Call of Eschatology

Vol 4 Chapter 40: Ineffective Neptune Control Plan

"Help me!"

The thoughts just fell in my heart, and there was a tremendous power in my body!

This mighty force was immense and immense, and in just a moment, the golden light bands enshrouded in the whole body of the **** of God were smashed into fly ash.

Moreover, this is only the beginning, shattering the whole body ban, it is only the aftermath and by-products of this power ...

The waves of power emerging from the heart are continuous and endless. When the power is flowing, the gods only feel that everything around them is slowing down. Space and time seem to completely freeze and stagnate, even Lin Haifeng and Fran's faces Indifferent expressions were also fixed.

It's like bullet time, but it's much stronger than that ...

The **** of heaven stood for a moment and thought, while Lin Haifeng in front made a sound.


A word "you" is stretched to look different. It may take more than ten seconds in the time flow rate of the god. This simple word was just finished. When he saw this, there was a hint of trembling and expectation in the corner of the god.

"It turned out to be power ..."

The next second, Tenjin smiled slightly, then stretched out his hands.


Put your hands on Lin Haifeng's and Fran's shoulders gently. In the next second, the nether world opens again!

However, this time is different from the previous one! The mysterious power is mixed in the ghost world, and the teleportation force erupting from the ghost world instantly crushes the surrounding forbidden forces, and the two forces confront each other. In just one moment, all the means arranged by Lin Haifeng in the commander's office are turned into nothing !!

A huge storm set off across the Commander's Office. The storm penetrated the wall and collapsed the roof. The Commander's Office instantly turned into a huge bomb.

Accompanying with a loud noise, the cement tiles and steel splashed around, and the command room was wiped out in the conflict between the god's ghost world and the prohibition.

"Om ~~~"

This time, the transmission power of the Netherworld is no longer blocked! The power of the ghost world envelops the three gods, Lin Haifeng, and Fran, who have been teleported several times in a short period of time. When Lin Haifeng was teleported, the defense system of Yanjing's gathering place was also excited. Runes and energy The waves surged towards the gods, but they seemed so weak in front of them ...

For the gods, when the commander-in-chief was breached, the external defense system was completely furnished!

Therefore, after the tenth teleportation, the gods wrapped in Lin Haifeng and Fran have moved out of the Yanjing gathering place. After the thirty-eighth teleportation, the three have reached the Bohai Sea.

The whole process didn't even take a second.

This series of changes was placed in the eyes of unsuspecting people, that is, the Commander's Office was blown up by the bombardment, and then the three gods, Lin Haifeng, and Fran disappeared.



Immediately after arriving at the beach, Tenjin's body collapsed, and blood was sprayed out of his mouth, but he was blocked by the mask. The blood instantly filled his face-how much more embarrassed how much ...

At the same time, the "borrowed" strength in the body slowly subsided, and finally dissipated in the heavens and the earth, integrating with the whole world.

The whole process was bumpy and difficult, but anyway, the first step was completed ...

"Power of origin? How could it be power of origin?"

Lin Haifeng yelled, apparently confused by the betrayal of his own son and the sudden power of the origin-God has the power of the origin, and it seems to be borrowed ...

The problem is too big!

Fran, beside Lin Haifeng, didn't think so much at all. The old man covered his head with silver silk, and the cane in his hand smashed into the head of God.

He didn't need to think about how things would change like this. He just needed to know that God is now an enemy.

And Fran's strength ...

He's a Terran Sequence Six!

The cane was extremely fast, and struck Tenjin instantly with a whistling sonic boom. The power of the source escaped from Tenjin's body. At this moment, Tenjin seemed to be hollowed out and generally weak. Although his mighty strength could be seen clearly on the face The attack came, but it was difficult to escape.

God reluctantly leaned to his side, trying to avoid the attack, but was cold and oppressed by an unknown energy on his body.

Time has stagnated and Fran's power of time has begun.

The next second, with a bang, Tenjin was hit in the front, and the huge force instantly broke the Tenjin mask, and then the cane passed through the skull with unabated strength, leaking out from behind his head.

"Your son?"

Looking at the **** of heaven who was pierced by a cane, the mask was broken, and his face was exposed, Fran asked indifferently—whose son is no longer important. Since he is an enemy, then he has no mercy, he believes that Lin Haifeng is also Think so!

Sure enough, Lin Haifeng did not answer Fran's question directly, but just stood up and pointed at God!

"He's not dead, God is not at stake!"

The words did not fall, the figure of the **** of heaven had disappeared ...

The ghost world starts again, and after a short period of time, the gods have accumulated the power to launch the ghost world.


"Ahhhhhhh ..."

Tenjin was half-kneeling at the seaside, coughing hard, and dripping blood dripped from his mouth, looking awkward.

Fran and Lin Haifeng were not far ahead, but they did not attack the gods again. The two old men in their dozens of years just looked at the gods with a dark face ... and the waves that gradually appeared behind the gods!

"What about the sea ... in other words, the previous Neptune control plan failed, right?"

Fran's tone was bland, and it didn't look too much of a surprise-in this case, surprise was useless.

"It should have been missed, but I didn't expect this sea king to hide for so long."

Lin Haifeng squinted his eyes and looked at the blue head that gradually appeared in the Bohai Bay, half a moment, and still sneered.

"Looking at it this way, Scarrie of the Zerg should be here too, but he underestimated my good son!"

The good son's three words were gritted by Lin Haifeng. He took a deep breath, calmed his mood, immediately pulled out the communicator from his waist and dialed Wenyu's communication.

Tenjin has been planning for a long time. Although Lin Haifeng can't figure out the purpose of Tenjin in a short time, it is always right to find Wenyu when something happens.

However, the busy tone keeps ringing, and Wenyu has not been connected to the communication ...

"The signal is blocked, or Wenyu is stuck with something, it should be both."

Lin Haifeng simply inferred that Fang Bai's communication was dialed immediately, followed by a busy tone.

"Well, the signal is blocked, old man, this time, it's all up to us."

Fran shrugged, then turned around and walked behind Lin Haifeng, watching the distant smoke dragon rise from the distance, and for a moment, a huge bug that was covered in dark green, like a spider and a mantis combination, had come to Fran before.

King of the Zerg, Skerry ...

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