Chaldea Subjugation Organization (Fate/Grand Order)

Chapter 32: Gorgon

As Shigure watches Gorgon gorge herself on some monsters, he can’t help but smile slightly. She’s something like a particularly unruly pet, one he has to feed regularly so that she doesn’t try to pull on the leash too hard. Of course, he hadn’t quite understood her at first, but eventually, she’d spelt it out rather bluntly, something Shigure found himself appreciating very much.
“The mana consumption of this body is intense. The fuel efficiency is poor, in other words. You insensitive contractor. It means I’m hungry.”
With that blatant explanation out of the way, Shigure had decided to put more time and effort into Gorgon’s growth. This meant lots of these little solo trips, allowing her to feast and gorge herself on however much meat she wanted. That in turn had resulted in her slowly transforming from her original, humanish form into a larger, slightly more monstrous form. Her legs had melded into a massive snake tail that made up the lower half of her body now, and she’d added several snakes to her hair as well, though of course, plenty of it was still the normal purple locks he was familiar with.
Regardless, the changes were obvious, and the increase in her size and power was as well. So far, this had been a good move, allowing her feed and feed, and then for good measure, feed some more. Still, it WAS getting a little late now. Probably best to start heading back.
“Gorgon, go ahead and finish up that last meal, and then we’re leaving.”
The moment her name leaves his lips, the snakes in her hair whip around to look at him. Eventually, she side-eyes him, but doesn’t say anything. Shigure just raises an eyebrow in response, smiling casually as she finishes her meal and then turns to face him fully. Slowly, the massive monstrous Servant slithers her way over to him. Once she’s in front of Shigure, their different in size is much more noticeable, with her towering over him by a good few feet.
It’s obviously that she’s TRYING to be intimidating though, in the way she purposefully looms over him, using the thick, long snake tail that is her lower half to rise herself up into the air a bit more. The snakes in her hair are all spread out, angled to stare at him just as Gorgon herself is, while her arms cross under her chest, accentuating her truly massive breasts.
“Hmph. Perhaps it’s time we had a talk about our… arrangement, Morsel. I see no reason why a being as magnificent as myself should be taking orders from someone as tiny and weak as you. Honestly, I could just as easily eat you up as I eat this unsubstantial prey, if I so desired.”
She sounds almost flippant, but he can see the hunger in her eyes. Even still, Shigure didn’t get to where he is by being easily cowed, now did he? He’s not one to balk in the face of aggression, especially not from one of his Servants. He still has all three of his Command Seals after all, though whether Gorgon is in the right frame of mind to be considering those or not… well. Shigure just smiles up at the monstrous snake-woman, cocking his head to the side and making a show of eyeing her up and down.
He’s ogling her quite openly, and though she refrains from preening TOO much under his gaze, at the same time, she can’t help basking in the attention, too proud and too vain not to. Chuckling lightly as he enjoys the up-close sight of her VERY thicc body, Shigure eventually gives Gorgon a wicked grin.
“I wouldn’t mind eating you up myself, Gorgon.”
Gorgon’s eyes widen just a fraction, and even the snakes in her hair pull back for a second in surprise, before drawing closer once more. She leans in, clearly very interested. The overt flirting does wonders for inflating her already large ego, and she licks her lips as she in turns eyes Shigure up and down next. Eventually, she lets out a derisive snort.
“Hmph. You aren’t much, Morsel. It’s not like I would be able to feel your tiny dick anyways… but perhaps I can indulge all the same.”
Shigure is just opening his mouth to respond, but Gorgon doesn’t give him the chance. Her hair snakes lunge forward as once, and rip off his clothing before he can react, drawing a grunt from the young man’s lips as he’s then dragged up into the air by those very same hair snakes wrapping tightly around his body. Initially, Gorgon traps his arms up against his torso, and as she pulls him in close, Shigure wonders if he should use at least one Command Seal to turn things in his favor.
… It wouldn’t be the first time he’s made sure that the Servant enjoyed every last bit of the experience a hundredfold, after all. But something stops him from going through with it, even as Gorgon uses one of her real hands to spread her slit open and force him inside of her. His cock penetrates deeply, probably deeper than she’s expecting. Judging by the look on her face, the monstrous Servant isn’t actually prepared to feel anything, not thinking he’d ever be able to reach very deep inside of her.
Just goes to show that she hasn’t done her homework. Shigure was plenty big to begin with, but life among so many insatiable Servants has left him less than human in more than one regard. As Shigure’s first involuntary thrust goes deeper than Gorgon is initially expecting, her breath hitches, and though she manages to bite back the gasp, the snakes that make up her hair do loosen their grip on him quite a bit.
That’s all the invitation Shigure needs, in the end. Reaching out with his now freed arms, Shigure wraps them around Gorgon’s torso as best he can, gripping at her wide hips with both hands and squeezing down hard. Then, he begins to go to town on her, plowing into the monstrous Servant with all his might. And judging by her reactions, it feels better than she thought it would. Her moans fill the air, and her inner walls squeeze down HARD around his cock. She’s tight despite her size, and wet on top of that, making the passage in and out of her gripping cunt all the easier and faster as time goes on.
