Captain wakes up 100,000 year later

Chapter 159

44. McMoon Garrison Forced Recruitment

That’s how the winter of Illuvelas ended.

No, should I say the winter of the stars is over?

The battle is over. All of Alphazeta’s encounters have collapsed into the abyss.

The conference room was set up on the Equatorial coast. The program predicted that Ur would fall somewhere in the Equatorial Sea.

Coastal cliffs in the Equatorial Sea.

It really made me think of a better place to rest.

At the coastal cliff, the sea of cobalt light shines in sunlight, as if it had nothing to do with an egg.

Behind your back is an endless bloom of red and yellow wild tulips that grow in the hot sun.

The salty smell of the sea and the scent of tulips blend together. It was a beautiful and edible protein flower.

Each petal could be food for a day.


Luna puts the coffee down in front of the captain. A petal floats on the coffee. It was a coffee with a sea elf sentiment somewhere.

Marine Ocean. The captain has smelled the aroma rising in Montgomery.

The captain turns his head slightly to greet Luna.

Luna leans back, lowering her head slightly. A sea breeze blows through Luna’s hair.

‘Sea, flowers, coffee scent. It doesn’t smell like ion. ’

The captain suddenly thought, touching the warm cup of deception.

This was not a place to celebrate victory. It was a place to report on the status of the war, understand the status of food production, and plan what to do next.

The Catarian 006, who returned from the depths of the sea, reported the situation.

“I haven’t found Ur yet. But the ocean temperatures in the equatorial regions rose, and the store gases were able to control the emissions. The percentage of air warming gases has increased about five times as much as before. Marine purification plants have been stockpiling greenhouse gases in the region’s oceans by large-scale methane hydration, but this large-scale artillery has evaporated many oceans. Eventually, the average temperature on the planet increased by about 14 degrees. ”

Catarian 006. Sixth explains the map with a long robe of courtesy and a virgin on his head.

“Ah…. ”

A strange sigh of silence and groaning is heard by a Belu.

It was hard to understand that the stars were still ‘old’ because they had lived only between Illuvelas and Arubis all their lives, but the world was destroyed all at once.

In fact, Alphazeta looked like someone had messed up a cake.

It was not visible in its natural state.

The places of stars crumbled and fell, the ground split, volcanoes exploded, the rivers dried up and smelled.

Once vast plains, grasslands and forests were sunk by artillery and the waters of the sea were covered.

“From the Iberian Peninsula to the Titan Mountains, about 4,500 kilometers of surface area has been lost. Imagine that 12, 4323, 421 species were lost, roughly 120 million individuals.

The distances between Mexico and Canada, a country that existed on the Earth in the past, were 4,260 kilometers in U.S. territory.

Living creatures of this size were completely lost in the battle with the Spirit of Light and the Escort.

An ion cannon caused the sea to become so green and pale that it once swept over the mountains and hills.

In the end, all the trees that were still rooted in those mountains were dried up and died.

“Fortunately, Tyrant’s artillery didn’t have much impact on the planet’s bicycle, thanks to its precision control. In any case, Tyrant’s Death Eyes are unused. ”

Six sighs deeply.

The captain was sufficiently distressed by Sixth. He turns his head to look at the sea.

A wave of white foam was passing by below the pristine coastal cliff in the middle, and unknown trees were blooming flowers and hanging branches on the cliff.

“Thanks to you, the flowers are growing faster than the girl. ”

“Yes, sir. because right now, the temperature is like spring. If we do our best to clean the ocean and put the warming gas back in the sea, we can maintain the environment, but in order to get back to the original environment…. ”

“You mean we need Ur. ”

“Yes, look. Captain, it’s snowing this time. ”

The weather was clear and changed terribly when I finished speaking. A very thin air pressure boundary was dividing the weather in summer and winter.

This was even the Equatorial Territory!

It didn’t take more than a few seconds for the gentle snow to scatter in the warm breeze.

“How did that Cloud Spirit die? If he was here, you’d be able to control this whole mess, wouldn’t you? ”

Krasus sighs and says.

“It was a relaxing world where the Temple of Black Magicians used to experiment, capture people, turn them into skeletons, dig dungeons, and sleep on the backside of circus girls! This is it.”

“Only 200 black wizards hung this week. I don’t know if he’s hiding somewhere and crawled out, or if he can’t handle the Spirit of Light passing by, but the White Knights are training and rounding up the tribes every time they go on patrol. They must be in a very difficult situation to live in. ”

For him, it’s a million-kilometer nanocloud. Even how Ur was destroyed was a mystery.

The monsters who use black holes to transform the world and manipulate time on their own will, can’t they just kill one AI that controls the planet’s atmosphere?

“The ion acceleration movement of battleships in the atmosphere is more devastating than Freon gas. The ozone layer was destroyed, greenhouse gases increased, and the jet airflow was distorted, causing snow and summer to spill out at the same time. ”

It was a voice of gentle condemnation.

Catarian Six, the easygoing queen, speaks in Danacacce, and the captain smiles slowly, feeling more like a stern mother.

Ion engine acceleration in the atmosphere.

Obviously, it was a habit that entered the time when planetary terraforming techniques were as natural as breathing. It was time to fix it.

Moreover, the captain knew exactly what Sixth wanted to say. But I can’t listen to it right now.

