Chapter 3: Base Building
Fuel Production Facility (Starsector v1.2) (100CP)
A large facility dedicated to the production of fuel. By default, the facility is configured to produce antimatter fuel, but it can be adjusted to produce alternative fuel types at higher volumes. A single facility can produce enough antimatter each month to supply around 10 capital-hull ships or approximately 3,000 units of fuel.
Successfully purchased.
0 CP remaining.
Oh yeah, I'm now sure this is part of my novice benefit; otherwise, I wouldn't be this lucky with these. This is exactly what I needed. With this, I can construct a nuclear reactor and use the facility to produce nuclear fuel cells that fit perfectly, easily solving the power issue. In the next few days, I'll use the forklift that the previous owner sold me with the junkyard. It was very kind of him to include it.
A Few Days Later
I've brought down and transformed the necessary materials for the terraformer, so I press the button and construct it. As soon as it's done, I experimented with it. It works exactly like in the game, so I used it to dig a passage into the basement, right above where I'll place the scrap metal for transformation, making it faster to clean up the yard. Once the yard is completely empty, I'll use the basement as the starting point for the secret underground base.
2 Weeks Later
I've finished transforming all the scrap into metal blocks, so I can start building the base. Oh also during this 2 weeks the forge also moved 3 times but each time it gave something superexpensive in the pricerange of 600-800 so i obviously couldnt buy it.
First, I'll dig a spiral staircase with a void in the middle large enough to fit a Multipurpose Room comfortably. Even with the terraformer, it took all day to dig everything out. Next, I'll have to bring the materials down to the bottom to use them for construction.
Next Day
Last night, I spent almost all night bringing down most of the materials using a lift I built to help. I also temporarily reinforced the dug-out areas so they won't collapse. Once I'm done building, I'll fill in the space again with the terraformer to better hide the base and modifications to the property.
I start with a Multipurpose Room at the bottom, then add a basic tubular compartment and place a bulkhead opening towards the sea to mark the direction I should dig next. From there, I build a vertical base connector up to the basement, followed by another basic tubular compartment facing the basement. I add a Bulkhead that opens to the basement. As a final touch, I fill everything back in except for the last floor underground where the Multipurpose Room is located. By the time I'm done, it's night, so I go to sleep.
Next Day
With the first part of my base complete, I'll start working on the second part: reinforcements—a lot of them, to be sure. I don't want to risk the base suddenly collapsing, so I'm not taking any chances. After ensuring I won't die underground due to some stupid mistake, I start digging towards the sea from inside my now-secure base. It took me three hours to reach the water. It was glorious when I removed the last of the rocks blocking the water, and suddenly, tons of water rushed in, filling the hole I dug in just minutes while I watched everything from a glass window I installed.
After everything settled, I built the final piece: a Moonpool hidden in the side room of the tunnel I dug out. Done for the day, I headed home, which took me 10 minutes to reach—imagine the size of my base now.
Next Day
I should build a PRAWN Suit and a Nuclear Reactor today to solve both the material and energy issues. Oh yeah, I also need a Scanner Room to locate mining sites. This works differently from the game. The Scanner Room will show any place you can mine raw materials within its range, even if it's underground, and with the help of the terraformer, I can dig a path to it if needed.
That's all great news, but first, the Nuclear Reactor. I've already acquired everything needed to build it. It turns out some things are really hard to obtain and raise questions if you try to purchase them, so I resorted to the black market.
The previous owner of this body knew some people involved in the black market, so after some hefty bribes, I was able to find a reliable seller. I bought a large amount of everything, knowing it would be of inferior quality, but that doesn't matter since I can modify it with the fabricator. I made sure to get enough and even had to buy a bigger van to transport it all. Fortunately, it went off without a hitch, but I'm sure I'm already on someone's radar as suspicious.
After my brief flashback, I grabbed my Habitat Builder and started climbing down to the only Multipurpose Room I have. Once there, I began planning the best location for the Nuclear Reactor. After careful consideration, I decided to build another Multipurpose Room beneath the current one, as it had enough space. I added a ladder for access downstairs. I seem to remember that the Nuclear Reactor is completely covered in lead, so no radiation should escape, but just to be safe, I bought a Geiger-Müller counter to measure radiation levels before and after use.
I carried down the parts necessary for the reactor and started building. It took 30 minutes to complete. I knew it wouldn't be instant like in the game, as I've experienced with other base parts, but there's a big difference between 5 minutes and 30 minutes. At least I can assume the time depends on the complexity of the blueprint. But this also means I can't construct the PRAWN Suit until I dig out an underwater cave with enough air and space for it. Oh, I feel the forge moving again—let's see what I get this time.
