Chasing Tides

Chapter 70

The next day, it was Granny Zhang who opened the store early.

In the room, Ning Lan listened to the flying sound of chicken flying from the shop, and lifted the blanket to cover his head.

I can’t sleep anymore, it’s good to close my eyes for a while.

It was more than nine o’clock, and there was no movement outside. Ning Lan put his hand under the faucet and rushed, alleviating the mystery from the middle of the night by physical cooling. Looking at the back of the hand, there was still a little redness. I don’t know what the guy grew up with, and his strength was like a bull.

After washing, I went to the yard and plucked a few spring onions. Later, I would use the video to record, and when I came back, I saw my mother carrying the violin to the charcoal stove.

Ning Lan was frightened, and hurried forward to stop: “Mother-in-law can’t burn, can’t burn!”

Last night, in order to break free from Sui Yun, Ning Lan had to resort to the old tricks, taking advantage of his unconsciousness and fainting, lifted his feet to kick his calf, and then quickly returned to the store.

Escaping was a successful escape. Looking down, the piano case was still on hand.

“A piece of broken wood, why can’t I burn it?” The mother-in-law made two double strokes, and she was a bit disgusted. “It’s a bit bigger, burn the thin one first.”

When he said he was going to get the bow, Ning Lan quickly grabbed the piano, and went to grab the bow with her mother-in-law: “This one can’t be burned, it can’t be burned with oil.”

The two of them pulled at the root of the bow, and one drew the tip of the bow, scrambling to **** them, only to hear a crackling sound, and the bow was broken in two from the head.

Ning Lan’s heart trembled as she watched the soft horse hair slump weakly on the ground, her eyes narrowed and she forgot to blink.

Her mother-in-law’s animosity towards Sui Yue originated from the fact that he wanted to rob someone of himself, and burning his piano was also pretentious. Now that I really broke something, I asked Ning Lan counselingly, “What is this stick for? It won’t be expensive?”

It wasn’t until Ning Lan felt a little familiar until he laid the bow flat on the table. He turned the bow with a knob, and saw the crooked characters at the root of the bow. His eyes darkened, and he shook his head, “Not expensive, all right.”

When cooking, Ning Lan frequently walked away.

He recorded the video and used to hold the rack next to it, facing the cooktop, changing the position after the food was cooked, facing the mouth of the pot, and editing it casually before sending it.

Today, when thawing chicken wings, I forgot to press to start shooting, and when I added the pickling, I forgot to change the perspective. In short, various low-level errors emerged endlessly.

Even Lu Binghua, who came to see the door, saw that he was in the wrong state, and stabbed him: “Did my brother confess to you? The soul didn’t keep his mind.”

Ning Lan was busy, “Don’t stop talking nonsense” and denied Sanlian.

The word “confession” really shocked him. He engraved “I love you” on the bow four years ago. Not long ago, Sui Yue also said these three words. The word suddenly appeared frequently without warning, so that he began to doubt the meaning of it with no idea.

He used to be eager to get it, to do silly things to get a little bit of love, and now this thing is easily in front of him, but he dare not believe it, and dare not touch it again.

Chicken wings were brought to the pan, fried on both sides, and the icing sugar was opened. Ning Lan rummaged through the bottles and found that he had forgotten to take Coke.

Cola Chicken Wings is a very simple home-cooked dish. He originally intended to make some difficult or less common dishes. However, he turned over a private message and many fans complained that he did not make fried chicken wings. , Asking him to make chicken wings anyway, even if it is not fried.

Ning Lan rarely reads reviews and private messages, but every time he takes a look, he takes the words of the fans seriously, so this is what I have today.

Cola chicken wings, as the name implies, must have Cola. There was a fire on Ning Lan’s side, and his cooking habits were all in one go. He didn’t look back and shouted, “Bingbing, help me get a can of cola.”

No one answered.

Ning Lan shouted twice, just as he couldn’t wait to turn off the fire and get it by himself, a hand holding Cola appeared in front of him.

