Chinese General Summoning System

Chapter 627

Chapter 619 The curtain opened

Zhang Mingqi, the hero who once ruled the seven states in the southeast of the Great Jin Dynasty, did not cause any disturbances after his death. After the Lu Emperor Jiang Sheng learned of Zhang Mingqi’s death, he was more concerned about the loss of the six thousand Lu Kingdom troops. , Regarding Zhang Mingqi’s death, the Emperor of Lu Jiang Sheng didn’t care at all.

But Liu Ji learned that Zhang Mingqi had been removed, and more thoughts were placed on Zhang Mingqi’s forty wives and concubines.

There is a saying in Dajin that since ancient times, there have been beauties in the southeast. Zhang Mingqi, as the governor of the seven southeastern states, has married wives and concubines in recent years, all of which are beautiful and beautiful. Liu Ji uses the scanning function of the system to check Then, the forty wives and concubines of Zhang Mingqi brought back by Jia Xu and Tang Yan were all above ninety points, so Liu Ji waved his hand and placed these forty beauties in Qinhuai. In the city’s State Shepherd House.

That night, Liu Ji first came to Zhang Mingqiping’s wife Liu Su’er’s room. Zhang Mingqi had a regular wife and four regular wives. The regular wife and two regular wives were married by Zhang Mingqi when he was the county magistrate. They are pretty and beautiful, and have nothing to do with the beauty of the country. At this time, the three wives of Zhang Mingqi have been killed by the people of Heishuitai, and Zhang Mingqi’s other two wives, Liu Suer and Du Shiqian, were married after Zhang Mingqi got married. Yes, both Liu Suer and Du Shiqian have a charm value of 97 points. One can imagine how beautiful they are.

“Are you Zhang Mingqi’s flat wife Liu Su’er?” Liu Ji asked Liu Su’er, looking at Liu Su’er with bright eyes.

“Concubine… body, concubine body is Liu… Liu Su’er.” Liu Suer replied with some trembling. The interception in the dense forest had completely frightened Liu Su’er.

“Zhang Mingqi has a good vision, you will be the concubine of the governor in the future!” After Liu Ji finished speaking, he threw Liu Su’er onto the bed in the bedroom…

After Liu Ji had tossed Liu Su’er twice, he came to the room of Zhang Mingqi’s other wife, Du Shiqian, and despite Du Shiqian’s struggle, he also forcibly took Du Shiqian.

In the end, none of Zhang Mingqi’s forty wives and concubines could escape Liu Ji’s claws. They were all put on the bed by Liu Ji. Liu Ji got a total of from these forty beauties with a charm value of more than ninety points. With 80 groups of Qin Ruishi, the number of Qin Ruishi in the system has increased to 176,000.

After Liu Ji received the 214 beautiful spies of the Red Fox and Zhang Mingqi’s 40 spoiled wives and concubines, Tang Yan, who was in charge of the Red Fox intelligence agency, also offered Liu Ji a large number of beautiful women. Beautiful women, and among the seven southeastern states, the beautiful women of Suzhou and Hangzhou are the most famous. Now Suzhou and Hangzhou are both controlled by the army.

At the beginning, Liu Ji led troops to fight against the Red Scarf Army in Suzhou and Hangzhou. However, the most famous Qinhuai twelve golden hairpins and Huai’an ten oiran in Suzhou and Hangzhou were all captured. This time, Tang Yan took the new Qinhuai ten. The two golden hairpins and the new Huai’an Top Ten Oiran were sent to the prefecture and animal husbandry of Qinhuai City. In addition, they also sent 30 outstanding young men from the big brothels of Qinhuai City and Huai’an City.

After the Southeast Xiang Army controlled the entire Southeastern Seven States, the major brothels of Qinhuai City and Huai’an City became the outer strongholds of the Red Fox under the combined support of the Red Fox’s people. In order to show off in front of the new master, Tang Yan, The stunning beauties in the major brothels of Qinhuai City and Huai’an City were almost completely searched.

In addition, Tang Yan also dispatched some of the beauties of the Red Fox in Suzhou and Hangzhou to the city of Qinhuai and sent them to the prefecture. There were more than 100 of these beauties, and 78 of them were finally left by Liu Ji. Later, more than forty beauties with a charm value of less than 80 points were returned to Tang Yan by Liu Ji.

Forty-two women in the brothel and 78 spy agents who were later sent to the prefecture and animal husbandry, Liu Ji took them all in just 13 days. Among them, four of them had a charm value of over ninety points. Ten people, and the other eighty beauties also have a charm value of over eighty points. These one hundred and twenty beauties have contributed a total of 160 groups of elite soldiers to Liu Ji, including 50 groups of Eastern Jin Beifu soldiers and 50 groups. Group of Wei soldiers and sixty groups of Qin elites.

As a result, the number of these three arms reserves in the system has increased a lot. The number of soldiers in the Beifu of the Eastern Jin Dynasty increased to 320,000, the military soldiers of Wei increased to 360,000, and the sharp soldiers of Qin increased to 224,000. .

