Chinese General Summoning System

Chapter 72

Chapter 72 Cangyuan City in Crisis

Seeing that Liu Ji took Su Lie, Chen Hao and Hua Xiong into Quyang County for a short time, he returned to the camp. The twin sisters Lin Xiya and Lin Xiwen breathed a sigh of relief. They knew that the magistrate of Quyang County was in Quyang. A brothel in the county seated Liu Ji for a banquet, and they couldn’t help being up and down. They didn’t want Liu Ji to go to the brothel to find those messy women.

When Liu Ji returned to the camp, he immediately summoned all the generals under his command, and then told him about his trip to Quyang County and the agreement he reached with the Zhao family of Geshan. Everyone is about going to Cangyuan City. There are no comments.

According to the strategy formulated by Liu Ji, Su Lie, and Le Yi when they were in the Yanwangling Mountain Village, after they entered Wanzhou, they had to expand the number of soldiers as much as possible along the way, and the way to expand the soldiers was to recruit from the victims. In addition, it is necessary to rely on the elimination of some rogues and convert the captives of the rogues into war soldiers.

Although there are more robbers in Cangyuan City, the Zhao family of Geshan offered such a generous price. There is no reason to not agree. Rescue Cangyuan City can also kill two birds with one stone.

Early the next morning, the southern city gate of Quyang City was opened. The soldiers under Zhao Hanzhi transported 10 thousand taels of gold, 200 horses, 100 iron armors, 300 leather armors, 200 seven-doubows and 30,000 arrows. Into Liu Ji’s camp.

100 iron armors and 300 leather armors were immediately allocated to the infantry by Liu Ji, so that the 400 archers under Liu Ji’s command were also covered in leather armor, and the number of soldiers wearing iron armor in the infantry reached 200, but from The 100 new soldiers recruited from the disaster area outside Quyang City have not been allocated armor or even weapons. They will stay with the auxiliary soldiers for the time being. After completing the most basic training, Will be added to the soldiers.

After having dinner at noon, Liu Ji ordered all the tents of the camp to be put away, and then set off for Cangyuan City. At this time, the south gate of Quyang City opened again, and a team walked out of Quyang City. The team is the reinforcements sent by Quyang County to Cangyuan City.

This Quyang County team has about 2,000 soldiers and horses, of which there are about 300 cavalry, and the rest are infantry. The leader of the army is in the Mingyue Tower’s room, and the third-rate general Li Guan angered Liu Ji, and that The staff surnamed Sun is also in this Quyang County team.

Quyang County’s team waited for Liu Ji’s soldiers to clean up before they set off first and walked in front. Liu Ji’s team followed closely behind the Quyang County team.


“Come on—”

“Quick! Climb up! Climb up the city wall and take Cangyuan City!”

Just as the reinforcements from Quyang County set out, in Cangyuan City, the prefecture of Geshan County, Anhui, a large number of bandits were attacking the four walls of Cangyuan City at the same time, and under each wall of Cangyuan City, they were already full. After removing the corpses, even a large number of corpses were piled on the city wall.

An officer and general in iron armor killed a fierce soldier with a single blow, and shouted: “Knock the rogue and plug the gap!”

“Follow General Mu to kill the gangsters——”

“Fight against the gangsters, kill–”

Waiting until the evening, the officer and army general sat behind a wall stack with a tired face, and asked a lieutenant who was also tired on the other side: “How about the other three gates?”

“General, the main attack direction of the robbers is at our east gate. Although the other three gates have suffered great losses, they can still hold on, but we don’t have many soldiers at the east gate.”

“How many people are left at the East Gate?”

“General, there are only less than 700 people, and many of them are temporary recruits.”

“Well, in four days, we have almost 1,800 dead at the east gate. I don’t know when the reinforcements will come?”

“General, do you send someone to ask the prefect for some soldiers? We are left with these people to guard the east gate, which is a little tight.”

