Chronicles of Ryan the Wizard

v3 Chapter 11 - Subversion of common sense magician

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the magician Lane biography!

After finally solving the unexpected enemy, Faras hurried towards Ryan. Seeing that Ryan was covered with blood and internal organs, they were worried about his injury, and Reid immediately cast a “healing wound” magic on Ryan.

Under the influence of Reid’s magic, Ryan felt that he was gradually recovering his physical strength, and the injured place soon no longer hurts. He smiled and waved his hand, indicating that he had nothing to do, and then pointed to the broken left corpse of the burning “left hand” on the ground, indicating that the **** things on his body were all enemies.

Faras finally let go of her worries, but another question came to her mind again. She looked at Ryan, who was sitting on the ground and gasping for exhaustion, and asked, “Ryan, are you not a magic apprentice? Why is your magic It’s so powerful! Even this powerful assembled monster has been killed by you? “

Ryan took a deep breath and said to Faras: “This is not my own killing. I ca n’t kill him without Allen ’s control. This guy is more powerful than when he was in Giethoorn. many.”

Reid asked Ryan with doubts: “This guy just attacked Fani just now, why did you pounce on you as soon as you talked?”

Elendo had already taken the herbal medicine he had configured, and the medicine was exerted quickly. Elendo’s chest was no longer painful. Allen looked at Ryan still tired, and explained to him: “This assembled monster was originally the captain of Sainat. When we were in Giethoorn, we had dealt with him. At that time, Ryan killed him He. But I thought I would meet him again here today. “

Reid was taken aback, his voice even trembling slightly: “You said he was the left hand that was attempted to attack the Holy Knight in Giethoorn but was killed by a little magician?”

Allen nodded more.

Reid shouted silently: “The gods of light are on top, Ryan, you turned out to be the little magician who killed the left hand.”

Ryan’s breath has slowly been adjusted, he smiled and said: “Good luck.”

Reid shook his head, with a trace of envy on his face, saying, “Do you know? On the Empire’s Wanted List, this left hand has a bounty of 5,000 gold coins. This is a trivial matter, this time in Giethoorn, we heard If it were n’t for a little magician to help Bacon, the Holy Knight would probably be wiped out for the first time, which is the greatest shame of the Golden Knights. Are you really the two teenagers in Giethoorn? Bacon did n’t Have you said anything to you? “

Ryan rested for a moment and gradually recovered his strength. He propped up on the ground with his hands and stood up. Ryan moved around, feeling that there was nothing but pain in the place hit by his left hand. Hearing Reid saying this, Lane thought about it and replied: “Master Bacon just invited us to be a guest when he went to the Imperial Capital, and the rest was nothing.”

Red smiled Dorian and said: “Bacon, the miser, actually invited you to be a guest. It’s really rare. But you’ve done a great job for them, but it makes sense. After we return to the capital, you go to He, for your benefit. “

Ryan said: “I didn’t think so much at the time. I just saw Bacon and they were dangerous and rushed straight up. Fortunately, the goddess of luck is on my side.”

Alina and Oz inspected the battlefield and confirmed that all the men in black had died, and then came over.

Elena heard Ryan’s words and said aloud: “Ryan, you don’t want to say anything about it. How can you kill someone with the strength of the ‘left hand’ by luck alone? But how many secrets do you have? .. I saw you holding a short sword just now, can you still use martial arts? “

Ryan scratched his head and said, “Well, I know a little bit.”

Elena said, “What’s a little bit? I’m so humble. I don’t dare to insert the dagger into this guy’s back. If he hits his backhand, he won’t be able to fly me.” Lena saw the scene where Ryan pierced her left hand with the shadow-cut dagger.

Fara said to Ryan with a trace of blame: “I said, how dare you walk outside by yourself, so you can still martial arts? Let Alena admire, and your martial arts must be good. But, one will Are the magic apprentices of martial arts still called magicians? “

Ryan scratched his head again. He found that he seemed to be scratching his head now, and said stupidly: “Will magicians be called magicians?”

After listening to Ryan ’s words, Faras could n’t say anything. Ryan was right. When the Magic Guild conducted the magic test, it only required the participants to cast magic, and did not say that they would not be allowed to come. Such teammates really don’t know what their luck is.

Redden suddenly laughed, and Faras glanced at him white, saying, “What are you laughing at?”

Reid said: “We made it this time. You see, we only hired a magician from Ryan, but there is one more magician and one warrior in the team, which is more cost-effective.”

Faras had nothing to say about Reid. But Faras was trained by the nobility after all, and she quickly adjusted her mind.

Faras walked over to Ryan, bowed deeply to Ryan, Ryan was startled, and quickly let go, saying, “Farath, what are you doing?”

Faras said: “My bow, I thank you, thank you for appearing in time, attract the attention of the guy in the left hand, and wipe out other people in black for us …”

Ryan didn’t wait for Faras to finish, and quickly said, “Isn’t this necessary? The companions of a team should have faced the danger together and helped each other.”

Faras interrupted Ryan and said, “No, this is just the first reason, and the most important reason is my own mistake.”

Ryan could n’t understand Faras ’s words, and Faras explained: “We invited you to join in Alfa City, but we did n’t pay much attention to you in our heart, just used you as a substitute. Today, your strength proves my mistake , So I want to apologize to you. “

Faras said sincerely: “The most important thing about my mistakes is that I didn’t get to know you and Elendo seriously. When you asked each other to cooperate with each other for many times, I was just perfunctory. Or the teamwork of our original 4 people. As the captain of Lace Squad, I did n’t even know the strength of the two new companions, nor did I arrange positions for them. I just used them as a substitute. This is I have failed as a captain, so I want to apologize to you. “

Ryan waved his hand and said sincerely to Faras: “Farath, you do n’t want to be like this. Everyone is familiar from strangers to acquaintances to acquaintances. This is normal. What ’s more, you treat me and Ai Rondo is very good, I did not feel anything unpleasant. “

Faras said: “Please call me Fani, my good friends call me this way.”

Ryan said: “Okay, Fanny. Don’t worry about this matter, we are all companions, and let’s talk about it.”

Faras saw that Ryan really didn’t care, put a stone in his heart, and said, “Okay, don’t say this. Let’s discuss what to do next.”

After listening to Faras, everyone came around.

Faras said: “This ‘left hand’ is so powerful after being transformed into an assembled monster, I am afraid that the people who make it will be even more powerful. Everyone talks about what to do next.”

Reid said: “We have heard this assembled” left hand “saying,” Master Shande needs more blood “. It seems that Ellendo’s guess is correct. This guy called Sandru is indeed doing some Kind of ritual, and this ritual has reached its final moment. “

Faras said: “Yes. We can only go in and out now. These black men are the ones who made the disappearance. They robbed the young miners and brought them here to let the assembled monsters go deep into the cave. Now that the men in black are dead, Sandro, who presides over the ceremony, should know soon. “

Ryan made his own suggestion: “Since that is the case, we will kill them immediately. They should not be aware of the situation on the ground and should be able to be surprised.”

Everyone discussed it and decided that Ryan’s method was the best and decided.

This time Faras rearranged his personal position: “Elena, you will be at the forefront with Oz, pay attention to the traps; Ryan, you and me are in the middle, and the enemy will cast the magic as soon as possible; Reid you Behind me, pay attention to the protection of Oz in time to avoid accidental injuries. Ellendo, you are agile, just at the end of the team, pay attention to vigilance. If you find a large enemy, Elena, you will come back behind us Vigilant, Ellendo rushed up and fought side by side with Oz. That’s it. Is there anyone else’s problem? “

Everyone agreed, and understood.

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