Canon Fodder


I didn’t miss the eyes on me. As soon as I left the apartment it was obvious I was under surveillance. Some 6th sense I had telling me I had to watch my back I changed my mind and walked down the street. Whoever was watching me was good, I couldn’t identify them right away.


“That doesn’t sound right,” I mumbled, distracted as I thought about it. “I probably have way more than 6 senses. First there is sight, scent, hearing, touch, and taste.” I can sense Haki, Nen, also whatever the hell my Spark does to tell me what people’s bodies are doing. I had like 10 senses, and danger was apparently one of them.

Turning a corner I ran down the sidewalk and used Timeflow to speed up. Running around the block I came face to face with the person that had been following me.

“Hello,” I said with a wave. “Saw that whole run around the block thing coming, did yah?” 

“I am psychic,” Emma said, frowning at me as she looked me up and down. 


“I thought I could feel when you tried to do your tricks,” I said, squinting my eyes. 

“Yeah, which is why I stopped going too deep. Your surface thoughts are pretty easy to read,” she admitted. “Like the fact that you’re picturing me naked.”

I looked up from her cleavage. “Can you blame me? It’s like looking into Pandora’s Box. I can’t look away.” My eyes darted down then back up. “Can you cover up? I’m sorry, they’re drawing me in. I can’t look away.”

“Just look,” she said with a resigned sigh, but I felt her actually like the attention. I shrugged and focused back on the twins. They would give Hancock’s tits a run for their money. I couldn’t help but look at the valley of cleavage in different angles, appreciating the view. Emma was in her white corset. Instead of the lingerie below the belt she was wearing tight white pants. Thick lips, she still wore the blue lipstick and eyeshadow. 

“What can I do you for?” I asked, not bothering to look away from her breasts. 

“I want your help,” she said.

“Bra shopping? I think I can lift them, but it will require some testing,” I said before I could stop myself. She rolled her eyes. “Sorry. It’s been a while since I could appreciate a woman of your talents..”

“How freaking long?” She asked. 

“Like 2 weeks,” I said exasperated. “It’s really hard being around so many beautiful women and keeping my hands off.”

“Well suck it up,” she said, crossing her arms over her rack. I looked up sadly. “I need your help. Real help.”

“Why me?” I asked, locking eyes with her. 


“You know why.” 

“Draw me a picture,” I said. “I was on my way somewhere. If I’m going to be delayed I would prefer not to guess.”

“Last night,” she said. “I know it was you who attacked the auction.”

I rolled my eyes. Moving my hand to scratch the back of my head she stiffened, ready to defend herself. “Fine, let’s talk,” I said. “Got a car?” 

“I do not,” she admitted.

“Guess we are walking then,” I said. Turning away I headed down the sidewalk, she hesitated but the stiletto worthy high heels sounded against the concrete as she followed. 

“How did you resist my illusion the other day?” Emma asked. 

“First, names,” I said.

“You already know my name,” she said. “I can hear it in your mind.”

“I am Weston Walker,” I said. Stopping, I stuck out my hand. “Come on, like a normal person.” 

She tsked but shook my hand. “Emma Frost.” 

“Perfect.” I began to cross the street. “I have a pretty strong psychic resistance,” I admitted. “Looks like I have to focus when it’s a weak attack, but I’ve been able to feel and push back any time you’ve tried to push a thought into my head.”

“How does that work?” She asked. 

“You first. What’s it feel like when I block you? How does your power work?” She hesitated. “Listen, this is a quid pro quo. I give, you give, alright? I’m not answering anything I don’t want to, but I expect an equivalent exchange of information.”

“Fine,” Emma said. “I don’t know. My powers are mainly psychic. I’ve always been smart. Then a few years ago I realized I could feel other people’s minds. Then thoughts or images I sent them. Kind of like painting. I can feel that the mind is a canvas and make it see or hear what I want. I can also look at it and decipher what was already painted there.”

“And me?”

I felt her psychic fingers run along my brain. I pushed back against it.

