Chimera Rising: Beast King Ascension [How a human-turned-lion went from Zero to Absolute Ruler]

Chapter 43: Pink Elephants

Dominic waited impatiently for Leo to finish his meal. It was an unspoken agreement that they would swap over once he was done and Dominic wanted to find out what the warthog’s core contained in terms of ability. He was eager to discover if his theory about Charge was correct. 


Since the warthog had only been level 2, worth a measly eleven Prey Points, he highly doubted that Overdrive was in the offing, even if his theory was proven to be true. It was interesting to realise that Leo couldn’t read the messages when he was in control, though Dominic remained capable of it, even though he was in the ‘back-seat’ so to speak. It raised questions which pre-System scientists would probably have been interested in exploring. Post-System, however, he suspected that the answer was most likely ‘magic’ in some way. 


When Leo had finally consumed the last of the warthog’s flesh, all that remained in front of him was a pile of gnawed bones. Licking himself clean, he finally agreed to swap back with Dominic. 


The swap was a little easier this time, both parties having a little more awareness of what to do in order to make it a success. 


Maybe we should practise this a little more, Dominic suggested thoughtfully when he’d settled back into the lion’s body. It might be useful to have the option of swapping minds at a given moment, but if it takes us this long each time, we’ll lose any advantage we might have gained. 


I agree, Leo replied immediately. Dominic wasn’t surprised – if this experience had taught him nothing else, it was that Leo missed many of the visceral aspects of life as a lion. And Dominic could understand: although it had been interesting to watch Leo hunt, if he knew that he was destined to spend the rest of his life only as a vicarious observer, he’d probably go mad. Certainly he was glad to be able to control the body once more. 


Taking a moment to stretch, he dug his claws into the earth even as he arched his back first upward and then downward. It felt good. The gorget still sat very nicely on his fur, though it was definitely a bit hot in the sun. As it was, the size meant that it didn’t have too much impact on his body as a whole, but it still made him sweat a little underneath the larger pieces of leather. 


Thinking about his equipment reminded him of something else. Concentrating, a moment later his tail armour was in place and weighing down his hindquarters. He’d have to tuck it away quickly if any threat approached as he still wasn’t confident enough in its use to have it be anything but a disadvantage. Still, he might as well start conditioning his muscles a little more. 


Finally, he licked up the small marble which remained among the bones: the warthog’s Beast Core. 


[You have obtained a Beast Core: Warthog Level 2

Ability: Charge]


I was right! Dominic rejoiced. I can get that ability naturally. Well, sort of naturally, he added as a second-thought. Quickly checking his status screen poured a bit of cold water on his enjoyment: although gaining Charge was definitely a possibility, it was going to take a fair bit of time. 


Acquired Abilities:

Quick Strike (T0) level 2 (71% to level 3) – 3 SP for +25% speed; 6 SP for +40% speed

Powerful Kick (44% to level 1)

Crushing Bite (30% to level 1)

Rage (24% to level 1)

Charge (3% to level 1)


That’s why it’s a good idea to Consume the body, he pointed out to Leo with a bit of frustration. Then we earn more points towards abilities. Leo replied with a wordless sense of equal frustration to Dominic’s, though seemed unable – or unwilling – to express why. 


Sighing, Dominic moved off. Oh well, he thought to himself. It’s not the end of the world. And if I don’t find enough warthogs to get Charge now, I might get it later when they’ve had time to increase in level. 


He sniffed the air, but there were no particularly interesting scents on the wind. Dominic hesitated for a moment, unsure which way to go. 


Why not take a nap? Leo suggested. Our belly has meat in it; it’s hot. There is little prey at this point in the day at the best of times. Since the sun was almost at its zenith and the heat was becoming overwhelming even for Dominic’s body, despite its perfect adaptation to this environment, the human-turned-lion was easily convinced. 


Finding some shade underneath an unfamiliar-looking tree, he slumped to the ground and  decided to follow Leo’s suggestion to have a siesta. Not that he was feeling particularly tired – though he could sleep if he wanted – but more because he reckoned that Leo was right in saying that there wouldn’t be many other animals moving around in the coming hours. 


Certainly, that had been true of the African savannah; whether it had been true of the environments the kangaroos and trodils came from, Dominic didn’t know. Whether pre-System rules would hold any sway in a post-System world, was, of course, another consideration entirely. 


Closing his eyes, Dominic prepared to take a cat nap, confident in his ability to wake up and react to danger if necessary. The buzz of insects filled the air, the heat rising still more as the sun finally reached the height of its arc. Dominic drifted in and out of sleep, varying between waking dreams and true dreams. 


Finally, he woke more properly as the temperature finally started to dip a little, the sun already a good way towards the horizon. Despite not having fully slept, Dominic felt refreshed and alert. Still, he regretted the loss of time. 


