Call of Eschatology

Vol 4 Chapter 38: launch

Time goes back a few minutes ago.

When Wenyu and Bai arrived at the tenth floor of the Temple, a message was sent to the hands of the gods at the same time.

Looking at the words "White is ready" in the communicator, the corner of the mouth under the mask of Tianshen gently traced a smile, then stood up and said to Lin Tianxue next to him, "My man is here, and he is leaving now."

After speaking a few words, Tianshen immediately went outwards, Lin Tianxue followed with three confidants, but Qin Tian still wanted to persuade Lin Tianxue, but Lin Tianxue counted it as the ear wind.

Until a few people came to the gate, Tianshen stopped and said to Xiao Xue beside him: "After going out of the gate, you can see the person I arranged to take over. You follow them, and you will be safe when you leave Yanjing. . "

The words of God made Xiaoxue hesitate for a while, and Xiaoxue said hesitantly, "What about you?"

The meaning of Tianshen's first step in Tianshen's mouth makes Lin Tianxue uneasy-with Tianshen by his side, it is worth thousands of horses, and when Tianshen walks away, he wants to walk out of the swarms of the strong men who are around him. Jing, this difficulty is not ordinary!

Yanjing was run by Lin Haifeng for so long. If you want to say that the three six-level breakrs are like breaking through Yanjing, it is completely a dream.

Seeing Xiaoxue's hesitation, Tianshen gently stroked Lin Tianxue's hair and said softly: "I'm going to the headquarters. Only by involving Dad and the army in his hand can we ensure that you can escape from Yanjing smoothly. "

In a few words, Xiaoxue's eyes turned red. She clenched Tianshen's hands and gently nodded, and immediately recovered the high-cold aura. She waved at the three Qin Tian behind her and walked out the door.

Tianshen stood at the gate of the house courtyard, watching Lin Tianxue's back gradually disappearing, and then his body shattered like foam, and finally disappeared without a trace.


Out of the gate, Lin Tianxue immediately pulled on the hood and hid his well-known face ...

But what does this do? According to common sense, if Lin Haifeng sends someone to stare at Lin Tianxue, no matter how Lin Tianxue dresses up, it is impossible to escape Lin Haifeng's eyes, not to mention that the three Qin Tians behind Lin Tianxue are just like a light bulb.

Therefore, Lin Tianxue didn't have the idea of ​​running out of Yanjing's gathering place silently. She wanted to flee, but she just went out to fight. What she cared about was nothing more than how to fight.

Fast forward along the quiet street. It took less than three minutes to reach the intersection of the street. Lin Tianxue looked around and saw the responding staff arranged by his good brother in a few glances.

It is also a serial strongman in the military. At this moment, the strongman is waiting at the street with a team of nearly a hundred people. When he first saw Lin Tianxue, the serial strongman had his eyes brightened and hurried to Lin Tianxue. Salute solemnly to Lin Tianxue.

"Ms. Tianxue, Wang An, the third division commander of the First Operation Group Army under your God, reports to you, please indicate."

It seems that the little bird when she was beside Tianshen was at a loss, at this moment Lin Tianxue regained the style of the goddess of high cold, and nodded to Wang An.

"Master Tenjin has explained the plan to you?"

"Yes, ma'am, the plan is in place, you just have to follow me."

Wang An said solemnly.

"it is good."

Lin Tianxue suspected of having him, and nodded his head slightly. Seeing this, Wang An immediately turned around and issued an order to his fighters: "Begin the operation and prepare for battle."


When Lin Tianxue gathered with Wang An, the **** of heaven had come to the headquarters of the Yanjing gathering place.

In the headquarters, Lin Haifeng and Fran are drinking tea and playing chess, so leisurely ...

"Heaven is back. What's wrong with Australia?"

"It's no problem at all, it's just that Australia is calm and calm. If there is nothing, just go back to Yanjing to see."

The gods answered like a stream, and Lin Haifeng just nodded gently: "Anyway, there is a teleportation array, it is convenient to come and go. By the way, hasn't Scary arrived in Australia?"

"No, it may have been delayed."

"How is the battle?"

"The kangaroo family has been largely cleared, and only a few scattered kangaroo mutants are running around, but there is no major problem. I am confident that the war in Australia will be ended within a week."

After the gods spoke, they stopped speaking, just like a tree like Lin Haifeng, watching the chess game between the two.

This scene is not uncommon in five years ...

Although Tenjin ’s status in Yanjing is superb, he has little sense of existence. Lin Haifeng knows that Tenjin is a wild stream, but Fran does n’t know. He only knows that Tenjin is an artificial creature. Although powerful, he has no status like a clone Although Ephraim's cultivation does not despise the gods, he does not care much about them.

This is probably the attitude of the entire military at the top of the gods-it is awkward, the so-called gods, the so-called patron saints, after all, are just personal products, but only domestic animals in captivity in Yanjing ...

Fran and Lin Haifeng quickly finished the game of Go. The two had a tea tasting and then started another game. The gods stood by the two until the half of the game, with a vague shout of killing. Into the ears of a few people.

Lin Haifeng moved his hands and frowned.

"What happened?"

As soon as the words came out, Fran and Tenjin were silent, but soon, a black shadow emerged from behind Lin Haifeng.

"Commander Lin, is your daughter. I don't know for any reason, she brought a bunch of soldiers to clash with the patrol team from A3 Street. Qin Tian, ​​Arthur, Aguer, and His Majesty Wang An and First Soldiers of the Elite Division of the Third Division of the Army. "

Hearing the report from the Dark Guard, Lin Haifeng immediately hesitated, then reacted quickly, and immediately looked at the gods around him.

"What's going on? Why do your people stir up with Lin Tianxue?"

Lin Haifeng didn't ask Lin Tianxue why he would bring people into conflict with the patrol team, but suddenly questioned the instinct of the **** Tian, ​​the old fox, and Lin Haifeng suddenly found something wrong.

"I don't know, it may be that Wang An was bought by Lin Tianxue long ago."

Tianshen answered in a muffled voice, but only ushered in the doubt that Lin Haifeng's eyes flashed.

"Xue Xue's action is weird. No matter how ambitious she is, it's impossible to rely on these people to provoke trouble at this time ... By the way, what is Lin Tianxue's course of action?"

Fran spoke, and the dark guard behind Lin Haifeng immediately replied, "From A3 Street to A6 Street."

"Out of town, this is not right, Lin Haifeng, Xiao Xue's route is not right, she is not trying to capture the headquarters, she is trying to escape! Why, do you want to do something to her?"

Facing Fran's doubts, Lin Haifeng only thought for a moment, and immediately understood the cause and effect of the whole thing.

He suddenly turned to look at the gods ...

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