“It’s like a brick wall. As soon as I try to dig beneath the surface, everything shuts off,” she admitted. 

“Good to know,” I said. “Yeah, I have a major psychic resistance. That illusion you put up of you stripping. I didn’t hardly see it.” 

“Jeez, you’re the 3rd person I’ve met that saw through that. But the first that saw through it right away,” Emma noted.

“Cool, anything else?”

“Like a million things,” she said. “What the hell were you doing last night?”

I stopped in my tracks. Studying her for a moment. “How did you find me?” 


“You didn’t follow me last night. How did you find me this morning?” I asked. 

“Psh, like Shaw doesn’t know where the X-Men lay their heads. I heard them talking about it, and I felt your mind up there. It was pretty simple,” she said. 

“Fair enough,” I said. “So the favor you need, is it a Shaw thing?” 

“Kind of, but mostly for me,” she said. I guessed she could sense I wouldn’t be up for doing something for Shaw. 

“Better make it good. I want the backstory, why you think I can help, and also what you get out of it,” I said. Before she could say anything I added, “And I’m a little psychic too. So don’t try to play me.” 

Her Haki shifted from anger, to annoyance, to some submission. I wasn’t sure what that meant but she slowly nodded.

“Fine, there’s a diner up here. Better be a damn good backstory,” I said. 



“I grew up in Boston,” Emma said. I ate my bacon strips slowly, happily watching her cleavage as she spoke. For some reason this was therapy for me. I was feeling better already as I spent more time around her. “Dad was a dick, mom was a bitch, siblings…weren’t so bad.” She frowned, biting into her own hashbrowns. 


It was hard to think such an immaculately dressed woman actually ate normal food. She looked like a million bucks. Perfect clothes, face, and hair. Emma was like a trophy wife but still in her early twenties. 


“Family came from old money, but shit happened. Dad lost the fortune, then gained it back, then got in debt with some bad people, then bed with worse people. I left before I got dragged into it like my siblings did.”

“When did you start stripping?” I asked. She was offended for a moment, but must have read my mind that I didn’t mean it to offend, just curious. 

“Couple years ago. My powers came to me when I was young. I’ve always been…” 

“Perfect in every way imaginable?” I asked, giving her my best grin. “Gorgeous? 11 out of 10?”

“Pretty,” she said. Blushing slightly she looked away, but I could feel she enjoyed the compliments. “It was damn easy money. Especially when I could just make the johns give me their money.”

“I bet,” I said.

Emma chuckled. “You know, I heard you X-Men are boy scouts. But the more I’m around you, the more I think you’re like me,” she said.

I stopped chewing, “How’s that?”

“We passed by 2 business men on our way here that you were tempted to rob. And the first thing you looked at when we came here was the register,” she said, giving me a side grin. I frowned. We were in a small diner a few blocks away from the X-men home. 

“I need money,” I admitted. “And yes…I don’t have the moral fortitude when it comes to worldly possessions.”

Emma scoffed but continued. “Anyway, I met some john last year that was trying to act all big. Talked about being in the Hellfire Club. Total bullshit, but I looked into it. It was a real place, and the top of New York’s upper crust frequented the establishment. I figured I would read a few minds, get some blackmail, score it big.”

“Smart,” I said, appreciating the con. “It’s been a year. Why’d it turn into a long con?” 

“To be honest, Shaw,” Emma said. “I picked his brain now and then and he thought something that stuck with me. It was a normal Saturday. I was working the crowd, making guys throw money on an empty table for me. And he thought, ‘Why put in the work for a lot of small fish, when you can put in the effort for the whale.’”

“That it?”

“Yeah, that was it. I was working one job to the next. It was the kind of thing my dad used to say before I lost all respect for him. See that was the difference between all these rich people and my dad. He couldn’t tell the difference between fish and a whale. Always putting all his money with the small guy, then when they get eaten…”

“He shares in the fate,” I said with a nod. “So what is your whale?” 

