Chinese Little Master: Dimensional Cuisine Club

Chapter 74

Page 74

“This red sauce should be made of hawthorn!”

Master Longman asked with a smile

“That’s right!”

Meng Chuan nodded.

“I will try this mountain again”

Master Longman picked up another dumpling and dipped it in the green sauce.

This green sauce is Mengchuan’s characteristic green plum sauce.

Eat it in one bite ⊥

The original aroma of the dumplings.Sweet and sour with green plum sauce.

Coupled with the deliciousness of dumplings stuffed with worm meat

Three flavors collide in the mouth.

brought a wonderful response.

Gives an amazing experience


In front of Mrs. Longman. , as if countless lush trees appeared.

The tree is full of fruit.

Fragrance comes.

Yummy, so delicious!

Master Longman nodded heavily. He said loudly.

did not think of!

A plate of dumplings.It brought him such a rich and wonderful experience.

Seeing this, Meng Chuan couldn’t help but smile.

That’s the beauty of [earth-colored rainbow dumplings].

The seven-color dumplings.Each has a different taste.

And by his characteristic soil seed also like this.

Combining two or two can burst out a new taste.

So z-come.


Soil forty-nine.

A plate of ordinary dumplings. You can taste the taste of the four soil forces.

Sweet and sour!

Just like life.

the Rainbow comes after the storm

When all the flavors are tasted.In front of your eyes, an unimaginable picture will be displayed.

This is the mystery of Mengchuan’s characteristics [seven-color rainbow dumplings 1.

“Wonderful” wonderful!”

Master Longman also figured out the mystery.

now.He couldn’t help but smile too happily.Such a wonderful innovation has never been attempted


Diners around, hear Master Longman’s -&fan comment..u___

Involuntarily speaking

They all looked forward and rushed forward, wanting to try the taste of the dumplings with dipping sauce

But right now!

Outside the entrance to the square, there were bursts of noise. ,

“Hey, for what?”

“what’s going on!.”

Those diners were quickly separated

A group in black.The guys in the head pockets appeared in everyone’s sight.

“Isn’t this the personal soldiers of the Governor’s Palace? How did they get here!”

“Yes!. Is there any big man coming?”

All the diners stopped.

Look at these guys quietly.What is it for.

The soldiers came to the face of Mrs. Longman

Qi Qi knelt down.

“It’s really hard for us to do this, please don’t run around, Master Longman.”

The leader of the personal soldiers, with a sincere expression

This Master Longman is a guest of the Governor of Guangdong Province.

they dare not

There is the slightest negligence.

Already arranged for him

Who knows in a blink of an eye.The Master Longman disappeared.

Unexpectedly, it appeared here

“What 1 is Mrs. Longman!”

The elder of the Cantonese Kitchen Federation was horrified when he heard this.

Master Longman!

This is the twelve pillars of the light cooking world,

Really too personable.

When he was 1.6 years old, when he was still young, he had heard of the prestige of Master Longman.

He with

Admiral Li is the same today.He also served in the imperial kitchen

He has fought against the dark cooking world without losing.

They are the only twelve dragon chefs left in the light cooking world.

I thought that such a person would actually come here.

thought here.He didn’t dare to neglect. He hurried down from the tall building.

He rushed into the venue, wanting to greet him.

“how is this possible”

Takeo on the opposite side was struck by lightning after hearing this title.

The little old man just now.It’s Master Longman

Just now, but sarcastically

On the contrary, the Chuang boy on the opposite side treated him with courtesy.

Now that I think about it.. how stupid I am L_

[58] Centennial Yeast!Cantonese Kitchen Federation Law Enforcement Elder! (3 more, please subscribe!)

If just now⊥

Treat yourself nicely, compared to this time, you can climb this big tree.

Thinking about it now, it’s too late to regret

“Hey 1 old man, I’m just going out for a walk, why are you guys here again⊥”

Mrs. Longman said helplessly: s

He has been traveling around the world since he stepped down from the imperial kitchen.

Came to this Guangdong only recently.

It just so happened that the Governor of Guangdong Province had received his favor back then.

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