Call of Eschatology

Vol 4 Chapter 122: Opposition and integration

Sure enough, Bai just shook his head.

"The first statement may be true, but I think the probability is just nonsense. Although no world can escape the evil hands of the demons, and the master does not stand on the side of the invaded world, but both It's a group ... this argument is untenable. "

"In contrast, I think the second statement is more reasonable. The demons have the means to restrain the domination. No, this is not true. I say the original imperial inference."

"We have always felt that the professional system originated from **** ... but the demons are indeed a heterogeneous one. They have the power of professional people and can even use certain props to a certain extent. They are among professional people and Mutants, but in essence, they are not much different from professionals. "

"At that time, the Emperor once made a hypothesis-suppose that this professional system and the exchange of stone pillars are actually another unknown existence higher than the master and the master. He has no consciousness, no good and evil, but a super prop. Among them, the master controls most of the power of this super prop, and the demon master controls a small part of the power of this prop. In this way, it can explain why the demons are under the professional system, but they will not be completely Dominate the doubts of control. "

"Because the master can't control the demons, because this is the domain of the master-a super strong who also has the management rights of the professional system ... and this should also be the source of the opposition between the master and the master."

After hearing Bai's explanation, Wen Yu groaned for a moment, still shaking her head.

"It should be wrong, not the front, but about the opposition between the master and the demon. The purpose of the demon is very simple. They need the power of the origin. After I came to the demon world, I found that the reason for the power of the origin is very simple -To give their own world a second life. "

The demon world is dying, and the power of the origin is the core force of a world, and the nature is the same. Use the power of the origin of other worlds to continue the life of the world in its own world--let alone the demons, if this happens, No one will deny himself or herself, even if Wenyu encounters this unfortunate situation, I am afraid that he will immediately find a way to harm other worlds.

This is the instinct of continuation of ethnic groups, multiplication and reproduction, contained in the genes of living organisms!

Of course, this is not Wenyu's desire to wash the White Devil. The two sides' positions are naturally opposed, and this cannot be washed away, but it is philosophical to say who is right and who is wrong ...

This kind of thing can't be separated from right and wrong, it's just a stand.

Facing Wen Yu's rebuttal, Bai just shrugged: "These are just the judgments of Xiandi. I don't know if they are right or wrong. But let's turn the topic back to this alchemy formula."

Speaking of which, Bai shook the test tube, and the three crystals in the test tube have been integrated by Wen Yu's blood, and most of them have been fused with the Devil Heart Shard. At this level of integration, Wen Yu can also see that the final finished product is exactly the same as the black crystal on the top of the magic seed's head.

"What does this mean?"

"It just confirms the viewpoints just now, they can merge with each other, prove that they belong to the same source, and everything that Emperor Xiandi once did, also confirms the effect of this kind of thing. He can indeed make any life form-not just occupation. He is out of the control of the master, but there is another problem. "

Bai tone was full of helplessness, which made Wenyu not only sink in his heart.

"what is the problem?"

"This one!"

He looked at Wenyu in white, and then suddenly opened a big mouth on his forehead, while a pure black crystal appeared on his forehead, as if he had a third eye flashing with black light.

"Do you know what this means?"

Wen Yu suddenly, he has understood the question Bai wants to say ...

"Magic seed, right ..."

"That's it. This thing represents the identity of the demons, so let's put it another way. Once you choose to incorporate this thing, you will become the demons. It is very simple, right, since the demons are not controlled Control and control, then we will become monsters, you see, this is how the entire alchemy formula works ... change your race! "

"The only way?"

"As far as I know, this is the only way ..."

In the face of Bai's words, Wen Yu was just silent, for a long while, he shook his head with a smile.

"Change it, let's change it. Actually, I'm in love. The so-called race is just because of my own heart. Where does my heart belong and where is my homeland? It has nothing to do with the form of life ..."

"Hey, you think that's right!"

It's gratifying to be white. At their level, people are demons. It doesn't depend on the external life form, but on what they think. On the surface, no one sees it more important-like a one-eyed one. Like a feast, although the one-eyed is less and less like a dog, who can deny that he is a dog?

He thinks he is a dog, so he is a dog ... who dares to have an opinion?

What's more, just like white, he usually hides black crystals on his head. No one can see that Wenyu is not a person. He can escape from the master's control, even if it is a big profit. As for the change in appearance, it is only a little bit small. It's nothing.

Wenyu had made up his mind, but Bai spoke again.

"Actually, there are other problems in it."

"Still a problem?"

Bai nodded cautiously, and said with a smile: "This is a question about the eleventh secret and the second anchor."

The eleventh-level secret, Wenyu understands what's going on, but the second anchor ... sounds like a bad feeling.

"Going back to the topic about race, do you understand why the Tier 11 powerhouse is called the name of transcendence? Do you also understand why all the guardians of the treasures that dominate are Tier 11 powerhouses? "

Wen Yu simply shook his head, and Bai just sighed.

"Transcendence. The meaning of these two words is not simple. On the one hand, it is a certain degree of transcendence of certain limitations of the professional system, such as conceptual abilities. On the other hand, it is transcendence. This second anchor. "

"From the **** of the mother star!"

"The **** of the parent star?"

Wen Yu could not help but open his mouth ... Regarding this secret, I am afraid that no second person on earth knows it except Bai ...

"Yes, it is the **** of the parent star. First of all, you must understand the relationship between the living body and the parent star. To put it better, it is called dependency, and to put it more ridiculously, it is called parasite. Think about it yourself. Can you live alone without your mother star? "

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