“How come.” Ning Lan took the Coke, unscrewed the bottle cap, and grumbled into the pot.

It’s too late to find something different. Ning Lan used a shovel to stir the strangely colored soup, then picked up the Coke bottle and stared, “Why do you take Blue Cola? This huge expensive!”

Then he watched the golden and bright chicken wings in the pot neutralize the blue of Cola, and turned into an unidentified object with green and yellow, resentment: “It’s over, it’s dark.”

The people around were silent for a moment and said, “Sorry, too anxious, didn’t pay attention.”

This voice, where is Lu Binghua?

Ning Lan was frightened. He took a big step back, hit his waist on the side of the stove, and gasped hissing. He looked at Sui Yan with a ghostly expression: “You, you, you, how did you come in?”

Sui Yue changed her clothes and took care of her hair, looking more energetic than yesterday. He reached for Ning Lan, dragged his forearm to pull him away from the cooktop, turned off the fire, and said, “It’s been a while.”

The answer is unanswered.

Ning Lan guessed that he sneaked in while his mother-in-law was dozing off. The horizontal and vertical gates are inseparable from each other.

Sui Yan saw the mobile phone he was standing by and asked, “Do you want to do it again?”

Ning Lan glanced at the unidentified object in the pot, and unhurriedly pulled out a plate and sprinkled onions, and the finished product narrowed his eyes and looked like an uneven green prairie.

Ning Lan was very sorry, and the distressed features wrinkled together. Sui Yang took a pair of chopsticks to himself: “I haven’t had breakfast yet, let me have this one.”

The Cola Chicken Wings Special failed, and the food blogger “will not fry chicken wings” guesses or is related to the name offense.

The variety of ingredients at hand was not enough, and Ning Lan thought about his chin and decided to make a simple seaweed rice.

In more than half an hour of cooking, Sui Yue ate a plate of chicken wings without any onion.

Ning Lan couldn’t bear to look straight, cut his head and cut radish, cucumber, ham, and Sui Yang to help after eating it. There was still a scary soup left by his mouth. rub.”

Sui Yan took the paper and grinned as he wiped it. Ning Lan was even more panicked, thinking that the mutually exclusive food had a chemical reaction, and the child was stupid.

When the rice was rolled, the rice just came out was still a little hot. Ning Lan pinched it twice, and the palms became hot, and Sui frowned, grabbing his hands and blowing. Ning Lan’s scalp blew open, her hair was upright, she jumped up, and fled under the pretext of using a sushi curtain.

When I came back, I saw Sui Yun clumsily photographing seaweed on rice balls. The rice **** were pinched and rounded, and wearing a piece of seaweed wearing a piece of seaweed was very ugly.

In the end, the ugly rice **** entered Sui Yang’s stomach. Ning Lan usually does not fail to develop new dishes. Discarding the dishes is a very cruel thing for the diligent housekeeper. This time someone was acting as a garbage disposer, and couldn’t help but let go of cooking.

Finally, the process of serving plates served by Ning Lan was the most enjoyable. The laver rice was cut into slices of uniform thickness and placed on the chopping board in two rows. The red, green, yellow, and white were perfectly matched, which was pleasing to the eye.

After recording the video, Ning Lan couldn’t help taking a few photos from various angles with his mobile phone. After taking a look, he saw Sui Yan standing in the corner, holding his arms, and fell asleep against the wall.

I hardly slept for two nights, and the iron man couldn’t hold it.

Sui Yan’s sleep is pretty good, but his legs and feet take up some space. When two people squeezed a single bed, Ning Lan always had nowhere to hide, and in the end he was simply and rudely pressed into his arms, often muttering with his eyes closed: “Don’t make trouble.”

Ning Lan has seen him look like he has fallen asleep countless times. This time, he still stopped and watched for a long time. Then he drew this deep-rooted outline carefully again.

