Celestial Swordsman – Danmachi OC

Chapter 13 – Month’s Progress and Quest

Roughly a month has passed since the Familia went on their expedition and seven weeks since I was transmigrated into this world. 

From being in the dungeon most days of the week, I've made a lot of progress both in stats and technique. 

Although my sword style still is not complete, though a sword style is never truly complete, the constant training and experience have developed it to be usable in combat. 

Still, according to Kaguya, my progress is excellent. 

Speaking of progress, my stats have grown significantly, enough to breeze through the dungeon up to the ninth floor.


Name: Sirius
Level: 1

 Strength: E439
Endurance: F387
Dexterity: E448
Agility: E445
Magic: D524


 Heroic Will 


 Celestial Ascent


With my constant dungeon dives, I've also made enough income from selling the magic stones and monster drops to contribute to the Familia, although a single-day expedition from them to the middle floors would dwarf my income.

My relationship with Ryuu has also returned to normal, although there is some lingering awkwardness when we are near each other or alone. 

It seems that Mother Astraea's words were true, Ryuu didn't blame me at all, in fact, she thanked me for taking her back that night, although she couldn't look me in the eyes the entire time.

And yes, I have given in to calling Mother Astraea 'Mother', although I add her name to it much like Kaguya does. 

It was extremely embarrassing the first time it slipped out, but Mother Astraea's happy smile made it worth it.

Other than getting to know Orario, both in culture and direction, the only other notable thing to happen in this past month would be my progress with playing the lyre and whittling. 

Tiring myself out in the morning and around noon with dungeon diving and training, while doing some light sword practice before bed, left me the afternoon free. 

With my body and mind exhausted, my time was taken by helping around the Familia, chatting with the girls, walking around Orario, taking a nap under the sun, or my hobbies. 

It was initially tough to play the lyre due to it being quite different from a guitar, rather than using six strings and changing the notes by pressing the string to the fret, with a lyre the string's note remains unchanged. 

Luckily, the lyre I bought had a sufficient amount of strings so that I could use the entire musical scale along with sharps. 

The other thing is that instead of strumming, you pluck each string, plucking multiple at a time to get a chord. 

Luckily, my guess about the dexterity stat increasing my skill was true, as I had no problem with playing, only needing to practice to improve the subtle aspects of the music.

Since I couldn't find any books on music, I had to create songs or translate ones from my memory into the lyre. 

Overall, an interesting and fulfilling way to pass the time, and once I was proficient enough in playing, I was able to become enchanted with the beautiful soft melodies it produced, truly a great purchase. 

Though tuning it is a bitch, I wonder if Ryuu would still want to do the duet we talked about? If she even remembers.

While my experience with the lyre was peaceful and pleasant, my progress with whittling was not so. 

It seems that I underestimated my lack of skill with art, and combining that with the intricate detail required for whittling, you get pitiful results. 

Especially when a shaved piece of wood goes out of control and ends up taking out a chunk of your model sword! 


So yeah, the progress is slow and painful, but still progress, I could only imagine how much worse it would be without the boost to my dexterity.

So all in all, one relaxing and peaceful hobby where I can show off my otherworldly skill, and songs, and another more chaotic and delicate craft, where my talent is poor and my skill progresses through dedication and practice. 

Two very different ways to pass the time.

Returning to my dungeon exploits, the new monsters that appear on floors 7, 8, and 9, are the Killer Ant, Needle Rabbit, Purple Moth, and Blue Papilio. 

The Killer Ant is also called the "newbie killer" along with the War Shadow, not due to its individual combat prowess, but due to its defence and ability to call many allies. 

When I first encountered its ally-calling ability, I thanked my past self for getting training against many monsters from Kaguya. 

The Needle Rabbit is a plain monster that is simply a rabbit with a sharp horn on its head, specializing in agility to quickly stab its opponents. 

A Purple Moth is a monster that spreads poisonous powder, a pretty easy enemy to fight as long as you don't get covered in the powder multiple times. 

Since I encountered the poison, I am now able to get Abnormal Resistance as a development ability on my level up. 

Finally, the Blue Papilio, a rare monster that rather than being a monster, is more like a treasure, as the drop item the Blue Papilio Wing, which drops with every kill, is used for many high-quality potions. 

Currently, I am on the ninth floor, which by the guild's standards should be fairly dangerous for me, recommending an average of high D to C in stats to complete the floor. 

It's fairly safe for me though, with my magic, combat skills, and Heroic Will making me stronger than what my stats depict. 

