Captain wakes up 100,000 year later

Chapter 143

39. Beginning of Conquest War

[Activate suppression isolation facility. Initiating system decoy rising. You are ready to dive to Arden.]

Arden’s location has been transferred from Ixa to an oppressive isolation facility.

The red pillar was surrounded by a powerful suppression spell, made by magic like Mantra, and a suppressor powered directly from Metropolis’ nuclear power.

The body of Arden was tied up under a ceiling that was tens of meters long, and there was also a space of tens of meters down.

Arden is firmly tied up on a circular table in the center. There was also a huge spire that pointed up and down his body, and it was over 20 metres long.

Even if Arden’s body was not tied tightly with a special fabric, not a finger could be pinched under this pressure.

Even if you raise the output a little, you are confined to a strong pressure that will cause your torso to burst.

But Arden did not say anything. No, I couldn’t quite put my mouth to rest.

It was because, in addition to Arden’s binding power, fMRI was able to observe the brain from the inside out and harness the appropriate electromagnetic field to control the synapse itself.

It was absolutely absurd to think that there were more such terrible prisons in prison.

“The ship’s more rigorous quarantine than I imagined. ”

[I thought I’d lost information to a magical door planted in Krasus’ brain. Captain. Even a simple champion couldn’t do that, so he defended himself as best he could because he didn’t know what he would do. Two Colossus are currently overhead in Metropolis, connecting with a large SPS system to power it or prepare for a breakthrough.]

“Yongsin · · · · · · · · · · ·. ”

The captain is blurry. Not long ago, Yongsin considered only indigenous life.

However, Tyrant’s tension has increased tremendously since the moment he realized that the Catarian 00 was created with the protocols for life evolution versus alien life.

If dragons could use the technology of the Earth’s Union, or at least have that level of power, dealing with them had to be very difficult.

[Dive ready. Do you want to enter?]


[We will send along mental security equipment to dive with you.]

The captain lies on a synchronization device, his eyes closed, and he goes back and forth between the dreams and falls on the main floor, managing Arden’s dreams. After landing lightly on the ground, there were five people standing around who felt like minerals.

“You’re here, Captain. ”

Al Francesco’s incarnation greets the captain in it.

Francesco sits in a chair, surrounded by a small screen with hundreds of palms. The captain was baffled by the breathtaking inorganic sights.

“Is it okay to be stuck in a room like this? ”

“Can I just do that guy over there? ”

In Francesco’s response, the captain suddenly looked inside the screen. In the screen, 32,700 Ardens were living their own extraordinary lives.

“Looks like he’s still catching crabs, huh? ”

“We’ve been hit by the cold sea breeze of the Bering Strait for 3,000 hours. I can hardly endure it because it clears my mind for a period of time. ”

Captain Arden is climbing through the trees to catch palm crabs from Arden, catching seals and dismantling ships in the Bering Strait.

Even Arden, who is repairing a huge machine, has lived countless lives.

But I couldn’t go through all of Arden.

“I have to go see Zenorim. ”

“Are there any? Captain, this way. ”

Francesco tapped the screen of Arden in the Bering Strait, and the screen grew bigger and bigger and became the background of the world. Suddenly, a chilly breeze blows through the sea and freezes the skin, and the captain picks up his collar.

“Hey! King crab pours out! ”

Above the deck of the ship, the crew pours the king crab down. None of them recognize the sudden appearance of the captain and his group. It was like treating someone in a different world.

The captain watched Arden clean up the giant King Crab’s freezer and summoned Big Bear.

“Let’s go.”

Climbing onto the Big Bear, which appeared on the deck, Big Bear activates the electromagnetic wheel and plunges into the water. This was the road I had been on before. Through the crooked valleys and seaweeds of the sea, we finally found a massive golden temple.

“A golden temple in the sea. Of course, the gold won’t rust in the sea. It’s a strange sight every time I see it. ”

“I’ve profiled an organism called Zenorim around the texts that describe him and the conversations with the captain. Not only is it steeped in incredible illusion, but it’s also delusional and violent. I think that’s why we use gold this way. ”

In the running Big Bear, Francesco hands over the profiling data.

“You’ve learned so much in such a short time. But it could all be an act of intent. Mercenaries are very likely to know who we are. But we are slowly preparing ourselves to be empowered, to forgive us. Why?”

[Captain, according to the book given to me by Whisminide, the Dragon King appears to have been replaced by an invitation. Perhaps the dragons have been replaced over and over again?]

“It’s a good possibility for now. Dragons were more likely to thrive as living creatures, unless they had to live as a single organism because they were unable to bear children like AI. The position of Yongsin may continue for generations. I wish I had a documentary about dragon ecology. ”

Francesco laughs.

“There will be no one to make that except us. Captain.”

The captain nods and looks around at the documents and hides them for a moment.

Francesco did a good analysis of the gold solubility, but I wasn’t sure if it would fit.

It was ambiguous with predictive data on what actions and attitudes to take, and it was not enough to even know what this business wanted.

The captain, however, revisited the basics.

“Is there an interpretation yet of the magical structure? ”

“We haven’t figured out how to make up our territory in our dreams yet. It was only through the power of wizards and technology that we were able to block the way. We’ve disabled the power of the Great Crystal in here. ”

“Yes. That’s enough for now. The rest of us will have no answers but a frontal breach. ”

As the captain enters the Golden Temple door, a light returns from inside, and the Zenolim appears between the two flames of the golden altar.

