Chasing You Like a Tenacious Falcon

Chapter 158

Jiang Tongshan shook his head, "She can do everything, too strong, she's on a different level from us. Even our club leader has to ask her for advice!"

Wei Shixu asked again, "What does she usually do in her free time?"

Jiang Tongshan replied, "She engages in extreme sports. She founded a high-end club, checking in at extreme sports locations around the world! She's amazing, very impressive! She does everything from skydiving and bungee jumping to deep-sea diving!"

Wei Shixu was momentarily silent, looking out the window.

The summer cicadas were chirping loudly.

You really know how to have fun, Quan Zhisui.

He should have taken a closer look at the information Qian Cheng gave him.

The mystery was intriguing, but it left him feeling empty-handed.

She was free, with money and time, and martial arts were a daily part of her life, so she didn't need to stay in the club.

She had always loved playing, and she played everything.

Even a small hillock would become her playground, and now that she was grown and soaring through the sky, with the world so vast, of course, she would play around the globe!

Jiang Tongshan looked at Wei Shixu's stunning profile and suddenly realized something, asking, "Hey, why are you suddenly asking about her? She's not the campus beauty queen or the department flower."

Wei Shixu smiled, "I saw her in the school magazine and became curious."

Jiang Tongshan nodded, "Oh, right, she does have a unique charm. That martial arts performance was fantastic; it was the first time I knew T'ai Chi could have fast punches, flowing like a rhythm, smooth yet rhythmic, very impressive!"

Wei Shixu suddenly asked, "What makes her not qualify as the campus beauty queen?"

Jiang Tongshan was taken aback, feeling the tone and phrasing were a bit off, but he didn't dwell on it, answering, "She's not the most beautiful! And more girls like her, boys not so much, so during the voting, she didn't win against group resistance."

Wei Shixu inquired, "Resistance?"

Jiang Tongshan nodded, "Yes, some extreme boys dislike her. After all, she's too special, kind of like envy or prejudice? 'If I can't have her, I'll destroy her'? I don't know."

Wei Shixu asked, "What about the girls?"

Jiang Tongshan became excited, lowering his voice, "The girls in our school say she's the ultimate Alpha! Super dominant!"

Wei Shixu chuckled softly.

What a transformation, looking forward to it.

Jiang Tongshan sighed, "Although I haven't met her a few times, she's a legendary figure at our school, kind of quirky."

Wei ​​‌‌​‌‌​​​‌‌​‌‌‌​‌‌​​​​‌​​‌‌​​​​​​‌‌‌​​‌​‌‌​​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​‌‌​​​‌‌​‌‌‌​‌‌​​​‌‌​​‌‌‌​​‌​‌‌​​‌‌​​​‌‌​‌​​​‌‌​​‌​‌​​‌‌​‌​​​​‌‌‌​​​​​‌‌​‌​‌​​‌‌​‌‌​​‌‌​​​‌​​​‌‌​​‌‌​‌‌​​‌‌​​​‌‌‌​​‌​‌‌​​‌​‌​‌‌​​​‌‌‍Shixu asked, "How is she quirky?"

Jiang Tongshan explained, "She has a special ability to attract strong individuals. Those who pursue her are either extremely wealthy or exceptionally talented. She's like a magnet for rich second-generation heirs and heiresses, surrounded by a crowd of them wherever she goes, all centered around her!"

Wei Shixu's eyes sparkled with interest, "Tell me about the club."

Jiang Tongshan replied, "The Mu You Club? The entry threshold is very high, and there are ill rumors, which is also one reason for the resistance."

Wei Shixu raised an eyebrow, "How high?"

Jiang Tongshan explained, "The basic annual membership fee is twenty thousand! The higher levels are unknown, maybe over a hundred thousand? There are also various health checks, not just about money, it's an extreme sports club after all!"

Wei Shixu inquired further, "Anything else?"