While Liu Ji was enjoying the gentle township, Lu’s army finally completed its assembly near the border between Suzhou and Hangzhou, including six Lu’s main army groups and eight Lu’s ordinary army groups.

Counting the main force just formed by the Southeast Xiang Army, the Lu State Army also stationed two main force groups and two ordinary troops in Qiongzhou, Suzhou, Lianzhou, Zhezhou and Fuzhou. The Lu State is near the border between Zhejiang and Fuzhou. The Lu State Army has also deployed two main armies and five ordinary legions, ready to enter the southeast of Jin State for support at any time.

The Lu’s army has six main army regiments and eight ordinary army regiments near the border between Suzhou and Hangzhou. There are four main army regiments and five ordinary army regiments. They are all gathered in the south of Dongzhu County, Suzhou. The main force in Suzhou was also gathered in the territory of Dongzhu County at this time. There are eleven counties in Suzhou, and Dongzhu County is the southernmost county in Suzhou.

The Lu Army also had two main armies and three ordinary armies, which gathered in the south of Chongyi County, Hangzhou. The main force of the Lunar Army in Hangzhou was also gathered in the territory of Chongyi County. There were a total of ten in Hangzhou. Two counties, Chongyi County is the southernmost county in Hangzhou.

As a result, the Puppet Army and the Lu State Army formed two battlefields in the borders of Suzhou and Hangzhou.

In the battlefield of Dongzhu County, Suzhou, the Brokers gathered a total of 20 cavalry brigades from the Prairie Army, 20 cavalry brigades from the Beiting Army, ten infantry brigades from the Guards Corps, and 20 infantry brigades from the Native Corps. , And on the battlefield in Chongyi County, Hangzhou, the Brokers gathered five cavalry brigades and twenty infantry brigades of the Guards Corps, five cavalry brigades and ten infantry brigades of the local regiment, and one hundred and forty infantry brigades. The troops of Wanyuan Southeast Xiang Army.

With Liu Ji from Shangyuan City to the southeast, there were 170,000 Mo sword soldiers of the Tang Dynasty, 550,000 soldiers of the Wei State, 35,000 soldiers of the trapped camp, 20,000 Han Dynasty tiger soldiers, and 12,000. Xuan Jiabing of the Tang Dynasty stayed in Qinhuai City.

Liu Ji learned that Lu’s army had assembled and the war between the two sides was about to break out. He had to leave the gentle township of Qinhuai City and led hundreds of thousands of elite troops from Qinhuai City into Xinquan County, Dongzhu County, Suzhou. Just after Liu Ji led his troops to merge with the main force of the Captive Army in Dongzhu County, the Lu State Army in Qiongzhou finally entered Suzhou and approached the county seat of Xinquan County, Dongzhu County.

On the morning of February 1st, 433, Dajin, just outside the county seat of Xinquan County, Dongzhu County, Suzhou, millions of troops from the Lu Army and the Lu State Army lined up to determine the fate of Shanxi and Shandong. , Which kicked off the curtain.

In front of the Lu State army, Lu State Hussar General Jiang Ke asked the hundreds of Lu State generals behind him: “Which general is willing to make a good start for our Da Lu?”

The titles of generals in the Lu Army are exactly the same as those of the Da Jin Army. From bottom to top, they are General General, Guerrilla General, General Zhenyuan, General Conqueror, General Chariot and General Hussar. Hussar General Jiang Ke is the State of Lu. The members of the royal family, in terms of seniority, should be the nephew of Emperor Jiang Sheng of the State of Lu.

Hussar General Jiang Ke is quite talented, and he is trusted by the Lu Emperor Jiang Sheng. During this conquest to the southeast of Jin, Hussar General Jiang Ke was appointed by Emperor Jiang Sheng as the commander of millions of Lu Kingdom’s army.

As soon as Hussar General Jiang Ke’s voice fell, a Lu Guo general shouted: “Marshal, Yan Ge is willing to make a good start for our Da Lu!”

Hussar General Jiang Ke saw that his guerrilla general Yan Ge was calling for the battle, and he nodded and said: “Yan Ge, then the first battle between our Great Lu Kingdom and the Broken Army, this commander will be handed over to you! ”

Jiang Ke is very relieved of Yan Ge’s martial arts. Yan Ge was born in Kunlun Mountain in Lu State, and possesses improper courage. Kunlun Mountain is one of the three major sects of the eastern countries. The Han Palace has now disappeared. Even the Guanghan Island, where the Guang Han Palace is located, has been left empty and turned into a deserted island. Therefore, the four sects have become the three sects, including Mount Wudang and Zhou Guolong in Yongzhou, Jin. Shaolin Temple in Shandong Province and Kunlun Mountain in Shanzhou of Lu State.

In fact, Guanghan Palace has not disappeared, but has been integrated into the Broken Army. Many of the male disciples in Guanghan Palace have served as generals at all levels in the Broken Army, while the female disciples of Guanghan Palace have basically been Liu Ji entered the harem.

