Chaos Guide [Evil Mc, No Romance]

Chapter 21: Veiled Frenzy

CG Chapter 21: Veiled Frenzy

As time passed, Tom began to realize that he must venture deeper into the forest if he wanted to have a chance at fulfilling the requirements set by Tian Chang. As he needed to collect enough food for the two of them.

As Tom trudged through the muddy terrains of the forest and as he tried to navigate through its harsh landscape. He heard a melody more magical than anything he had ever heard. The birds were the lead musicians of this melody. They composed the song as they had mother nature itself playing to their tone.

In the magical place where everything seemed to live in harmony with each other, Tom didn't have any of it, as he thought to himself.

"I must have been a fool to trust him with my training. I guess that's what you get for putting your trust in the hands of a barbarian." Tom muttered to himself, "I hoped for a training regimen that would shape me into a weapon capable of handling any situation. Yet, it seems that creating my own training path seems to be my only choice."

After he said that, he suddenly heard Noor inform him, "Master, I have an idea about your present circumstance that I wish to share with you."

He replied, "Feel free to share your idea. I don't think it can make my situation any worse than it already is."

"From all the data that I gathered on Tian Chang, I don't think that he is the type of person that can leave his one and only child in the forest without a second thought. I think it's more likely that he has a hidden plan for your training that he doesn't want you to know about." After Noor described her analysis, she stayed silent as she gave Tom a chance to think about what she just said.

Tom pondered for a while on Noor's analysis of the situation; He replied, "If what you said is indeed correct, then I suppose that the best course of action for me is to hunt another Hare like the last time. At least, that is what I think a normal child would do."

Tom prepared sticks and leaves to set up the trap, just like the last time. However, his actions seemed more experienced than his first attempt. This time he set it up faster than before, and of course, he didn't forget to crack the bait open as he realized that smashing the lure would increase its effectiveness.

After he set up the trap, Tom stated proudly, "I think that I became a master hunter of sorts." As Tom took cover, his ears picked up the sounds of an animal approaching the trap slowly.

Tom noticed the approaching animal after he had praised himself. He had but one thought on his mind, "And with this, my second life will come to an end."

"Master, this is not a Hare," Noor warned.

Hearing her warning, Tom sighed, "Yeah, I am quite aware that the beast-looking animal in front of me is, in fact, not a Hare."

As Tom attempted to hide his presence, he started to breathe heavily, unaware of the pollen he inhaled while trying to squeeze his brain for any hint of information and knowledge he could use.

Noor advised Tom to hide since he was uncertain whether he had the ability to escape from the animal. She suggested that he should use the elements near him to distract the animal as far away as possible so he could flee safely once he had put enough distance between himself and the creature.

Upon hearing this, Tom scanned his surroundings as he contemplated whether he should proceed with Noor's proposed plan or if he should take another route.

Once the Tigertn reached the trap, Tom's expression started to shift as if he wasn't truly himself. Tom said in a maddened tone, "I will kill this creature here and now. I will make it die a painful and miserable death while I enjoy the taste of its blood."

"Master your chances of success are negligible. And your status seems abnormal. I would suggest that you retreat this second." Noor started to issue a warning after warning to Tom.

"So what if I  have a low chance of killing this animal? This is a good chance for me to grow. This is an opportunity for me." Tom's countenance changed even more as his eyes started to turn red in color as he said, "I will become the best hunter once I kill it."

After he said that, Tom started to laugh manically as he picked up a rock near him wanting to end the animal's life and possibly end his own life with it. A moment before Tom launched himself at the animal, he heard a sudden noise that came from behind him.


A sleeping dart was swiftly launched, finding its mark on the Tigertn. With the powerful sedative coursing through its veins, the creature's movements grew erratic and unsteady. Out of nowhere, the figure of a young boy sprinted towards the disoriented beast, with madness shining in his eyes. With unwavering resolve, he struck the creature's body with all the strength he could muster, each blow punctuated by his laughter that echoed through the air. As the crimson blood splattered across his face, he looked as if he was an apostle of ancient demons.

Seeing his son go into an unexpected frenzy, Tian Chang said in a disappointed tone, "I never liked those Thanatosia flowers; they made everything go downhill. I guess that the Beast Cage training would need to be altered."

After saying that, Tian Chang held his blowpipe as he threw another sleeping dart at his child.




The hours passed by as Tom started to wake up from his deep slumber. He looked all around him only to notice Tian Chang preparing food in front of the sizzling campfire.

Tom asked Tian Chang what had happened to him as he held his head, unable to remember anything. He felt like his head was about to explode.

Once he saw that his son had awakened from his sleep, Tian Chang handed him a coconut shell containing a brownish liquid that appeared to have insects inside it.

Tian Chang noticed that Tom was staring at the shell without drinking it. He then urged him, "Drink it."

Tom didn't hesitate to drink the shell upside down after he heard that.

Once he saw that his son had drunk the entire content of the shell, Tian Chang said, "I am sorry."

Tom asked, "What are you sorry for?"

"While you faced the Tigertn, you inadvertently took cover near a cluster of Thanatosia flowers and inhaled their pollen. This flower possesses a mind-altering effect; it warps one's thoughts and instills a callous disregard for life. It awakens a fervent desire to eliminate as many beings as possible, earning it the moniker of 'Death Courter's Flower.' If only I had been more vigilant in examining the area, you wouldn't find yourself in this state," Tian Chang confessed, his voice tinged with guilt.

As Tom comprehended the gravity of the situation, he responded, "Why do you apologize? Isn't this precisely what the Beast Cage was designed for? A training where I face death face to face?"

Tian Chang smiled once he saw his son's sincere determination. "Get a good night's sleep. At daybreak, I will teach you the true art of fighting an animal without holding a weapon."

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