Call of Eschatology

Vol 4 Chapter 68: 50% win rate

With sequence one as the goal, there is only one opponent in front of Wenyu.

Tang Haofei ...

Well, in fact, in this series of rankings, Wen Yu wants to beat Tang Haofei. The difficulty is not high or low, and the winning rate should be about 50%.

The reason why the estimation is so accurate is not because of anything else, only because Tang Haofei's strength Wen Yu is so clear!

The faceless copy is Tang Haofei, the highest peak before falling asleep. Although Wenyu is not going to be okay with the facelessness-this is too much damage, but it is enough to understand Tang Haofei ’s physical quality within five years in vain!

Physical fitness is close to 400 million yuan, racial talent is as high as 20w! True divine power.

But sorry, Wenyu really has a way to deal with ...

Now Wen Yu ’s physical quality is around ten million, and the soul strength is less than 4000w. The combination of the earth beast species plus the immortal world **** beast species talent provides a combined increase of about 3,000 times, which is not comparable to Tang Haofei. Yu and Tang Haofei's skill systems are completely two concepts.

Tang Haofei's battle relied only on crushing physical fitness. In theory, his skills except for life and death and the ability to resurrect, all are just for foiling, but Wen Yu has the skills to change.

After the deification × 5, Wen Yu ’s soul strength has risen to 400 million, and racial talent is tens of times weaker than Tang Hao. Adding to the increase of the true God overlord, this is a gap of more than a hundred times! It still seems impossible, but the combination of the super battle and the chapter of flesh and blood, the combination of the dragon power field and the increase of dragon blood, a variety of strange skills, the crushing of the soul skill system ... the gap of about a hundred times is not Insurmountable value! In other words, relying solely on Wenyu's own strength, it was enough to confront Tang Haofei before he slept, let alone a faceless card and a flesh balance.

Tang Haofei's challenger tried zero remaining resurrection, leaving only one rebirth ability.

Reincarnation (race level, passive skill): When the host dies, this ability will be activated after 10 seconds, immediately resurrect the host and restore all the state of the host to its peak, effective once every three days! Not cumulative!

Once every three days, in theory, in the days when the series is preparing for the battle, Tang Haofei can make another life and death battle, which is a fourfold increase. In this case, it is equivalent to Wenyu's difficulty. ... but as long as there is no face and a flesh balance in hand, Wenyu still has the power of a battle!

Even Wen Yu dared to say that as long as Faceless and the Flesh Balance are in hand, and matched with the remaining ten resurrection times, Wen Yu is sure that he can seize the opportunity to solve Tang Haofei twice in a row!

According to the calculation of the difficulty and difficulty, Tang Haofei refreshed the battle between life and death in these days, then Wenyu must ensure that he can injure Tang Haofei with his own strength, and then Tang Haofei's first life can be easily resolved without face, and the second Fate is nothing more than a chapter of flesh and blood with a faceless tactic of Lai Pi that specializes in playing Tang Haofei.

Under difficult conditions, Wen Yu's odds are about 90%.

But it's just hard ... there's **** on it.

The so-called **** difficulty is that Tang Haofei can get other resurrection ability within this time ... Once Tang Haofei has more than 3 resurrection skills, this battle can really be difficult to fight, which is also a 50% victory rate source……

That's right, the so-called 50% win rate is not the comparison of strength, but the luck of Tang Haofei, and the choice of Tang Haofei ...

Once Tang Haofei decided to use his full potential in life and death battles without paying any attention to the cost of strength, he really got another resurrection skill, and then Wen Yu's theoretical win rate would become horrible.

It can only be said that this kind of bug ability to fight life and death is really not a good response.

However, once **** difficulty appeared, Wenyu also recognized TMD. At that time, he could only let it go, and if he lost, he would do his own sequence two honestly, while waiting for the final trial of the master, but **** difficulty is only all four difficulties. One of them, once the simple difficulty of "Tang Yi decides now and he is very concerned about the price of strength", or the ordinary difficulty of "Tang Haofei did not choose to brush the battle between life and death", Wenyu's winning rate must be 100%. However, there is a slight deviation in difficulty and difficulty. What Wen Yu needs to do is to ensure that the difficulty and difficulty are cleared. This guarantee naturally falls on the three scrolls of skill upgrade.

First, Wenyu chose the chapter of flesh and blood.

This skill must be promoted to the last level. Strong immortality combined with the ability to resurrect will bring more opportunities for Wenyu!

Tear the skill upgrade scroll and choose the one-eyed chapter of flesh and blood. With the flash of light, a moment later, the skill description of the chapter of flesh and blood has changed.

Chapter of Flesh (Racial Details, Passive Skills): Mysterious power fills the host's body, your body will no longer be vital, and the pain will disappear after the battle begins! When injured, if there is a physical disability, the flesh and blood of the remaining parts will be mobilized to fill the injury to ensure that the host still has the combat ability. When the body mass is reduced to 99% of the original, the host will enter a state of dying At the same time, the speed of wound healing increased a hundred times!

Seeing the new chapter of flesh and blood, Wen Yu frowned suddenly, quickly blessing the chapter of Super Life Fight and Flesh and Blood, then a hand knife without blinking his eyes, cut off his left arm.

The blood spewed out. Then, the flesh at Wen Yu's wound began to spread, and in the blink of an eye, an identical arm condensed. However, Wen Yu could clearly feel that the flesh and bones of his entire body seemed to be adjusted. Although it looks unscathed, it weighs less than one arm.

Of course, this is not the key. The key lies in the super battle ...

Fortunately, Super Life Fight still has an effect, so it seems that the chapter of flesh and blood fills the injury, not to heal the injury, but to ensure the integrity of the body.

The combined effect of the Super Life Fight and the Flesh and Blood chapter still exists, and the upper limit is higher. It also removes the negative effects of the direct death from excessive injuries. Well, this bottom-level skill upgrade scroll is also worth it.

And the second skill, Wenyu chose the super life fighting!

Don't ask why ... A complete skill set is a neat and neat family ...

And the new Super Fight is exactly the same as the original skill description.

Super life fighting (race level, passive skills): the will to fight beyond imagination will make the host fearless and greatly reduce pain. As the injury worsens, the host's basic physical fitness will increase exponentially and increase. There is no upper limit. When the host ’s physical injury reaches its limit, the super state of life will trigger the second state-the attack on the host ’s body will be completely transformed into a soul impact, and the soul trauma caused by the soul attack will still be The increase in the power of the Super Life Fighter, when the soul trauma reaches its limit, the Super Life Fighter stimulates the final state-the host's current physical quality is tripled again, and at the same time for 30 seconds, immune to any kind of attack, After 30 seconds, it enters the frequency death state.

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