Chinese Little Master: Dimensional Cuisine Club

Chapter 707

Page 707

The four legendary immortals of China seem to be related, and they seem to be in the same group.

But after hearing Meng Chuan’s cold words, Mr. Shui Jing quickly denied it.

“That’s not the case. In fact, we have long been enemies with Tai Chi Immortals.”

Hearing this, Meng Chuan opened his mouth and couldn’t help but feel a little surprised.

But at this moment, he suddenly remembered something.

“Could it be that you were really at that time,

Use these eight kitchen utensils to make dishes that can make people live forever.”

Feilu reminds you: read three things

【504】The forgotten past, the truth of immortality! (1 more, please subscribe!)

When he thought of the immortal Shuijing and the old man Yuxian in front of him, they might have been characters from three or four hundred years ago.

Meng Chuan’s brows and eyes twitched, and a sense of absurdity was born in his heart.

“Could it be that the meals made by these eight kitchen utensils are really immortal! Meng Chuan said with a strange face! After all, it sounds like the two immortals standing in front of him are over [-] years old, and Mr. Shui Jing’s His face was completely that of a young man.

In this way, there is no difference between already and immortality.

And looking at it, it seems to be living for three or five hundred years, and it seems that there is no

What’s the matter! And I was hearing Meng Chuan’s doubtful words.

The young-looking Mr. Shuijing couldn’t help but let out a wry smile.

“If more than three hundred years can be considered a long time, then it is indeed immortal.”

Mr. Shuijing said with some emotion.

And when talking about this longevity, the jade-like-looking Mr. Shui Jing seemed to have thought of something.

Another sigh! Then he said again: “The four of us were four brothers, entrusted by Emperor Ming.”

The purpose of looking for these eight kitchen utensils was originally a passion, wanting to save

The Ming Dynasty was in jeopardy.”

“Unfortunately, the places where these eight kitchen utensils are spread are too remote, almost all over the country.”

“Although we hurry up and sleep, we spent almost all our energy and did not relax in the slightest.”

“However, when we gathered these eight kitchen utensils, it was already too late.”

“When the four of us, four of our brothers, brought these eight kitchen utensils back to the imperial capital of the Ming Dynasty, the Emperor Ming was already dead, and the imperial capital was already occupied by bandits.”

“When we saw this scene, we knew we wanted to do

things have failed.”

When he said this, this… Mr. Shui Jing’s expression was obviously a little sighed.

He was clearly looking unhappy.

And Meng Chuan, who saw Mr. Shui Jing’s appearance, also sighed.

Obviously, Mr. Shui Jing also had a hint of sympathy.

This scene of broken mountains and rivers is indeed a bit embarrassing.

However, Mr. Shui Jing’s embarrassment didn’t last long.

After all, this was three hundred years ago.

Even if you are sad, you should be

The long river has faded.

After sighing with emotion, the… Shuijing Immortal turned his attention to Meng Chuan again.

Then he seemed a little melancholy and said: “If I said that we didn’t believe it at the time, this thing can make people live forever, I don’t know if Chef Meng believes it or not.”

Hearing this, Meng Chuan, who was standing beside him, was stunned for a moment. He stared at Mr. Shui Jing’s expression at this time, and then nodded lightly.

“Naturally believe.”

Meng Chuan said lightly.

Looking at Mr. Shuijing’s appearance at this time, Mr. Meng Chuan knew that there was no need to cheat.

Pushing himself and others, if he hadn’t possessed something unscientific,

Someone told him that the combination of these eight kitchen utensils can make dishes that make people immortal.

He also doesn’t believe a word.

Even if you want to see this kind of thing as a joke.

People who will scold such things are wishful thinking.

Immortality! How is that possible.

This is to dream again! No one can live to the present from ancient times to the present.

However, after seeing Mr. Shui Jing’s young face at this time.

Meng Chuan also said lightly: “However, in the end, it all came true, didn’t it!”

Originally, after seeing Meng Chuan nod, Mr. Shui Jing was still a little relieved.

After all, this… Little Meng, the chef god in front of him, seems to be able to understand their difficulties.

However, after hearing what Meng Chuan said next, a bitter smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

“Yes! This is something that countless emperors do not know.

Dao has searched for a long time, but has not found the method of longevity.”

Mr. Shui Jing let out a faint sigh, and then continued.

“In the beginning, when we used these eight kitchen utensils to make dishes, it was just out of curiosity!”

“But I never thought that the unknown legend turned out to be true.”

“In the beginning, when that incident happened, even the four of us couldn’t believe it.”

“Let’s be honest with Chef Meng, even now, Shui Jing can’t believe that this will really happen.”

“Occasionally when I’m alone, I think it’s a dream!”

Mr. Shui Jing on the Great Wall flew out with a long sigh of relief.

It seems that after saying so much, his mood has improved a lot.

Meng Chuan on the side was also taken aback, he naturally understood what Mr. Shui Jing said.

Actually tell the truth.

Even he wants to try the dishes made by the eight kitchen utensils.

He had even planned to return to Yangquan Restaurant to try out the power of these eight kitchen utensils after the matter here.

He even planned to use the system to find some precious ingredients.


Actually, these are the eight kitchen utensils! It is a legend! When I think of what he went through to find these eight kitchen utensils.

He felt that he had to treat himself well! And as a chef, Meng Chuan also wanted to know what kind of earth-shattering dishes these eight kitchen utensils combined would make.

What is the difference between these eight kitchen utensils and ordinary kitchen utensils?

When I think about it back then, Mr. Shui Jing and others should think similar to him.

After Shen Ning thought for a while, Meng Chuan turned his attention to Mr. Shui Jing.

While looking at the expression of Mr. Shui Jing at this time, Meng

Chuan frowned involuntarily.

With just a glance, he could see that this… Mr. Shui Jing, when he talked about the matter of immortality, he didn’t have the slightest sense of excitement.

Looking at Mr. Shui Jing, whose expression was unusually low at this time.

A trace of doubt arose in Meng Chuan’s heart.

Seeing such a situation as immortality, Meng Chuan was stunned for a moment.

Afterwards, he squinted his eyes, and then cupped his hands and asked, “Mr. Shui Jing doesn’t know if there is a price to pay for the method of longevity among these eight kitchen utensils!”

At this time, looking at the emotionless

Mr. Shui Jing, Meng Chuan couldn’t help frowning.

Obviously, after hearing Mr. Shui Jing’s words, Meng Chuan had a lot of doubts in his heart.

Immortality is something that many people dream of.

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