“I’m sorry, Six. Colossus support for Ur search is not available at this time. We still have to use nuclear weapons if Colossus doesn’t destroy the portal himself every time it opens. ”

“That’s right. Do you even know how long you’ve been flying? Sea Queen? My wings are killing me. ”

The silver dragon, Crassus, sighed heavily.

Every time he breathed out, many people who were accompanied were terrified because of the sparks emanating from his nostrils.

Crassus was eating a calf-assured steak on his nose with a courtesy officer’s plate spread.

When everyone was finished eating and drinking ice-cream or coffee, I was able to compliment them as much as the spirit of roasting meat until the end.

Krasus had to fly all day. The enemy summoned the orb of the Black Summon without hesitation.

What was summoned from the ground was simply buried, but what was summoned from the sky was difficult to eradicate with simple electromagnetic waves or mass weapons.

Using thermonuclear weapons has caused too much damage to the environment, so Colossus had to deal with it himself or Krasus had to magically close the entrance.

“Your Majesty, three blue portals have been detected at 1,500 kilometers. There are two portals open on the other side of the planet, but Colossus II has requested permission to use thermonuclear weapons. ”

“Permission granted.”

Samir, who heard the report to the operators who were watching around him, approached and reported.

The two of them sighed, fearful of speaking.

One was Krasus, who had to fly back up scared to finish his meal, and the other was Six, who had to help clean up the environment after the battle.

You gaze back at Krasus, who pretended he didn’t hear you say he was baking a veal steak.

“Aaaah! Goddamn it! ”

Crassus squirms his brow with a bunch of tendons. (In a strange place, Tyrant exerts his craftsmanship and forms a body.) The steak of the calf flew up in my mouth.

“Those idiots don’t even give us time to eat. I’ll show you what poison gas these guys spray tastes like. ”

He immediately spread his wings and jumped down the hill.

Krasus rises like a phoenix in flames that erupt as the hot wind blows.

Seeing the wings of the burning ions flapping up into the sky, the captain drank his coffee again.

Catarian Six shakes his head.

It was also self and sea elves that harvested the ionic particles that were sprayed by the low dragon.

“I don’t know what their intentions are, but their tactical goals have clearly changed. ”

Francesco said:

“Significant detection and reconstruction of viral and psychological contaminant particulate waves in the atmosphere. It was a suicide order code. ”

“Suicide order code? ”

“Yes, sir. The indigenous people on this planet who came in contact with this code will kill themselves. It’s a very simple system for harvesting souls. Initially we were physically trying to exclude the captain and leave the farm, but now it seems like we’re planning on killing the planet itself. I will never forgive you. ”

Francesco’s furious hands tremble. Just now, Francesco was stroking the heads of the young students with both hands.

A virus with a command code sprayed from the sky drove those young children crazy enough to commit suicide.

“It’s not just suicide either. After analyzing the code, the Elf ordered his suicide in a way that would kill as many of the closest people as possible. the way you build a fire, or you blow yourself up. ”

“Clean slate. ”

One Belu said. There are so many fairies around these roots that people call Tyrant the Great Fairy.

His face was devastated.

“What I just saw… It was horrible. The children… Those who regain their senses can’t stand it. My mind is completely worn out. ”

On the way to the construction of a large apartment complex, one Belu stopped by a slum that still lives in a tent.

However, I watched a young child set the house on fire, and the head of the household took a knife and killed the whole family.

Belu took a mouthful of the stock solution of Zin Calamarsi to see if the smell of the pigs disgusted him.

As he washes himself dry, his red-blooded, tired eyes widen.

I was completely relaxed because I was leading the scene like a scream.

[Captain, in the event of serious mental damage, we have reinforced the entire cyborg without consent. Most people want revenge.]

“Well done, Tyrant. Yeah, Hana Belu. How did it feel? ”

One Belu takes a big breath and says:

“Without us even knowing…. It was hard to believe at first that they planted a suicide order in a place called a gene… They laughed at us instead of being mortals… I’m really angry. ”

A Belu clasps his hands and shudders.

The captain glances back at a Belu and sees a large group coming up the beach path below.

Many nearby villages, towns, towns and fortresses were led by android soldiers and were given a lot of food.

Heavy cargo was loaded onto a large shared wagon in advance, and a hologram RIFD tag, a luggage verification document, was being matched 1: 1 with the original owner.

Android soldiers issue permits faster than people walk.

“If the marine plant wasn’t nearby, all these small islands would have been destroyed. ”

The island children were chattering in wonder that so many people were walking, and were smiling brightly with their hands full of delicious food.

Holding together a rice flour coin decorated with bread and flowers filled with sugar and cream was certainly unique, but it was suitable for both children’s taste.

A rattling sound flows through the petals and echoes in the captain’s ears. Even Francesco took a moment to look at the children according to the captain’s gaze.

They were preparing to board the silver lotus island from afar.

“I’m so glad. Captain.”

Sixth said. The captain wanted to use all his strength to protect the children, even if the environment was slowly contaminated.

I couldn’t say that I didn’t even know Sixth.

The captain looks at the tulip petals floating on the coffee. The archipelago was gradually tilting.

Beyond that, a spectacularly magnificent Tyrant appears clearly above the horizon, even without clouds.

“Protect the people. Isn’t that right, Six? ”

“Of course, Captain. ”

Six smiled at me.


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