Call of Eschatology

Vol 4 Chapter 120: last step

For a moment, when Wenyu had eaten and drank, Bai finally spoke.

"Are the preparations done in advance?"

Hearing this sentence, Wen Yu nodded, then rummaged through the space ring for a moment, and threw two bodies.

Bull head and Amida.

The appearance of the bull's head is rather good. It's just a big hole in his head, but Amida ... This guy died a bit miserably. His entire body was torn by Wen Yu, leaving only a bunch of invisible shapes. Rotten meat.

The two bodies were randomly dropped on the ground by Wen Yu. Later, Wen Yu searched for the space ring again, and took out two crystal clear magic crystals from the space ring and put them on the table.

The bodies of two 11th-level magic crystals and two 11th-level strongmen are the trophies this time and the key to the next step.

Seeing the body thrown away by Wen Yu at random, Bai and Ye Nan didn't do much. Instead, the eleventh-level monster Leoga blinked. He stared at the crystal and the body, his eyes full of greed, Until he met Wen Yu's eyes.

Those eyes were full of teasing and ridicule, and even with a slight smile and expectations, all kinds of complex emotions made Leojia narrow his eyes slowly.

The 11th-level powerhouse is full of treasures ... and the fastest and most effective way to strengthen the 11th-level powerhouse is to swallow everything that is also the 11th-level powerhouse!

It wants to swallow Wenyu's booty to strengthen his body, and why Wenyu doesn't want to fill a big meal for one eye ...

For a time, the two strongest men in the entire hall were deadlocked.

Until Bai looked at the corpse of the bull's head, he was shocked and said, "This guy ... I know."


"The Guardian of Treasure No. 87 was once regarded as the No. 1 character in Xianxia World, but I didn't expect you to kill him, yes, I remember that he belonged to the guardian of No. 7 ..."

"You mean Lindsay, right? The dwarf, who is only 1.2 meters tall, is dead."

Wen Yu's conciseness explained the results of his current battle. As soon as his voice fell, Bai suddenly took a sip of air-conditioning—maybe others do n’t know the content of Lin Sai ’s gold, but Bai really could n’t understand it.

When he was at his peak, he was as different from Lin Sai, and Wenyu was able to kill Lin Sai. The message contained in it was completely silent for a simple thought.

In the face of Wen Yu's record, Leojia also briefly let go of his mind and became silent again. He killed the three treasure guardians at one go. Although Leoga did not understand what the strength of Lin Sai and others was, Being able to kill the eleventh-ranked strongman finally proved his fighting ability. Such a character would not be so bad for a little strength.

After a long silence in the hall, White said again.

"I want to solve your problem. I have one less thing here."


"A shard of the Demon Heart."

Hearing this familiar term, Wen Yu frowned slightly, thinking of what Tang Haofei said to himself during the first time in the ranking battle.

At that time, Tang Haofei vaguely revealed that the Devil's Heart Fragment had a certain relationship with the control from the master, but the specific details may be that Wenyu now knows more than Old Tang. Wenyu also did several experiments in the middle. However, the magic Although the black crystal on the head is the same as the Devil Heart Shard, the crystal will disappear once the demon species dies-this proves that the two are not a kind of thing at all.

In other words, Wen Yu's Heart Fragment is really not there now.

May be aware of Wen Yu's doubts, Bai began to explain.

"The Shard of the Demon Realm is the same as the crystal on the forehead of the demon species. Well, in fact, the essence is not much different. For the general demon species, the crystal on the forehead is not yet mature. Once the demon species dies, it will immediately collapse, but the level 11 Monsters are different. "

"The shard of the demon heart that I am talking about is actually the stuff above the eleventh level monster."

As soon as the vernacular fell, Wen Yu's eyes suddenly turned to Leojia, the eyes that belonged only to the predators, which made Leojia suddenly excited.

Although he did not understand why he was a level 11 monster, he was afraid of a level 7 professional, but considering that Wen Yu could take out the bodies of two treasure guardians, these characters really made Leojia alert.

Until Ye Nan poured wine to Wenyu with a smile, it was a relief for the awkward atmosphere.

"You can't move, Leoga."

Bai also persuaded with a smile, then the words turned around and turned to the Devil Heart Shard.

"I already have a general goal, but now I just have to do it. If you are not in a hurry, you can wait for ten years and eight years. I will definitely get something if you are in a hurry ..."

"Are you sure there is only one Devil Heart Shard?"

Wen Yu asked, squinting his eyes, until Bai nodded, and Wen Yu thought for a moment, then spoke again.

"Where is your goal? Tell me, I'll do it directly, and save night long dreams."

When Bai Lue thought about it, he gave Wen Yu a coordinate, and then Wen Yu didn't bother to pay attention to the banquet hosted by himself, and immediately turned into a black light, the figure disappeared instantly.


It was not until Wenyu left that the atmosphere in the hall calmed down.

"This is your sequence one ... Well, it feels so scary."

One of the avengers of Ye Nan said, he looked at where Wen Yu had just sat, and gently licked his lips. The scene where Wen Yu and Leo Jia confronted each other almost scared the monster out of urine.

Instead Leo Jia snorted.

"That goal is not so easy to solve. I hope this sequence is a big one. Don't ask for trouble."

"A medium-sized city, an eleven-level monster, plus a million-plus higher-level monster legion, hehe, we want to eat the second city of the barren border, but we have to plan for a long time, just do not know the sequence of a big man Can you bring us some surprises ... "

Ye Nan grinned with a smile, as if he had felt Wen Yu's returning from the feathers, only white, calmly looked at the two bodies that Wen Yu was thrown at random on the ground, without making any evaluation.

Until about ten minutes later, with the emergence of black light, Wen Yu's figure returned to the original position. He nodded slightly against Bai, and then looked for the space ring again, until he dragged out a scorch mark. , A giant creature that looks like a crow.

"Did you mean this?"

"Second City Lord? How is that possible!"

Facing the familiar body, Leojia's eyes almost didn't stare out, and Ye Nan was trembling all over, watching the eleventh-level monster who lost his life breath, muttering speechless.

"That's it."

There is no surprise at all-the guy who can solve Lin Sai's problem and solve an 11th-level monster with a physical quality of less than 10 million is really simple.

"Yes, take the liberty to ask, how did you deal with that city?"

"Oh, you mean that gathering place ..."

Wenyu simply shrugged.

"Heavy shots, the city didn't stand up. Now, there may be a bottomless pit. You know, in the Demon World, I don't have to worry about so many things ..."

Wen Yu simply recounted his record, and Bai just nodded and then told Leoga.

"Give us a secret room."

"Yes, two adults."

This time, Leoga's attitude towards Wenyu was kind.

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