Call of Eschatology

Vol 3 Chapter 299: The most powerful soul-creating object

"He just told me to follow, and he seemed very careful, as if he was hiding some information."

When the one-eyed attack on the Great Rift Valley in East Africa was launched, real-time intelligence was reported to Wen Yu's hands.

"Come and see. Be careful yourself. If you have any questions, tell me immediately. But unless you are in danger, or if you want to do something threatening to us, you are not allowed to step in."

For Wenyu, what Bai wants to do is not important. As long as his behavior does not threaten Wenyu, what does Wenyu care about?

Letting one eye follow the white is nothing more than adding a lot of vigilance and supervision.

"I know the boss."

After speaking with one eye, Wenyu hung up the communication, and saw that the battle situation of the Central Command of the Demon-African Theater below was nearing completion. The rest was nothing more than cleaning the corpse and collecting the energy of the creation. Can do. Wen Yu broke off the shared perspective with Yun Yan and looked at the first battlefield where the ontology was.

The battle on the first battlefield has also entered the final stage-not many monsters died on the spot, but once defeated, this casualty is hard to say ...

Under the deliberate control of Wenyu, all directions opened up an escape route for the demons. With the large number of demons fleeing, the huge army originally gathered together was unknowingly divided by Wenyu. Became dozens or hundreds of unrelated soldiers ...

It is conceivable that if at the beginning, these demons will let go, even if Wenyu takes the shot, the Shanyu Legion will be greatly traumatized, but now, as the army collapses, everything will be irretrievable. Room.

When the last thing that was too late to escape was stabbed by the Shanzhang Army, Shanzhang immediately organized the team and chased away the largest groups of soldiers. Akkad did not follow Shanzhao to join the fun, but instead walked to Wenyu. , Looking at Wen Yu sitting on the ground squinting, do not know what to think, hesitated for a long time, or spoke.

"Well, Boss Wenyu, can this task be completed?"

Wen Yu looked up at Acade's slightly nervous face, then nodded expressionlessly.

"Forget it, I promise I will fix it, but not now."

"Now, my soul pet has important things, and I really can't tell the energy. You still have to wait."

Akkad nodded silently, looking at Akkad's heartfelt, Wen Yu chuckled: "If you have nothing to do, you can find something to do for yourself, for example, help me to take that guy Bring back my old nest. "

Wenyu pointed to the dark enchantment aside, and Akkadsi thought for a moment, considering that Ye Nan had not given any order to himself, in the end, Akkad decided to hang with Wenyu temporarily.

This is probably the mindset of the account holder ...


Reopening the Dark Realm, Wenyu took Zero and Akkad and walked towards the Soul Lab.

Akkad stood side by side along the way, one was a captive and the other was the escort, but each had his own heart in his heart, and there was always something absent, and Wen Yu even worse.

At this moment, Wen Yu is still starting to share his vision and look at the situation in several other war situations.

In Wen Yu's plan, the strategy for the African continent is divided into several parts.

The first part, which is the first battlefield, is naturally where we are.

With Wenyu himself as the leader, supplemented by Akkad and Mandrill, the massive Mandrill Regiment formed a legion in order to eliminate the second strongest player in the African theater-Sig.

The second battlefield is dominated by Faceless, Lolo and Victor, supplemented by the Yunyao Army, which aims to solve the leader of the African theater in Kerui.

As long as these two parts are defeated, the Devil's African Theater will inevitably fall into the embarrassment of headless dragons.

The third part is the East African Great Rift Battlefield, which is dominated by one-eyed stars and stars, and supplemented by one-eyed mutant beast army. It also contains Bai ’s bottomless foreign aid—this part is mainly to solve The problem of dropping the source extraction device.

But think about it, if everything goes well on the first and second battlefields, the demons will definitely not put the original extraction device into the Great Rift Valley of East Africa, plus Wenyu also does n’t need the possible crackland device, so for this, In a certain area, Wenyu didn't care much-strictly speaking, this area's chief actor was not one-eyed or star, but Bai, a collaborator who could not see the depth.

In addition to the above three major parts, the remaining small legions, such as the Muddy Legion and the Minamata Legion, are scattered throughout the African continent, smashing the city along the planned route, destroying some dispensable Small and medium-sized stronghold.

Since this period of time, part of the creation energy collected by Wenyu has been used on the faceless part, and part of it has been handed over to the two legions of Shan Kui and Yun Kun, Mu Kui and Shui Hu. The scale development is not that big-after all, the existence of the mountain stream and the water stream is different from the mountain stream and the cloud stream. The former has greater limitations in terms of material and surface combat capabilities than the latter.

Taking a brief look at the fragmented battlefields in charge of Mu Yan and Shui Hu, Wen Yu's eyes turned to the last soul creation of his expatriate, which is also the most weird and most powerful single soul creation in his own hands. .


"Here, master ..."

"Why can't I feel your soul wave?"

"What new mastery do you have, how does the host feel?"

The corpse's voice just came to an end, and Wen Yu felt that the soul fluctuations originating from the corpse had reappeared within the range of perception.

"A new method ..."

Deep in his heart, Wenyu mobilized his soul power and immediately observed the situation around the corpse.

From the perspective of the corpse corpse, he is currently in a slightly dark room. On the floor of the room, an ancient demon corpse standing about three meters tall is lying on the ground, and a chest-sized cavity in the chest is facing forward. The blood was flowing outside.

The next second, a sturdy white stout arm appeared in the sight, and a slightly beating heart was pinched on the arm. Then, the heart was getting closer and closer to the sight until it was a greasy rancid, a little bit like a pig heart The general taste directly bombards Wenyu's taste buds.

Wen Yu frowned: "I'm still in your body ..."

"Oh oh, I almost forgot, the owner should not be used to the taste of raw meat."

The corpse put down the ancient demon heart in his hand and then flicked his fingers.

I saw a small meat ball shaped like a meat ball, separated from the corpse's fingertips, and then placed on the table by the corpse, feeling the renewed soul connection, Wen Yu immediately understood the corpse's idea.

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