Cannon Fodder His Dad

Chapter 229: Medicine man proton his father (9)

Hearing his father say this, Zixia turned pale for a moment. They all knew what the emperor was thinking, but now that he said it, it was up to the emperor to do what he wanted to do.

"Oh? There are still such rumors. It seems that Zixia is a baby, no wonder you are being hunted down by people in the world. Everyone wants to live a long time, don't you think? Qunzhi "Tang Lixiao looked at Wu Qun, he didn't believe what Wu Qun said at all.

"Your Majesty, this time I brought Zi Xia back, but there is nothing I can do. Being chased and killed is only a small part of the reason. The most important thing is that I don't know what the God Doctor Valley Master gave Zi Xia. He is now covered in poison. Even tears are poisonous. Look at what this child is wearing now, there is no way to do it. The sweat stains on his palms are slightly poisonous. Caomin wondered if His Majesty had summoned him, could he ask the imperial physician to give Zixia too Look at Jiejiedu or something? Caomin is the only son." Wu Qun said with tears in the corners of his eyes.

When Tang Xun heard this, he waved his hand, Li Gonggong immediately went to ask for the imperial doctor Wang. When he left before, this child didn't have so many effects. How can so many things happen after going back and forth?

"Don't worry about Qunzhi, there are not many other things here, but there is more than one capable imperial physician, and he will definitely be able to cure Zixia." Tang Hao sat on the dragon chair and comforted Wu Qun.

Not long after, Imperial Physician Wang came with a medicine box and gave a big gift. He felt Zixia's pulse here. Of course, he also heard that the child's sweat was poisonous, so he felt the pulse through his clothes.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, Wei Chen has long said that this child is a child who died prematurely, and now he has a strange poison in his body. The medicine is the poison of Zhengerba Jing, but the Yijing Xisui Pill refined by Doudou, which was diluted a thousand times by him and given to Zixia to help improve his body.

When Zixia said before that he would make himself a poisonous person, they also did a lot of research on this issue. The final conclusion was that the medicine from the cultivation world was the most suitable and harmless to Zixia, but It is extremely poisonous to ordinary people. After all, Zixia has Wu Qun guiding him with his inner strength, and this child is also working hard to cultivate inner strength.

"Doctor Wang, you just said whether it can be cured, and to what extent?" Wu Qun frowned and asked worriedly, but his tone was very uncomfortable.

"My lord, the old minister said last time that it will take three to five years to recuperate. Although it is not as good as a normal person, at least he can walk on the ground, but now I don't know what you have given the son, his condition. It seems to be getting worse again." Wang Taiyi stroked his beard and shook his head.

"What can I eat? When our father and son left the capital, the most important thing was the prescription you gave. It is still close to the body, and it has been taking medicine as you said. How can it be like this? Are you always? Can you give me an explanation?" Wu Qun glared at Taiyi Wang, as if he would fight if he disagreed.

"Your Highness, that's not what you said, can you make sure that the young master does not eat anything else? After all, the old minister didn't stare at the young master to take medicine, didn't he?" The doctor Wang quit, he didn't carry the blame, originally said that the magic medicine valley passed it over The news is not like this. If Wu Qun ate the medicine prescribed by Wu Qun, then this would be the case, then His Majesty would have to destroy his three clans.

"I didn't take anything special, it was the medicine you prescribed... By the way, Zixia, did you take the pills from the Valley of Magical Doctors?" Wu Qun grabbed Zixia's shoulder and asked in shock.

"Father, we finished eating those pills within a few days after we left the capital. The owner of the valley specially made them for me. If it weren't for the pills, the child would have died a long time ago." Zixia said gratefully.

But Tang Hao squinted and asked Imperial Doctor Wang: "Doctor Wang, some poisons can't be felt, so why not take some Zixia's blood to see what's going on?"

Wu Qun raised his eyebrows, and Wu Zixia pursed his lips tightly. The emperor's suspicion was really serious, but they had long thought of this level, and Wu Zixia's bloodletting was inevitable.

But Wu Qun changed what should be maintained. "Old man Wang, you can **** your finger with a needle to get a little blood. Don't cut it with a knife, or I will make you look good."

When the imperial doctor heard this, he raised his eyebrows, and King Wu was still very arrogant without the throne. He took out a needle and nodded, rubbing Zi Xia's hand vigorously, and after a while, he took a string to tie Zi Xia's middle finger. His hand was pricked, black and red came out, and dripped into the ceramic bowl in the hands of Imperial Physician Wang. Before the old man began to get excited, he saw that the blood was bubbling, not to mention, it also had its own fog and heat.

Is this still human blood? With just three or four drops, it turned into boiling water. Imperial Physician Wang was stunned. Gonggong Li dipped a drop of blood on his horse and fed the mouse he didn't know where he caught it.

