Chronicles of Ryan the Wizard

v4 Chapter 3 - Mosaic Magic Core

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Vladimir has come up with a set of tools and placed them on the test stand. Seeing them all coming up, Vladimir said, “Give me the magic wand.”

Faras handed the magic wand in his hand to Vladimir, who was like a drunkard who saw the wine, with a feverish light in his eyes, grabbed the magic wand in his hand, and observed the magic wand carefully. The magical rune kept saying, “What effect does this magic array have? Why did Master Victor put it here. This array is used for gathering energy, actually simplified so much, Master The master … “

It seems that this President Vladimi has ulterior motives, no wonder he is so enthusiastic about changing Farath’s magic core.

Faras did n’t want to listen. Anyway, his teacher was the best at making these things. It ’s okay to find him if he lacked anything. However, the teacher said that these things are not good for Faras himself. After being beaten by Faras, he barely made one. Give her a magic wand.

Ryan was very curious about these things. He had never studied the making of magic items. He wanted to learn, but he didn’t know how to learn. His face naturally showed the yearning expression.

Faras looked at Ryan from time to time, and suddenly saw this yearning look on his face, and secretly laughed in his heart: “It turns out that Ryan is not omnipotent.” She decided to help Ryan, Faras deliberately aimed at Fran Jimmy said, “Old man, will it work? Haven’t done it for so long?”

Vladimir said in his mouth, “It’s coming, it’s coming soon. I’m studying the role of this wind magic array, you wait.”

Faras said: “No, I decided not to find you anymore. You have learned all the magical arrays on this magic wand, am I not very disadvantaged?”

Vladimi quickly took out a book from his arms and threw it to Farath, saying, “This is my experience notes over the years. You can take it and see it. Although it is not as advanced as Master Victor, it is still a little more insightful. very good.”

Faras took the book one by one and changed it to Ryan.

Ryan froze and took it.

This is a very old book. It’s about the size of Ryan’s two slaps. The material looks like some kind of metal, but it can be lightly flicked in your hand. It doesn’t have the heavy feeling of metal.

Ryan looked at Faras with a little question. The latter smiled at him and said, “Did you not see this, Ryan? This is made by the magician using mitral silver and many valuable materials, and is usually carried with you. It is used to record the experience of the magic he has learned, or to save important information. The president will take it out, and it is estimated that it is very distressing. “

Ryan listened to Faras’s words, and he looked down carefully at the magic book in his hand. It seemed that something was carved out of the five continental linguistic words of “Magic Experience” in the writing. There is also Fra in the lower right corner of the book Jimmy’s name.

Ryan followed Teacher Draenei’s study of magic and also learned the lingua franca of the mainland. They still knew these words.

Ryan put the book in his left hand and gently opened the first page with his right hand.

The magic book was gently opened, without making a slight sound. Ryan squeezed the pages of the book with his hands, and found it very soft, but strong, and he was even more curious.

Lane carefully recognized the words on the book. The entire book is written in Continental Chinese, but it doesn’t look like it was written with ink from the tail feathers of a certain bird, it’s more like being engraved on it.

Ryan felt relieved that he could understand it. He knew that it was not time to learn these things, so he put this magic book into his storage pocket.

Vladimi had finally finished studying Farath’s magic wand, he said with regret, “The master’s work is like an antelope hanging a horn, and there is no trace to follow. The entire magic wand actually achieved it with five magic circles. The magic effect of using the top magic core to increase the magic. The clever connection between the arrays is amazing. Although I can also make something with this effect, the magic array used is at least ten times more. The master is generous. People have to admire. “

Ryan asked strangely: “Does it matter how many magic circles are used?”

Vladimir said: “It can be seen that Master Victor does not intend to make too many magic items for his disciples. In fact, these 5 magic circles can be made into a ring size, with a fire demon. The core is enough to achieve the effect. And if I do, if it is not a carrier like the magic wand, how can I engrave more than fifty magic circles? “

Ryan listened to Vladimir’s explanation and suddenly realized.

Vladimir stopped talking. He took the tool and took the red gem from the top of the Farath magic wand. Then he picked up the 7th-level magic core that Farath gave him and carefully inserted it into it.

Vladimir finished all this and gave the magic wand to Faras, who was glad to take his magic wand and gently stroked the wand’s core.

Vladimir said: “Let’s go and test the effect.” After that, he led the team to the second floor.

Gillian was still in a daze.

Vladimir didn’t care about him either, pointing to a black slate erected in the corner of the wall, and said to Farath: “You use fire magic to attack that slate and see how it works.”

Faras glanced at Ryan and said, “No joke, me.”

Ryan shrugged his shoulders and motioned Faras to test.

Faras stood in position, and she was ready to cast her system attack magic with full force. With the practice of the Black Iron Slate of the Magic Guild, why did you miss such a good opportunity.

A small ball of flame condensed on the top of the Faras magic wand, and then sprayed out. This flame burned on the black iron stone plate for a while before slowly disappearing.

Vladimir nodded and said, “Three levels of magical flame spray, with such a large spray area, is very good.”

Faras didn’t answer Vladimir’s words, she read the fireball spell, and a large flame gathered at the top of the magic wand. Soon, Farath’s magic was completed, she used a magic wand to lightly fire the fireball.

The fireball hurried towards the black iron slab. After the collision, there was a violent explosion. The flames splashed, and Vladimir marveled: “Well, the third-level fireball can have this effect, which can almost reach the power of the fourth-level magic. “

Vladimir said to Farath: “You can try to cast four levels of magic. Such a good fire magic core, coupled with Master Victor’s magic circle, should allow you to cast off the level.”

Faras nodded, she read the spell out loud, and she held the magic wand in both hands to draw various poses. Ryan clearly felt that a large amount of fire elements had gathered around Farath.

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