, whenever she saw Yuriko of late, Krystal had to suppress a surge of envy. That she started developing more womanly attributes earlier than Yuriko was her only source of comfort.
Her friend wore her typical outfit of a somewhat baggy top, and tights or jeans. Admittedly, it showed off Yuriko’s legs wonderfully. The blue sweater Yuriko wore today covered her hips and thighs a third of the way down towards her knees somewhat like a dress. It was probably as close as she would ever get to wearing a skirt, at least, without anyone else prodding her. Krystal and the other girls wore sensible summer dresses.
“Yuri!” She yelled happily, standing and waving as she did.
Yuriko started a bit then, seeing Krystal, she smiled and waved.
“Come over!”
“Oh,” Ishika looked up from her confection when Krystal stood up. “How nice.”
Millie, on the other hand, was too busy with a spoonful of honey cake to care much.
Krystal sat back down, grinning. In less than a minute, Yuriko was making her way towards them led by a server who, Krystal noted, couldn’t help casting furtive glances at her friend.
“Sit, sit,” Krystal gestured towards the empty chair next to her.
“Hello!” Millie said in between bites of cake.
“Nice to see you.” Ishika greeted.
Yuriko nodded her hello and sat gingerly.
“A parfait, please,” Krystal ordered for her friend.
“What, no, no. Just a, uhm, a slice of honey cake will do.”
“Nonsense. Try this, it’s new from the Capital. A parfait please.”
Krystal, Yuriko, and Ishika were born in Faron’s Crossing, while Millie had moved with her family six years earlier. They all attended the Faron’s Crossing Preparatory School. The Atavism Ritual was held during their school break and classes would resume a week past the Harvest Festival on the 43rd Day of Fire. After finishing from there, they could then attend an Imperial Academy at Rumiga City or stay for the shorter courses locally. The three of them, Krystal, Ishika, and Millie had been discussing what they wanted to do before Yuriko arrived.
“You’ve completed the inlay?” Krystal asked Yuriko. Her friend’s deep sigh was enough of a response and Krystal gave her a pat on the shoulder.
“I guess you’ll stay here in Faron’s Crossing?” Ishika asked.
Yuriko shook her head. “No, I still want to enrol at Agaza. Da’s having me do foundational training while I work on my Facet.”
“Really? Well, I guess that’s how military families are.” Millie shrugged. Her family were mostly merchants, in fact, her mother ran the Sweet Shoppe while her father did trading runs around the plane. To hear her tell it, her father sometimes had off-world trading partners too.
“So...You’ve all inlaid your Facets?”
All three of them nodded.
“Pretty much what I expected,” Ishika said.
“Same,” Millie mumbled through a mouthful of cake.
“Don’t worry, Yuri. It shouldn’t take you long,” Krystal added.
“Well, I don’t know about you, but I’m somewhat envious that you got something unexpected,” Millie said.
“Millie!” Ishika gasped.
Krystal saw Yuriko frown, her expression highlighting the blueness of her eyes.
“What? It’s true.” Millie protested. “I didn’t really like my options.”
“Well...I wanted my Da’s Heritage,” Yuriko grunted.
“Instead, you get a mystery.” Millie grinned. “Look at it this way: you’re walking a new path instead of a well-worn one. It’s a chance to break the cycle.”
Krystal interrupted, “That’s enough Millie.”
The black-eyed girl looked up from her plate at Krystal, who looked at her sternly, then at Yuriko, whose face was reddening in anger. She snickered and poked Yuriko’s cheek. “That’s just me. Apologies if I offended.”
She blinked in surprise, then took a few deep breaths. Her cheeks still had a hint of red on them.
“Excuse me.” A masculine voice interrupted. The server, a young man in his late teens, placed the parfait and a long-handled silver spoon in front of Yuriko. Assorted fruits were layered with sweet cream in a tall glass. “Enjoy.”
“Thank you,” Yuriko said breathily.
Krystal couldn’t help smiling when she saw the boy blush. Millie rolled her eyes while Ishika shook her head ruefully. Yuriko remained oblivious, her eyes focused on the food in front of her.
When the waiter moved away, Krystal remarked, “You know Yuri, the day you get your period will probably spell doom for everyone in town.”