As soon as the mouse touched blood, it twitched a few times and died. Tang Xing was startled by this, and he did not believe in evil and asked Eunuch Li to bring other animals to test.

Wu Qun looked at the crow that was caught, and the corners of his mouth twitched. There are things running on the ground and flying in the sky. I wonder if I want to give the fish a try for a while?

The crow was also dead, and Tang Hao's face darkened, but the emperor immediately put away that suspicious look and looked at Wu Qun and said, "Zixia, how did it become like this? Or is it like this before?"

"Your Majesty, your son's pulse is only weaker than before, and looking at this poison, it must have been used for many years to penetrate the bone and blood." Imperial Doctor Wang gave himself an excuse to escape, and Wu Qun was too lazy to expose him.

Wu Zixia opened his mouth and asked, "Doctor Wang, are they all dead? If that person eats me, will they also die?"

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Wu Qun rebuked softly.

Tang Hao stepped forward with a smile and Wu Zixia also said: "Don't worry about Zixia, in this long Tang Dynasty, there will be no cannibalism."

He is an emperor and the founding king. If such a thing happened, how could he secure the throne.

"Your Majesty, but on the way, Daoist Ji said that the people who are chasing us not only want some unrivaled martial arts secrets, but also want to eat Zixia. But Zixia is really not delicious, but it's not like this now. Yes, those who want to eat Zixia, as long as they bite Zixia, Zixia will be wounded at most, and the person who bites me will die, right?" Zixia looked at the emperor innocently and asked.

Tang Hao nodded, "Don't worry, we Zixia will not be bitten by anyone."

Wu Qun didn't say anything, Tang Hao must have many thoughts in his heart, Zixia didn't die like this.

Imperial Physician Wang had already taken blood to study, and Wu Qun had stayed in the palace for a long time. The queen from the harem came to ask for the only child of King Wu, but Tang Hao refused to see Zixia.

By the way, Tang Hao said that Wu Qun's resignation does not count. He is an emperor, how can he be unbelievable, and he was named a king, but he did nothing wrong, and he did not agree to withdraw it from him.

Wu Qun was taken aback and knelt on the ground with Wu Zixia in his arms: "Your Majesty, you are not joking, you said that the three-year period had expired now, and it would be inappropriate for this peasant to continue to be the king of this different surname, please let me How can the extreme prince's affection be worth it. Caomin once again thanked His Majesty."

Wu Qun really wanted to stab him with a sword, but the change of the throne will definitely lead to the displacement of the people of this small world. After all, the war here has just ended. If he wants to do this, it is not just him and his son who will die. . So there's nothing wrong with confessing.

"Qunzhi, you are the only person who can talk to me now. Since you insisted not to have this different surname king, what do you think of the king? You are not humiliating you, right?" Tang Fufu Qi Wu Qun said something.

Wu Qun looked at Tang Hao, as if he was looking at a human big brother, and said, "Your Majesty, you have already committed a public anger for the grass people, so don't do it."

Wu Qun's resignation once again made Tang Hao a little unhappy. Is his title so bad? Even Wu Qun pays attention to integrity, but at this moment it is too disrespectful to him. Besides, in front of Gong E and the eunuch, he is an emperor, and he doesn't want face.

"Okay, it's settled like this. You can also go back to your hometown. The Wu Wangfu will immediately take off and descend into the Wujun Wangfu, and Eunuch Li will make it." Tang Hao said, Wu Qun lowered his head and said nothing.

When I came back, I joined another county king, which was not bad. As long as the emperor didn't grab him, he always wanted to eat his son's flesh and drink his son's blood. Anything would do. After all, having a title and not having a title are two different things. To put it bluntly, he thinks that he is also a layman.

Wu Qun thanked his son with his son. He felt that if he continued to refuse, Tang Hao might have another bad idea. This emperor is a bit difficult to serve.

But it doesn't matter, he just wants to be an idle king and ignores other things.

As for the military power in Yuan's hands, Wu Qun has never used it. Many of his people have already defected. After all, they are not soldiers trained by aristocratic families. To put it bluntly, loyalty is not enough.

Now he is going back to the Wu Wangfu again. Oh, he is now the Wujun Wang, and even his title has changed. It seems that Tang Li should not plan to kill him.

He decided to live in seclusion and stay at home with his son.

Tang Hao should still reward him, but when they arrived at the Wujun Palace and saw that the servants who had been dismissed before came back, those people's faces were not good-looking, and Wu Zixia's face was not good-looking either. He didn't like it. These people are traitors.

However, Wu Qun felt that it didn't matter. With Eunuch Lin, he was not afraid that they would betray their father and son's abilities again.

Wu Qun likes that the newly appointed King of Wu Jun has no right to participate in political affairs and does not need to go to court.

