Celebrity Lady

Chapter 131

The translation up to the final chapter (Chapter 158) has been completed; you can purchase them to read in advance. Pledging via Ko-fi for a cheaper bundle is still available. If you're unsure what it is about, please visit our Ko-fi page for details or reach out to us via Discord. The translation's quality improves over time, even I've got to admit it was kinda shite in the beginning...

The next day.

I headed to the second-floor restaurant to start my day with a refreshing morning coffee.

Victor was there.


He suddenly noticed me as he was having breakfast and, as if startled, thumped his chest.

“What’s going on? Have you seen a ghost or something?” I filled his glass and handed it to him, and Victor gulped it down. “Why are you looking at me like that? You paid the rent yesterday, so just relax.”

“…I wasn’t giving you any weird looks.”

“Going out again?” I asked as I sat before him, fully prepared to go out early.

“I have to work.”

“Again? Are you going to the Mercenary Guild for work again?”

“Then where else should I work? I’ve only learned to put in effort.”

“You paid the rent. You haven’t fully recovered yet, so lie low for a while.”

“Hey, a man has his pride! I brought you out with all that big talk, and now you want me just to laze around?” Victor enthusiastically tore into the sausage skewered on his fork and added, “Listen here. I’m gonna get a job at a prestigious guild today. I’ll cover the living expenses, and I’ll even hire a hundred more servants!”


That stubbornness, seriously. I said with clenched teeth, “Do you know how much of a nuisance you’ll be to those people at the guild if you try to get a job there?”

“What? Why a nuisance?”

“Of course, it’s a nuisance. Think about it. With those dazzling golden eyes of yours, anyone would think, ‘Oh, it’s Sir Diollus from the noble Diollus family.'” I pointed to Victor’s eyes and added, “Do you think they can comfortably assign tasks to you, the noble young master, at the guild?”

“Why couldn’t they? I’m perfectly fine, aren’t I? Just yesterday—”

“Yeah, yesterday, too. You took a three-hour escort mission while going on your leisurely hunting trip and returned with three million marks, didn’t you?” I let out a sigh. “Which guild in the world pays that kind of compensation for such a job? Three million for a single task is like a life’s worth of money attached. But dare I say, what if they give a tough task to a noble young master and something goes wrong?”


“They can’t bring themselves to assign him difficult tasks, but they can’t just send him away either. But since he keeps complaining about needing money, why don’t they just hand over a paltry sum?” Victor’s expression became blank as I counted on my fingers while speaking. “It’s obvious without even looking. The guild leader must have reluctantly accepted the business, fearing your disapproval.”


“Sigh. Even though you’ve been working only in the imperial palace since you were young, how can you be so clueless about how the world works?” Watching Victor in shock and contemplation, I spoke firmly, “As soon as you recover, let’s go back home. The Order can’t remain vacant for too long.”

“Thanks for letting me know. I should tell the guild not to be afraid of me and put me to good use.”


Such stubbornness!

In truth, aside from guild matters, I was more concerned about Victor’s physical condition. Especially now, without his familiar spirit…

“Do you have to be so stubborn all the time?”

“Isn’t it time for independence? I can learn about that ‘worldly matters’ you mentioned this time, right? Don’t worry. I’ll make sure to take care of you.”

“Who’s going to take care of whom…”

Victor emptied his breakfast plate resolutely and got up.

‘Sigh, I admit, he has a stubborn streak.’

I guess there won’t be any starving wife and children in the future, thankfully. Seeing him argue about making money and taking responsibility even after returning to life in just three days…

“Brother, wait a moment.” Realizing I couldn’t immediately stop Victor’s stubbornness, I sighed and held him back. “Permanent standby duty as a bodyguard. The starting salary is 84 million marks per year. Meals are separate, and it’s a 9 to 6 job.”

How could I just let this faint glimmer of reason slip away?

“You’ll be dealing with nobles. Just stay on standby, and you physically intervene if there’s an unexpected disturbance. If any work requires strength, you can help with that, too.”


Victor’s eyes lit up.

“They have such a place in the capital?”

“Yeah, it’s a place I know well. Not bad, right? Should I write a recommendation for you?”

“Not bad at all! Isn’t this like getting a free ride? Where is it?”

Seeing Victor’s eyes sparkle with excitement, I gave him a bright smile.


