"Caught in the Web of the Spider."

Chapter 243: Chapter 241

"I'm a friend," I waved, "actually, I'm a version of her from another world where she was boy a guy instead of a girl. There are a lot of minor differences, but bottom line I need a way back to my dimension. Think you guys can hook me up?"

Franklin blinked, "that is...unexpected."

"Yeah, tell me about it," May scoffed.

"Where's your costume?" Franklin asked, noting my civilian attire.

I sighed, rubbing my neck, "it kind of got torn to shreds. Anyway, I was hoping your version of Reed Richards could help me out," I told him, "ah, you do have a Reed Richards in this world right? He's not like dead or anything?"

Franklin chuckled, "no, he's fine. Well...I wouldn't say fine, but dad is adapting."

"Wait….you're Reed's son?!" I cried out in fake shock, since you know, there was no Franklin Richards in my world.

Franklin nodded, "yeah, I thought this world was similar to yours."

I shook my head, "no, in my world there is no Fantastic Five, it's still Four. And everyone's much...younger? Well, Sue and Reed are like your age, so I'm guessing they are a lot older here, right?"

Franklin nodded, "yeah...you talk as if you know my parents."

I nodded, "in my world I worked for the Baxter foundation, Sue, your mom...God that's weird to say, anyway, she kind off hired me on. I work with my version of your team."

Franklin's eyes widened, "oh, really? That's fascinating."

I scoffed, "you don't believe me do you?"

Franklin chuckled, "no, not really, sorry."

I shrugged, "no problem, here," I took out my phone and looked through my gallery finding a pic of me in costume with the rest of my FF. Johnny and Ben were holding each other's shoulder while Reed held the camera afar thanks to his limbs. Sue and I were in the middle with Sue leaning a little too close to me to be considered normal.

I showed Franklin the picture and the boy's eyes went wide, "holy shit."

I chuckled, "yup. Does this get me an all access pass with Reed or do I like need more proof? I can tell you where Johnny hides his porn collection if you want."

"Ah, no, this ah, this is enough, I think," Franklin groaned, "woah, I never realised they could look this young."

"Yeah, threw me for a spin too," May said with a shrug, "did you know Johnny hit on me? Like I walk in and the first thing he did was say, 'hey babe, how you doing?' So creepy!"

"Wait, uncle Johnny hit on you?" Franklin asked in disbelief.

I snorted, "yeah, he's kind of a horn dog."

Franklin blinked, "okay, I think it's time I brought you inside." I nodded as we followed Franklin inside, crawling up the side of the building as we entered through the veranda doors, now much more high tech looking.

"Okay, this is new," I replied looking around at the lounge. It was much more advanced, high tech boards, advance pieces of tech everywhere. Fancy looking couch that didn't have a wrinkle on them and even a wall sized TV.

"Welcome to the Baxter foundation," Franklin motioned, "we usually have more people working around, but we gave people the day off. A flu's been going around and we didn't want anything to be infected."

I looked around, "my version a lot cooler."

Franklin raised an eyebrow, "does yours have a quantum field generator that can create an impenetrable field?"

"No, but we got 25 boxes of frozen pizza, couches which actually looks comfortable and a foosball table."

"...Okay, that does sound cool."

"When did you get a foosball table?" May asked.

"Oh, after Doom blew out old place up we did some remodeling. Johnny insisted on a foosball table, Sue couldn't take it anymore and said yes," I shrugged.

"Wait, Doom blew you guys up?" Franklin asked as he blinked in disbelief, "that's impossible! Doom's been gone for over 15 years!"

"Different world, different Doom," I shrugged as I growled, "and believe me, if he's anything like your Doom, he's an asshole."

"Sounds like Doom alright," came a familiar rumbling voice as I saw a version of Ben Grimm walk in with a metallic left arm.

"Ben!" I smiled, "damn it's nice to see a friendly face!"

Ben stopped and looked down, "web head?"

I chuckled, "ah, no, not exactly."

Franklin quickly caught Ben up who then turned to me with narrowed eyes, "neah, I don't believe it. You ain't some kid, I know that voice anywhere. It's you isn't Peter?"

May forze and so did I. But slowly I chuckled, "damn, even in another world I can't seem to hide shit from you," I unlocked my mask and took it off, flashing Ben a smile, "heya Ben."

Ben's eyes went wide, "kid? B-but how? You look exactly the same!"

"What's going on here?" Franklin asked defensively, as he took into the sky and his eyes began to glow, "who the hell are you?! Did you trick me?!"

"Woah there Franklin calm down," May stepped up, "this isn't a trick or anything, just let him explain."




Hello everyone. I want to inform you that the novel "Caught in the Web of The Spider" is now available in PDF format in the Store section. It consists of 8 volumes, each with 100 chapters or more, from chapter 1 to 831. If you want to read the entire novel, go to my Ko-Fi and buy it now!…

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