And yet… she’s not reaching orgasm as quickly as he would expect. Sliding one hand up off a hip, Shirou reaches for Gorgon’s breast instead. He watches as she reacts to this with a gasp, her face slightly red and his fingers digging into her jiggling mammary as he rubs his palm against her rock-hard nipple. She looks down at where he’s touching her chest, and then up at him… before stubbornly turning her head to the side.
“A-As I thought, I can’t feel a single thing. You’ll have to try harder than that, Morsel.”
He’s not one to take her words at face value, when she’s clearly acting like a classic tsundere, but at the same time, he can feel that she’s right at least in one way. She might be feeling it, but she’s not feeling it enough. He DOES need to try harder. So that’s what Shigure does. Gritting his teeth, he thrusts forward with all the might he has to offer, which given the number of Servants who have boosted his physical attributes in one way or another since he became Master of Chaldea, is quite a lot.
“I’m, ah, not even enjoying this, Morsel. You aren’t even trying, mm, are you?”
She’s lying, he can tell that. It IS working… it’s just not working like he needs it to. He can tell that Gorgon is winding up and up, can tell that she’s getting closer and closer to the edge… but no matter how hard he fucks her, no matter how he gropes and squeezes her breasts, he can’t seem to push her over into the abyss that would be her orgasmic breaking. He knows if he can just get that first climax out of her, then it’ll be a foregone conclusion, but how to go about doing that?
It takes a strange licking sensation across his balls for Shigure to finally realize that the key is staring him right in the face. Despite Gorgon’s all around tsundere attitude, despite the fact that she herself is looking away and pretending not to enjoy everything… her hair snakes seem to have a mind of their own. They’ve unwound from around his body completely by this point, for one thing, and now… now they’re acting as if they love him, as if they want nothing more than to be with him.
A couple are licking at his balls as they smack into her again and again with every thrust. Others are nuzzling against his body in various places. The lot of them are acting like affectionate cats of all things, leaving Shigure to simply blink in the realization that, even if Gorgon herself isn’t being totally honest… the snakes that make up her hair ARE.
Pulling his hand away from her tit, Shigure snaps it out and grabs hold of a hair snake with lightning fast movement. Before either it or its sisters or even Gorgon herself can react, Shigure is taking the gamble… and snogging the hair snake right on its mouth. His tongue intertwines with the forked snake tongue, and Gorgon goes absolutely still, to the point that Shigure wonders for half a moment if she’s somehow petrified herself.
Then, the monstrous female Servant cums, and oh is it a spectacular orgasm. Her eyes very nearly roll up in her head right then and there and her mouth forms into the cutest little o as she moans and mewls wantonly. He has her now, obviously. Shigure even slows down the way he’s fucking her, as he plays with the hair snake, he’s grabbed up instead.
It seems that this is her weak point. Gorgon is completely and utterly vulnerable at the moment, as her face goes absolutely red and she even hides behind her hands, while all of her other hair snakes hide behind her head, only to peek out at the one that’s still got it’s tongue intertwined with Shigure’s.
Thrusting up into Gorgon’s cunt… it doesn’t necessarily feel any different now, but there is a much greater amount of responsiveness, that’s for sure. The monstrous Servant cums again and again around his cock, now that he’s striking at her most vulnerable spot and using her to his whim. She’s all but gurgling at this point, making incomprehensible noises from behind her hands as she hides from him.
Hm, well, he’s not going to let that continue forever. Leaning up, Shigure lets go of the hair snake for a moment, and even as it wraps itself snugly around his waist, practically hiding its face in his hip, he reaches up and grabs Gorgon by her wrists. Pulling her hands away from her face isn’t EASY, per say, but with his enhanced strength and her squirming and writhing and altogether distracted state, it’s far from impossible.
Exposing her blushing features, Shigure just grins as they make eye contact, causing Gorgon to gasp and bite her lip, knowing she’s been completely and utterly beaten by this point. Even still, she’s not entirely willing to give up…
“D-Don’t think t-this, ah, means anything M-Morsel. I still… I still…”
Letting go of her wrists, Shigure reaches back behind her head and grabs two more of her hair snakes, pulling them forward and giving them both paradoxical kisses, ones that are both chaste… and incredibly lewd. Gorgon squeals, and her eyes do fully roll back in her head this time as she ahegaos on the spot, her tongue even lolling out of her mouth quite lewdly.
Her entire body shakes and spasms beneath him, and her pussy walls milk his cock for all they’re worth. But Shigure isn’t done with her yet, so with a shit-eating grin on his face, the young Master of Chaldea continues to fuck Gorgon through more and more orgasms, even as the sounds from her lips take on more and more submissive qualities. She’s constantly mewling and moaning and whimpering at this point, her eyes rolling around in her skull, her tongue sliding this way and that.