With neatly combed red hair, sharp shoulders, and a tall stature that perfectly complemented his imposing black suit, I carefully pinned a name tag onto the man’s chest.

[Victor Diollus]

Clap, clap, clap.

“It’s perfect. Doesn’t he look quite dashing, like someone’s well-bred son?”

“That’s right.”

As I marvelled, Madame Izolda, who had been working as the manager of the main branch since last month, smiled approvingly.

“Wh-What is this…?” Victor, still seemingly unable to grasp the situation, muttered in confusion.

“Well, it’s Madame Ruby’s generous heart employing a poor runaway youth.”

“Why on earth do you need me here?”

Lunten, Main Branch of <Blanc de Ruby>.

Victor looked bewildered as he explored the spacious and luxurious second-floor reception room, almost as large as the store itself.

“Even though you’re a stubborn fellow, you’re still my blood. What can I do? I can’t stand seeing you roll around and suffer somewhere else, so if you want a legitimate job, you can quietly work as a bodyguard here.”

“No, what kind of bodyguard works in a luxury boutique for nobles…!” Victor stopped mid-sentence. His gaze landed on a contract document and a stack of bills on one of the reception tables.

I asked with a smile, “Doesn’t appeal to you, does it? Well, then, there’s no choice. I’ll have to re-run the recruitment ad for a new bodyguard.”

“Wait a moment!” Victor, who had approached the table, began flipping through the contract. “Now that I think about it, well, if you’re going to hire someone anyway, it’s better to have someone you know.”



“It’s probably going to be a lot harder than you think, Brother. You’ll have to throw away the mindset of a noble and work.” I added to try to scare Victor, “You’ll have to stand and wait the whole time you’re on duty. You must always greet the customers politely. ‘Welcome, goodbye,’ you have to say it convincingly. Can you really do it?”

“Why can’t I?”

“You’ve got quite the enthusiasm. This is Baroness Izolda. From today, she’s your superior, so listen well. If you don’t know something, ask; if you’re given a task, complete it.”

Madame Izolda, the strict middle-aged lady, adjusted her glasses sharply and shot Victor a keen look.

“If you find it unbearable, you can speak up anytime. Returning to the palace quietly is always welcome.”

“Who do you take me for? You’re in for a surprise here.”

At that moment, Madame Izolda intervened. “Victor, please. Our employees at Blanc de Ruby value etiquette and maintaining order within the store. Please adhere strictly to Madame Ruby’s title, ‘Madam President.’ Politeness is the standard.”

Victor’s eyes blinked in surprise.

I barely managed to hold back my laughter.

“Try it. Madam President.”



After alternating his gaze between the unwavering Madame Izolda and me, Victor finally said in a low voice, “Yes, Madam President.”

“Oh, goodness. Seriously.”

Finally, after observing me laughing heartily, Victor, with a pout, examined the contract and the one-month salary he had received in advance. Seems like he’s trying to make sure he at least takes care of his own food now that he’s called his younger sister “Madam President”.

“Excuse me, Madam President? Isn’t the monthly salary 7 million marks? Are you not missing a bundle of bills? Can our successful Madam President be this careless with her calculations?” Victor pointed to six bundles of 1 million mark notes.

“It’s your rent.”


“Did you think you could live in my house for free like you did at Dad’s?”


“Since you answered my question politely, consider that your first-day accommodation fee. Starting today, you must pay a fee if you’d like to stay in my house without returning to Dad’s.”


“Yesterday’s 3 million marks you brought is the security deposit, and the monthly rent is 1 million marks.” I chuckled and gave Victor’s shoulder a friendly pat. “With meals provided and including butlers and servants, 1 million marks for rent is a steal.”

“You heartless-”

“Victor, please.”

“…Madam President.”

“I have the mindset to do anything perfectly.”

“How could you be so heartless? I was going to give you everything I earned anyway…”


Victor grumbled with Madame Izolda’s successive remarks, “Oh, I’m just mumbling to myself. Just mumbling.”

I smiled and approached him, straightening his slightly crooked tie as I spoke, “You haven’t forgotten what I told you this morning, have you?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Let’s work on controlling that temper this time. It won’t be good if there’s any trouble in the store. You’ll really get scolded.”

“Got it.” After Victor pouted and answered, he glanced at Madame Izolda behind me and added, “…Ma’am.”