“Then send someone to the Taishou Mansion for help! But Zhao Taishou should not be able to come up with many people to support us, alas — Ge Peng’s defeat would have eliminated 70% of the elite of Cangyuan City. Without reinforcements, our Cangyuan City will not last long.”

“General, the young and strong men in the city can gather at least 10,000 or 20,000 people. Why can’t Prince Zhao be able to provide support?”

“You don’t understand, now in Cangyuan City, recruiting those young and strong men is not easy, alas——”

In the prefect’s mansion of Cangyuan City, the prefect of Geshan County, Zhao Mincheng, also the head of the Geshan Zhao family, said to the four aides with a haggard face: “The general Mu Zhen who guarded the east gate just now sent people to the prefecture to report that the east gate is tight. , The prefect has already recruited the 500 new recruits and 100 guards from the prefect’s mansion, led by Zhao Zhong, to support them to the east gate, alas — gentlemen, help the officer think of an idea, how can I let it be More young men join the defense of the city?”

An aide sighed and said: “The lord, the gang leader Zhang Ding sent spies to spread rumors in the city, saying that the broken city only punishes the family and the heroes, and will not commit any crime to ordinary people, but if we help us defend the city, it will hurt the family. It’s very difficult for us to recruit strong men, but we can’t conduct forced conscriptions. Otherwise, it will cause civil commotions and the situation will be even worse. Besides, we don’t have soldiers in our hands to carry out the forced conscription. Recruit more strong men.”

The remaining three aides looked at each other and didn’t come up with any other good ideas. Zhao Mincheng said helplessly: “Then increase the reward for the young man. Wasn’t it 5 taels of silver? Immediately doubled it to 10 taels of silver. , As long as you join a young man, you will be rewarded with 10 taels of silver. In addition, tell the other families in Cangyuan City that Cangyuan City is broken, and their families can’t escape. Let them gather all the males who can gather to the Taishou Mansion. The reserve team, no matter what, must defend Cangyuan City After a pause, Zhao Mincheng said again: “The prefect sent a few waves to contact the gang leader Zhang Ding and none of them came back. , That Zhang Ding is determined to break Cangyuan City! Now there is no other way besides defending themselves. I only hope that the reinforcements can arrive as soon as possible. Other places are not sure, but the reinforcements from Quyang County and Lingcheng County will definitely arrive! ”

At the Rogue Camp to the east outside Cangyuan City, Zhang Ding of the Sky Dragon slapped a general under his hand severely, “Trash! After attacking for four days, I lost more than 8,000 Erlang, but still Without breaking through the walls of Cangyuan City, how much do you have to lose to break through Cangyuan City?”

Zhang Ding slapped Zhang Ding fiercely, and the corners of his mouth were bleeding, but the celebrity general did not reach out to wipe it off, “Master, Cangyuan City is a prefecture, the city wall is too high, and the gates on all sides have been The officer and army were blocked, and our subordinates could only rely on the ladder to climb the city wall. This was a huge loss. However, the officers and army in the city suffered a lot of losses in the past four days. As long as the attack intensity is maintained, the subordinates will keep it. Cangyuan City must be breached in 3 days!”

“Huh-I will send the people from the rear camp tomorrow to attack the city. If you attack like this for three days, I will have to lose at least thousands of soldiers!”

The gangster general was shocked and said: “The commander, the rear camp is full of old and weak women and children. Wouldn’t they be sent to death if they attack the city? Give them three more days… No! Give them two more days, they will definitely help The commander takes down Cangyuan City!”

Zhang Ding waved his hand and said, “Needless to say, Lao Tzu has already decided that the people from the rear camp will be dispatched to attack the city tomorrow and consume the strength of the defenders of Cangyuan City.”

The rogue general sighed secretly and said: “General, then let the subordinates and the children cooperate with the rear camp to attack the city?”

Zhang Ding said impatiently, “I’ll talk about it tomorrow, depending on the situation!”

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