He was still a young man with a golden crown on his head and long golden ornaments. I was blinded by the glitter.

The Gelnorim welcomed him with open arms.

“Captain! You’re back! I was beginning to worry that my loyal Arden would die! ”

The captain glances back at the Zenolim and asks.

“I came to ask you something. ”

“Oh! You can ask me anything. But I need you to make sure Arden stays alive, or he can communicate with me outside. Go to the Holy Land and claim your trust in my temple. Wouldn’t the main body do better? ”

Gelnorim smiles at the room and gestures at the table to summon the captain. The captain approaches and sits in front of the Zenorim.

“I may be self-immolated, but I don’t really like being in the ocean. It feels like the blue stinks. Yeah, so you can’t expect me to be here. Rule.”

Gelnorim smiles ferociously and looks at the captain with a young child’s eyes.

“I won’t say a word. Tell me about your beginnings. ”

“That sounds important. ”

“ · · · · · ·. ”

Gelnorim shrugs.

“I don’t know what you’re wondering. We are twelve mercenaries, the direct descendants of the Dragon King. What do you want to know? In the beginning, there were twelve coloured Paranormal Dragons. We are each the dragons born of the Paranormal Scale. I can explain this to you enough about any Temple you want to go to the Holy Nation, but are you here to gain this fundamental knowledge? I’m a god, too. Immortal.”

The captain does not respond immediately to his absurd remark. However, the silence of the captain made me anxious at my horns, and the Zenolim mumbled again.

“What do you want to know? What mythical truth do you expect? ”

“Do you know about Ur? ”

The captain has given us a hologram of the air purifier, Ur. Catarian 001.

Even after the death of the Catarian 00, after the betrayal of the dragons, the Zenolim was devastated by the planet’s purifier. He looks at the video and says,

“Oh! Ur. Yeah, I know this guy. ”

Gelnorim grins bitterly. The child’s eyes flashed and shivered with malice.

“This is as far as I’m concerned. Is it a big deal that the woman handed you the Seed? She’s a pain in the ass. You must have gone down to the underworld and killed the Holy Spirit of Hell. I can’t believe we’ve been trying to kill this evil girl for so long, but it was so easy to put an end to her. And that evil girl told you all about it. ”

Gelnorim continues to mutter.

The captain, who was watching, suddenly opened his eyes.

“You must know everything so quickly. Explain why you did what you did. Let’s listen and judge. ”

“Judgment? Hear and judge? Who gave you permission to make that decision? Human?”

Gelnorim crouches and twists his legs.

The teapot was lifted from the air and poured into the teacup. Gelnorim drank the taste of the tea.

“Time flies and it’s already like this. There’s only one piece of information I can give you. Ask the main body for more information. The agency was concerned that this would happen, so they gave me only one piece of information. ”

“How am I supposed to believe that? ”

“Even if you took me and dismantled me and investigated everything, it must be true. All I’ve been given is a few levels of low-level information and a sense of humor. contempt for you humans, and condemnation for all this. ”

“That’s a tricky one.”

According to the captain, Zenolim lowers his head for a moment, then takes it out.

“Listen up, mortal. There’s only one thing I can tell you. There’s a passageway from this planet to the Great Crystal. In other words, there is a passageway to power with the Great Crystal. There are forces at stake in that world. Yes, the pulse of strength. A passageway into the soul through the Great Crystal. And the machine that transforms the soul into power! ”

“Why would you tell me that? ”

“Didn’t I tell you? I only convey what the body says. There, perhaps, the main force is waiting for you with an army. Now go. I’ve done my part. Time to go extinct sooner than I thought. ”

Gelnorim drank the remaining tea and suddenly said.

“Let Arden be cremated and sprinkled upon the sky. You wouldn’t ignore that, would you? ”

Suddenly, it shatters and disappears. The teapot and teacup that I was holding slipped and broke on the ground.

Hot water splashes across the captain’s bridge and the aroma of hot red tea fills the air. As the wall shakes and cracks, gold debris begins to flow from the ceiling.

“Captain, Arden’s vital signs are shutting down rapidly. The dream database is collapsing. Let’s get out!”

Francesco grabs the captain by the shoulder. The golden building begins to crumble as it shakes.

“Tyrant! Initiating the compulsory injury protocol. Wake him up now! ”

The captain wakes up with Francesco out of his dreams.


The captain takes a big breath. When I woke up, I saw a synchronization system in the suppression isolation ward in a wobbling field of view.

Recognizing that she was lying on a cushion, the captain washed her dry. As I gradually regained my vitality, things began to make sense.

Francesco in the vicinity found the captain’s pulse and injected him with a simple sedative.

“Captain, if I had made one mistake, I would have been trapped and died.” ”

[Stabilizer administration. Mind damage detected due to sudden dream injury. Cleared out. Plus negative depth at psychograph safety line 1. It will be safe for a few minutes.]

Thanks to Tyrant’s cold voice and proper medication, the captain was able to regain consciousness.

Although it is a reinforced brain, it is naturally burdensome to suddenly emerge like this. I stroked the awkward temples. Tyrant told me.

[Fuckin ‘mercenaries · · · · · · · · · should have their brains ripped out next time we meet, Captain.]

“Ah, you should. ”

The captain, for the first time, agreed with Tyrant’s insidious opinions.


thitapel Co-man

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