“Hmm. I’ll pick you up at the end of your shift. Let’s grab dinner outside and discuss some matters…”

Next month, the 2nd Prince would cause a commotion, and everything buried under the surface would erupt. Even our house’s demons would be involved… But before that, I needed to prepare in advance to make sure Victor, without brakes, didn’t suddenly accelerate when he realized the truth belatedly.

Victor raised his eyebrows with a teasing expression for some reason. “Do you have something to say? Business matters?”

“Oh my. On the first day, you dare to discuss business with Madam President?”

“So you want to discuss something other than business? Like… a business of the heart?”


With a sly smile, Victor, avoiding my gaze as he rolled his eyes, shrugged nonchalantly.

‘What are you talking about again?’

I finished straightening his attire and tapped his shoulder lightly, exclaiming, “Anyway, let’s talk later, Victor. Good job.”

“Yes~ Ma’am~!”


Victor Diollus’ first day at work.

The manager, Madame Izolda, was so pleased with the new employee that she was on the verge of tears.

‘Such a remarkable talent…!’

Since he came from a distinguished noble family, he seemed prepared to hold his head high in front of customers and fellow employees alike. He had served in the highly disciplined imperial army, and perhaps that was why.

Not only did he work without causing any discomfort to his colleagues, he displayed impeccable manners, and he completed tasks diligently without the use of military jargon.

‘He’s strong, too!’

When the female employees watched him swiftly move and rearrange mannequins while changing the store’s window display after lunch, they couldn’t contain their excitement. They had struggled with this task in the past.

And that wasn’t all.

‘A handsome man from the unmistakable Diollus family genes!’

The noble young ladies who visited the store today were all captivated by Victor. He simply stood on one side of the store with an indifferent expression, carrying packages, yet somehow, he managed to take on the role of a charming shopkeeper, captivating the customers without even realizing it!

“My older brother has a strong personality, so he might not always listen. He might have a tough time, so please take care of him.”

Madame Izolda couldn’t understand why Madam President had such concerns. Where else could they find such a perfect employee?

And Victor Diollus, their star employee, was no exception.

He maintained a consistently impassive expression but was extremely satisfied internally.

‘A sweet job…’

Was there another workplace in the world as sweet as this?

Sure, he had to stand around doing nothing for a while, but compared to the days when he was constantly in the training grounds with the other men, tossing sand around every day, this was paradise!

‘Is there any other job that pays 7 million marks a month for doing practically nothing? The employee benefits are amazing, seriously!’

Victor’s initial concerns about working while addressing his younger sister as “Madam President” had long since vanished.

‘Madame Ruby! Madam President! Loyalty, loyalty!’

This job was incomparable to his previous one, where he was paid less and worked much harder.


At that moment, just before closing time, the final waiting customers entered the store.

“Welcome to <Blanc de Ruby>!” Victor greeted them warmly.

“I’m not supposed to be here…”

“Why not, my lady? It’s too cold to wait outside. Come in quickly.”

“Yes, come in. It’s the day when the new catalogue is released. Let’s take a look together.”

The last customers were three young noble ladies, lavishly dressed like Rubette’s peers.


As the three young ladies entered the store, Victor was taken aback.


It was Lillia.

She was someone Victor had never seen during the chaos of the past few days. No, he had intentionally avoided seeing her face even once.

But here Lillia was.

At that moment, Victor’s mind went blank. Simultaneously, the words from Rubette’s diary that he had deliberately tried to erase from his memory resurfaced vividly in his mind.

[Lillia told me Victor said she was as pretty as a little lark and I was as fat as a bear.

It’s not a lie, but he’s so mean. There were times when he said I was cute enough without losing weight. Brother is a liar.]

What angered him the most was…

[My brothers seem to like a cute younger sibling. Lillia said even Victor said the same thing; that he can’t imagine my acting cutesy with my chubby and ugly self…

Yesterday, Victor came home after a long time, but I felt uncomfortable seeing pretty Lillia holding hands with him, so I just went to my room and slept.]

In reality, Victor had never said or done any of those things, but Rubette’s false accusations had pierced his heart like a dagger.


Before he knew it, a face with an innocent expression had come right up to him, looking up at him with those angelic eyes.

Yes, it was because of this lying angelic face.


Thump, thump, thump, thump.

Victor grabbed his racing heart as if it could burst at any moment.

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