At noon, her mother-in-law awoke, and Sui Yue was swept out again without accident.

In the middle of the afternoon, the mother-in-law who cooked the chicken soup in a charcoal stove crushed the used carbon, mixed it with a bucket of stones, and spread a large piece at the door.

“Child, it’s really impossible to squat at the door, and you can sit well with your butt,” the enthusiastic Jiang Yan took out a pony, “if you have to go, bring this.”

Jiang Yan’s daughter couldn’t help it, and laughed while covering her mouth. Sui Yun didn’t understand what she was laughing at, but only felt that she was not sincere with the props, and euphemistically rejected Jiang Yan’s proposal.

He chased people for the first time. He kept his rules for the sake of stability, but it was not stubborn.

After night fell, Sui Yan squatted directly under the window of Ning Lan’s room.

Due to the relationship of sending flowers every day, Sui Yang has already figured out the terrain. When the light in the room turned on, I sneaked into the window and tried to catch Ning Lan’s figure through thick curtains.

He thought he was unaware of the ghosts, but in fact there was only one lamp in the room, and Ning Lan saw his shrinking silhouette clearly.

The entire Quanxi Street belongs to the Lu family brothers who are the tallest and taller than Lu Binghua, a silly big man, except for a former colleague who doesn’t think so.

Ning Lan walked over and pierced the glass across the curtains: “I’ll call the police if you do this again.”

The outside figure quickly retracted and slowly moved out again.

“it’s me.”

Ning Lan helped him, of course he knew it was him.

“Go back to sleep.” Aren’t you sleepy enough to stand still?

Ning Lan omitted the second half of the sentence and said he walked to the bedside and turned off the table lamp.

“I’ll stay for a while, five minutes, just five minutes.” Sui Yue’s tone was rare and urgent outside the window, and the speed of the speech slowly slowed down without saying anything in the room. “The tune in the last recording pen, I do n’t know if you listened to it, and the last song of the concert is also given to you … I still have a lot of songs to listen to you. “

At this time, Ning Lan’s indifferent face was not visible, and he could not hear the words of refusal, and added a lot of courage to his chest.

“Qin is not around, I … I sing, okay?”

Inside Ning Lan almost jumped up and opened the window to block his mouth.

No one knows better what Sui Yan is singing. The range is too narrow and the tone is too hard. It is fortunate that he does not break the sound. Ning Lan was afraid that when he opened his voice, all the folks in Quanxi Street were awakened.

Just about to stop, a gentle voice had passed through the window.

This is probably a piece of pure music without lyrics. Sui Yan chose the form of humming. The gentle and gentle bass melody just helped him to avoid weaknesses. The low magnetic sound and the wind that knocked on the window lattice at night were harmonious as if he couldn’t sleep. Can hear the sound of nature.

Ning Lan crept up into bed, trying to pretend to be asleep.

Before the time for a song arrived, he really fell asleep.

It was another sunny day the next day. Mother-in-law Zhang learned from yesterday’s lesson. She stood in front of the counter and didn’t close her eyes.

Ning Lan thought that Sui Yang would not be here today, and sighed, feeling more relaxed than sorry.

When I went to the backyard to dry my clothes, I heard the movement of the wall roots and looked up. Sui Yue had a long leg that had crossed into the yard. The two eyes suddenly intersected, and both sides were a little awkward.

Dare to be like this yesterday. Ning Lan thought so.

Sui Yue straddled another leg sharply and jumped straight down from the low wall, just as easily as jumping from the upper bunk, and landed on the ground firmly.

What embarrassed him was not the disgraceful way of coming in, but the crumbling of a rose that was nowhere to be placed on his mouth when he turned over the wall, and this stupid appearance that destroyed the image was looked at by Ning Lan.

Ning Lan held a wet suit in his hands, watching his appearance from the sky, and forgot about the next move.

Sui Yang took the flower out of his mouth and slowly held it up to Ning Lan, and said, “Today’s … flower.”

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