“The Hellfire Club,” she admitted with a shrug. “You need money to join the White side, but the Black, you just need to show that you’re willing to get your hands dirty.”

“I can see it, but how did you go from exotic dancer to auctioneer of the high class event in the span of a week?” I asked. 

“Shaw again. Apparently he knew I was psychic. Not right away, but he kind of figured it out. Let me do my own thing. Then when he took out-er-replaced Ned. He sat me down and offered me a probationary position with the Hellfire Club,” she admitted.

“No more stripping. And if I can prove myself resourceful, there is a Pawn position with my name on it.”


“Gotta work your way up,” she said. “Pawn’s are middle management, Rooks, Knights and such are upper, then the King and Queen…you get the idea.”

I nodded. “So again…where is your whale?” I asked. 

“Kingpin,” Emma said. “Have you ever heard of him?” I nodded, careful to not think too much. “He and the Hellfire Club are at odds.”

“I thought Kingpin helped with security last night,” I said. 

“Hell no. It was Hellfire and some lady named Mao who handled the lower level security,” Emma said. “No, Kingpin’s been pissing the Club off for a while. They want to deal a blow to him.”

“And I can help…. How?”

“Weston, you ran into a place protected by a secret ninja assassin group and won. They are still pissed off and trying to find out who you are,” Emma said, more than a little impressed. 

“And you didn’t tell because?” 

“I don’t know,” she said with a shrug that made her chest jiggle and my eyes to drop down then back up. “You didn’t rat on me at the Club to those guys. And I figured you had a good reason to be there.”

“And if I help you get in, you’re not going to rat on me?” I asked. 

“I wasn’t planning on it,” she admitted. I could tell it was the truth. I nodded. 

“What’s the job? Kill Kingpin?”

“Jeez, I wasn’t going to go that far,” she said. “But you really would, wouldn’t you?” I guessed she read my mind a little there. I busied myself eating the food. “I uh, wasn’t thinking anything that big…you see he has this guard. A psychic. A real tough SOB. He can control people’s minds and he has this guard dog under his boot.”

“Oh yeah?” I asked, hopeful. “What’s he look like?”

“Purple,” she admitted. “Name is Killgrave. Shaw tried to get him out of the way a couple of weeks ago, but he ended up killing our people. Shaw doesn’t like that. He wants to send Kingpin a message. If I can get him, I can become a Pawn. And since you seem to have the best psychic block I’ve seen, I was hoping you would be able to help.” 


“I might,” I said, trying to keep a straight face. “So kill him?”

“I mean…if we have to,” she said, a little nervous. I could tell she hadn’t killed before. “I didn’t see him with Kingpin last night, but he always is. If we go to where Kingpin lay’s his head we might be able to catch him off guard.”

“Where does Kingpin lay his head?” 

“A loft in the Worthington building,” she said.

“Cool. I uh need to make a stop first, but I think I can help,” I said. “You want to do this now?”

She smiled widely, a beautiful smile that somehow was better than her cleavage. “Okay.” I paid and we went outside. 

“I uh have a confession,” I said. “I might have already killed Killgrave.” 


Emma was quiet for a long time. “What?!” She yelled, drawing a few eyes from people around us.

“I got into it with Kingpin a few nights ago. The Killgrave guy and his guard dog girl got in my way. I noticed she was being controlled and I may have killed him.”

“How do you maybe kill someone?” Emma asked, more angry than afraid.

“I didn’t double check he was dead. We can go look for the body. I don’t mind you taking credit for it,” I said.

Emma thought about it for a moment but eventually nodded. “I’m going to have to fly us there.” 

“You can fly too?” She asked, annoyed as she walked behind me. “Some people get all the cool powers.” I dropped down a little and she jumped on my back, hardly hesitating to believe I could fly. Holding onto her thick thighs I lifted off quickly and we headed away from the main part of the city. 

“What did you do with him?”

“Dropped him,” I said. “From really high up.”

“How am I supposed to say I killed him if you dropped him?” 