Yuriko blinked, “Huh?”
Yuriko shrugged. “I don’t know when I’ll have mine but Mum said hers was late, so I’ll probably be the same.” She took a spoonful of fruits and cream, then moaned in pleasure as she closed her eyes. “This is good!”
When her friend was halfway through her parfait, Krystal abruptly realized that she and the other two had been staring. “Ancestors,” Krystal breathed, shaking her head.
Ishika broke the silence.
“Anyway, we are all attending the training camp, right?”
“It's mandatory, isn’t it?” Yuriko said.
“Not really.” Millie shrugged.  “At least, not for those of us who aren’t part of a military bloodline. Although,” she added sardonically, “it’s heavily recommended.”
“Well, I’m going. It’s only for four weeks. And the things they teach there will help us in case things go to Chaos,” Ishika declared.
“It’s still a couple of weeks away,” Yuriko noted. “I hope to inlay my Facet by then.” She looked downcast for a moment. “Otherwise, the only thing I’ll be doing there is more foundational training.”
“Whatever the case, I think I’ll join you in the basics,” Krystal volunteered. “My Facet requires it.”
“Oh?” Yuriko perked up.  “Why don’t you join me every morning, then? I’ll be running a few longstrides daily.”
“Er…hmmm.” Krystal hesitated. “Only if you don’t demand I follow your pace.”
“Sure!” Yuriko looked at the other two girls, “Will you two join me and Krystal?”
“Ancestors, Yuriko” Ishika mumbled, “You’re as bad as the boys.”
“I am?”
“Well, have you seen them lately?”
“They’re probably at the training hall.” Millie grinned, a mischievous glint in her eyes. “Want to look? Armsmaster Trevor Byrne is teaching.”
Armsmaster Byrne was a retired Knight from the Capital just like Krystal’s and Yuriko’s fathers. Krystal’s father, Craig Zorin, served with Virgil for several decades.
“Yes, I’d like to see,” Ishika blurted.
“Alright, let’s all go?” Krystal asked.
Yuriko ate another spoonful and was staring idly down the street until Krystal poked her side.
“Fine. Let’s all go.” She took another spoonful, with a corresponding moan of pleasure. “After I finish this.”
Yuriko had a sweet tooth that she stubbornly denied, but Krystal knew that, as long as she continued to supply Yuri with sweets, the other girl would keep gobbling them up. At least until the point when Yuri’s self-control reasserted itself. Still, it was fun to tease her and Krystal was one of the few people who could get away with it.
Krystal called for the bill and the waiter returned with a piece of paper.
“Six Sovereigns,” he said.
“Can we get a discount?” Krystal smiled and fluttered her eyelashes.
“Er,” the waiter glanced at Millie, “Miss Keryn?”
“Sugar is expensive.” Millie snorted, “Besides, Six Sovvies is already discounted. We’d normally charge two apiece.”
“Oh, alright,” Krystal groused.
“It’s not as if you’re lacking money,” Yuriko observed as she pulled out a coin purse from her sweater pocket.
The three of them left a single silver penny, except for Krystal who fished out three from her purse.
The girls strolled down the road. Krystal found herself beside Yuriko in the lead while Ishika and Millie brought up the rear.
She grabbed Yuri’s waist and pulled her close, pinching as she did so.
“Hey!” Yuriko protested.
“Hmm, you’re filling out,” Krystal smirked, giving her another pinch. “No longer skin and bones. And...looks like someone’s no longer a washboard.”
“Lay off, Krys,” Yuri grunted, trying to slip out of the other girl's grasp. "Stop it!" She squeaked when Krystal found a ticklish spot.
Yuriko shoved Krystal off while doubling over, Krystal giggled while she danced away.
“Let’s take the Circuit Tram,” Millie suggested. “I don’t want to walk to campus today.”
The campus, where most of the town’s children were educated, was about a half-hour walk from the Sweet Shoppe. The wheeled transport was powered by the driver’s Animus, among other things, and was open for the public and trundled around the major landmarks of Faron’s Crossing. It took an hour for the tram to complete its circuit.
At the street corner, there was a shaded waiting shed for passengers. Luckily, there was a tram pulling up to the curb and the girls boarded it along with a few other pedestrians.