Yan Ge urged the horse to come to the front of the two armies, with a long knife in his hand pointing at the front of the army, “Guerrilla General Yan Ge of the Great Lu State is here! Can the children of Jin State dare to fight?”

At this time, Liu Ji was in front of the smashing army. He used the scanning function of the system to see that this general of Lu, named Yan Ge, had a very high force value, reaching 106 points. He was a rare fighter. , But compared to those super fierce generals on the side of the Poru Army, it is still a bit worse.

Liu Ji immediately said to Chen Jichang: “Jichang, the first battle will be handed over to you. Don’t be careless before the two armies!”

When Chen Jichang heard Liu Ji hand over the first battle to himself, his face suddenly showed joy, “The lord can rest assured, Jichang will definitely make a good start for us!”

Chen Jichang urged his horse to come to the front of the two armies, and slammed a pair of giant hammers in front of him, “Chen Jichang is here! Lu Guo’s children are crazy!”

Immediately, Chen Jichang and Yan Ge fought together. Chen Jichang’s force value was as high as 108 points. Coupled with Chen Jichang’s natural supernatural power, Chen Jichang soon gained the upper hand in the fight against Yan Ge.

Lu Guo Hussar General Jiang Ke saw that Yan Ge had fallen in front of the two armies. He couldn’t help but frown. He turned his head and said to a scribe next to him: “Mr. Zhen, it seems that there are really fierce generals in the broken army. Yun, this member of the army general who uses double hammers, even Yan Ge is not his opponent.”

This scribe was called Zhen Hongwen, and he was the number one counselor under Hussar General Jiang Ke.

Zhen Hongwen nodded and said, “Master, according to Heidi’s intelligence, the fierce general named Chen Jichang of the Broken Army was once a general of the Southeast Xiang Army. Later, he joined Liu Ji and his martial arts is very good. It is better to let General Qin go up. Replace General Yan back! Lest there be any accidents to General Yan!”

The General Qin mentioned by Zhen Hongwen was the commander of the Lu’s Fourth Army and the conquered general of Lu. His name was Qin Junmao. Among the many generals in the Lu’s army, his martial arts could definitely rank in the top three.

Hussar General Jiang Ke immediately turned his head to the other side, and said to an unusually burly general not far away: “Junmao, you go up and replace Yan Ge. Yan Ge is not the opponent of the Squadron General! ”

“Yes, handsome!” Qin Junmao immediately urged the horse to rush to the front of the two armies, “General Yan panicked, and Qin Junmao is here too!”

Yan Ge was originally very confident in his martial arts. With his martial arts, he ranked firmly in the top ten among the many powerful generals in the Lu State army. However, the two-hammer general of the Sundering Army was really too powerful. After the fight, he was completely at a disadvantage, which made Yan Ge couldn’t help but retreat.

At this time, Yan Ge heard Qin Junmao’s shout, and couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief. Yan Ge had learned how powerful Qin Junmao was. With Qin Junmao playing, he could finally get away.

However, at this moment, another general from the Poli Army urged the horse out, “Zhang Shaohua of the Poli Army is here, don’t think about fighting with more!”

When Qin Junmao rushed out, Liu Ji immediately used the scanning function of the system to learn about Qin Junmao’s three-dimensional value. This Qin Junmao’s force value was as high as 108 points, so Liu Ji quickly asked Zhang Shaohua to go to fight Lu. The fierce general named Qin Junmao stopped the country.

After Zhang Shaohua took Xisui Famao Pills, his force value increased a bit and became 108 points. It is important to know that the effect of Xisui Famao Pills on the users has been continuous, and it is in Zhang Shaohua. As soon as Liu Ji arrived in Qinhuai City, Zhang Shaohua’s force value actually increased a little bit, becoming 109 points, so seeing Qin Junmao with a force value of 108 points, Liu Ji did not hesitate to send Zhang Shaohua up. .

After Zhang Shaohua stopped Qin Junmao in front of the two armies, the two immediately fought for you and me. General Lu Guo Hussar Jiang Ke saw that Zhang Shaohua was able to stop Qin Junmao, and the two of them also killed him. Difficult to solve, suddenly showed a shocked look.

At this time, counselor Zhen Hongwen said to Jiang Ke: “Master, this Zhang Shaohua is one of the best generals in the army, and it is normal that he can stop General Qin. It seems that we have to send someone here to help a group of General Yan! ”

After Qin Junmao was stopped by Zhang Shaohua, Yan Ge became impatient. Faced with Chen Jichang, who was getting more and more fierce in the Vietnam War, Yan Ge couldn’t help being a little dangerous on the scene.

General Lu Guo Hussar Jiang Ke immediately shouted: “Lu Zhuo, you go up and fight with Yan Ge against the two-hammer general of the Sundering Army!”

Lu Zhuo is also a strong general of Jiang Ke, and his martial arts is not much weaker than Yan Ge. Jiang Ke believes that Yan Ge and Lu Zhuo will join forces to defeat Chen Jichang.

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