As for the hidden secret of the man in the palace, he also left something on the emperor, as long as he pays the attention of his father and son, he can sense it immediately.

These are all small tricks for cultivators.

As for the specter that Tang Qinqin raised in Tianjian, his house was monitoring him, he didn't care, but it was uncomfortable to be stared at after all, right?

Therefore, Wu Qun invited the national teacher, and several of the disciples of the national teacher died in his house. He must not apologize? At least the eldest disciple on the bright side disappeared on the way to **** him back to Beijing.

Rumors abounded in the capital, saying that Daoist Ji had eloped with King Wu's concubine after obtaining the consent of King Wu.

The national teacher knew this well. All the people he dispatched to Wu Qun were dead. This time, he was also full of energy. He wanted to see what the sky-high skills this newly-appointed King Wu Jun had. One by one his disciples disappeared.

As for the Li Gui in Wujun's palace, he turned a blind eye and said nothing, and he personally put another one in Wu Qun's house.

This old-fashioned way is interesting, why do one or two of them like to put things in other people's homes? Not at all afraid that the host will be angry and let them fight back?

Wu Qun is not very optimistic about this founding king, and his mind is too heavy. The sons he has cultivated are more capable than each other. He is only fifty years old now. Is he looking for Wu Zixia to live forever? The son ascended to the throne of God, I am afraid that he will not tolerate it.

With such a person, how did the original body get fooled and follow along to fight the country?

However, Wu Qun learned from the original body that the prince was a good prince, but he didn't know if he could become an emperor alive.

"Your Highness, everything in your house has been resolved. I wonder if you can tell Laodao what happened to my incompetent disciple?" The national teacher asked with a false smile.

"National teacher, I didn't do well enough in this matter. Yulinwei's people used it to protect me and my son, so they didn't care about Daoist Ji. We still had dinner together that night and played chess. , When it came to Xu, Zixia wanted to sleep, and insisted on letting me accompany me, so I separated from Daochang Ji and took my son to sleep. But whoever thought about it, Daochang Ji disappeared when he slept, hey, too It's not that he disappeared from the beginning. His clothes were stolen and put on the dead Yu Linwei, impersonating him, but we never found his person, you know, my two concubines The servant also disappeared." Wu Qun shook his head and told his grievances.

Yu Linwei must have already told the national teacher about these things, but the national teacher suspected him. Wu Qun felt that if his son disappeared, he would directly cut down everyone who suspected him. came to inquire with him.

He didn't say anything about the practice of the national teacher. After all, people are different, and their behaviors will also be different.

But this man, Wu Qun felt that he was a vengeful person. Not to mention sending so many people to assassinate him, he actually sent an undercover agent to his house, what did he take him for?

It is absolutely unforgivable. When we first met, Wu Qun gave him some small gifts. Since it is a national teacher, he should be able to solve it.

The national teacher didn't find out anything from Wu Qun's mouth, and when he left, he left behind a malicious ghost.

Wu Qun was delighted, how could he not accept such a good gift with a smile.

So after the two ghosts left the national teacher, Wu Qun cut off the connection with the national teacher for a while, and let them evolve a second time. What is there to do for the ghosts? Is it not good?

Of course, the two ghost kings were swallowed up by the two ghost kings that Tang Hao sent to put on the King of Wu Jun. Tang Yan's people reported the news immediately.

Then, in the name of rewarding Wu Qun, Eunuch Li brought someone to check it out. It doesn't matter, what if the two ghost kings lived in Wu Qun's house one after the other?

Moreover, if he has the ability and the pen, I am afraid that there is only one national teacher.

What does this master want to do? The Divine Doctor Valley belongs to the national teacher and junior brother. Although this matter is a secret, what does Tang Hao not know? Those news came from the Magical Medicine Valley, but Wu Zixia's blood was poisonous, and neither the Magical Doctor Valley nor the national teacher said anything about it. Tang Hao was also a vengeful person.

Imperial Physician Wang has already given the exact answer, Wu Zixia's blood, in addition to poisoning people, has no effect on longevity at all.

Eunuch Li returned to the palace extremely unhappy.

Wu Qun was sitting at home, and the affairs of the capital were within his grasp, not to mention that the gadgets invented by Doudou were really useful. This is much more reliable than humans.

Wu Zixia was in good health, but she had to pretend that she couldn't walk.

There were no women in the back house of the Prince's Mansion, and Wu Qun, the woman rewarded by the emperor, refused. The reason is very simple.

Then Imperial Physician Wang surreptitiously gave Wu Qun a pulse, and told Tang Hao with certainty that King Wu Jun had long been inhumane, and his body had long been damaged by those meticulous work.

Wu Qun didn't pretend at all about this. The original body was like this. He transformed everything, but he didn't transform it, lest those who were thinking too much would always give him women.