That’s one good thing that can be said about the dungeon, he mused thoughtfully. Thanks to the constant ‘sun’ and temperature, there was nothing to make the animals inside want to sleep. He knew that Leo wanted to find a pride to conquer, but he also wanted to grow a mane first. That dungeon was really good for my levelling progress; I wonder if there are any more places-


The thought cut itself off as a sharp pain went through his head, whiting out his vision while it held him in sway. 


When he came back to full awareness, he couldn’t have said how much time had gone past. Not too long, judging by the sun, but probably at least a few minutes. Fortunately, despite how vulnerable he had been in that time, nothing had taken advantage of him. 


What was that? complained Leo grumpily even as Dominic asked himself the same question. 


I don’t know. I was just thinking about dungeons and wondering if there were any more…out…there. Dominic trailed off as he suddenly realised he knew the answer. Wait, how do I know the answer about many different Places- 


-of Power were to be found near dungeons. There were hundreds of dungeons in different places which had been planted around the new world, each given a different amount of starting resources and set at least a certain distance away from any other. The dungeon masters were the consciousness in control of the dungeon, and were spirits which had come from a number of different sources, recently deceased inhabitants of the amalgamated worlds being one of them. 


All dungeons started at an H-rating and needed to grow in power to increase that. A higher rating would mean more options of dangers they could offer explorers, more power they could offer their contracted Beasts, and a greater size. Dungeons gained power from sapients entering and completing the task the dungeon had set, as well as from if the sapient fell within the dungeon. The more challenging the task, the more the dungeon gained from the sapient’s success.  


Dungeons were located near Places of Power, and one of these would offer a dungeon a massive leap in power if it managed to gain sole control over its local Place. However, it was no surety that a dungeon would manage to achieve this: Places of Power weren’t only beneficial to dungeons. If a Humanoid or Beast gained control over the Place, they would also gain a power boost and only one claim could be made on a Place of Power at any time. 


How do I know all of this? Dominic asked, finally managing to interrupt the almost continuous stream of information which was passing through his mind. Leo was silent, seeming just as baffled as Dominic was. 


Wary of accidentally setting off the information overload again, Dominic prodded mentally at the topic, wondering what would set it off again. He thought about dungeons, about dungeon masters, about places of-


-Power had no real standardised appearance. Some were above the ground; some were below. Some looked like a natural formation; some looked more like the abandoned remains of an ancient civilisation. However, all of them had an unmistakable aura which identified them as somewhere unusual.


Dominic pulled himself free once more, a bit freaked out now. Is this happening to you too? he asked Leo, feeling more than a little shaky at how easily the information stream had taken over his thoughts a second time. 


Yes, it is, Leo replied, feeling just as discomforted by the experience as Dominic was. I cannot seem to stop it – the information simply pours into my mind


It seems to be triggered by…pink elephants!


Pink elephants? Leo sounded completely confused now. Dominic didn’t blame him. 


Not actually, pink elephants. It’s just…if you say don’t think of pink elephants, then you will definitely think of pink elephants, right?


Why would elephants be pink? From my experience, they are grey. Or brown, if they have recently covered themselves in mud. Dominic rubbed at his forehead, that gesture at least still carrying over to his leonine form. 


Just…go with it, alright? So, instead of saying don’t think of pink elephants, instead say to think of grey elephants. Then you won’t think of pink ones.


…why should we not think of pink ones? In fact, why do we wish to think of elephants at all? Though we have grown stronger than before our joining, we are not yet strong enough to take on an elephant alone. 


That’s not what I…I wasn’t suggesting…. Dominic was temporarily speechless. OK, forget about the elephants. Just, there is a certain word that seems to trigger the information download, so we must make sure to avoid it. 


Which word is that?


Places. Wait, no, I didn’t want-


Gaining control over one of these Places required either sole dominion over the territory on which it was placed, or undisputed leadership over the dominant species which controlled said territory. If the territory is ever lost, control over the Place would be lost with it. Claiming a Place offers both the claimant and its followers (if any) a number of bonuses, relating to both the claimant’s path and its intentions. 


Gah! Dominic exclaimed wordlessly, wrenching his mind away once more. 


I think I understand your ‘pink elephants’, Leo said thoughtfully a moment later. 


Good, Dominic replied a little grumpily. So let us not think of - I mean, let’s try not to think about pink elephants, OK?

Very well, Leo agreed, thankfully. Dominic tentatively touched the information that he had gained from the sudden download. Fortunately, it seemed like recalling previously learnt information wasn’t enough to trigger the forced stream of consciousness again. It did, however, raise another – important – question. The origin of this knowledge.

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