Chronicles of Ryan the Wizard

Chapter 4 - Wolves in the village of Anceno

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the magician Lane biography!

The village of Anceno is a very small village in the mountains of the western empire, with less than 200 people in the entire village. Although it is only one day away from Takri town to Anceno village, when entering the mountain, the road becomes very difficult to walk, and there is even a section on the edge of the cliff, so although this task was released for a few days, Nobody cares. Hunting wolves, there are not enough people, there are too many rewards, too few points, and the road is difficult to go. Many mercenaries just look at it and shake their heads to find other more efficient tasks.

But such a task is almost tailor-made for Ryan. Ryan’s hometown is also in the Hengduan Mountains. This kind of environment has long been used to him. As a hunter, he has various ways to deal with Warcraft. Therefore, after a good night’s sleep, Ryan got up early and rushed to the village of Anceno.

The weather in July was hot, and Ryan was walking in the dense forest following the route marked on the map. He could also feel the intense sunlight that penetrated the heavy trees and shone on his body. In addition to drinking the clean water, Lane went very smoothly along the way. When the sun went down, Lane came to the village of Anceno.

The village of Anceno usually had few outsiders, so the presence of Lane alarmed the villagers. Soon, Ryan saw the village chief under a big tree in the village. The head of the village of Anceno is an old man in his sixties. He is sitting in the middle of the village under a big tree surrounded by two people. He is wearing a gray linen cloth and a black hat on his head. The thin body seemed to be blown away with a gust of wind, and there was a worried look on his face.

Although Ryan took out the magic crystal that symbolized his mercenary status, the village head was still worried. In his view, Ryan was just a minor child. What can he do in the face of a ferocious wolf? It is not that the village has not organized young and strong men to kill wolves, but the result is 1 death and 5 injuries. Until now, the most injured are still lying in bed.

Ryan saw his concerns from the head of the village. He did n’t talk much. He just cast a magical missile and knocked out a crow that kept chirping in the tree. This rash act made the village head ‘S complexion changed immediately.

The village leader jumped up excitedly, ran to the open space, looked up at the sky, and yelled out loudly: “Magic man! God, he is a magician. Anceno was saved. The great **** of light is on you Did not forget your people, he must have been sent by us to save us … “

Ryan looked at the excited village head and regretted his rash behavior. At the age of the old village head, he jumped and jumped like a young man and yelled with exhaustion. He was very worried for him. He won’t be able to fall to the ground in the next moment.

But the imaginary scene in Ryan’s heart did not appear. The shouting of the village chief attracted people from the whole village. Seeing everyone around him, the village chief stopped those behaviors that did not meet his age and gasped to tell everyone the good news. When they learned that a magician was coming to help themselves, all the villagers shouted excitedly, and there was hope in their eyes.

It was easy to get rid of the excited villagers of Anceno, Lane followed the village head to his house. The wife of the village head is long gone, and his son is a dock worker in the remote Haifeng City. So the head of the village packed up the bed where his son was sleeping for Ryan to rest.

After a simple dinner, Ryan and the village head stood next to the table and discussed the details of hunting the wolves. Knowing that Ryan would perform magic, the village head changed his predecessor’s confidence in Ryan very high, and he had no clue to speak. Once he talked about the wolf pack, and then he talked about his life trivia. Ryan asked for a long time before he could barely understand the situation in the village of Anceno.

It turned out that the village of Anceno is rich in wood, and the villagers make a living by cutting down trees and planting mushrooms. Every autumn, the merchants of Haifeng City, the largest port in the east of the empire, will come to Anceno to purchase wood. Good-quality wood will be shipped to Haifeng City for making ships, or transferred to other places. The poor quality, unsellable wood was used by Ancheno’s women and children to grow mushrooms.

Life in Anceno has always been calm, and villagers rarely see aggressive Warcraft. However, not long ago, a tree felling forest in the village of Anceno was attacked by a group of winter wolves, and several villagers who were cutting down trees escaped by chance. But this group of winter wolves seems to have settled near the lumber yard, and has also appeared around the lumber yard from time to time. This makes the residents of Ancheno panic and never dare to work in the lumber yard again. The loss of the main economic source of Cheno Village has made the villagers lose their means of survival.

In order to drive away the winter wolf, the village head also organized a dozen young and middle-aged people in the village, hoping to hunt or expel the wolves. But when the hunting team met the wolves, they discovered that things were far worse than expected. There are twenty-seven winter wolves!

As a result, it goes without saying that Anceno’s hunting team was dead and wounded in 1 and fled in embarrassment. The village chief had no choice but to send people to the mercenary guild in Takri town to issue a mission to hunt the wolves.

