Chef’s Harem in Multiverse

Ch: 32 [Symbiote]

In the hidden lab deep within the sewer system, Peter Parker lay on a makeshift bed, breathing heavily. The lab was dimly lit, and the air was heavy with a sense of secrecy and danger. The symbiote that had taken control of him had now receded, leaving him exhausted and disoriented.

For the past five days, Peter had struggled with the symbiote's influence, fighting to regain control of his own mind and body. The symbiote had granted him immense power, but it had also brought out a dark and aggressive side of him that he couldn't fully comprehend. Now, he was slowly coming to terms with what had happened.

"It has become clear," the symbiote spoke as Peter lay still, "that the time is near."

"Time for what?" Peter asked, turning his head slightly towards the voice.

"Time to perfect your evolution. I will make you the perfect human with infinite regeneration," The black gooey Symbiote manifested its head from Peter's chest, "You will be able to transform into your Lizard form and human form without effort."

"I don't need infinite regeneration. I just need a cure to this... this madness. I want to become a human again. Not this freak. It was a mistake. I have no place here. I belong in the daylight. Not down here."

The symbiote grew quiet and seemed to be thinking for a moment, "Your feelings of self-loathing are an obstacle to your evolution."

"How can you understand my feelings? You're not a human. You're a... a thing. You're just a parasite that wants to drain me of my blood and kill me," Peter sat up, the symbiote retracting itself into the depths of his body.

The symbiote then threw Peter's body in the air, slamming him into the wall, "I am not a parasite. You are the parasite. I am the superior being." The symbiote crawled its way towards Peter, wrapping itself around his neck.

"Fuck you! You are nothing without me," Peter snarled as he struggled with the symbiote.

The symbiote laughed as it began to constrict Peter's throat, "You are nothing without me. I have given you a new life. Power beyond your imagination and even gave you the chance to gain eternal life through infinite regeneration. And yet you choose to be weak, to be inferior. How pathetic."

Peter fell silent. He knew he would be unable to defeat the symbiote in the current state of his weakened condition, but he could not bear the idea of submitting to its demands.

As he lay in the darkness of the lab, Peter could hear his heart beating loudly in his chest. He wondered how he could have ever let himself become the Lizard. After the initial shock of transforming into the Lizard, he realized that he felt a desire for violence and killing. As he had slowly become accustomed to his new body and strength, he had learned to suppress these desires, but ever since this Symbiote latched onto him, he was becoming less and less able to control himself.

"You are still weak. I can see it in your eyes," The Symbiote hissed as it held Peter in place.

"I don't want to be like you. You want me to be the Lizard forever," Peter whispered. He knew he couldn't control the Lizard forever, but he was scared of what might happen if he let himself go completely. His body started to turn green again, the veins in his arms began to throb.

"That's it. Show me that anger. You want to hurt me?" the Symbiote said with glee.

He remained silent as the Symbiote continued to constrict around him. His eyes turned green as his face began to turn reptilian.

"Show me how much you hate me," the Symbiote spoke with a dark and menacing voice.

"Argggg!!! I'm going to kill you," Peter roared as his face began to fully transform into that of the giant Lizard. His eyes were red, and he had fangs. The Symbiote looked on with excitement as it sensed the fear within Peter's heart.

"Yes, let the anger consume you. Become one with your alternate form," The Symbiote laughed. It could feel his rage and hate for it growing with each passing second.

Peter snapped, his consciousness temporarily taken over by the Lizard. His anger was blinding. The Symbiote let go of him, allowing him to fall to the floor. Peter's arms grew larger as his claws grew longer. He howled in anger as he attempted to crush the symbiote into submission.

"Give yourself to me, and I will give you eternal life," The Symbiote spoke as it dodged his assaults.

As Peter's anger and aggression reached its peak, the symbiote saw an opportunity to take complete control. It sensed the darkness within him and seized upon it, wrapping itself tightly around his body and mind. In an instant, his consciousness was pushed to the back, and the symbiote took over.

With a sinister grin, the symbiote looked down at its new host. The transformation into the full-fledged Lizard was complete. It felt powerful, invincible, and hungry for chaos.

"Nice, now to perfect the formula," The Symbiote Lizard walked toward the lab table. In front of him lay the formula it had perfected.

Its eyes glowed with an eerie intensity. It reached out with its clawed hand, picking up the vial containing the perfected formula.

"Now, I can truly become the perfect being," the Symbiote Lizard hissed, a twisted sense of satisfaction evident in its voice. It tossed the vial into the air and caught it with its other hand.

"And to do that, I will have to rid myself of you, Peter Parker," it said, as it opened the vial with one of its claws. Its giant mouth began to turn into a grin, showing off its sharp fangs. It opened its mouth wide, revealing countless razor-sharp teeth and a big tongue. Then it drank the liquid within the vial in one gulp.

"No, no, no... Too little... Need more..." The Symbiote Lizard dropped the empty vial onto the floor, and a dark smile spread across its face. "This tiny amount isn't enough. It needs to be more potent... More powerful... Stronger..." It threw the vial on the floor, shattering it to pieces.

It started laughing uncontrollably, its eyes glowing red as a sinister grin grew across its face, "Hahahahaha! Haaa... Time to hit another medical facility and I am starving. Hopefully, the humans at the facility will provide enough nutrients for me."

It started to revert back from the giant Lizard form back to human form. Its green scales turned into human skin, and its claws became fingernails. Slowly, it became a human. Peter Parker, only it's the Symbiote in control of his body, his mind, and his soul.

[Location: Public Park]

'Humans... So many humans... Need food. Arggg! Need to control my urges. I will eat them eventually. First, I need to get to that medical facility and secure some...' While he was walking along the street, lost in hunger and sinister thoughts, Peter (controlled by the Symbiote) was trying to suppress the dark impulses that were surging through him.

"Hey, Parker!" A familiar voice sneered, his typical condescending tone evident. "Catch!"

Peter turned back, only to find that it was Flash, who had just thrown a hotdog overloaded with mustard at his shirt.

Flash, accompanied by a couple of his friends, was smirking, finding great amusement in taunting Peter as usual. Little did they know that the man before them was not Peter Parker but a being consumed by darkness.

The Symbiote-controlled Peter glanced at the hotdog stain on his shirt, his anger bubbling just beneath the surface. But he also felt the hunger grow stronger, overpowering his urge to lash out.

Flash's friends laughed at the spectacle, egging him on. "Come on, Flash, you can do better than that!"

"You're right, guys," Flash said with a malicious grin. "Watch this. Ketchup this time."

"Alright, aim for his face..." His friends laughed.

He reached into the bag of hotdogs and pulled out another one, preparing to launch it at Peter once more. However, just as he was about to throw it, Peter's glowing red eyes locked onto Flash's.

"No..." Peter's voice emerged, deep and sinister, a stark contrast to his usual tone. "Enough games."

Flash's confident smirk faltered for a moment, noticing the intensity in Peter's eyes. But he quickly regained his bravado. "Oh, you wanna fight, Parker? Bring it on!"


[AN: I am thinking of taking a break and stockpiling more chs. My aim is at least 15-20 chs. Pat reon will get daily new chs.]

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