Call of Eschatology

Vol 4 Chapter 45: Unqualified Whetstone

Time goes back a few minutes ago.

The tenth floor of the Heavenly Palace, in front of the secret treasure house of Wanxian League.

Looking at the increasingly fierce battle in the distance, his face was expressionless, but he silently calculated the time.

At a certain moment, a huge mushroom cloud rose into the air, and Bai Luo sentenced Da Luo to death.

At this moment, Da Luohun's body was filled with majestic energy fluctuations. The entire tenth floor of the Tiangong even shivered. The heavy earth layer on the ground was already broken, exposing the haze under the tenth floor of the Tiangong, like a light gray mist .

Seems to be huge, but the real situation, the former eleventh-level strong white, could not be more clear.

As the rising pride of the sky, the pinnacle of the immortal world, Bai profoundly understands that every guy who can be called a strong one is not because of some cards of the air, but all of them. In terms of strength.

For example, control over energy and body!

It seems that Da Luo is overbearing and destroys all attacks, but the actual effect is not great. Because the energy is too scattered, the dissipated energy flow hits Wen Yu, and is immediately resisted by the dragon scales emerging from Wen Yu. The rest of the energy aftermath exploded around Wenyu, but it was nothing more than a scourge of the poor soil.

On the other hand, Wenyu was faintly inferior when he just started fighting with Da Luo. Compared to his physical fitness, even though Wen Yu with countless skill blessings is indeed not a weakened Da Luo ’s opponent, he is conscious and unconscious. But the world is different.

In a short period of time, Wenyu has identified Da Luo's shortcomings and strengths, and strengthened his own energy control. At this moment, Wen Yu is like a ghost, constantly wandering around Da Luo, again and again in the void Walking dodging Da Luo's attack, and every sword or boxing hit Da Luo's body, he can punch Da Luo's body into a blood hole, but not hurt the surrounding environment.

On one side, the attack is scattered, not even hurting the opponent. It can only bombard the air like a wild beast, but the other side is more than capable, with tactical targets and precise precision. The attack is like a scalpel that constantly cuts the enemy's vital points.

The victory has been doomed from the start!


Da Luo's brain has been cut off, and even his brain is half gone-it was the wound left by the frontal bombardment of Mad Song.

Blood was dripping from all over the body, and the defensive body surface defense had disappeared. The thick blood like mercury was pouring around the surrounding soil. From several transparent punch holes, the scenery behind Da Luo was faintly visible.

Even so, Da Luo still retains a considerable degree of combat power!

At this moment, Da Luo swung out a punch, and Wen Yu had to take a half step back. With the super strong defense ability brought by the magic dragon armor, he ate the attack bluntly. The price is almost nothing ...

Eighty percent of his strength was hit by Da Luo in the air.

On the bright side, this was a close battle, but the actual situation was just that Wen Yu was looking for his own limit.

Unfortunately, Wenyu was disappointed. Without the consciousness of Da Luo, he really couldn't measure Wenyu's strength now!

This is a poorly qualified whetstone ...

"There is a certain weakness in walking in the void. When the physical fitness is improved to a certain level, it is enough to penetrate the void with the power of the flesh. In addition to the effect of hiding, it can not be used as a defense ability to adapt to this level of fighting."

Walking in the void is the skill of Wenyu ’s key experiment in this battle. The hidden sneak attack effect was just in the first shot. Wenyu already had an estimate-really powerful! However, the defense ability did not satisfy Wenyu.

Da Luo's physical strength is enough to penetrate the space barriers. In other words, when Da Luo is about to attack, he walks in the void to avoid, and will still be hit by a heavy blow that penetrates the void.

"The two-color fire epee is not easy to use, and its attack ability is not strong. It is second only to throbbing and mad songs. Hey, after all, it is just a mimicry of skills, not a soul weapon.

"The skill set of Super Fighting and Chapter of Flesh and Blood cannot be tested at all. This will be left to the future."

"The increase in physical fitness of passive skills is based on the original physical fitness and added after the increase. In other words, simply adding passive skills to increase physical fitness can not create an alternative limit for physical fitness. By."

Deification × 5, increased to 10 times, not to the power of two, plus the physical attributes of the wild protection increased by 80%, and the total increase was 10.8 times. But skills and racial talents are multiplied-this is the root of the crushing power of the beast.

"It's more powerful in terms of energy control. Well, the most important gain this time is probably here."

Wen Yu punched, the wind pressure on his fist was almost nothing, just like an ordinary wave, but the speed of light and the results of a boxing piercing Da Luo's heart are enough to prove how strong the destructive power of this punch!

On the earth, Wenyu has long lost his opponent. At the moment, facing Da Luo, it is Wenyu's best shot in the past few years. The gain is indeed not small, but ...

"Stop it."

As soon as the words fall, Wenyu's tactics have changed!


Is still the oncoming punch! But this time, Da Luo's fist was close to Wen Yu's face door, but was blocked by a layer of invisible transparent barrier.

Soul battlefield-defense!

Da Luo does not eat the soul battlefield, but after the soul battlefield is opened, the boundaries can still resist Da Luo's attack!

With a buzz, Da Luo ’s offensive was directly intercepted, and Wen Yu ’s speed of retracting the soul battlefield has been honed to almost no time interval. After quickly retracting the soul battlefield, Wen Yu immediately lifted his heavy sword Split it in front of Da Luo!

The flame-wrapped epee instantly penetrated Da Luo's body surface defense, fiercely chopped on Da Luo's exposed brain, and then the flames surged into the body of Da Luo instantly.

Da Luo's momentum was stagnant. Even if he had no consciousness, Da Luo's face still showed a painful look. The next second, the overwhelming bullet rain entered the wound in Da Luo's body.

The low roar erupted in Da Luo's body. Da Luo's body trembled like a bran sieve until the roar ceased. Da Luo's body was lit with a black and red fire, and the flames rose quickly. Turning Da Luo into a burning torch, but at this moment, Da Luo is still dead.

"I have more defense, less attack, no more consciousness, and my body has become rotten. Hey, unfortunately, I really want to see how heroic you are when you are full."

Looking at Da Luo, who was gradually coming to the end of his life, Wenyu just stepped back and waited for the flame to burn the person in front of him.

Until three minutes later, Da Luo ’s movements became slower and slower, and his last head fell to the ground, turning it into a coke. Wen Yu waved his hand gently, the power of the ghost world started, and he pulled Bai from a distance.

"It's time to harvest."

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