Chinese students at Hogwarts

Chapter 12 Respect Luo Yi before others

All Slytherin stood up, followed the prefect around the huge fountain, and walked down the stairs. Compared to Ravenclaw and Gryffindor, two houses that have to climb stairs, Hufflepah Odd and Slytherin were much more comfortable.

They didn't have to go far to their common room, but after a short while, they came to a wall.

The crowd suddenly stopped, and Zhang Xiao saw a dwarf, with dark eyes turning in a grunting manner, revealing cunning and malice, floating cross-legged in the air. This was a ghost, or a ghost with color. What was even more powerful was that he His hands were firmly grasping a bundle of canes.

This is almost impossible for a ghost.

"Aha, Slytherin bastards, I've been waiting for you!" He shouted with a smile on his face, waving his cane and shouting loudly.

Prefect Gemma Farley raised her face and shouted:

"Get away from Peeves! Bloody Balor hasn't taught you enough lessons yet!"

Peeves circled in the air, cackled, and sang in a strange tune:

"It's not here~ It's a pity that it's not here, Barrow went to the Ghost Council!

No one can stop the great Peeves~

The first grade kid is the funniest, hurry up, hurry up, I have to go to other places to play tricks on the kid! "

As he spoke, Peeves threw his cane at the freshmen. Zhang Xiao received a sudden blow on the head. He pulled out the wand angrily and thought about whether using the Soul Calming Talisman would be more effective.

Peeves suddenly stopped, his little eyes full of surprise, staring at Zhang Xiao's wand, and said slowly:

"Little Guitou, what are you holding in your hand?"

The crowd's eyes immediately focused on Zhang Xiao. Zhang Xiao was stunned for a moment while holding up his magic wand, and then suddenly came back to his senses.

Yes, my wand is a date tree struck by thousand-year lightning, and all evils retreat, isn't it just like Peeves? He waved his wand tentatively and fired a beam of jumping lightning towards Peeves. It was actually the wand that little wizards know how to shoot sparks from.

But it was this harmless electric light that made Peeves scream in terror, as if he had seen something terrifying, he backed away, and finally disappeared quickly through the wall.

Only the bundle of canes was left scattered on the ground. Gemma took a deep look at the wand in Zhang Xiao's hand, with an inexplicable expression on her face. She didn't know what she was thinking. Then she took out her wand and swept it aside with a wave.

Malfoy stared at the wand in Zhang Xiao's hand that was obviously full of "luxury", his face twisted with envy. Aren't all wands 9 galleons each? Why does this wand look like it's worth 9,000 galleons?

Gemma turned to the first graders and said:

"The Slytherin common room is right here, just say the correct password, like this: Glory!"

Suddenly, a serpentine relief appeared on the smooth stone wall, like a living creature, twisting and bending its body into an "n" shape, and then a door with exquisitely carved patterns suddenly appeared in front of everyone. in front of my eyes.

Some young wizards let out low sounds of admiration, while others looked calm. Obviously, this was the difference between mixed blood and pure blood.

"The password is changed every two weeks and will be posted on the notice board in the common room. I hope there won't be any stupid lion-like students in Slytherin who forget the password of this house!"

Zhang Xiao followed the crowd and walked into the door. What he saw was a statue of a giant snake coiled around. There was a spiral staircase next to the statue. Obviously, he needed to go further down to truly enter Slater. Lin's lounge.

It was different from what I had imagined. I originally thought that the Slytherin common room was cramped and small, filled with pale green candlelight, full of skulls and strange specimens. After all, it was a dungeon.

But I didn't expect it to be unexpectedly comfortable. In the huge round hall like an aquarium, there are several sofas arranged in an orderly manner. The cold color scheme and the huge and exquisite curtains strangely reveal a noble and cool feeling. .

A wizard chessboard is placed on the exquisite octagonal table. The crystal-clear and round chess pieces obviously do not look like cheap goods. The walls are made of rough stone, but they are covered with portraits of outstanding students who graduated from Slytherin House.

There is actually an exquisite small fountain in the corner of the common room, and a blazing flame burns in the fireplace, adding a little warmth to this cool-toned lounge.

There are some copper monocular telescopes in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling windows. Outside the window is the black lake. The water plants are swaying gently, and various fish are passing through. The bottom of the lake is covered with white gravel, and there are some things on it that cannot be said to be decorations or abandoned objects. of household items.

In modern times, it is the standard of the underwater Atlantis hotel on the Palm Island in Dubai!

Also, how could Slytherin, the most pure-blooded and richest person, tolerate living in a narrow and simple lounge?

Zhang Xiao yawned and waited for the prefect to lead them to the dormitory. He was already sleepy, but found that some freshmen did not move, but walked out spontaneously. The senior students also stepped back in a tacit understanding and lined up neatly by grade. , staring at the new student silently.

Why don't you leave? Zhang Xiao wanted to stay and watch the excitement, but he was too sleepy. Originally, 11 years old is the time when sleep is most needed to strengthen the body.

This morning he got up early again, and ate a lot of sweets at night. The dual effect was like driving a long distance on the highway after staying up late, and he might fall asleep almost at any time.

"Miss Prefect, where is our dormitory?" Zhang Xiao stared hard to prevent himself from falling asleep.

Malfoy wanted to say something, but Gemma grabbed him and pointed to a huge circular sewer-like place and said gently:

"It's right there. There's a nameplate on the door and my name on the end of the bed. It should be the second room on the right."

Zhang Xiao waved his hand to express his gratitude and walked towards the dormitory like a wandering soul. When he finally found his bunk, a bed with four pillars and green curtains embroidered with snake patterns with silver threads hung down.

Zhang Xiao didn't even have time to take out his luggage or see who his roommates were. He hurriedly stripped himself naked and buried himself in the soft velvet quilt. Almost in the blink of an eye, he fell asleep. On fire.

Malfoy looked at Zhang Xiaoyuan's retreating figure and asked angrily in a low voice:

"Cousin Gemma, why did you stop me?"

Gemma shook her head and did not answer directly, but asked:

"Did you notice his wand?"

"That wand is a bit special, but what's the point? It's just a wand!" Malfoy was even more confused, and couldn't help but think, if only that luxurious-looking wand was his own.

"How is it?" Gemma sneered from her nostrils:

"I don't know what the wand is made of, but I know the handle.

It is called "yusui (chalcedony)", and it is engraved with the same characters as the paintings. It is said that the characters were written by birds (bird seal script).

It means it comes from the magical world of the ancient East. My aunt happened to have such a small hanging ornament at home. It was brought over by Muggles from the Chinese imperial palace ninety years ago. It is extremely rare. And according to research, it has various wonderful effects. For example, as long as you wear it, you can sleep very peacefully. "

Gemma paused, stared into Malfoy's eyes and said calmly:

"How many galleons do you think that handle is worth? And how many galleons is a wand worthy of such a handle worth? Think about it with your mind, what kind of family can afford a wand like this?"

Malfoy stood there thoughtfully, and Gemma turned and left:

"By the way, my aunt spent 10,000 gold galleons on that pendant."

Malfoy's whole body seemed to be electrocuted and suddenly trembled. He bit his lip and said nothing, just standing there like a stone sculpture.

If Zhang Xiao heard these words, he would definitely say to his father Zhang Chengdao:

"Respect Luo Yi first and then respect others" has a deeper understanding.

The Slytherin common room gradually returned to calm late that night, but the faint sound of sobs indicated that the night was not as peaceful as it seemed.

But Zhang Xiao knew nothing about this. He turned over on the bed, found a more comfortable position, and fell into a sweet dream.

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