Captain wakes up 100,000 year later

Chapter 147

41. The Demon King’s World Rejuvenation 2

Glass was a very rare substance in Alphazeta. Because of this, only some of the nobles were able to make goods by hiring glass artisans.

Glass was also one of the proudest streets in the capital city of the Belt Empire. Glass was one of the city’s most famous specialties.

So, Hwang Sung was covered with beautiful glass.

The Empire Alchemy Society.

They had several mines in the vicinity of the capital by order of the Emperor.

They made glass and magic objects their primary task. I used glass to decorate all over the city and use magic to brighten the lights of the city.

So, there appeared a giant Colossus 1 in the sky, and when the Colossus turned off the entire city’s fire with anti-cyanic wavelengths, I was embarrassed.

“Do you want me to attach this to the whole city? ”

An Imperial Alchemist in uniform trembles. You can’t help but squirm like a rat in front of the occupiers.

The glass tiles he picked up were large enough to hold four palms together, and were so transparent.

The alchemist picks up the glass and looks at it without even knowing it. It gives you a slight tingling sensation, as if the water is staggering inside the glass.

“Yes, Your Majesty. Obey me. ”

White Night.

The white-haired knight nods coldly and says,

There was little emotion on his face, but deep contempt was hidden in one side of his mouth.

No matter what, the Empire is the enemy of those who have plundered Illuvelas for many years.

I felt strong as I was facing the Imperial Alchemist when I brought down the enemy’s castle and became an occupant.

The White Knight had a scout in one eye, and Tyrant’s first commands were being received, and the armor he was wearing was truly enormous, making him suspicious of whether this man was an ogre hybrid.

Of course, the alchemist did not know, but the armor was full of mechanical devices and the LED light was emitting faintly.

The android who was following him has just landed AGC143 and taken out a box full of glass.

* * *

The captain sits on the first floor of Colossus and looks down at the construction in the Empire.

Of the many facilities that landed from Tyrant, the largest was the facility for building an army of immortals.

Along with socializing facilities, both the elderly and the homeless, which are abandoned throughout the city, a huge ward was built.

The goal was simple.

Even for my Imperial saints, there were many who were dying of illness, and the captain was willing to give them a new flesh after 100 years of pledge of loyalty.

“This is a much larger city than the days of Pax Romana. ”

The captain looks down at the dazzling eclipse and is surprised.

Arubis of Illuvelas was also quite spectacular for medieval cities, thanks to magic. However, the eclipse was so magnificent that it became its belly.

The magical fires controlled by an Imperial alchemist were embroidered all over the city, and the city was filled with beautiful architecture, statues, and artwork.

[The Roman population in Pax Romana has become 1 million people. Thanks to magical canals and bureaucracy, this city is home to over 3 million people.]

“Yeah, but there were a lot of weirdos. ”

The strangest thing the captain ever thought of were the bard. In the midst of the war, some musicians and bard were singing songs all over the burning city.

This was one of the most difficult scenes for the captain to understand. Later, Kan told me singing in a burning city was one of the necessities of bard poets.

“We don’t have enough systems to defend the entire planet. We need to narrow the field of battle to a minimum. Countries and territories are no longer meaningful. Let’s go down, Tyrant. ”

Meaning that a country is strong means that output from large territories is great.

No, it was a story.

The captain said while holding a meeting, he gathered ministers in a solid HQ that had been completely shattered and now situated in the location of HQ.

“I will cut all countries into species and rebuild them around their capitals. T.a.o., explain the code in detail. ”

The captain’s declaration was unimaginably profound, but everyone nodded.

Especially those who fought the aliens in the underworld.

Knights shouting, “I have defended myself against monsters for a long time,” but I have never seen such monsters before.

I could not tolerate the enormous malice that made everyone a monster just by the mere flicker of light.

Moreover, these are people from an era where war is everyday.

It was bragging about the war for conquest, but it didn’t matter. However, if only one of them suffered alone, it was only Francesco.

“Yes! Tactician Lamia Rilke. I’ll report it.”

Lamia was dressed as an officer of the Earth Federation.

A clean woman’s uniform, appropriately matched in grey and blue, saved Lamia’s life.

Her hair was cut clean with a single wave jeans, and her slightly sleepy eyes were covered with makeup and looked sharp and curly on the cat’s statue.

In her arms was a hologram pad for the meeting, and behind her was a huge nanogram screen.

“The map you’re looking at is a satellite map of the Alpha Islands. All regions of the indicator are represented. ”

Countries were divided around mountains, streams and plains.

Small nations and nations have struggled for more than a plains land.

“There are 24 countries total on our planet Alphazeta, where we live on foot. And those various countries are massively clustered around two places, one of which is the Belt Empire. A powerful emperor nation that cannot be pursued by other nations from military and technological forces. As a land started by the Horse Tower, the Horse Tower and the Empire have made a pact to maintain dominance around the Magic Grid. And the other place is the Holy Land. It is a land that is united around a belief in Dragonia. It is the center of the faith and is building a powerful force around the magical power of the Great Crystal. ”

Lands of this age were not intact in observation and mapping, so the territory existed as cotton, not as a line.

From the front-line military base to one category was the territory of the state. That’s why I remembered a map with layers of rain.

“Your commanded fleet has sent flyers to every country in the world. The flyer said it would provide all the food and safety and provide education and career opportunities. Right now, there are millions of refugees all over the continent. Moreover, many people who are starving by gold inflation are expected to start a massive escape procession from the territory of the country. ”

Khan raises his hand and says,

“But the Tactical Museum. I wonder if the lords will let the peasants go so easily? ”

Lamia nods.

