Chinese General Summoning System

Chapter 673

Chapter 663 Retake Dawan City

On October 15th of the first year of the Han Dynasty, the newly established Dahan suddenly declared war on Dawan on the grounds that Dawan sent assassins to assassinate the emperor Liu Ji. Then the Western Region Army, the Western Xinjiang Army and the Qinglong Army were divided into three groups. Infiltrated the territory of the country of Dawan.

The army of Dawan rushed to the battle, facing the three legions of the broken army, although they fought hard to resist, the city of Dawan still fell one by one.

On the evening of October 20, in the palace of Dawan, the capital of Dawan, Prime Minister Sapphowan said to King Yeman in a deep voice: “Your Majesty, so far, our Dawan has lost 13 One city and five other cities are being attacked by the Han army. Maybe tomorrow morning, there will be one or two more cities in Dawan’s occupation.”

King Yeman said with a gloomy expression: “The emperor of Han actually declared war on Dawan on an unreasonable charge this time. It seems that he is preparing to completely annex our Dawan. We must mobilize all our forces. Stop this invasion of the Han army at all costs!”

Prime Minister Safwand nodded and said: “Your Majesty, the national mobilization order has been passed on. Men over 14 and under 60 in Dawan will be organized to fight the invaders to the end!”

King Yeman asked: “How is the situation of our Dawan army at present?”

Prime Minister Sapphowan hesitated and said: “Because the Han army’s invasion was so sudden, several army regiments in some border cities of our country were caught off guard. The losses were extremely heavy, and other troops suffered casualties. , Our army in Dawan has lost nearly a million people.”

Hearing that the army of Dawan has lost nearly one million people, King Yeman’s face is even more ugly. You must know that Dawan’s new round of military planning has reorganized 18 cavalry regiments and 36 infantry regiments. However, these corps have not yet reached their full ranks. On average, there are still almost 30% of the vacancies. As a result, the current total strength of the Dawan army is about 3.8 million. As a result, in only a few days, Dawan has More than a quarter of the regular army has been lost.

Liad, the shadow leader of the Dawan country next to him, asked: “Is it possible to negotiate with Han? According to the information we got from the shadow, the Han country has only used three legions now, and our country already has some strength. I can’t resist it anymore. If Han Kingdom mobilizes one or two more legions and enters our Dawan country, it will be a disaster for our Dawan country!”

Prime Minister Sapphowan smiled bitterly and said: “Even if the Han country agrees to negotiate a peace, the conditions they offer must be very demanding. If not, we will have to cede large tracts of territory from Dawan.”

At this time, King Yeman sighed and said: “Let’s try it out with Han! By the way, the several legions in and nearby Dawan city must not move to prevent the Han army from attacking Dawan city again, and immediately Transfer the 1st Army Corps into the palace and strengthen the guards of the palace. I don’t want to be a bereaved dog again!”

Prime Minister Saffowan said: “Your Majesty, rest assured, the minister has ordered all the gates of Dawan City to be temporarily closed, and the Han army will never be allowed to enter Dawan City again.”

King Yeman said with a worried expression: “We haven’t found out why the previous two attackers suddenly appeared in Dawan City. We hope that closing all the gates of Dawan City will help.”

King Yeman of Dawan would never have thought that when he said this, Liu Ji had already entered the city of Dawan with people.

According to the plan made by Liu Ji, when the Western Region Army, the Western Xinjiang Army and the Azure Dragon Army launched an attack on Dawan, he should have already taken the Dahan Royal Guards into the city of Dawan, but because of the sandstorm in the desert. , Making Liu Ji and others arrived at Dawan City a little late, by this time all the gates of Dawan City were closed.

Fortunately, relying on the secret agents of Heishuitai, Liu Ji learned of a secret road into Dawan City, and the exit of this secret road in Dawan City was in the Holy See of the Holy Fire.

Relying on the help of the secret agents who broke into the Holy Fire from Heishuitai, Liu Ji led the people to easily control this secret path of the Holy See of the Holy Fire.

On the evening of the 20th, at the secret road exit of the Holy See of the Holy Fire, Liu Ji patted the shoulder of Wajiha, the general banner of Heishuitai, and said with a smile: “Yes, not bad! This time you set up for us. Great work, I will definitely reward you again when I go back!”

Liu Ji was very satisfied when he saw the hall where the secret road exit was located. The area of ​​the hall is not small enough to hold a thousand people. It happens to be able to use this hall as a cover to summon groups of elite soldiers in the system. Coming out, people think that the soldier Liu Ji summoned came in from the secret road.