Ten minutes later, Krystal and the others were at the shed nearest the campus. Being in the seasonal break meant the campus was mostly empty of younger students. The only ones walking around campus were either those who had just gone through the Ritual, or older students who had chosen to stay in Faron's Crossing instead of leaving for the Academies in Rumiga City.
The Preparatory School was a large square building that stood three storeys high and nearly a hundred paces to a side. The structure stood around a garden area and playground. To one side of the space was the training hall. Most of the younger kids didn’t have much to do there, at least, not until they reached the year of their Atavism Ritual.
The silence of the campus amplified the sounds coming from the hall. Wooden weapons clacked against each other and the funny warbling sound of adolescent boys' voices filled the air. Every now and then, a deep, rumbling voice boomed “Strike harder, you weaklings!”
Krystal and Yuriko glanced at each other.
“Guess who’s there?”
“Aside from the Armsmaster, you mean?” Yuri shrugged. “Heron, probably. I thought I heard him squealing. And...Mikel?” Her forehead scrunched up. “Those two don’t like each other.”
“Well, Heron is a bit of a bully,” Ishika muttered from behind.
“Well, he doesn’t bully us girls, of course. You don’t notice how he pushes the other boys around?”
“He just has strong opinions,” Millie sniffed.
When they arrived at the hall, one figure immediately drew their attention. Armsmaster Byrne was a small man, shorter than Yuriko by an inch, but he seemed nearly as wide as he was tall. He was bare-chested, his glistening brown skin bulging with muscles. He held his arms, which were thicker than Krystal’s legs, across his chest. He stood watching the boys, barefoot, wearing pants that stretched over his equally muscle-bound legs. The only hair they could see was his thin goatee.
Six of their year mates were in the hall. Heron and Mikel were there, as Yuriko and Krystal surmised. Next to them were Janus, a rather broad boy with black hair and blue eyes, and Zeyn with his fluffy brown hair. Maryn, who had curly, shoulder-length brown hair, and Danika, chubby with blond hair that reached to her chin, were the only girls.
They were lined up by the wall, each holding a long pole with a weighted tip, all in a striking position: left leg forward, body sideways, left hand on the shaft and right hand close to the base.
“Hah!” Nearly as one, their left legs stomped forward while they thrust the training spear at an imaginary foe. Heron’s and Janus’s spears emitted a faint glow just as they thrust but it faded almost immediately. They paused after a full extension, the tips of the spears quivering in the air while the kids struggled to stay steady.
They returned to the ready position with an audible gasp.
Nearly all of them had sweat streaming down their faces. Danika looked ready to faint.
Krystal and Millie did an about-face and quite nearly ran out of the hall.
Krystal felt an invisible wave strike her back and she found herself paralysed mid-stride. One foot remained off the ground yet she remained completely steady. The pull of the force faded just as quickly and she would have fallen flat on her face if Yuriko hadn’t grabbed her arm at the last second. Her friend easily kept her steady and a glance showed that Yuri had an amused smile on her face.
In less than a heartbeat, Mister Muscles was standing behind them, his breath stirring up the dust. “Well, well. Looks like more people have come for training.”
“Uh, we were just looking,” Krystal replied nervously.
“Indeed. Look to learn. Act and train to burn it into your body. Come.”
With that, the Armsmaster grabbed Krystal and Millie by the arm and dragged them into the training hall. Ishika and Yuriko followed without protest, though Ishi’s face grew pale. Contrary to what Krystal expected, Armsmaster Byrne didn’t immediately hand them a practice spear and have them do striking. Instead, he lined them up by the wall, eyeing their clothes.
“Not here to do physical training, are we? Well, no matter, knowledge is always good. You’ll have enough PT during your mandatory training camp,” Byrne grunted. “Ms Davar, what are you here for?”
“I merely accompanied my friends here.” Yuriko shrugged. “Da told me not to rest until tomorrow.”
Muscleman grunted then turned to Krystal. “Miss Zorin?”
“Um, curiosity? I heard from Mikel that you’d be conducting lessons this afternoon for anyone interested.”
“Miss Reyn?”
“Same as Krystal, sir.”
“Miss Keryn? Don’t tell me--you’re bored?”