“I don’t know. I could break Fisks’s window then drop Killgrave’s body below it and you could take credit,” I said.

She hesitated. “You’re really good at this.”

“Not my first rodeo,” I assured. 

She quieted but whatever I said made her change her attitude toward me greatly. Instead of fear and respect it was changing to curiosity and respect. “Killed a lot of people?” She asked. 

“I try not to,” I said.

“You sure you’re an X-Men? They don’t like killing.”

“Neither do I. But some people have it coming,” I said.

“Don’t I know it. So what’s your story then?” She asked, tightening her grip around my throat. 


“Pretty simple. Poor family. Dad loses job. Travels across country only to get in a car crash. Leaving everyone but me dead,” I said. Emma’s Haki leaked sadness but I ignored it. “I got exposed to some chemicals. Started getting super powers.”

“Like what?” She asked. 

I risked it and shot some Sparks into her. Talking to the nerves in her body I brought her up to an almost orgasm then left her there. She realized quickly what was going on. “W-what did you do?” She asked, stuttering as the pleasure was built up and began to fade away. 

“A part of my powers. I have a lot of weird skills,” I said and left it at that. “There it is.” We were near the outside of the city. A dead part of New York the train yard was as I saw it the other night. I tried to remember where the hell I dropped him as I lowered down. “His body should be around here somewhere.” 


I continued to look, Emma joining in, but there were no red or purple stains. I wasn’t sure what color his blood was. Frowning, I raised back up, trying to remember where I was when I dropped him. Seeing a tower I maneuvered to where I thought I was then noticed a line of box cars that looked familiar. 


Dropping down to the ground I could tell I was close, especially when I found a man shaped indentation in the gravel. “Fuck,” I said as I landed. The indentation was covered in red blood but there was no body. 

“What does this mean?” 

“It means he’s on the crawl,” I said, doubting he could walk after something like this. I used my Spiritual Energy to focus on the area around us. Noticing a trail leaving the indentation it looked like he really had crawled away.I began running in the direction of it. Extending my Observation Haki out and out as we moved for the box cars. 

I got more and more scared he had gotten away, but then I found a red stain leading into a box car. His Spiritual Energy was weak, but inside. Jumping in, Emma followed and I was sad to say I felt a little sorry for the guy. 


A leg bone sticking out, arms mangled, his purple skin was more black than anything. He was breathing in ragged breaths as he laid in the middle of the floor. 

“You really did beat him,” Emma said, stepping up. The eye of Killgrave moved, but nothing else did. “How am I supposed to get him out of here?”

“I could try to heal him a little,” I said. 

“You can?” 

“I can try, but…only if you promise this guy doesn’t walk the streets again,” I said.


“Because, he was using his power to control a super powered high schooler,” I said. “This guy is not good for people.” Emma slowly nodded. I bent down. Killgrave’s body screaming at me for all the damage it was in. Medici’s part of my power was calling at me to fix it. I didn’t want to, but he would be hard to move if I didn’t. 

“This is going to hurt,” I said to my patient. “Which I will enjoy.” I grabbed the leg with the bone sticking out and pushed it back in. The man’s one good eye bulged and he tried to scream, but his jaw was broken. I wasn’t exactly sure if I put the bone in the right spot, but I moved to his arms next. He was passed out by the time they were straight again. 

A ball of lightning in my hand I charged it up and shot it into his 3 broken limbs. My electricity told his body what to do and slowly began to heal him. Second by second ticked away and the worst of his pains disappeared. It took another 2 shots of my power before the limb bones were fixed. I left a couple of his ribs broken though. 

“He’s good enough to travel,” I said, turning to Emma. She had a look of wonder in her eyes. 


“What the hell are you? Psychic resistant? Healing? Flight?” She was rather impressed. 

“Stick around and find out,” I said, giving her my best smile. Then I frowned. “Wait, what the hell do I get out of helping you?”

She barked a laugh. “Jeez, now you ask? I’ve been wondering when you would. What do you want? Money? I have some but-”

“Hell no, I don’t want money. I want…” I looked her up and down. “Another date.”