Her hair snakes don’t seem to know what to do, beyond the one he originally snogged. As he plays with all of them in various ways, finding out what makes them tick, the original hair snake remains firmly wrapped around his waist, clearly doing its best to keep him inside of its mistress’ body. Or is it more like the hair snake is just another part of Gorgon? They certainly seem to have minds of their owns, but perhaps that’s not entirely true. Perhaps they’re just expressing the subconscious desires of the monstrous Servant that they’re part of.
Regardless of how he wants to philosophize it, in the end, it’s obvious that the hair snakes were her weak point, either an expression of her true inner thoughts, or just straight up tattling on her. And Shigure had never been one to play fair, so he was more than happy to use and abuse that weakness to its fullest extent.
Now, he had a monstrous Gorgon laying beneath him, cumming her brains out and unable to stop ahegaoing as he fucked into her again and again. After the umpteenth orgasm on her part, Shigure figured it was probably fine to finally let loose. And so he did, filling her with his seed, pumping the thickest, largest load of cum he ever has directly into the Servant’s womb. He’s rarely held himself back for as long as he did this time around, and it shows in just how viscous and unending his flow is. He’s hosing down her insides with his cum for a good solid minute, before finally, he’s done.
Looking at Gorgon’s completely fucked silly expression, Shigure nods after a moment, deciding that he’s done enough. He’s most certainly proved his point by now. Pulling out of her however, the Master of Chaldea DOES encounter some meager resistance, namely in the form of the original hair snake he snogged. It’s the only one not currently comatose on the floor, splayed out around Gorgon’s head just like their mistress, and it’s still wrapped around his waist, doing its damnedest to keep him buried inside of the monstrous Servant.
Even now, even with Gorgon unconscious, her hair is trying to fulfill her true desires. Chuckling, Shigure nonetheless has no problem whatsoever in dragging the hair snake off of his waist and pulling out all the same. It wiggles a little in his grasp, but in the end, it’s still quite weak from the rough fucking that its mistress has just received.
Getting to his feet, Shigure takes a moment to let the satisfaction of this latest conquest wash over himself. There’s no denying that he feels damn good about this one. Gorgon really was becoming a problem in more ways than one, if he was being honest. But at the same time, he didn’t want to curtail her growth. Power… power was what he needed in order to save the world, but more importantly, to remain on top at Chaldea. Making Gorgon strong and then making her his bitch… that was a necessary step of his dominance of all that laid before him.
Of course, now that that was done with, Shigure found himself looking down at Gorgon’s unconscious form appraisingly, enjoying her monstrous appearance as well as her curves. She was very different from most of his other bedwarmers. The female Servants that he’d had before her… perhaps the only one he could even try to compare her to was Passionlip, and even then, that was… well, he’d say they only had the fact that they were both somewhat monstrous in common. Otherwise, they were two entirely different women.
Gorgon was a new thing, and Shigure so did love new things. Yet at the same time, she was still very much a woman… and Shigure loved women as well. Staring down at her well-fucked form, he finds himself growing hard at the sight. Really, in the end, what else was he going to do while he waited for his Servant to regain consciousness?
Grinning, the young Master of Chaldea begins to move forward, cock in hand as he climbs aboard…
Waking up to her Master riding her and fucking her tits would, under normal circumstances, upset the one known as Gorgon immensely. Especially since she hadn’t ever truly viewed him as her Master… at least until now. Until now, he had simply been Morsel to her. A bite to eat that she allowed to hang around, just in case she ever got truly peckish. Oh sure, he had those pesky Command Seals, Gorgon wasn’t an idiot… but if she really wanted to, she was sure she could bite his head clean off before he ever even got to use a single one.
Now though… now in her hubris, she’d been beaten. Master was fucking her tits, using his hands to grope and squeeze them together as he pinches her nipples… and Gorgon could only blush as she watches his leaking cockhead poke out of the top of her cleavage, inches from her face, again and again. She’s been beaten, soundly. There’s no denying that. And really, she only sees one path forward at this point.
He stops for a moment, raising an eyebrow as he looks down at her in mild surprise. Gorgon just blushes and looks to the side for a moment, instinctively trying to cross her arms under her chest, but all she ends up doing is wrapping them around his waist, pulling him in deeper and causing that thick fat cockhead to press against her chin.
“I suppose I will continue to eat your enemies, for you, Master. A-And I suppose, if you ever want to eat me again in the future, you have proven that I am the Morsel, and s-so it would be your right.”
Averting her gaze as she is, Gorgon doesn’t see the big, wide grin that spreads across her Master’s face. She does hear him chuckle though, even as she continues to blush and let him fuck her tits to his heart’s content. And when he finally begins to cum, if her hair snakes dash in to lick and lap up his seed while she doesn’t go anywhere near it with her own mouth… w-well that’s just good personal hygiene, right? So what if she can taste everything that her snakes can taste? It’s not like she likes it or anything…


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