Call of Eschatology

Vol 4 Chapter 147: Ancient archives

Confidential File 118 (obsolete).

The planet Lierda, located in the central part of the Lierda Galaxy, is the only major planet in the Lierda Galaxy. It has existed for 352.3 billion years. It has 18 natural satellites and originated from the original Lierda Nebula in 352.3 billion years. Primitive life forms were born before 200 billion years ago, and since then, civilization and continuous development have grown. The inhabitants of the planet Lierda are enthusiastic, confident, and peace-loving, and have formed countless federations to jointly maintain the peace on the planet Lierda.

Lierda Ecological Environment (Omitted), Humanities Construction (Omitted), Literary Works (Omitted), Science and Technology (Omitted) ...


Confidential archive 82 (obsolete).

In Lierda, 59845, the Tengris Empire took the lead in making breakthroughs in terrestrial surgery, and launched a manned spacecraft five years later in an attempt to explore the extraterrestrial world and the existence of extraterrestrial life. The spacecraft communicated normally.

In Lierda, 59952, the manned spacecraft launched by the Tengris Empire was lost.

Lierda Gregorian calendar 62150, after more than 20,000 years, the first offshore exploration ship of the former Tengris empire returned to the world in the doubts of people around the world. There was no living matter on it. The explorers only A strange cylindrical object was found on the spacecraft.

In-depth research shows that (the handwriting is unclear, there are signs of being smeared).

They brought back a miracle (torn off) ...

Or disaster!

(File is damaged)


Confidential File 65 (obsolete).

In the year 62166 of Lierda, the war began.

In the skeptical eyes of everyone, the Tengris Empire unilaterally broke the peace treaty and launched a military conquest of the countries around it. Their biochemical technology has made a qualitative leap. Some soldiers are strong and inaccessible. Some soldiers have super powers. They control fire or ice to launch devastating blows to the enemy. Other soldiers have made terrible mutations. ——The height has risen to three meters, two extra arms and a tough tail have grown on the body, and they are full of scary scales and sharp teeth. If not, they still have wisdom and change the body. Enjoying it, we may suspect that this is an invasion of alien creatures.

In the year 62167 of Lierda, the World War broke out. The Tengris Empire encountered common targets from all countries and nations around the world. The battle ended three months later. The Tengris Empire was defeated and shared the strange cylinder brought back by the manned spacecraft. Research data on shaped objects.

Research findings (data corruption).

Skills (data destruction), evolution, faster and stronger (data destruction), self-proclaimed **** (data destruction).

In the year 62188 of Lierda, new progress has been made on the study of alien objects called celestial stones (data destruction).

The war broke out again. We call those former compatriots and today's monsters as demon. In the same year, the first tenth-level demons were born and named (data destruction).

The fighting has gone down sharply (data is destroyed).


Confidential File 17 (obsolete).

In the first year of the Devil World, the war ended, the old era completely collapsed, and the new era restarted. Under the leadership of the two kings, Lierda will be immortal!

The godsend stone has brought us huge changes, faster, stronger, longer life, and at the same time provides us with countless advanced technologies.

Below is a list of technologies (omitted).

At the first highest meeting, the two kings (Smudge) and (Smudge) issued war mobilization orders, announcing the official launch of the interstellar conquest plan, and may God's Stone spread the light of Lierda to all realms!


Confidential File 9 (obsolete).

Civil war ... never ending civil war.

I could hear Lilda's mother trembling and crying, the sky was torn, the earth was shattered, and the cause of it was long beyond account, but destruction was imminent. When I wrote this passage, I could see that the earth was shaking, and the two kings in the sky still confronted each other, and they ignored the sorrow and fear of their people at all.

May Lilda ...


Unnamed diary.

In peacetime, I always think about the question, what does war look like and what can it bring us.

It has been recorded in historical books that the nature of war is a collective or mutual use of violence and a means to achieve ends. However, after experiencing all this, I have discovered that there are errors in the historical records.

That kind of war is not real war, it's just two kiddies playing with water guns at each other. The real war only brings harm and destruction ...

Well, it's far away. I'm the new history recorder. It doesn't matter what the name is. It is already an honor to write two words in the history books. After all ...

Maybe at some point I will be completely destroyed by the aftermath of the war like the other half of Lilda. Compared to my life, I am more willing to believe that these cherished historical materials will exist for a longer time.

Well, it's too far off, let's get back to the subject.

After the war ended, the two kings separated the victory and defeat. The Lord of All Demons, Emperor Shireka, emerged in the great era brought by the God-given stone, and recklessly, perhaps speaking so Blasphemy, but who cares? He couldn't come to me to check what I wrote, not to mention, the source of all this is because of him! Now, Lilda has been torn in half, I can feel that the planet is getting cold every moment, maybe it won't be long before, the only half will become a deserted Jedi, and then Once glory and glory will disappear like snowflakes.

I want to see how Emperor Shireka cleaned up the mess in this place!



Endless meeting ...

The clan is dying, and a large number of deaths, even the high-level demons, cannot bear the consequences of the gradual demise of the world! The world is getting colder and the environment is getting worse, but our beloved Emperor Shireka cannot come up with any effective plan at all!

I can't help but raise a question.

This kind of person deserves to be called king?


Confidential File 4 (obsolete).

Lilda is completely dying, and there is no life. I even suspect that I am the last Lelda to live in this world! Today I went to meet the will of the world, and the world will make a suggestion (smear) ...

I don't know if this proposal is good or bad, and what the consequences will be, but the worst possibility is just that, right?

(Data corruption).

Emperor Shireka stayed.


Confidential File 1 (obsolete).

Lilda's reinvention plan (corrupted data),

World Heart Replacement Program (data corruption),

World Will Replacement Plan (data destruction).

Race Origins Plan (Data Corruption).

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