[Build Something to Do It For You (Warhammer 40k - T'au Empire) (200CP)
T'au (and most organic species) have limited forms based on the dictates of evolution, meant to operate at the minimum required for their environment rather than the specialized maximum of a machine designed for a purpose. You are now a master of programming the AI and VI systems that the T'au rely on for their industry and war machines, as well as a master of building and designing the drones that supplement their capabilities for the same.]
Successfully purchased.
200 CP remaining.
Finally, something I can purchase—and it's incredibly useful in the long run. I was just about to try to recruit some people to work for me, but now I don't have to. With this, my productivity and information gathering will reach a whole new level.
Before I study my new perk further, I should start the reactor. The single Solar Panel is struggling to keep up with the energy demands. The air isn't an issue yet, as I'm using a trick I learned from a miner to ventilate the place, but it will need an upgrade if I completely seal the base. I take out a reactor rod that the factory created and place it inside the reactor. Energy production starts, so I go to dig out a place where I can safely dispose of the nuclear waste. From this room, I start digging in the opposite direction of the sea. After digging out about 5 segments, I deem it safe and construct a Nuclear Waste Disposal unit to store the waste. The last thing I do is close off this section of the base with a Bulkhead, just to be safe. While I wait for the reactor to finish its cycle, I start placing several items inside the base with the Habitat Builder. I also created a Radiation Suit for safety.
In the end, just as the PDA predicted, it took the reactor 80 minutes to use up the rod. Dressed in the Radiation Suit, I remove the spent rod and bring it to the Nuclear Waste Disposal unit. Once it's safely stored, I grab my Geiger-Müller counter to check the radiation levels of both the reactor room and the disposal unit. To my surprise, there was no increase in radiation levels. Well, as expected from a spacefaring company.
Now that I'm sure it's completely safe, I place four more rods in the reactor. This should take care of the energy problem for the next five hours. I should build a battery charger and a power cell charger when I have time since I won't use all the energy it produces, and the base won't store as much as it generates.
With the base now secure, I can focus on my newest perk. It's given me the ability to create AI and VI on a level that can exist in Warhammer, which is a big deal in that messed-up universe. Luckily, these types don't rebel, but they aren't multipurpose like Ultron or Jarvis. I have to code a new one for each task. First, I'll code a VI for hacking, then one for fast data analysis, one for data transfer, one for facial recognition, one for deduction, one for communication tapping, and an AI to coordinate them all. It should take me several weeks, but once completed, it will be the best information-gathering tool on the planet—like the God's Eye from Fast and Furious, just better.
Once I gain the ability to build robots, it will sync well with this, giving me robot workers that don't complain. I'm not in the mood to start excavating the site for the Mobile Vehicle Bay, so I'll sit down and start programming the first VI—the one for hacking—and clear out a space for it tomorrow.
Next Day
I slept for only four hours because I was up until 4 a.m. trying to finish that first VI. It wasn't until 4 a.m. that I realized coding a 41st-century VI is a tough task. First, I had to create the programming language for it, which wasn't too hard since I had it all in my head, but it involved tons of writing. Even after that, I was foolish enough to think I could finish it in a day.
Lesson learned: Don't overestimate yourself or underestimate the forge. I drag my tired body down to my base and start hollowing out the space. It takes me three long hours to achieve the desired result. I rush back to the fabricator and finally push the button to start the process. It takes 20 minutes—guess that was complicated too.
With the Mobile Vehicle Bay in hand, I head back to the cave I created. I set it up and start the process to build the PRAWN Suit. It will probably take about 30 minutes to complete, and I'm not needed for that. I also discovered that the PDA includes more than just Depth Modules. With Depth Module IV, I'll be able to mine comfortably at depths up to 7,000 meters, which is the module's limit. It's amazing how many things Alterra kept secret from its employees. There are features here that would have been incredibly useful when I played the first game.
As soon as the Mobile Vehicle Bay completes the PRAWN Suit, I'm in the water, waiting to get inside for the first time. It takes a few minutes to figure out the controls, even though I've read the instructions on how to operate it. I bring it to the moonpool and connect it. After climbing out, I start to think that it would be wiser to wait before mining and instead focus on developing an AI for it, similar to the God's Eye program I'm planning but specifically for mining. I have enough resources left for the Scanner Room, so it's not urgent. As I'm heading back to the surface, the forge starts moving again.
[Black Boxing (Warhammer 40k - Squats) (200CP)
While certain red-robed rats of Mars always trying to get their grubby mechadendrites on your stuff is annoying, messing with them is endlessly entertaining. You can easily tweak your work to be nearly impossible for others to duplicate. If you're feeling particularly spiteful, you can build in some cross-connections so anyone trying will blow themselves up.]
Successfully purchased.
100 CP remaining.