After taking pity on Tang Xie, he pretended to wipe a handful of crocodile tears, took back the beauty, and sent some palace maids to take care of Wu Zixia.

It's a pity that these palace maids are destined to be cleaned only in the side courtyard of the Wujun Wangfu.

In the back house of the Wu family, there lived a poor son, who was taken care of by Eunuch Lin and Prince Wu, and no one could enter.

I said to the outside world that the son is highly poisonous, and whoever gets it will die. Those who don’t believe in evil can try it.

Gong E, who had met in the palace at the beginning, ran farther and farther, not afraid of death, and was thrown out of the Wujun palace by Eunuch Lin and disappeared.

As long as someone pays attention to Wu Zixia, Wu Qun doesn't need to say it, Jiuyi, Lin Gonggong, Liuyi and others will be dealt with immediately.

The national teacher came to Wujun Wangfu again. He found that Wujun Wang lived very well, especially when he met in the palace, he didn't seem to be haunted by ghosts at all, so he came again.

These days, he always has nightmares, and when he wakes up, he can't remember what the dream was, and he feels very tired. As a national teacher, he has not encountered such a thing for a long, long time.

His first reaction was to be calculated, but the emperor had to rely on him, not the emperor. The ministers in the court are too late to flatter him, and they shouldn't show such malice to him. The only person who doesn't care about him, and who has hatred with him, is the Wujun Wangfu.

So, the national teacher came again.

"My lord, I don't know if it's okay recently?" The national teacher asked while holding the dust in his hand.

Wu Qun smiled happily: "Okay, very good, since the National Teacher came, I have been very good here, and those strange things have never happened again. This is all the credit of the National Teacher, the National Teacher. Don't be polite to me. Come on, invite Jin Ruyi."

The Jin Ruyi that Wu Qun specially made for the national teacher these days is not because there is too much money and there is nowhere to go, but the result of the discussion between Wu Qun and Wu Zixia.

As for Jin Ruyi's formations and runes, they are all techniques of cultivators. Wu Qun is very convinced that he can't study it even after giving it to the national teacher for 800 years.

The national teacher is very happy, who doesn't like Jinzi. Sure enough, Prince Wu is a big-handed person. Whoever said that he came from Kukukosusu, his national teacher was the first to disagree.

Wu Qun looked at the national teacher and invited him to go to every corner of the Wujun palace. The national teacher accidentally dropped something and saw Wu Zixia who was sick. The national teacher was almost poisoned.

The national teacher looked at the white-bellied fish in the water tank, his eyes were dark and unclear, he knew not only about exorcism, but he was in the same vein as the valley owner of the Valley of Divine Medicine, how could he not see it, Wu Zixia blood is really poisonous.

The matter has been out of his control. According to the report of the spies, after his junior brother brought his disciple into Wu's house, he never came out again, not even standing in or lying down.

So inexplicably disappeared in Wu's house, and his female disciples, and many people watched it, but after all, no one knew whether the female relatives were dead or not, but Ji Ruming passed back the news that all the women in Wu's house were dead. It's over, there are only three people alive.

But when they approached the capital, Ji Ruming and the three also disappeared, and he had no evidence that Wu Qun did it. But in fact, only he knew that those who disappeared did not even leave ghosts. He wanted to summon the soul, but he didn't call it out, which shows that the people who come here are very powerful.

He knew that King Wu Jun had no such ability, and neither could his sick and weak son. He just wanted to meet this expert for a while, but unfortunately, he had not encountered the atmosphere of his peers after stepping on Wu Jun Wang's mansion.

If this revenge is not repaid, he feels uneasy. It was rumored in the capital that Wu Zixia was a poison, and the people who originally wanted to marry Wujun Wangfu disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Wu Zixia was well protected, but when the child saw the national teacher, he also added a little bit of material to this person. Wu Qun did not stop him. After all, there is nothing more refreshing than revenge by himself.

"Your Highness, you are being polite. In fact, it doesn't have to be so." The national teacher looked at Jin Ruyi with a smile, his mouth was polite, but his hand was not polite at all, and he let his disciple take it.

"Guo Shi, if it wasn't for your disciple to **** me back this time, I'm afraid our father and son are going to die on the road. Hey, I planned to send it when I invited the national teacher last time, but the craftsmen were not ready at that time, only I can keep you waiting. It's really my fault." Wu Qun shook the fan and explained very modestly.

After all, if you want to do things, you can't do it slowly and add ingredients seriously. In the case of the last time, I am afraid that I will not accept it if I send it to the national teacher. Even if it is accepted, it is estimated that it will not be placed in my bedroom.

This thing, Wu Qun is Jin Ruyi specially customized for the national teacher, that is, he watches every day and night to accompany him. He doesn't believe that the national teacher can still be calm and won't be attacked by the ghosts he raised.

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