Wajiha, the general banner of Heishuitai, looked excited at this time. He didn’t expect that Liu Ji would personally take people to attack Dawan City this time. You must know that Liu Ji is already the ninth-five god, which is tantamount to the imperial conquest. Up!

“Your Majesty, this…this is what the villain should do!” Facing the emperor of the big man, Wajiha couldn’t help being a little nervous when speaking.

“We must control the Holy See of the Holy Flame as soon as possible. You are familiar with the Holy See of the Holy Flame. Then you will lead the way for our guards!”

“Yes, Your Majesty!”

After the Holy Fire Sect sent three guardian elders, 20 diamond-level torch guards, and 20 gold-level torch guards to assassinate Liu Ji, there are only ten diamond-level torch guards and 22 gold-level guards in the entire Holy See. The flame guards, the 116 silver-level flame guards, and the 348 bronze-level flame guards. With such a small amount of strength, it is not enough to see in front of the Royal Guards of the Han Dynasty, not to mention the one summoned by Liu Ji. Groups of elite soldiers.

Without much effort, the Holy See of the Holy Flame fell into the hands of Liu Ji. Most of the Holy Fire guards of the Holy Fire were beheaded. There were four Diamond-level Flame Guards, eight Gold-level Flame Guards, and 36 Silver-level Flame Guards. The flame guards and more than one hundred bronze flame guards were captured alive.

Of the six bishops of the Holy Flame, five of them died in the fight. Only the bishop of the Eastern Diocese Oss was captured, and the Pope Feike of the Holy Fire was also a prisoner of the Royal Guard of the Han Dynasty.

What excites Liu Ji is that the current six saints of the Holy Fire, three previous saints, and dozens of candidate saints have all fallen into his own hands.

However, Liu Ji does not have time to enjoy these holy women of the Holy Fire. The Holy Fire’s slaughter has attracted the attention of the Dawan army in the city. Next, Liu Ji must summon more elite soldiers from the system as soon as possible. Capture the entire Dawan City.

In his sleep, King Yeman of the Kingdom of Dawan was awakened by a rapid knock on the door. Yeman was shocked, and he had a bad premonition.

Yeman quickly put on his clothes, then opened the bedroom door and found that the person knocking on the door was Salman, the commander of the royal guard.

“Your Majesty, it’s okay! A large number of Han troops suddenly emerged from the city, and now the entire Dawan city has become a mess!” Sai Leman shouted with horror.

When Yeman heard it, his head buzzed, and his body shook uncontrollably. Thanks to the royal guard’s commander Salman, who helped him, otherwise Yeman would not be able to sit on the ground all of a sudden.

“It’s over, it’s over, our Dawan country is over!” Yeman muttered to himself in despair.

At this moment, the prime minister of Dawan State Safwan came over, “Your Majesty, we have five infantry regiments in Dawan city, and two cavalry regiments and two infantry regiments outside Dawan city. There are more than 10,000 guards in the palace, and there are hundreds of thousands of young people in Dawan City. We still have a chance!”

Yeman smiled bitterly and said, “Prime Minister, you are here.”

Prime Minister Sapphowan said eagerly: “Your Majesty, we still need you in Dawan, you can’t…”

Yeman waved his hand and interrupted what Prime Minister Safwand was about to say, “I will surrender so quickly, and immediately organize the army and the young people in the city, do everything possible to destroy the Han army that appeared in the city, and dispatch the two outside the city. A cavalry regiment and two infantry regiments enter the city as soon as possible. If they can’t get in from the city gate, they will enter the palace directly from the secret road, and they will fight the Han army in a decisive battle in Dawan City!”

The fighting in Dawan City lasted from the night of October 20th to the afternoon of October 22nd. In the end, Dawan City, the capital of Dawan State, was captured by Liu Ji for the third time. Down.

King Yeman of Dawan finally took many civil and military officials from Dawan, as well as more than 200 imperial guards, more than 3,000 palace guards, and more than 10,000 remnants of the Dawan First Army Corps. The imperial palace escaped from Dawan City by secret road.

During the two days of fierce fighting, the Dawan army and the people in Dawan City resisted very resolutely, and the losses were also very great.

The seven Dawan infantry regiments inside and outside of Dawan City originally had about 550,000 people. Because these seven regiments were responsible for guarding Dawan City, the shortfall was only about 20%, and after two days of fierce fighting, they could escape. In Dawan City, there were only more than 10,000 people from the 1st Army Corps. The remaining 540,000 people, more than 400,000 people died, and the remaining 100,000 people became prisoners of the Han army.