Jiang Tongshan continued, "Also, the club is very generous and extravagant, chartering planes for travels, staying in five-star, even six- or seven-star hotels, and the activities are pricey, huge expenses."

Wei Shixu smiled, "She's just finding herself a group of playmates..."

In a year, she had adapted well to money and learned to filter.

The things she played with were expensive, so to avoid trouble, she cut it off directly.

Rich second-generation heirs and heiresses didn't care; after all, it was all about fun, and they could just set off and pay to solve any issues, no hassle in the itinerary.

This led to her facing criticism, but given her strong inner core, she didn't care about these rumors.

She had always been decisive and brave!

That club probably didn't have any true friends she looked up to, just playmates.

Wei Shixu quickly analyzed this and took a sip of water.

Jiang Tongshan blinked, feeling the atmosphere change around Wei Shixu.

But soon, Wei Shixu returned to his composed state.

He said, "Actually, I have two years of martial arts experience, basic routines, so I wanted to give you a heads up."

Jiang Tongshan's eyes lit up, "That's great! Come more often, let's exchange ideas."

Wei Shixu smiled again, "What I mean is, I won't be coming often."

Jiang Tongshan: "..."

Wei Shixu: "Can you tell me how to join that club? And where is its base? It happens, I also like extreme sports."

Jiang Tongshan stared at him wide-eyed, examining him up and down.

He wore a plain white T-shirt without any logo, not a luxury brand, the pants were just ordinary gray trousers, also without any logo, the hat looked like it cost around a hundred.

On his hand was a bracelet, the material unclear, around his neck was a lanyard, hard to tell what it was, hidden under his clothes.

After a thorough observation, Jiang Tongshan couldn't see how Wei Shixu could afford the twenty-thousand annual membership fee!

"It's twenty thousand!" he reminded.

Wei Shixu nodded.

Jiang Tongshan reiterated, "Just for a year!"

Wei Shixu still nodded.

Jiang Tongshan said, "If you want contact information, I don't have it. Their circle is a bit mysterious and high-end, but I know the place. It's in an upscale apartment near our school; most club members live there, either bought a unit or rent, not living in the dorms."

Wei Shixu smiled, "Wild."

Jiang Tongshan vigorously nodded, "Right! Very wild! And the club address is on the top floor of the apartment, with a rooftop garden, even a helipad!"

Wei Shixu quirked his lips, "Does she know how to fly a helicopter?"

Jiang Tongshan replied, "I don't know, these are just rumors."

"Mmm," Wei Shixu stood up.

Jiang Tongshan asked, "Hey, where are you going?"

Wei Shixu answered, "To buy an apartment."

Jiang Tongshan: "..."


Late September, on the top floor of the apartment complex, the club.

Quan Zhisui was drinking tea in the tea room.

The automatic door opened.

Xia Yun walked in, handing over a stack of documents, pouting coquettishly, "Dear minister, many people want to join the club, we've become famous! After a month of screening, we've confirmed this batch of new members, the fees were paid promptly, and they've all passed the health checks, no issues!"

Quan Zhisui glanced at it, "You handle it."

Xia Yun hugged the documents, "Alright! What are the plans for the National Day holiday?"

Quan Zhisui replied, "You all go and have fun; I'll go hiking."

Xia Yun asked, "Together? Which mountain?"

Quan Zhisui answered, "Wudang Mountain."

Xia Yun pouted, "Fine. Why do you always want to hike Wudang Mountain? Wouldn't you be bored with Golden Summit by now?"

Quan Zhisui replied, "Just felt like it."

Xia Yun pouted again, "Then I'll organize the new member's welcome party?"

Quan Zhisui nodded, "Mmm, as you like."

The tea room returned to its tranquil state.

Quan Zhisui supported her chin with one hand, gazing out the window, feeling a vague feeling of frustration or irritation (vague restlessness).

Something was stirring, wanting to jump out, tearing at her rationality.

Making her want to go crazy!

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