Knowing the specific situation of Anceno, Ryan felt strange in his heart. He thought that there were only a few winter wolves here, and even quietly speculated that there were five winter wolves, because the bonus of the task is 5 gold coins, but I did not expect it to be a whole. There are 27! No wonder this quest to hunt Warcraft is ambiguous. No wonder this task looks very simple but no one takes it. It turns out that this is the case. It must be the village head in order to save a little gold coins, and at the same time not to frighten. The mercenaries did this deliberately. If it is true that 27 winter wolves are hunted, I am afraid that it will take more than five mercenary groups to dare to receive it. The cost will be at least 50 gold coins, and now only one tenth of the original gold coins are needed to put yourself in. ” “Cheat” came. It is also blamed that Ryan does not have experience in this area. In fact, as long as you think about it, you will understand that a village is attacked by a group of third-level Warcraft. If there are only a few of these third-level Warcraft, why should this village of nearly 200 people go to the servants? The guild publishes missions!

Thinking of this, Ryan glared fiercely at the head of the village. The miser really killed himself. According to the regulations of the Mercenary Guild, if the mission is not completed next, it will be punished, and Ryan does not want his first mercenary mission to end in failure. There is no way but to stick to the scalp.

What method can be used to hunt 27 winter wolves? And one-time hunting, otherwise the surviving winter wolves will run away, they will hide deeply, and come back to revenge after raising the injury. At that time, I had already left, and then the villagers of Anceno were suffering. Doesn’t this mean that I didn’t complete the task? Ryan felt his head start to grow bigger.

Lane carefully recalled his father’s habits about the winter wolf:

The winter wolf is like a group of warcraft, the whole wolf group migrates for food under the command of the head wolf;

In normal life, there will be more scattered formations, and there are special winter wolf warnings;

Fighting in groups while hunting prey is very brave;

The winter wolf is very afraid of fire.

For wolves of this size, if hunters in Thick Fog Town come to kill, there will be seven or eight people, and they have to prepare beast traps and dig traps in advance. Now the young and middle-aged here in Ancheno have just suffered losses. I am afraid that there will be a shadow in my heart. It seems that I can’t count on them to help me. Do you kill 27 winter wolves listed as level 3 in the Warcraft Books by yourself? Pig boars are only level 3! This is really a headache.

Ryan thought left and right. He had no clue. He had no experience as a mercenary. He naturally didn’t know how to deal with this situation. In his cranky thoughts, Ryan suddenly remembered his two teachers. If Mr. Caleb is there, it is estimated that he rushed directly. The earth bear of level 7 can only take 3 punches. This little winter wolf is of course not to mention. Obviously, this idea is just to think about it, but he does not have the perverted strength of Mr. Caleb.

Ryan felt cold all over when he thought he was going to rush into the middle of the 27 winter wolves alone.

If it is Teacher Dranai, it is estimated that some magic may be used … um? correct! Lane remembered what Mr. Draene once said: “A qualified magician does not look at how much power he has, but whether he can use his power skillfully.” The 27 Winter Wolf sounds like a large number, In fact, as long as you choose the right opportunity, as long as a large-scale killing magic can be solved.

Thinking of this, Ryan slapped his thigh and said involuntarily: “Fireball!”

“Ouch!” The village chief sitting beside Lane cried out in pain.

Ryan was also immersed in his own ideas, and said smoothly: “I shoot thighs, what is your name.”

The village chief frowned, rubbing his thigh and said, “But you are shooting my thigh!”

“Haha ~” Ryan smiled when he heard the village head. “The head of the village, I have already thought of a way. Tomorrow I will check the nearby terrain and prepare to hunt the winter wolf!”

The next day, Ryan found the Ancenow lumberyard under the guidance of the village head, and he observed the living habits of the wolves from afar. It is their head wolves who are in charge of this group of wolves. This wolf is the most robust of all wolves in the winter wolf. It is very cunning. It is always paying attention to the environment around the wolves, and it will be alert when there is a little wind and grass.

Once Ryan wanted to get a closer look and did not expect to step on a branch slightly when leaning in. This slight noise immediately caused the wolf ’s idea. If Ryan carefully concealed himself from time to time, he was almost discovered by it. Too.

After two days of observation, Lane discovered that the winter wolf pack would drink water at a small stream near the logging farm of Anceno at noon every day. When drinking water, the wolves of the wolf pack will stand outside to guard. After the wolves drink water, the wolf will leave the alert position to drink water by the stream. After drinking the water, the entire wolf pack will walk back to its den along the road it came from. This discovery gave Ryan a preliminary idea. After carefully debunking every detail, the entire plan was formed in Ryan’s mind.

On the fourth day, Ryan arrived by the creek early.

The key to the success of this plan is whether Ryan lurks in close proximity to the wolves until the wolves finish drinking water and the head wolf leaves the alert position and drinks water by the creek. To this end, Lion deliberately chose a branch to drink water by the creek in the place where the wolves often drink water. The winter wolf in the back left the queue and quickly grabbed the creek, and began to drink. water. Several little wolf wolves frolicked in the water, making a whine. Only the wolf was still watching around.

