Chaos Guide [Evil Mc, No Romance]

Chapter 37: Will you be the fly or the mountain

CG Chapter 37: Will you be the fly or the mountain


As Tom walked around, he noticed something out of place. A store stood unaffected by the flames around it, and what was even weirder was the old beggar who was drinking in front of that store.


Spotting this bizarre scene, Tom didn't flee but hastened towards it with an almost childlike eagerness. He evaded the crumbling walls of the surrounding buildings with ease, effortlessly closing the gap between himself and the mysterious store.






The old beggar continued to drink from the gourd in his hand. After he finished his drink, he noticed Tom in front of him. He asked with an experienced tone, "Will you kindly spare some change for an old man? I possess the gift of foresight, and I also peddle martial arts of unique caliber."


Upon hearing the old man's voice, Tom didn't pause for an instant. He emptied his pockets, giving the old man all the money he had on his person. Tom didn't care for the little value that this gold held in the eyes of the masses.


"May I peruse through the martial art books you possess first?" Tom inquired in a respectful tone. 


The beggar indulged in another sip of his drink before making a sweeping gesture with his hand, indicating to Tom that he was welcome to examine the martial arts book at his leisure.


Tom began flipping through the books one after another, yet his discerning eye swiftly deemed them all as mere trash. This assessment didn't stem from an inexperienced hobbyist; instead, it came from Tom, a martial arts grandmaster.


One of the books even included this instruction, "A punch can kill a fly, but a fly can shatter a mountain. Will you be the mountain or the fly?"


Undisturbed by the counterfeit books, Tom maintained his respectful demeanor and inquired, "Might I request the esteemed senior to divine my future?"


The beggar commenced drawing intricate circles upon the ground with his hand, all the while intoning strange incantations.


"A new beginning unfolds," he began, his voice carrying a mystic weight. "The Yin is veiled, known to but a select few. The Yang, radiant as the hero. Who will dictate the destinies of all? Will it be the fate of one?"


Following this enigmatic pronouncement, the old man fell into silence. He turned to his drink, consuming it more voraciously as if he sought solace in the embrace of alcohol, hoping it would blot out his memories.


Tom contemplated the cryptic words of the old beggar, his thoughts swirling in a futile attempt to decipher their meaning. Finding no practical insight to obtain, he resolved to investigate the peculiar store that remained untouched by the chaos.




Upon stepping into the store, Tom was enveloped by an uncanny sensation of traversing into another realm. 


His gaze roamed the strange scene, only to notice the books that seemed to possess a life of their own. They flew from one shelf to another, and once in a while, two books would come near each other as if they were exchanging their stories and legends with shadows of heroes and demons materializing out of them.


To his right, an inexplicable blaze materialized out of thin air. It hungrily ensnared nearby logs, its flames devouring them with a slow and mesmerizing dance.


In the corner, a sleek black cat captured Tom's attention. It skillfully played a haunting rendition of a moonlight sonata, its every paw stroke producing ethereal notes that seemed to elevate his very soul. As the melody unfolded, the moonlight cast a gentle glow upon the feline's face, further enhancing the enchantment of the scene.


Finally, Tom saw the store clerk. He was impeccably dressed in a stylish black suit, and his neatly groomed short black hair framed his face. What truly set him apart, however, was his distinguished imperial mustache. With each meticulously groomed hair, he seemed to have stepped right out of the 18th century, exuding an air of timeless elegance.


"Your kind seems to revel in enigma," Tom remarked, genuinely perplexed by the beggar's decision to stay outside while the clerk conducted business within.

Hearing Tom's words, the clerk smiled, tilting his head curiously. "What do you mean by 'your kind'? Have you encountered anyone other than me around here?"

Tom was about to respond when he suddenly had an epiphany. An unspoken understanding passed between him and the clerk as they continued their conversation.


"I apologize for my earlier lapse in manners," the clerk said, offering Tom a nobleman's bow. "I am the 'Infinite Merchant,' and this is my humble establishment, 'Unending Cards.'"


Just as Tom was about to introduce himself, the clerk continued with a smile. "I am well aware of who you are. I've been observing your journey for quite some time. Although I don't know which name you prefer, 'Son of Sand,' 'Dark Club Lord,' or 'The Watcher. ' The myriad choices of names you used shows great creativity."

Tom was initially taken aback by the clerk's knowledge, as all the names he mentioned were ones he had used throughout his multiple lives. After a moment's reflection, he proceeded as usual.


"Names hold little value to me," Tom replied, allowing a bit of his genuine, indifferent self to emerge. "What truly matters is why you summoned me here."


The clerk sighed. "I am here to fulfill a contract, and since you have met the conditions of that contract, I shall now proceed with my task." He then began to clap his hands together, and with each clap, the door behind Tom started to open with his rhythm.


While Tom was curious about what lay beyond the door, he first sought information about the person behind the deal and their intentions. "Do I know this person?" he inquired.


"You have inherited their legacy, and they wished to ensure your ascent to a higher realm," the clerk replied.


With a complete understanding of the situation, Tom had one remaining question. "One last question: can I make a deal with you?"


The clerk considered Tom's question, his hands rubbing together in thought. "At present, you possess nothing of substantial value to me, but perhaps in the near future, circumstances will change." He paused before demonically grinning. "Unless, of course, you're willing to incur a debt, in which case, we can negotiate a separate arrangement."


Tom concluded the conversation with a nod as he left the store, saying, "Until we meet again."


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