In fact, I'm fairly certain I could explore floor 10, but there's no need to be reckless, once my stats reach an average of C I will likely start visiting it though.

The reason I'm on the ninth floor right now is, surprisingly, not only for training but rather to complete a guild quest, a new experience for me. 

Since our Familia is rank B, meaning that we, or rather the girls, have reached floor 40, we can accept any quests up to floor 40. 

Guild quests, when related to the dungeon, are nearly always collection quests from clients either in or outside Orario, normally being monster drops. 

Completing these quests gives you more money than regularly depositing the monster drops, though the quality of the item has to meet a certain standard. 

The quest I'm completing right now is to collect 25 Killer Ant carapaces and 30 Needle Rabbit tusks, due to the rarity of drop items on lower-level monsters, it takes a lot of kills in order to complete such a request. 

I also can't damage the drop item due to the quality needing to be pristine, the issue with that is the drop item can't be damaged even on the monster before it dies, you can see why this would be a problem, especially for the Killer Ant carapaces.

It took me a few tries to finally get the hang of killing the Killer Ant without slashing its body, the method being to stab through its eyes, piercing all the way to its brain. 

For the Needle Rabbits, it was a much simpler process, as even before the quest I never had the need to damage its horn. 

After two gruelling days of hunting on the ninth floor, I'm nearly done with the quest, only needing one more carapace to cash out and have myself a celebratory dinner.

Walking through the grass plain that coats the ninth floor while wiping off Infinite Eclipse that had just slain a group of Goblins, I spot two Killer Ants near a rock formation. 

Looking to finish the quest, I silently step toward it, observing the surroundings in case of an ambush. 

Seeing no potential problems, I coat my legs in stellar magic and launch towards the first unsuspecting monster, cleanly thrusting my sword into its left eye, causing it to instantly burst into dust.

The other one notices my presence and promptly starts shrieking, calling to its allies. 

Not wanting to end up in an ant swarm, I run towards the monster, my sword to the side, in response to my exposed posture, it attacks me with its two clawed arms, just as planned. 

Bending under the claw, I simultaneously bring my sword forward, piercing its eye as I pass by, creating a cloud of ash. 

Quick and efficient, just as an effective adventurer should be.

Spotting the carapace that has luckily dropped, I smile deeply while pocketing both magic stones and the final needed drop item before bolting out of the area, not wanting to meet the potential horde of Killer Ants. 

After all, I have all I need for the quest and the last thing I want to see right now is another Killer Ant. 

Hell, I just might go to the tenth floor tomorrow so I don't have to encounter them.

I eventually reach the surface while avoiding every monster on the way, wanting to submit the drops as soon as possible. 

Breathing in the fresh air that I haven't felt for 10 hours, I walk towards the guild at a leisurely pace. 

Spotting Rose sitting at her desk with no adventurers, I go up to submit the final drops from today, as yesterday I had already submitted a part of it.

"Afternoon, Rose. Here's the last of the drops for the quest. 16 Killer Ant carapaces and 8 Needle Rabbit tusks, all in pristine condition."

"Sirius, good to see you're back. I'll confirm the items and prepare the form and the valis, you can go submit your magic stones in the meantime."

I then go to the exchange booth and exchange my magic stones and the few drop items from today, netting me 16,000 valis. 

I then return to Rose to see a large pouch of what I assume to be valis and her signing some papers.

"I've confirmed the completion of the quest, here is your reward of 50,000 valis. Well done on leaving no damages to the items, just sign here to indicate the completion and that you have received the reward."

I do as asked while placing the large pouch of valis into my bag. 

Sheesh, 50,000 valis from a two-day quest, and with the magic stones and drop items during that time, I made roughly 80,000 in only two days. 

Insanely profitable for a level 1 like me, too bad that quests for the lower floors are so rare.

I make good on the promise to myself and stop at a diner on the way home, specializing in meat. 

I treat myself to steak and potatoes with a nice glass of wine. 

While eating, I hear hushed whispers occupy the air, looking up at what had caused the commotion, I see two people enter the store, one a beautiful woman with long green hair and large pointed ears, longer than Ryuu and Celty’s. 

And a girl around the age of 10 to 11, with long golden hair and a blank expression. 

After taking a moment to recognize their appearances, I realize who I'm seeing from their appearance in the anime and novel. 