Ryan silently watched the wolves’ movements. He didn’t even dare to breathe in the atmosphere, lest the winter wolf’s head wolf make a discovery. Although Ryan’s heartbeat began to accelerate, he still waited patiently for the timing of his shot.

Time slowly passed by, until the wolf pack had almost drunk water, and the wolf pack was at its most chaotic. At this time, the wolf seemed to be unable to bear his thirst. He ran to the stream in a few steps, lowered his head and began to drink water.

The opportunity is coming!

Ryan decisively chanted the “fireball” mantra in his heart. In less than 3 seconds, a double-punch-sized fireball flew out from Ryan’s hand, drawing a red track, and went straight to the wolves!

The speed of fireball flying in the air is extremely fast. When the wolves find danger, the fireball has fallen into the middle of them!

With the sound of “Boom ~”, the fireball exploded, and the screams of the winter wolf and the broken winter wolf limbs flying in the sky were mixed with the scattered flames.

A perfect blow!

Without waiting for the wolves to spread apart, Ryan released another fireball. This fireball accurately fell into the surviving wolves. The gorgeous flame appeared again, as if it were a sickle of death, and the life of the winter wolf was elegantly harvested. .

After the two fireballs, the originally clear stream was filled with the limbs and blood of the winter wolf. Two deep pits were blown out on the ground, and there were pungent black smoke. The vast majority of the winter wolf had been killed in the fireball. In that great power. A seriously wounded winter wolf struggled to get up, tried to run back to the den, was knocked down by a magic missile from Ryan, and stepped into the footsteps of his companion.

Ryan waited for a moment, seeing that there were no more winter wolves standing up, and it was estimated that the wolves had been wiped out, so he assuredly walked to the “battlefield”.

The bonus for this mission is only 5 gold coins, which is obviously less. Lane walked and figured out whether to peel off the fur of the winter wolf, and it was also good to get a few silver coins in Takri town.

Ryan slowly walked to the dark pit, bent over and looked in the wolf corpse, hoping to find a few wolf wolves whose fur damage was not very serious, but all of them were caught by fireballs. The technique scorched the fur, and it seemed that it could not be sold.

Just as Ryan hesitated to look at the wolf on the other side, under his left wolf corpse, a strong winter wolf suddenly flew out and pounced on Ryan’s shoulder.

The winter wolf opened his mouth wide, revealing two rows of sharp teeth, which were about to be on Ryan’s neck.

Too late, fast, Ryan played a role in the martial arts trained by Caleb for many years. He fell to the right and took a backhand blow with his shadow in his left hand! The sneaking wolf wolf was gently crossed by the shadow, and was divided into two without suspense, flew out, and fell to the ground separately.

Ryan knelt on the ground halfway, although his face and body were covered with the blood of the winter wolf, but he didn’t wipe it in the slightest, he still watched the surroundings with a handful of shadows.

In the moment just before the pyrotechnic stone, Ryan clearly saw that the winter wolf attacking himself was the head wolf of this group of winter wolves. At this moment, the body of the wolf has been divided into two by the sharp shadow, and it has already died.

Although there was no danger, Ryan still had cold sweat on his head, because he found that the hind wolf had a broken leg.

If it were not the wolf with only three legs left, which affected the explosive power of the flutter, the sneak attack just now, Ryan may not be able to avoid it, so he will definitely be injured. Although in the end he will definitely win with years of skill and sharp shadows, but obviously a perfect battle still leaves such a hidden danger endangering his own safety.

“It seems that his on-the-spot experience is still very poor!” Lane sighed secretly in his heart: “Mr. Dranai said to herself, when things are not over, don’t let your guard down. The more you get to success, the easier it is Question; Teacher Caleb also said that even if you kill an Edelweiss rabbit, you have to put out the strength to fight the poisonous scorpion lion beast. But I just thought about what happened after the end of the matter, and forgot this most important advice. It must be learned from this lesson. In fact, it should have been supplemented by another fireball technique just now. At that time, ten predatory wolf wolves really became dead wolves. “

Ryan, who was taught, decided to give up his unrealistic idea of ​​peeling wolf skins and selling money. He stood up and released two more fireballs to explode the scattered body of the wolf wolf on the ground.

After confirming that the group of winter wolves was dead and could no longer die, Ryan was relieved.

In order to be safe, Ryan carefully checked the nest of the winter wolf, and found no surviving winter wolf. It seems that his first mercenary mission was completed. Lion nodded and returned to the village of Anceno with satisfaction.

After learning that all the wolves who threatened themselves were killed, the villagers in Ancheno cried with joy, and their happy smiles also infected Ryan. On behalf of all the villagers, the enthusiastic Mayor of Anceno invited Ryan to participate in the celebration held in the evening, and organized people to follow Ryan to clean the “battlefield” by the creek of the logging site.

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