“Fine, have a seat. You’re late by half an hour and you didn’t bring any training gear. That’s okay, you can do so tomorrow. Miss Davar, will you join?”
“I’ll ask my Da.”
“Very well. Miss Zorin, you as well?”
“My father told me to join.”
“Miss Keryn, I suggest you take my extra lessons or you’ll find your mandatory camp much harder than you think.”
“Oh. All right.”
“Same goes for you, Miss Reyn.”
“I’ll ask my mum. But I don’t mind sitting in on today’s lesson.”
“Today’s lesson is done. We’re left with practicals and sparring.”
While Muscleman talked, the other six were recovering their breaths, either leaning on the wall or doubled over, panting heavily. Muscleman glanced at them and barked, “rest for ten minutes. You four gather round.”
Once they did, he continued, “Today’s lesson is all about empowering your weapon with Animus. Before your Atavism Ritual, you would not have had enough to do so without using specialized weaponry. Now you do. This is a fundamental skill that all members of the Empire must learn. It is also part of what you’ll learn in the training camp. It’s not an easy or a quick skill to learn, however, so you should start as soon as you can.”
He cleared his throat. “Inlaying the pattern for an Empowered Strike will tie up five lumens of Animus to begin with. Using it will spend as much Animus as you care to put in your weapon but you’ll likely waste a lot starting out. In time, you can limit your wastage, allowing you to last longer in a fight. For now, we will begin by getting a feel for it first. Yes, Miss Davar?”
“I’m down to my reserves.”
“Make sure you’re at least three-quarters full tomorrow. You can stay and watch your friends.”
Yuriko nodded.
“The basic form of Empowered Strike can only efficiently pierce a swarmling’s Protective Field. You can still use it against Wanderers, but higher than that, and it would be as if you used a weapon without Animus against the Wyldling--in other words, completely useless. The pattern for Empowered Strike is created on your left or right hand. If your Facet is located on either hand, you may inlay Empowered Strike on the opposite or choose not to do so.”
Krystal’s eyes wandered while Muscleman expounded. Learning Empowered Strike or any kind of Animus technique that can be used to penetrate a Wyldling’s Field was pretty much a necessity when entering the service. Her father had already chosen a technique for her, so she probably would not learn this one. Still, all basic Animus techniques had enough commonalities that practising this would probably help her learn others.
The six kids who had preceded them in the training hall were scattered about, the boys flocking together while the two girls inched closer to Krystal and the other three. Krystal noticed Millie’s ears twitching and, considering her Facet, she was probably listening in on whatever the boys were talking about.
Janus was leaning against the wall, trying to get his breathing under control. Mikel was speaking with Heron, though from the look on his face, the conversation wasn’t going well at all. Zeyn was sitting cross-legged on the wooden floor staring in the girls’ direction.
Krystal pursed her lips thoughtfully. Zeyn was barely blinking and the corners of his lips were curling up slightly. He wasn’t looking at her, she would have felt it otherwise. She turned her head to follow his gaze and she rolled her eyes after she did. Yuriko’s sweater had ridden up her leg and the shape of her bottom was clear. She shuffled closer to Yuri, blocking Zeyn’s view and noting with a smirk that the boy’s head jerked up to Krystal’s face before he quickly looked away.
Yuriko was completely focused on Muscleman’s words and, of course, didn’t notice anything.
“...well, given what I’ve explained just now, you may attempt to use Empowered Strike without a pattern. Doing it entirely by your own will is neither easy nor fast but, as with anything, practice will eventually make it easier and faster to do.”
Still the same things that her family had already taught Krystal. But she knew that, unlike her and Yuri, Millie and Ishika wouldn’t have this knowledge. Not the specifics, anyway.
“Why would you even say that?” Mikel’s heated voice reached Krystal’s ears.
Krystal looked back towards Heron and Mikel. Millie didn’t even bother pretending to listen to Muscleman anymore; she was looking at the boys too.
“Well, care to prove me wrong?” Heron said coldly.
“What, you want a fight?”
Heron, at this point, stepped close enough to Mikel that he was looking down into the shorter boy’s eyes. “Bring it.”
‘Boys.’ Krystal thought, her heart filling with anticipation. Looks like there would be a show to watch after all.

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