The green-haired High Elf is Riveria Ljos Alf while the young human girl is Ais Wallenstein, Riveria is the level 6 vice-captain of the Loki Familia while Ais is a level 4 while holding the title of the fastest level up, reaching level 2 in only a year. 

Though I'm on track to break that record, I don't need to tell them that. While glancing at the two, I feel an inexplicable sensation, as if I'm on the cusp of remembering something, something important, but I can't.

Dismissing this feeling, after all, this is my time to relax. 

I continue eating my meal in silence, noticing the two casting a few glances my way, particularly Riveria. 

I suppose it makes sense, my name has gone around this month after all, being a newbie level 1 member of the renowned Astraea Familia, the famously all-female Familia will do that to you. 

Though the interest usually stops at slight interest and some jealousy from the males. 

It seems that Riveria has a little more interest than usual though, which makes sense as the Loki and Astraea Familias have worked together numerous times, the two being among the most powerful Familias in Orario. 

Loki being a powerhouse with three level 6's while Astraea is known as the city's police force along with Ganesha.

Eventually, I finish my food and pay the tab before heading out, ready to submit the quest completion paper and reward to Lyra so she can record it, it seems we both like to document our activities. 

On my way out, I'm stopped by Riveria calling out to me.

"Excuse me, would you happen to be the new member of the Astraea Familia?"

It seems that her curiosity won over her apprehension.

"Indeed I am, Sirius at your service, and you must be Nine Hells Riveria of the Loki Familia. Did you need something?"

"No, it was simply my curiosity. I was wondering how long you've been adventuring?"

"This would be almost my second month, and no I didn't receive a falna before Astraea."

"Hmm, sorry for my prying, it is simply puzzling why she would suddenly accept a man into her Familia, you must be quite something."

She smiles kindly at me, it's hard to get a read on the High Elf, she simultaneously has the aura of royalty befitting her race, experience befitting her age, yet also innocence and gentleness completely contrasting her previous attributes. 

Though I guess those were what made her leave her isolated forest.

"Ah, not really, apparently my progress has been great, but I think a lot of that is due to my mentors, those girls are pretty amazing after all."

"Indeed they are, well I won't take any more of your time, thank you for satisfying my curiosity, have a good afternoon, Sirius."

"You too, also I think you're supposed to cut that first."

I take my leave as Riveria begins berating Ais about cutting her steak, and not eating the whole thing like she was. 

It was quite a comical sight. 

Reaching home, I drop off my equipment, which had already been cleaned at the guild, then head down to the office to deliver the quest paper and reward. 

Upon entering, I see Lyra writing something down while Kaguya and Ryuu are both reading on the sofa.

"Hey, girls, I finished the quest, here."

I say while handing the things over to Lyra, who looked up from her writing with an expression of slight surprise.

"Already? Didn't you start that yesterday?"

"Yep, got the final 24 drops today."

"Good job, requests where they need pristine quality are always hard. How much did you make from it?"

"Hmm, with the magic stones from the kills alongside it, I got around 80,000 valis."


Oh? It seems my profits surprised Ryuu.

"Yep! Impressed?"

"Yes yes, great job Sirius, but my little student, you shouldn't get too cocky. From your recent status update, I've noticed that your endurance has been lagging behind. Do we need to have another training session?"

I shudder from the resurfaced memory of my most recent training session, which was essentially just me trying to survive Kaguya's relentless attacks in order to build up my endurance stat.

"N-no ma'am, I've been very careful in the dungeon, no overconfidence here."

"Hnn? Well anyways, now that you've completed your first quest, what's your next goal?"

"Ah, I plan to go to the tenth floor tomorrow. Learn how to fight in bad visibility and also gain experience against the new monsters that appear. Especially Bad Bats and their sonic attack magic, then I can start practicing the magic reflection on Infinite Eclipse."

"All right. Do be careful about reflecting magic, it is incredibly difficult. I wonder if you could practice it here with Celty or Alise's magic, though with them being much higher levels, it might be more dangerous than the imps."

"I'll be sure to keep it in mind. Anyways, I'm gonna have a nap then train, see you girls at dinner."

"""See you."""

I then went back upstairs to go to bed. 

I wish I could have the comfort of a bed while also sleeping under the sun or moonlight, after all, for some reason flies and mosquitos don't bother humans in this world. 

Maybe I could make a hammock? 

All I would need is two poles and a big sheet. I write down the idea in my bedside journal for any notes while going to sleep, maybe I could get them to install a couple in the garden? 

I did make quite a bit of money today. Pondering such various thoughts, I drift off to sleep.

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