“Oh yeah?” She asked, flattered, relieved, and a little excited I answered with that. 

“Yes, but not a diner. I want a dinner date,” I said, stepping closer. “Fancy car. Wine and dine you.” 

“Thought you said you needed money,” she said, her eyes sparkling as she and I locked eyes. For once I didn’t have trouble looking away from her chest. Her blue eyes were gorgeous.

“I’m a millionaire,” I said truthfully. “But I could always use more.” I reached out, touching her cheek. “And beautiful women to spend it on.” I could almost feel her become horny, but she held herself back. Smiling, she nodded. 

“Okay, a date. When?”

I let out a sigh, willing my growing erection away. Having sex in a box car was a 2nd date activity, not a first. If I wanted her I had to make her feel as beautiful as she was. 


“Jeez, you should guard your thoughts a little better,” she mumbled. Blushing and fighting her own desire to kiss me.  

“Why fight it?” I asked, moving forward she and I locked lips. Picking her up her supple ass fit perfectly in my hand as I pushed her into the wall of the box car. The kiss was long overdue. Both of us hungrily running our lips over one another’s as our tongues explored the other’s mouth. I wasn’t about to shy away from this woman though. 

My hands on her ass I shot weak sparks into her. Building the power up slowly as we lost ourselves in the kiss. Making her gasp and shudder as her glorious rack pushed against me. My erection only got harder as it fought its restraints against her tight leather pants. Long seconds turned into minutes as our kiss continued on. Unfortunately I felt Killgrave stir. 


Shooting her with a large Spark I made her lower nerves spark and flare, sending her into an orgasm. She cried out in my mouth, surprised by it as her legs wrapped around me tighter and fingers dug into my back. For long seconds I continued pushing electricity into her, spreading the orgasm further. It lasted until Killgrave stirred more. Stopping it I shot him with a powerful Spark. The man cried out and stiffened, becoming paralyzed once more. 


“What the hell did you do?”

“He was-”

“I don’t give a shit about him,” she said, biting her lip she drew my face back to hers. Kissing me again she asked, “What was that?” 

“One of my skills,” I said. I pointed my finger up and a spark of electricity fired off of it. I felt her shiver, her body still pressed up against mine. Her attitude had gone from interested to desperate as she kept kissing me. “You like?” 


Emma stopped herself, pulling back she seemed to catch herself. “Uh…yeah,” she said, her blue lipstick smudged on her face. The immaculately manicured woman was a little disheveled from our short session. I could feel the moment was gone though, and with Killgrave recovering I knew I shouldn’t push. 


Letting her go she slid down the wall of the traincar. Shorter than me she stared up at me. My hands hovered over her chest, practically shaking as I tried to stay away from her glorious globes. 


“We are going on a date,” I said. 


“Okay,” she whispered, her big eyes blinking rapidly. I couldn’t help it. Moving down I kissed her again. Her Spiritual Energy began to flutter as I pulled her into me. My strong hands gripping her hard I wanted her as badly as I could remember wanting anyone. Her amazing body and moral ambiguity were a turn on that I couldn’t help but want.

“You’re not the only one,” she whispered, drawing me away from her neck. There were blue smudges on it from where I had kissed her. 

“Sorry,” I said. 

“Don’t be. It’s nice to hear someone doesn’t want me just for my body,” she said truthfully. Killgrave groaned again, having soiled himself the purple man was ruining the mood more and more. 

“We should-” 

“Yeah,” she said, nodding quickly as I stepped away. We fixed our clothes and moved back to the main target. 


“Need me to carry you guys to wherever?” I asked. 

“You mind?” Emma asked. “I just had my nails done.” She showed me the blue nails that matched her makeup. 


I shook my head laughing. “Not at all.” Grabbing Killgrave by his belt he groaned. I still had things to do that day, but the distraction had turned into a better time than I thought. I could feel Emma agree with her Haki. We shared a look and smiled, but were on our way soon enough. 


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