“That’s right. Since the political leaders of an existing territory won’t send their farmers away, after a certain period of time, every last one of the monarchs’ castles will be bombed.” I warned you of this in advance, and I’m spreading a huge photograph of the ruined Imperial City. I also wrote that I would treat the nobles who surrendered. So maybe I’ll let them all go when I get confused. And if you don’t, if you go out and deceive Colossus, you can bombard every castle in one country. So we’re going to take everyone into the capital and transform all the political forces on the planet into city-states, leaving the land that we don’t need to. This is the Exhibition Planet Territory Recovery Operation you spoke of. The mission is called HIVE. ”

A photo flyer appeared on the screen.

A huge flyer depicts the waterfall eclipse. It was somewhat offensive, but it was definitely effective.

I could feel the captain’s ruthlessness and strength.

Even because of this powerful destruction and the quality of the paper that recorded its destruction to the Imperial saints, the nobles must have been terrified.

“Hive City · · · · ·. It must feel like a honeycomb. ”

Samir nods. In my head, I imagined eating honey. I was so hungover that I wanted to drink honey water.

Crassus smiles, thinking the same thing. When Krasus gives you a glance, Samir flinches.

Yesterday Krasus captured Samir and experimented on how much alcohol he could drink.

Perhaps an ordinary person had to drink a tremendous amount of alcohol to die of acute alcoholism.

“Yes, Commander. All national territories will be cut off and destroyed. In cities that have been converted into urban centers, an army representing each city will be raised. Through its 24 armies, we will fight against the aliens and the dragons that control the Great Crystal. ”

“24 legions! Excellent!”

Samir applauds. We thought about how to recruit soldiers from all over the world, but if we reorganize every country into a city-state, we will create a world where we can serve as soldiers.

Of course, there were some who wanted to flatter themselves for the opportunity.

After discovering that he only clapped passionately, Samir seemed very happy.

“Continuing, the White Night Force is a positive initiative. ”

There were several white circles, representing the area where the oldest people lived.

The largest circles were also in the capital city of the empire, Belt. And then the next big city is Dragonia, the capital of the Holy Land. And it was the realm of Elves.

Across the continent, the Western monarchs’ country had a huge Harlem that collected old concubines, and it was also a big white circle. Lamia said.

“This circle here is the circle of the elderly. After discovering that all death on the surface of Alphazeta powers the Great Crystal, you have decided to expel death from all over the planet. ”

The noise of the crowd grew louder. Khan stares at you with his mouth wide open.

The captain was an absurd monster, no matter what he did, but I never imagined he’d be able to stop all death on the planet.

“Po will explain this to you. ”

Po nods and steps forward.

Wearing an enamel shoe on top of a sleeveless black dress, the white neckline glows beautifully with its ponytail turning its head back.

She turned the screen and showed thousands of people undergoing the treatment of nosperato, which was immortalized in a very tall building.

“Everyone knows that. Tech Gun.”

Po bows his head to the captain and grabs the crowd completely.

She said as a mature woman, the appearance of a young child was completely diminished. It was because the country’s computational frame became larger and easier to manage her spirit.

Of course, there was guilt and 100,000 years of mental debt, but now, thanks to the management of a separate database, we have been able to maintain a strong and provocative original personality.

“There are 3 million people in Imperial saints, and the number of the elderly is about 500,000. We have received consent for a large-scale procedure. A euthanasia, an extra 300 years of life. I told him to choose either one. ”


Crassus grins and chuckles by himself.

Francesco shakes his head and sighs. Po’s work was cruel. For this reason, the whole body machinery was not at all strange.

“And they asked me to choose whether I wanted to be a body tissue or a cyborg. But most people decided to get a new body because of their fear of golems. ”

The screen shifted and a solar panel appeared throughout the city.

“We are working on attaching all cities throughout the islands to solar-powered glass panels in order to provide the necessary power. But there are 3,000 people who can do it at the same time, and it takes about a week to grow a new body. It only takes 1162 days to operate half a million people in the capital. The current rate of processing takes three years. It’s too late.”

“How can I help you? ”

Samir said seriously.

He has experienced enough of the power of the White Night.

Though at first I thought they were idiots. “Stupid old men who grumbled because they couldn’t get rid of any ghouls! ’· · · I’m saying to myself.

However, the pace at which they adapted to the battlefield was completely different, and the adrenaline spilled from their brains far exceeded the breastplate of ordinary knights.

Moreover, as soon as the battle was over, there was a coolness that could calm the excitement quickly, and every one of them, with a magnificence that was not surprising, became a reliable mountain warrior.

“We need to mass-produce the Red Potion. That potion will magically speed up your cultivation. ”

“What’s a Red Potion? ”

Samir asks. As Poga switches the screen, a picture of a solution like red jelly appears inside a flask decorated with gold and silver.

“This is Titan’s blood. who are trapped underground and making jewelry. ”

The captain who was listening said.

“Does this have anything to do with the power of the Great Crystal? ”

Po replied.

“I’m not sure. But the Red Potion is a byproduct of Titan, one of the finest creatures in the world. New knowledge suggests that giants called Titans are the enforcers of the Catarian 00 Life Evolution Protocol system. Neither Tyrant nor any other Catarian series can keep up with the Catarian 00 if it’s biotechnology. If we acquire Titan’s blood and reverse engineer it, we can rapidly increase our output. ”

The captain nods.

“Samir, use Iksa to identify, locate and retrieve the location where the tower was sealing Titan. ”

“I have my orders. Your Majesty!”

Captain says.

“This is the end of today’s meeting. Tactical Center. Keep a close watch on all enemy military commanders, put them on the list, and when the time comes, harvest their brains and add them all to Ixa. The same is true of the fierce imperialists. I don’t have time for mercy. Aliens are approaching. ”

And thanks to the meeting of the day, the captain was called the ‘Demon King’.


thitapel Co-man

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