The two Dawan cavalry regiments outside Dawan City originally totaled 160,000 people. About half of them, they never came out after entering Dawan City. There are about 80,000 cavalry troops left. They didn’t enter Dawan City, but they were preserved. After King Yeman of Dawan and his people escaped from Dawan City, the 80,000 cavalrymen of Dawan joined King Yeman.

In addition, in the two days of fierce fighting, the people of Dawan in Dawan City also lost more than 200,000 people, mostly young and strong.

In Dawan City, Liu Ji summoned a total of 142 groups of Tang Dynasty Sword Soldiers, 100 groups of trapped soldiers, 100 groups of Eastern Jin Beifu soldiers, 116 groups of Wei State soldiers, and 108 groups of Ming soldiers. The total strength of the Chaobai rod soldiers, 108 groups of Qin Ruishi and 500 groups of Beiwei army exceeded one million.

As for the reserve of 204 groups of Han Dynasty Tiger Ben Army, 204 groups of Tang Dynasty Xuanjia soldiers, 94 groups of Tiger and Leopard Cavalry, 94 groups of White Horse Congyi and 500 groups of Qi Xuejun, they are all pure Cavalry, so Liu Ji did not call them out for the time being.

Each group of the Beiwei Army consisted of 1,000 men, including 300 cavalry and 700 infantry. Five hundred groups of the Beiwei Army summoned 150,000 cavalry. However, the 150,000 cavalrymen of the Beiwei Army, Liu Ji always Did not participate in the fierce battle in Dawan City.

In the two days of fierce battle, the elite soldiers summoned by Liu Ji lost a total of nearly 60,000 people. At this price, he captured the capital of Dawan again, and Liu Ji was quite satisfied.

After the Han army completely controlled the city of Dawan, Liu Ji’s soul value surged to 720,000 points. Liu Ji immediately summoned top military commanders five times in a row. Two of them were historical famous generals, but their strength was low. After a little bit, the remaining three top military commanders are all hermits in the Spring and Autumn Period.

Cao Zhen, with 92 points in force, 83 in intelligence, and 84 in command, was a famous general in the Three Kingdoms period, the son of Cao Cao, the emperor of Wei Wu. His father, Cao Shao, was killed when recruiting troops for Cao Cao. Cao Zhen was adopted by Cao Cao as his adopted son. He praised Cao Zhen for his bravery. Let him participate in the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry, served as general general, middle leader, conquered Shu guard army and other positions, and participated in the battle of Hanzhong.

Cao Pi attacked and made Queen Wei and worshipped Cao Zhen as the generals of Zhenxi, the governor of Yongzhou and the military of Liangzhou, and was responsible for guarding the northwest border. During the second year of Huangchu, the governor general broke the Qiang and Hu coalition forces, and quelled Hexi and Huangchu. In 1 year, he led his army to encircle Jiangling and defeated General Wu Sun Sheng. After returning to the division, he was transferred to the general of the army and added to the incident.

When Cao Pi was seriously ill, Cao Zhen was entrusted with the government. After Wei Ming Emperor Cao ascended the throne, he worshiped the general and entered the Marquis of Shao Ling. In the second year of Taihe, Cao Zhen led his army to resist the Northern Expedition of the prime minister of the Shu Han Dynasty Zhuge Liang. In the fourth year of Taihe, he acted as Cao Xiu. Da Sima passed away the following year due to illness and was named Yuanhou.

Cao Xiu, with 91 points of force, 79 intelligence, and 81 commander-in-chief, the generals of the Three Kingdoms Cao Wei, the son of Cao Cao, the emperor of Wei Wu, Cao Xiu defected when Cao Cao attacked Dong Zhuo. Cao Cao called “this my family a thousand miles of horses”, and Cao Cao was right. He is like a parent and child, and makes him lead the tiger and leopard to ride the guard.

During the Battle of Hanzhong, Cao Xiu saw through Zhang Fei’s strategy and defeated Wu Lan. After Cao Wei was established, he guarded the Eastern Front of Cao Wei, defeated Wu Jun many times, surrendered General Wu, and became an official to Da Sima. He was defeated in the battle of Wei Wu Shiting, and died soon after having a sore on his back.

The reason why Liu Ji summoned top military commanders in such a hurry was actually to get top civilian officials to handle various affairs in Dawan City. Unfortunately, Cao Zhen and Cao Xiu’s force values ​​are low. According to the current rules of the system, the force value is 90 to 93. After taking the Xisui Famao Pill, the top military commander of the point system has only a 60% chance that he can be promoted to a peerless military commander.

However, Liu Ji had no other choice now. So after summoning Cao Zhen and Cao Xiu, Liu Ji immediately consumed 400,000 soul points and bought two Mushroom Hair Pills. Liu Ji was ready to try his luck.

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